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Rei Ayanami - the perfect woman and the ideal wife?

閲覧: 14 回


2003/06/07 15:28:222003/06/07
When Hideaki Anno created Evangelion, do you think that the intention was
for Rei to be the perfect vision of femininity?

I love Rei so much - She is kind, inteligent, calm, understanding, dutiful
and obediant. She is quiet and only speaks when there is something important
to say. She makes no effort to be attractive, or sexy, she just is, she
doesn't need to make an effort - this turns me on more than anything else
about her. I love her personality - she is the sort of woman that would make
the perfect wife.

She has a fantasitc body too. She is just so beautiful, so slim, so curvy.
She has the looks of a supermodel, incredible azure hair and those red eyes,
God, they're so alluring. I love her skin too, pale and completely smooth -
shes just physically perfect in every way. I have never met a real woman who
could ever look as good as Rei.

I'd love to get my hands on her, especically when she's wearing that school
uniform, or maybe I could unwrap her from that plugsuit. She just makes me
want to hold onto her and make her mine.


2003/06/07 17:34:162003/06/07
When Hideaki Anno created Evangelion, do you think that his intention was

for Rei to be the perfect vision of femininity?

I love Rei so much - She is kind, inteligent, calm, understanding, dutiful
and obediant. She is quiet and only speaks when there is something important

to say. She makes no effort to be pretty, or sexy, but still manages to be
the most attractive chick in the series - without acting like a slut. She
doesn't need to make an effort at all - this turns me on more than anything

else about her. I love her personality - she is the sort of woman that would
make the perfect wife.

She has a fantasitc body too. She is just so beautiful, so slim, so curvy.
She has the looks of a supermodel, incredible azure hair and those red eyes,
God, they're so alluring. I love her skin too, pale and completely smooth -
shes just physically perfect in every way. I have never met a "real" woman
who could ever look as good as Rei.

I'd love to get my hands on her, especically when she's wearing that school

uniform, or maybe I could unwrap her from that plugsuit. I'll bet she is the
best in bed out of all the Eva chicks too.


2003/06/07 18:14:282003/06/07
In the end... too inhuman - can not express feelings, perpetual outsider -
sad but true


"goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote in message

Matt Durrant

2003/06/07 18:41:152003/06/07
> She has a fantasitc body too. She is just so beautiful, so slim, so curvy.
> She has the looks of a supermodel, incredible azure hair and those red
> God, they're so alluring. I love her skin too, pale and completely
smooth -
> shes just physically perfect in every way. I have never met a real woman
> could ever look as good as Rei.

She's also 2D. You're never going to get anywhere with her. I'm afraid
you'll have to settle for someone who exists.


Charles Groark

2003/06/07 19:55:132003/06/07
ten/mark wrote:
> In the end... too inhuman - can not express feelings, perpetual outsider -
> sad but true

Yes, but there's so MANY of her... (evil grin)


Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

2003/06/07 20:15:272003/06/07
On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 22:34:16 +0100, "goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote:

>When Hideaki Anno created Evangelion, do you think that his intention was
>for Rei to be the perfect vision of femininity?

It has been theorised that Anno intended Rei to represent traditional
Japanese femininity, whilst Asuka represents modern, Western, feminist
ideals, with poor Shinji caught in the middle with a choice to make...

I have also seen it suggested that Asuka is supposed to be the 'ideal
girlfriend', whilst Rei is the 'ideal wife', from the perspective of a
Japanese male.

I believe that the only comment he has actually made on the matter was
something along the lines of "Rei is just the sort of girl that
Japanese guys go for".
Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne -
ICQ: 260681668

I wish that I could turn back time,
'cos now the guilt is all mine.
Can't live without
the trust from those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love & pride,
because of that, it's killing me inside.

/ HENTAI \========@
/ ___________________ \
\/ _===============_ \/

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

2003/06/07 20:15:402003/06/07

Meh. 3D women are boring.

Rob Kelly

2003/06/07 20:39:302003/06/07
On Sun, 08 Jun 2003 00:15:40 GMT, Psaiyan Prince Vegeta
<ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:

>On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 23:41:15 +0100, "Matt Durrant"
><> wrote:
>>> She has a fantasitc body too. She is just so beautiful, so slim, so curvy.
>>> She has the looks of a supermodel, incredible azure hair and those red
>>> God, they're so alluring. I love her skin too, pale and completely
>>smooth -
>>> shes just physically perfect in every way. I have never met a real woman
>>> could ever look as good as Rei.
>>She's also 2D. You're never going to get anywhere with her. I'm afraid
>>you'll have to settle for someone who exists.
>Meh. 3D women are boring.

At least you can touch them...

Rob Kelly: preloading for a better tomorrow
ICQ: 46075720
"I am the dead, and their land"


2003/06/07 22:58:502003/06/07
"goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote in message

I find it very disturbing that your idea of a perfect wife is one who would
do whatever you wanted without question. I can see you're going to go far in
your relationships.


Chris Kern

2003/06/07 23:55:302003/06/07
On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 22:34:16 +0100, "goat" <go...@goat.goat> posted the

>She just makes me want to hold onto her and make her mine.

Unfortunately for Rei, we know from previous posts what you want to do
when you "make her [yours]".

BTW that was a rather disappointing post from you -- no sexual
language at all, no misogynistic descriptions of sex, etc.


