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Man immolates self on train in Nagano Pref

閲覧: 1 回

John W.

2003/09/01 4:22:572003/09/01
A guy set fire to a car on the train he was riding. Here's the thing I
found interesting:

"The train continued on to Nagiso Station where firefighters from the
Kiso Fire Station, responding to an emergency call made by a passenger,
extinguished smoldering seats with buckets of water."

Buckets of water? Didn't they have hoses or anything?

John W.

Michael Cash

2003/09/01 12:09:432003/09/01
On Sun, 31 Aug 2003 23:22:57 -0500, "John W." <worth...@yahoo.komm>
belched the alphabet and kept on going with:

>A guy set fire to a car on the train he was riding. Here's the thing I
>found interesting:
>"The train continued on to Nagiso Station where firefighters from the
>Kiso Fire Station, responding to an emergency call made by a passenger,
>extinguished smoldering seats with buckets of water."
>Buckets of water? Didn't they have hoses or anything?

Maybe a few buckets was all it took. Anyway, would you want to be the
one spraying a hose around a vehicle wired with umpteen jillion amps
of electricity?

John W.

2003/09/01 20:05:222003/09/01
Actually when I thought about it I wondered why they didn't use fire
extinguishers for that very reason.

John W.

Jon up in Tohoku

2003/09/01 23:47:582003/09/01
> >>A guy set fire to a car on the train he was riding. Here's the thing I
> >>found interesting:
> >>
> >>"The train continued on to Nagiso Station where firefighters from the
> >>Kiso Fire Station, responding to an emergency call made by a passenger,
> >>extinguished smoldering seats with buckets of water."

Actually the thing that got me was that a passenger made the call, a little
embarrassing that nobody from the train line made the call first, but
logically in this country where everybody and their kindy kid has a cell
phone that the call would have been made by a passenger sitting near the

Rindler Sigurd

2003/09/02 0:12:132003/09/02
So... what happened to this guy? Is he dead, in hospital... or has
"immolation" or "self-immolation" another meaning?


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Hanako Kobayashi

2003/09/02 3:30:312003/09/02
Rindler Sigurd wrote:
> So... what happened to this guy? Is he dead, in hospital... or has
> "immolation" or "self-immolation" another meaning?
I think the article said he died. I'm more concerned that it wasn't just
a suicide, but a mass murder attempt, something that the article sort of
glossed over (and that might be because the authorities did that as well).

John W.

Dave Fossett

2003/09/02 4:12:052003/09/02
Hanako Kobayashi wrote:

> I think the article said he died. I'm more concerned that it wasn't just
> a suicide, but a mass murder attempt, something that the article sort of
> glossed over (and that might be because the authorities did that as well).

That's what I wondered too considering the way in which he apparently waited
until the train was in a tunnel. I have read comments making comparisons
with the fire on the Seoul subway train.

Dave Fossett
Saitama, Japan

John W.

2003/09/02 15:12:172003/09/02
Maybe the police decided to play it safe until they know for sure, and
even then if it was an attack I wouldn't be surprised if they don't keep
it quiet in the name of not scaring the s**t out of people.

But I wonder if anyone in the Japanese media asked why the train's fire
extinguishers weren't used.

John W.

Dave Fossett

2003/09/02 15:32:012003/09/02
John W. wrote:

> But I wonder if anyone in the Japanese media asked why the train's fire
> extinguishers weren't used.

Probably everyone was too busy taking photos with their cellphones or
phoning their friends to tell them what was happening. But seriously though,
I thought I heard on the TV news that the train conductor put the fire out
using a fire extinguisher.

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