Frank White

2003/06/08 0:54:002003/06/08
In article <3ttEa.2386$2A2.2210@lakeread05>, says...

That's because she's drawn that way.

>> I'd love to get my hands on her, especically when she's wearing that
>> uniform, or maybe I could unwrap her from that plugsuit. I'll bet she
>> best in bed out of all the Eva chicks too.
>> She just makes me want to hold onto her and make her mine.

She makes me want to shoot Gendo to save her from him...

>In the end... too inhuman - can not express feelings, perpetual outsider
>sad but true

Asperger's Syndrome, perhaps?



2003/06/08 1:04:302003/06/08
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message news:<>...

> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 22:34:16 +0100, "goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote:
> >When Hideaki Anno created Evangelion, do you think that his intention was
> >for Rei to be the perfect vision of femininity?
> It has been theorised that Anno intended Rei to represent traditional
> Japanese femininity, whilst Asuka represents modern, Western, feminist
> ideals, with poor Shinji caught in the middle with a choice to make...
> I have also seen it suggested that Asuka is supposed to be the 'ideal
> girlfriend', whilst Rei is the 'ideal wife', from the perspective of a
> Japanese male.
> I believe that the only comment he has actually made on the matter was
> something along the lines of "Rei is just the sort of girl that
> Japanese guys go for".

Funny, i would have thought neither Asuka or Rei would make an ideal
wife/girlfriend. Firstly, they are in fact 2D, and by having sex with
them you are risking brutal papercuts. But if they were 3D, Rei would
just suck as a wife. She doen't know how to live, cook(important),
have a relationship, talk to others etc. I would like a wife who is
slightly less closed and catatonic that Rei, even if she is good
looking. Asuka would suck as a girlfriend because she is obsessed with
a man more than twice her age and would dump you at the drop of a hat.
Just imagine: You are Asuka's boyfriend. Kaji comes over. You Asuka
falls all over him and Kaji fucks her brains out. "Sorry, but i would
rather fuck an older man. See-ya."


2003/06/08 4:31:542003/06/08
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message news:<>...
> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 22:34:16 +0100, "goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote:

> I have also seen it suggested that Asuka is supposed to be the 'ideal
> girlfriend', whilst Rei is the 'ideal wife', from the perspective of a
> Japanese male.
> I believe that the only comment he has actually made on the matter was
> something along the lines of "Rei is just the sort of girl that
> Japanese guys go for".

Yet another reason why I'm never, never, never getting within a
hundred miles of Japan. (kidding)

Seriously, I have to wonder what would happen if the feminist
revolution ever hit the Japanese culture with full force. Would the
ideals change, like they obviously have here? I look at all the maids
and catgirls and robots and feel like I'm watching stuff from the 50s
or early 60s sometimes.

Oh, and where does Misato fall on this scale?



2003/06/08 4:56:222003/06/08
"goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote in message news:<>...

> When Hideaki Anno created Evangelion, do you think that the intention was
> for Rei to be the perfect vision of femininity?

Rei is an artificially created life form with barely enough of a sense
of self-preservation to keep herself alive. She's borderline
catatonic when not directed to other purposes and totally disconnected
from most social contact. No sense of modesty, no ambition, and
practically no will of her own.

You'd have a real screwy marriage and probably real screwy kids.


Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

2003/06/08 6:58:152003/06/08
On 8 Jun 2003 01:31:54 -0700, (redkanary) wrote:

>Yet another reason why I'm never, never, never getting within a
>hundred miles of Japan. (kidding)
>Seriously, I have to wonder what would happen if the feminist
>revolution ever hit the Japanese culture with full force. Would the
>ideals change, like they obviously have here? I look at all the maids
>and catgirls and robots and feel like I'm watching stuff from the 50s
>or early 60s sometimes.

Still, at least there is one place left in the world where we
hackneyed old sexist pigs can feel comfortable... ^_^

>Oh, and where does Misato fall on this scale?

Ideal teenage wank fantasy?

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

2003/06/08 7:10:272003/06/08
On 7 Jun 2003 22:04:30 -0700, (Zerloch) wrote:

>Funny, i would have thought neither Asuka or Rei would make an ideal
>wife/girlfriend. Firstly, they are in fact 2D, and by having sex with
>them you are risking brutal papercuts. But if they were 3D, Rei would
>just suck as a wife. She doen't know how to live, cook(important),
>have a relationship, talk to others etc. I would like a wife who is
>slightly less closed and catatonic that Rei, even if she is good

Which is where the 'Rei as an ideal wife' idea falls flat on its face.
The 'idea Japanese wife' is meek and obedient, yes - but she is also
expected to do the cooking, the cleaning, the washing, all the other
housework, as well as taking care of her husband when he gets home
from work (such things as pouring his drinks and lighting his
cigarettes for him).

Rei, OTOH does not even bother to pick up rubbish from the floor. She
would probably just lie on her bed and stare at the ceiling whilst you
were out.

Weigh this off against the possibility of blowjobs-on-demand, being
able to play with that hair whenever you wish and having her say "Hai,
Hawthorne-sama" in that sexy, husky, throaty voice and we do certainly
find ourselves in a quandary...

>Asuka would suck as a girlfriend because she is obsessed with
>a man more than twice her age and would dump you at the drop of a hat.
>Just imagine: You are Asuka's boyfriend. Kaji comes over. You Asuka
>falls all over him and Kaji fucks her brains out. "Sorry, but i would
>rather fuck an older man. See-ya."

You think that's bad? Imagine what would happen with Rei whenever
Gendo came around...


2003/06/08 8:56:032003/06/08

"goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote in message

well :)
i would agree with you
for me she would be the perfect wife but i read all the other posts and they
are all right
rei cannot live on her own
without somebody commanding her what to do she would probably die -.- (my
one and only rei)
well anyway here's how would i correct that problem ^^''
i would talk to her everyday for at least 1 or 2 hours
(trust me i can talk ^^'' ) and she would have to express her opinion about
some mathers and thats the start :)
at the end she could realize some mathers and could probably live alone ^^''
(like i would let her out of my sight for 5 min. -yeah right-) :)=

...and the night came...

Scott Dubin

2003/06/08 11:43:272003/06/08
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message news:<>...
> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 22:34:16 +0100, "goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote:
> >When Hideaki Anno created Evangelion, do you think that his intention was
> >for Rei to be the perfect vision of femininity?
> It has been theorised that Anno intended Rei to represent traditional
> Japanese femininity, whilst Asuka represents modern, Western, feminist
> ideals, with poor Shinji caught in the middle with a choice to make...

Uh, no, Rei's a zombie. If you want to see traditional depiction of
femininity, check out Belldandy or Mariel from Hanaukyo Maid's or
Kenshin's first girlfriend from the OVA. (who's the most perfect
Japanese woman of the bunch)


2003/06/08 12:00:412003/06/08
Lets change direction here -

In the episode 26 fantasy where Shinji and everyone else begin to live an
anime life - Gendo & Yui as mom & dad, Auska as the "childhood friend/bully,
Rei as the new girl in school, Misato as the teacher-

would that version of Rei be the more typical human girl and therefore less
attracrtive? And who in this world would Shinji finally end up with - Auska
or Rei?


"goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote in message

Chris Mattern

2003/06/08 12:02:162003/06/08

"Scott Dubin" <> wrote in message

Or better yet, Aoi Sakuraba fom Ai Yori Aoshi.

Chris Mattern

Frank White

2003/06/08 12:23:572003/06/08
In article <>, says...

>Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 22:34:16 +0100, "goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote:
>> >When Hideaki Anno created Evangelion, do you think that his intention
>> >for Rei to be the perfect vision of femininity?
>> It has been theorised that Anno intended Rei to represent traditional
>> Japanese femininity, whilst Asuka represents modern, Western, feminist
>> ideals, with poor Shinji caught in the middle with a choice to make...
>> I have also seen it suggested that Asuka is supposed to be the 'ideal
>> girlfriend', whilst Rei is the 'ideal wife', from the perspective of a
>> Japanese male.
>> I believe that the only comment he has actually made on the matter was
>> something along the lines of "Rei is just the sort of girl that
>> Japanese guys go for".
>Funny, i would have thought neither Asuka or Rei would make an ideal
>wife/girlfriend. Firstly, they are in fact 2D, and by having sex with
>them you are risking brutal papercuts.

To areas best left unmentioned! ^_^

> But if they were 3D, Rei would
>just suck as a wife. She doen't know how to live, cook(important),
>have a relationship, talk to others etc. I would like a wife who is
>slightly less closed and catatonic that Rei, even if she is good

I think you've underestimating Rei. Rei (II, at least) doesn't do
those things because Gendo doesn't direct her to, and she's not
very self starting. If you (or better yet, *I*) replaced Gendo as
the focus of her life, I think she'd learn to do whatever was

I mean, she's willing to climb in a giant 'thing' and risk life,
limb, and tremendous pain to keep Gendo happy. Learning to
cook, clean, and talk - or engage in tremendously passionate sex -
would be child's play compared to that.

> Asuka would suck as a girlfriend because she is obsessed with
>a man more than twice her age and would dump you at the drop of a hat.
>Just imagine: You are Asuka's boyfriend. Kaji comes over. You Asuka
>falls all over him and Kaji fucks her brains out. "Sorry, but i would
>rather fuck an older man. See-ya."

Kaji has more sense than to hump Asuka, despite her persistant
attempts at seduction/possession.

And in a lot of ways, Rei and Asuka are a lot alike. Asuka's
gone as far as she can on her own to prove her self worth to
herself (college degrees, EVA pilot, stunningly beautiful);
now she needs external proof, someone else to regard her as
the most important thing in their life. She's gone after
Kaji because he's exceptional in a lot of ways, and if HE
loves her, then SHE must be exceptional, too. If she decided
YOU (or again, even better, *I*) were a better choice, I think
the amount of attention she'd focus on you to try to get you
to fill the desperate need inside her for love and self-esteem
would keep you thoroughly satisfied (and maybe smothered) for
a LONG time...


Fake Name

2003/06/08 16:02:352003/06/08
Rob Kelly wrote:

> On Sun, 08 Jun 2003 00:15:40 GMT, Psaiyan Prince Vegeta
> <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:
> >On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 23:41:15 +0100, "Matt Durrant"
> ><> wrote:
> >
> >>> She has a fantasitc body too. She is just so beautiful, so slim, so curvy.
> >>> She has the looks of a supermodel, incredible azure hair and those red
> >>eyes,
> >>> God, they're so alluring. I love her skin too, pale and completely
> >>smooth -
> >>> shes just physically perfect in every way. I have never met a real woman
> >>who
> >>> could ever look as good as Rei.
> >>
> >>She's also 2D. You're never going to get anywhere with her. I'm afraid
> >>you'll have to settle for someone who exists.
> >
> >Meh. 3D women are boring.
> At least you can touch them...

I prefer 4D women myself. You see, 3D represents space whereas the 4th "D"
represents time. So, 4D women crosses space AND time. That is unbeatable.

Ralph Wade Phillips

2003/06/08 18:59:192003/06/08

"Chris Mattern" <> wrote in message

> "Scott Dubin" <> wrote in message

> >

> > Uh, no, Rei's a zombie. If you want to see traditional depiction of
> > femininity, check out Belldandy or Mariel from Hanaukyo Maid's or
> > Kenshin's first girlfriend from the OVA. (who's the most perfect
> > Japanese woman of the bunch)
> Or better yet, Aoi Sakuraba fom Ai Yori Aoshi.

Heh. I'd have to agree with this one. Even so, Aoi's a cutie.


John C. Watson

2003/06/08 19:54:212003/06/08
On 06/08/2003 0:54, in article bbufh8$1jrf$, "Frank White"
<fwhite*NOSPAM*> wrote:

Second. All in favor?

>> In the end... too inhuman - can not express feelings, perpetual outsider
> -
>> sad but true
>> ten/mark
> Asperger's Syndrome, perhaps?

Mere lack of socialization, IMO.


John C. Watson
World Otakunization Project, Amherst Division


Lee Ratner

2003/06/08 19:58:442003/06/08
To: (redkanary) wrote in message news:<>...

It depends what you mean by feminist. Do you mean the moderates
or the extremists? I'm suppossing you mean moderates and all I can say
is that the ideas would change a little but not totally. Girls and
women would be drawn just the same in anime but their attitudes would
be slightly more aggressive, and they would be less interested in
being a pretty bride. There might be a decrease in fan service as

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

2003/06/08 20:56:472003/06/08


Gendo loved his wife so much that he used science to bring her back in
the form of Rei.

Yes, his original goal was to use Rei as a tool to resurrect his
*real* wife, nothing more. I'm sure that this was an easy decision to
justify when Rei was still a little girl, but I wonder if even Gendo
would be able to predict what his feelings would be towards her once
she grew up and started looking and sounding like Yui.

Having to deal with a younger, prettier, slimmer, bouncier version of
his dead wife on a daily basis - the living personification of his
belief that Yui still lived - a young woman who idolised him (and
perhaps was even attracted to him) and would do anything he asked of
her without question; it would not surprise me if Gendo did not
develop some sort of desire for Rei, no matter how repressed.

If his planned Third Impact had failed, I could easily see Gendo
forming a relationship with Rei as a substitute. Yes, the relationship
would be a little one sided (maybe he would ask her to dress in Yui's
old clothes for him from time to time and let him call her 'Yui'
during sex), but there is no doubt whatsoever that he would love her,
protect her and care for her...

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

2003/06/08 20:58:272003/06/08
On 8 Jun 2003 16:58:44 -0700, (Lee Ratner) wrote:

> It depends what you mean by feminist. Do you mean the moderates
>or the extremists? I'm suppossing you mean moderates and all I can say
>is that the ideas would change a little but not totally. Girls and
>women would be drawn just the same in anime but their attitudes would
>be slightly more aggressive, and they would be less interested in
>being a pretty bride. There might be a decrease in fan service as

And the hentai would become more violent and extreme to compensate for
the additional feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy heaped on the
single Japanese male...

David Nakamoto

2003/06/08 21:51:002003/06/08
"Charles Groark" <> wrote in message

Hentai ! :-)

David Nakamoto

2003/06/08 21:56:442003/06/08
"redkanary" <> wrote in message

Misato ? ? ! ! !

Let's see; disorganized, doesn't pick up after herself, drinks beer the way
drink coffee or water, easy to tweek into overblown emotions. I don't know,
sounds like trouble to me.

As to where she fits into the stereotype of some Japanese woman, I don't
but maybe party girl ? ? ! ! !

--- Dave

I Hate Spam

2003/06/08 23:11:522003/06/08
"ten/mark" <> wrote in message

> Lets change direction here -
> In the episode 26 fantasy where Shinji and everyone else begin to live an
> anime life - Gendo & Yui as mom & dad, Auska as the "childhood
> Rei as the new girl in school, Misato as the teacher-
> would that version of Rei be the more typical human girl and therefore
> attracrtive? And who in this world would Shinji finally end up with -
> or Rei?

He'd end up with both. And they'd end up fighting all the time like
Ryoko and Aeka in Tenchi Muyo :-)

I Hate Spam

2003/06/08 23:13:072003/06/08
"Fake Name" <> wrote in message

> I prefer 4D women myself. You see, 3D represents space whereas the 4th
> represents time. So, 4D women crosses space AND time. That is

Then you'd want Washu :-)

Allan Matthews

2003/06/08 23:04:132003/06/08
In article <>,
ppve...@hotmail.communism says...

> Having to deal with a younger, prettier,

That's debatable. Personally, I find the pallid skin and red eyes of
albinos very off-putting. Her personality wasn't the only reason Rei
creeped people out.

> slimmer, bouncier

Never would I have imagined anyone describing Rei as 'bouncy.'

Besides, having been in her 20s and having had a child, I would imagine
that Yui was way bouncier than Rei.

"And the real lesson of the story?
Don't leave things in the fridge."

Frank White

2003/06/09 1:09:292003/06/09
In article <>,
ppve...@hotmail.communism says...

Dear... God...

> but there is no doubt whatsoever that he would love her,
>protect her and care for her...


Shooting the SOB isn't enough.

Somebody get me an N2 mine, I'm gonna blow him completely
out of existance...


Ethan Hammond

2003/06/09 2:05:222003/06/09
As long as you stay away from the true purrfection that is
my beloved wife Nuku Nuku!!!! Stay away!!!!

All Purpose Cultural Randomness


2003/06/09 3:08:512003/06/09
Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message news:<>...

> On 8 Jun 2003 16:58:44 -0700, (Lee Ratner) wrote:
> > It depends what you mean by feminist. Do you mean the moderates
> >or the extremists? I'm suppossing you mean moderates and all I can say
> >is that the ideas would change a little but not totally. Girls and
> >women would be drawn just the same in anime but their attitudes would
> >be slightly more aggressive, and they would be less interested in
> >being a pretty bride. There might be a decrease in fan service as
> >well.

Moderate. A woman's happiness not depending on her family and her
home, yes. Man-hating lesbian revisionism, no.

I'd expect the love comedies might get a little less one-sided, and
the divide between girls' and boys' actions shows might narrow a bit.
I'd expect the fanservice and fetish-themed girls to still be around
in full force, but maybe on more equal footing with their heroes as
far as the housework is concerned.

> And the hentai would become more violent and extreme to compensate for
> the additional feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy heaped on the
> single Japanese male...

Do I sense feelings of hostility?



2003/06/09 3:11:342003/06/09
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 06:13:34 +0000 (UTC),
(Ken Arromdee) wrote:

>I suspect that a lot of Rei's popularity has to do with the Spock archetype--
>having an emotionless, hard to understand, character who does have hidden
>emotions that the viewer imagines s/he can get him/her to express.
>Of course it's a lot harder to give that a feminist slant than to go on
>about how the fans like submissive women.

I always figured that she was popular due to her submissiveness being
very unthreatening to socially awkward fanboys.

Glenn Beck - Eating popcorn while the world suffers.

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2003/06/09 5:20:542003/06/09
On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, Lee Ratner wrote:

> (redkanary) wrote in message news:<>...
> >

> > Seriously, I have to wonder what would happen if the feminist
> > revolution ever hit the Japanese culture with full force. Would the
> > ideals change, like they obviously have here? I look at all the maids
> > and catgirls and robots and feel like I'm watching stuff from the 50s
> > or early 60s sometimes.
> It depends what you mean by feminist. Do you mean the moderates
> or the extremists? I'm suppossing you mean moderates and all I can say
> is that the ideas would change a little but not totally. Girls and
> women would be drawn just the same in anime but their attitudes would
> be slightly more aggressive, and they would be less interested in
> being a pretty bride. There might be a decrease in fan service as
> well.

If the feminist revolution hits Japan head-on,
women would take over the country.
Japanese males are so emasculated
when confronted by strong females.
That's why their patriarchy is trying to keep status quo. ;-)

Laters. =)

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/ _ | |/ Stanlee Dometita
| ( _| | U of Rochester
\ ______| _______ ____ ___
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Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

2003/06/09 6:14:062003/06/09
On 9 Jun 2003 00:08:51 -0700, (redkanary) wrote:

>> And the hentai would become more violent and extreme to compensate for
>> the additional feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy heaped on the
>> single Japanese male...
>Do I sense feelings of hostility?

Not particularly. I'm just saying that as rape-related porn/hentai
seems to attract a large number of men who often feel inadequate with
and rejected by women (it allows them the dominance and control they
crave, even only in fantasy) as a replacement for a sex life, then
perhaps the further empowerment of women in Japan and the realization
that they've had it 'easy' up until that point will cause these guys
to become even further alienated from society. The hentai industry
will listen to what the customer wants and will respond by producing
even nastier, more depraved stuff to meet the demand...

Simple economics.

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

2003/06/09 6:22:512003/06/09
On Sun, 8 Jun 2003 23:04:13 -0400, Allan Matthews
<> wrote:

>In article <>,
>ppve...@hotmail.communism says...
>> Having to deal with a younger, prettier,
>That's debatable. Personally, I find the pallid skin and red eyes of
>albinos very off-putting. Her personality wasn't the only reason Rei
>creeped people out.

Her skin is one of the main things that attracts me to her. There's no
particular reason for this, I just think it looks sexy, smooth and
very touchable. Her red eyes add that little touch of exoticness that
make her even more alluring...

>> slimmer, bouncier
>Never would I have imagined anyone describing Rei as 'bouncy.'

Well IMO her breasts are bigger than Yui's.

>Besides, having been in her 20s and having had a child, I would imagine
>that Yui was way bouncier than Rei.

Saggier. ^_^

John C. Watson

2003/06/09 11:46:572003/06/09
On 06/09/2003 6:22, in article,

"Psaiyan Prince Vegeta" <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:

> On Sun, 8 Jun 2003 23:04:13 -0400, Allan Matthews
> <> wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> ppve...@hotmail.communism says...
>>> Having to deal with a younger, prettier,
>> That's debatable. Personally, I find the pallid skin and red eyes of
>> albinos very off-putting. Her personality wasn't the only reason Rei
>> creeped people out.
> Her skin is one of the main things that attracts me to her. There's no
> particular reason for this, I just think it looks sexy, smooth and
> very touchable. Her red eyes add that little touch of exoticness that
> make her even more alluring...

Have you ever seen them up close?



2003/06/09 12:37:362003/06/09

"redkanary" <> wrote in message
> Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
> > On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 22:34:16 +0100, "goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote:
> >
> > I have also seen it suggested that Asuka is supposed to be the 'ideal
> > girlfriend', whilst Rei is the 'ideal wife', from the perspective of a
> > Japanese male.
> >
> > I believe that the only comment he has actually made on the matter was
> > something along the lines of "Rei is just the sort of girl that
> > Japanese guys go for".
> Yet another reason why I'm never, never, never getting within a
> hundred miles of Japan. (kidding)
> Seriously, I have to wonder what would happen if the feminist
> revolution ever hit the Japanese culture with full force. Would the
> ideals change, like they obviously have here? I look at all the maids
> and catgirls and robots and feel like I'm watching stuff from the 50s
> or early 60s sometimes.
> Oh, and where does Misato fall on this scale?
> -Red

Misato'd be the cool 'older sister' who's composes, confident and relaxed
and delightful to hang with (if she didn't have crippling emotional problems
but this _is_ EVA we're talking about).

Ethan Hammond

2003/06/09 17:48:312003/06/09
"John C. Watson" <> wrote in message

> Have you ever seen them up close?
> <>



2003/06/09 17:57:402003/06/09
Once upon a time in the faraway land of,

redkanary <> said:
>Oh, and where does Misato fall on this scale?

Misato is sweet.


Year, n.: A period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments.
-- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
Take a break at the Last Stop Cafe:
Use for personal replies


2003/06/09 18:07:462003/06/09
Once upon a time in the faraway land of, Chibi-

Light <> said:
>On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 06:13:34 +0000 (UTC),
>(Ken Arromdee) wrote:
>>I suspect that a lot of Rei's popularity has to do with the Spock archetype--
>>having an emotionless, hard to understand, character who does have hidden
>>emotions that the viewer imagines s/he can get him/her to express.
>>Of course it's a lot harder to give that a feminist slant than to go on
>>about how the fans like submissive women.
>I always figured that she was popular due to her submissiveness being
>very unthreatening to socially awkward fanboys.

Actually I think she's probably popular for the same reason as Osaka in
Azumanga Daioh - she shares a mindset with a lot of fans, a weird
outlook on life. In the case of Rei, a troubled psyche and questioning
of meaning of existence, and in the case of Osaka, escaping mundane
everyday existence by wrapping it up in exotic fantasies.

I think it's very telling that Osaka came head and shoulders above every
other Azumanga Daioh character in the Newtype magazine poll - it wasn't
the docile or sexy characters that won. Now transfer this to Evangelion
- amongst the females, who but Rei fulfils the role of the weirdo?

David Nakamoto

2003/06/09 18:37:532003/06/09
"Shez" <> wrote in message

> Once upon a time in the faraway land of,
> redkanary <> said:
> >Oh, and where does Misato fall on this scale?
> Misato is sweet.

Sweet ? ? ?

Maybe. Definitely ditzy when it comes to her personal life; disorganized,

--- Dave

Doug Jacobs

2003/06/09 20:26:182003/06/09
In rec.arts.anime.misc Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:

> I have also seen it suggested that Asuka is supposed to be the 'ideal
> girlfriend', whilst Rei is the 'ideal wife', from the perspective of a
> Japanese male.

So... Japanese guys want to date abusive, controlling girls with abandonment
issues, but really want to marry a girl with the personality of a wet noodle.




2003/06/09 23:00:342003/06/09

"David Nakamoto" <> wrote in message

Sexy Funloving Lush archetype.

1) Overtly sexy and aware of it, although she often only has normal
friendships with men rather than actually sleeping with anyone or actually
being sexual.

2) Funloving, loud, likes to have fun. With few reservations and lots of

3) Usually from Osaka or a 'hick' equivalent, although if you want someone
less uptight still you can go for an American character.

Vaughn L.Porter

2003/06/09 23:49:322003/06/09

"Frank White" <fwhite*NOSPAM*> wrote in message
> In article <>,
> says...

> >
> >Psaiyan Prince Vegeta <ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote in message
> news:<>...
> >> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 22:34:16 +0100, "goat" <go...@goat.goat> wrote:
> >>
> >> >When Hideaki Anno created Evangelion, do you think that his intention
> was
> >> >for Rei to be the perfect vision of femininity?
> >>
> >> It has been theorised that Anno intended Rei to represent traditional
> >> Japanese femininity, whilst Asuka represents modern, Western, feminist
> >> ideals, with poor Shinji caught in the middle with a choice to make...

> >>
> >> I have also seen it suggested that Asuka is supposed to be the 'ideal
> >> girlfriend', whilst Rei is the 'ideal wife', from the perspective of a
> >> Japanese male.
> >>
> >> I believe that the only comment he has actually made on the matter was
> >> something along the lines of "Rei is just the sort of girl that
> >> Japanese guys go for".
> >
> >Funny, i would have thought neither Asuka or Rei would make an ideal
> >wife/girlfriend. Firstly, they are in fact 2D, and by having sex with
> >them you are risking brutal papercuts.
> To areas best left unmentioned! ^_^
> > But if they were 3D, Rei would
> >just suck as a wife. She doen't know how to live, cook(important),
> >have a relationship, talk to others etc. I would like a wife who is
> >slightly less closed and catatonic that Rei, even if she is good
> >looking.
> I think you've underestimating Rei. Rei (II, at least) doesn't do
> those things because Gendo doesn't direct her to, and she's not
> very self starting. If you (or better yet, *I*) replaced Gendo as
> the focus of her life, I think she'd learn to do whatever was
> needed.
> I mean, she's willing to climb in a giant 'thing' and risk life,
> limb, and tremendous pain to keep Gendo happy. Learning to
> cook, clean, and talk - or engage in tremendously passionate sex -
> would be child's play compared to that.
> > Asuka would suck as a girlfriend because she is obsessed with
> >a man more than twice her age and would dump you at the drop of a hat.
> >Just imagine: You are Asuka's boyfriend. Kaji comes over. You Asuka
> >falls all over him and Kaji fucks her brains out. "Sorry, but i would
> >rather fuck an older man. See-ya."
> Kaji has more sense than to hump Asuka, despite her persistant
> attempts at seduction/possession.
> And in a lot of ways, Rei and Asuka are a lot alike. Asuka's
> gone as far as she can on her own to prove her self worth to
> herself (college degrees, EVA pilot, stunningly beautiful);
> now she needs external proof, someone else to regard her as
> the most important thing in their life. She's gone after
> Kaji because he's exceptional in a lot of ways, and if HE
> loves her, then SHE must be exceptional, too. If she decided
> YOU (or again, even better, *I*) were a better choice, I think
> the amount of attention she'd focus on you to try to get you
> to fill the desperate need inside her for love and self-esteem
> would keep you thoroughly satisfied (and maybe smothered) for
> a LONG time...
> FW

And that, dear friends, may be yet another explanation for the epilog of
EoE: Asuka is with Shinji because she realizes that he has the potential to
give her the love and esteem she's so desparate for. So when he starts
weeping over her, she sees he hasn't changed, thus her famous last line.
Wait...hasn't somebody suggested this idea before? I just had a flash of
deja-vu. Or maybe it was just a glitch in the Matrix.

Vaughn L.Porter

Vaughn L.Porter

2003/06/09 23:59:392003/06/09

"Shez" <> wrote in message

> Once upon a time in the faraway land of, Chibi-
> Light <> said:
> >On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 06:13:34 +0000 (UTC),
> >(Ken Arromdee) wrote:
> >
> >>I suspect that a lot of Rei's popularity has to do with the Spock
> >>having an emotionless, hard to understand, character who does have
> >>emotions that the viewer imagines s/he can get him/her to express.
> >>
> >>Of course it's a lot harder to give that a feminist slant than to go on
> >>about how the fans like submissive women.
> >
> >I always figured that she was popular due to her submissiveness being
> >very unthreatening to socially awkward fanboys.
> Actually I think she's probably popular for the same reason as Osaka in
> Azumanga Daioh - she shares a mindset with a lot of fans, a weird
> outlook on life. In the case of Rei, a troubled psyche and questioning
> of meaning of existence, and in the case of Osaka, escaping mundane
> everyday existence by wrapping it up in exotic fantasies.
> I think it's very telling that Osaka came head and shoulders above every
> other Azumanga Daioh character in the Newtype magazine poll - it wasn't
> the docile or sexy characters that won. Now transfer this to Evangelion
> - amongst the females, who but Rei fulfils the role of the weirdo?
> -Shez.
> --

Oh, you mean besides all the other characters?

Vaughn L.Porter
Toji summed it up perfectly

Vaughn L.Porter

2003/06/10 0:01:262003/06/10

"Ethan Hammond" <> wrote in message

And keep him away from Aoi Sakuaba from Ai Yori Aoshi!

Vaughn L.Porter
He can have Tina Foster, though.


2003/06/10 0:39:012003/06/10
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 23:07:46 +0100, Shez
<> wrote:

>I think it's very telling that Osaka came head and shoulders above every
>other Azumanga Daioh character in the Newtype magazine poll - it wasn't
>the docile or sexy characters that won. Now transfer this to Evangelion
>- amongst the females, who but Rei fulfils the role of the weirdo?

Well I like Osaka the best of the bunch in AD but I can't stand Rei.
Rei is like the anime equivalent of prozak.

Frank White

2003/06/10 0:58:272003/06/10
In article <>, says...

>Once upon a time in the faraway land of,
>redkanary <> said:
>>Oh, and where does Misato fall on this scale?
>Misato is sweet.

Misato is as messed up as anyone in the cast. She's self-
destructive, disorganized, and emotionally confused.

But she IS sweet. And sexy.

Kaji's inxtincts are pretty good...



2003/06/11 0:18:102003/06/11

"Vaughn L.Porter" <> wrote


> And that, dear friends, may be yet another explanation for the epilog of
> EoE: Asuka is with Shinji because she realizes that he has the potential
> give her the love and esteem she's so desparate for. So when he starts
> weeping over her, she sees he hasn't changed, thus her famous last line.
> Wait...hasn't somebody suggested this idea before? I just had a flash of
> deja-vu. Or maybe it was just a glitch in the Matrix.

On that note, I found this a while back, don't know how reliable the source
is. It's supposed to be small print on one of the Shinji & friends game

Part II (movies) Drama card D-88
Title: "Kimochi warui"
Small print:

"Shinji renounced the world where all hearts had melted into one and
accepted each other unconditionally. His desire... to live with 'others' --
other hearts that would sometimes reject him, even deny him. That is why the
first thing he did after coming to his senses was to place his hands around
Asuka's neck. To feel the existence of an 'other'. To confirm (make sure of)
rejection and denial."



2003/06/11 7:42:052003/06/11
Hey "goat",

goat wrote on Sat, 7 Jun 2003 22:34:16 +0100...

> When Hideaki Anno created Evangelion, do you think that his intention was
> for Rei to be the perfect vision of femininity?


> I'd love to get my hands on her, especically when she's wearing that school
> uniform, or maybe I could unwrap her from that plugsuit. I'll bet she is the
> best in bed out of all the Eva chicks too.

<sigh> I knew you'd get there in the end :-(and I know exactly where
this thread will go from here).

Any chance you could *please* not cross-post to UMAA?

Ideally, you'd just keep it to JAE, so that all us vaguely-normal
people don't have to wade through threads about your ridiculous
sex fantasies.

Even better, why not just post to one of these high-relevant


(probably there are other suitable ones too - any suggestions?)

Hmmm, I wonder if it might be a good idea to create a new anime
newsgroup; how about ""?

Chris Handley

Who still can't get newsgroup filtering to work on MicroDot-II 1.4.4,
which is odd since it works fine for emails.

David Paul

2003/06/11 18:24:172003/06/11
"Chris" <> wrote in message

> Ideally, you'd just keep it to JAE, so that all us vaguely-normal
> people don't have to wade through threads about your ridiculous
> sex fantasies.

Are you kidding? We don't want him either.

David Paul
There you go again with those tired accusations. I wasn't
even in the same city as your socks when they were bleached,
stabbed, burned and mixed into the dorm cafeteria menu.


2003/06/12 6:25:532003/06/12
Are you saying the mindless tank clones are your "ideal woman"?.

They are like fish - they pee and poop in the LCL they live in.



"David Nakamoto" <> wrote in message

> "Charles Groark" <> wrote in message
> > ten/mark wrote:
> > >
> > > In the end... too inhuman - can not express feelings, perpetual
> outsider -
> > > sad but true
> >
> > Yes, but there's so MANY of her... (evil grin)
> Hentai ! :-)

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

2003/06/12 20:31:342003/06/12
On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 11:42:05 +0000 (UTC), "Chris"
<> wrote:

>Ideally, you'd just keep it to JAE, so that all us vaguely-normal
>people don't have to wade through threads about your ridiculous
>sex fantasies.

So, are you denying that Rei Ayanami would be the best in bed out of
all the Evangelion females? Shurely shome mishtake...

Rob Kelly

2003/06/12 21:54:522003/06/12
On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 00:31:34 GMT, Psaiyan Prince Vegeta
<ppve...@hotmail.communism> wrote:

>On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 11:42:05 +0000 (UTC), "Chris"
><> wrote:
>>Ideally, you'd just keep it to JAE, so that all us vaguely-normal
>>people don't have to wade through threads about your ridiculous
>>sex fantasies.
>So, are you denying that Rei Ayanami would be the best in bed out of
>all the Evangelion females? Shurely shome mishtake...

Yes he is. And I am too. Mainly because with so many Rei's, you never
know what you're gonna get until you get it. Sort of like Every
Flavour Jelly Beans.

Rob Kelly: preloading for a better tomorrow
ICQ: 46075720
"I am the dead, and their land"

Psaiyan Prince Vegeta

2003/06/12 22:53:052003/06/12
On Fri, 13 Jun 2003 02:54:52 +0100, Rob Kelly
<> wrote:

>Yes he is. And I am too. Mainly because with so many Rei's, you never
>know what you're gonna get until you get it. Sort of like Every
>Flavour Jelly Beans.

Still, whichever Rei the luck of the draw determines that I end up
with, I'll still have those stunning crimson eyes staring up at me as
she sucks my dick and I play with that luscious azure hair.

There is something intangible about Rei that confirms in me that she
gives the best, sloppiest, slurpiest blowjobs of any of the Evangelion


2003/06/15 8:20:392003/06/15
In article <>, "goat" <go...@goat.goat>

>When Hideaki Anno created Evangelion, do you think that the intention was

>for Rei to be the perfect vision of femininity?

>I love Rei so much - She is kind, inteligent, calm, understanding, dutiful
>and obediant. She is quiet and only speaks when there is something important
>to say. She makes no effort to be attractive, or sexy, she just is, she
>doesn't need to make an effort - this turns me on more than anything else
>about her. I love her personality - she is the sort of woman that would make
>the perfect wife.
>She has a fantasitc body too. She is just so beautiful, so slim, so curvy.
>She has the looks of a supermodel, incredible azure hair and those red eyes,
>God, they're so alluring. I love her skin too, pale and completely smooth -
>shes just physically perfect in every way. I have never met a real woman who
>could ever look as good as Rei.

>I'd love to get my hands on her, especically when she's wearing that school

>uniform, or maybe I could unwrap her from that plugsuit. She just makes me
>want to hold onto her and make her mine.

Hands off man, she's mine!

Actually I knew someone who was EXACTLY like her (apart from the hair and
eye colours of course). I never made a move though, but maybe I
should've. I'd say hello and she'd either ignore me or give me an evil
stare. I thought she hated my guts, but maybe it was love (HA!).


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