Unfortunately, there are weak minded people here who use Kaz's posts as
a reason to condemn Japanese generally rather than the unique individual
named Kaz. They are doing exactly what he is doing--stereotyping.
Of course; didn't he respond to your Japanese posts in fluent Japanese?
Yes, I'm real Japanese. Don't get fooled by the wanker Vernon, he is
just a silly racist called Canadian that hate and despise the Japanese
by such a stupid fabrication as the Japanese eat dolphins. He is
worthless to deal seriously.
"Yes, I'm real Japanese. Don't get fooled by the wanker Vernon, he is
just a silly racist called Canadian that hate and despise the Japanese
by such a stupid fabrication as the Japanese eat dolphins. He is
worthless to deal seriously."
can become..........
"As for that, there is a Japanese of the substance which is I. You with the
wanker which does not have the necessity the Vernon which is deceived to
make his canned goods the method where production and the dolphin where the
foolish race discriminatory principle person who is the Canadian person who
the Japanese hates the Japanese is foolish you can eat, it scorns it was
exactly called. He coping seriously, is needless."
> Yes, I'm real Japanese.
And one day, maybe you'll actually speak Japanese.
But not any time soon...
Kaz is a gay Japanese male who is in love with another Japanese gay
male named U...@aol.com
They anal-lyze each other everyday.
It's quite hard to understand your Jew-hating self-conscious, less
IQed White supremacist primitive's language, however, you
self-esteemed dirty pink supremacists should just go back to your
filthy, dirty, retarded White supremacist's land like Canada or New
Just in case for people who don't know how Tohoku is, unlike the nasty
racist land Canada, Tohoku is a very nice region with nice people,
unlike the nasty White supremacist's land Canada where the filthy
racists inhabit.
Why labeling the entire nation? You're just mad to "Jon up in Tohoku"...
Because he's a feeble-minded stereotyping racist. His mind is not
capable of holding more than one thought at a time. Therefore, he is
usually incapable understanding that generalizing from individual
behaviour to racial characteristics is illogical.
He can, however, protest when a negative stereotype aimed at Japanese is
applied to himself. For example, he admits that some Japanese soldiers
meted out brutal treatment to captives and citizens of occupied
territory during WWII. But he asks people to see that it was not HE who
did this, nor was it the majority of Japanese. Strangely, he can't
apply this kind of reasoning when criticizing others, like people from
China, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, Australia, and just about
anywhere else where "white" people live. Hmmm. I wonder why that is?
> In article <bk7b25$q7a19$1...@ID-201738.news.uni-berlin.de>,
> yokoo...@spam.net says...
>> "Kaz" <kaz...@hotmail.com>, haber iletisinde sunlari
>> yazdi:44dc0a26.03091...@posting.google.com...
>> Why labeling the entire nation?
> Because he's a feeble-minded stereotyping racist. His mind is not
> capable of holding more than one thought at a time. Therefore, he is
> usually incapable understanding that generalizing from individual
> behaviour to racial characteristics is illogical.
> He can, however, protest when a negative stereotype aimed at Japanese is
> applied to himself. For example, he admits that some Japanese soldiers
> meted out brutal treatment to captives and citizens of occupied
> territory during WWII. But he asks people to see that it was not HE who
> did this, nor was it the majority of Japanese. Strangely, he can't
> apply this kind of reasoning when criticizing others, like people from
> China, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, Australia, and just about
> anywhere else where "white" people live. Hmmm. I wonder why that is?
> Verno
Come on guys, can't you take a joke? Clearly the Kaz messages aren't real,
but a poor practical joke. Probably he is an acne-faced preteen posting from
the American Midwest. That would explain his lack of consistency.
Retarded trolling chink boy should keepee bucktoothed mouth shut
Because he's a feeble-minded stereotyping racist. His mind is not
"Jew-hating self-conscious, less, IQed White supremacist
"self-esteemed dirty pink supremacists ".......
"filthy, dirty, retarded White supremacist's land "
I reiterate my strong feeling that you are a retard. But a retard with a
little more colourful language than your average drooling twitch, none the
.......entertaining, but not really worth our time.
I know it isn't nice to laugh at another's handicap, but dude you are funny.
Jew-hating self-conscious, less, IQed White supremacist primitive's
self-esteemed dirty pink supremacists from filthy, dirty, retarded White
supremacist's land-Up in Tohoku
And you are right Tohoku people are lovely.
USA, I am so proudy of you my fellow Japanese country man :-)
You too Chinaboy
John W.
I am a Japanese person. And I am bewildered by
some of what Kaz has written. Also Kaz refuses to
respond to any of my posts in Japanese despite my
request. I do not know why.
So who are you?
Probably because he is a troll who doesn't know sufficient Japanese language
to fool a real Japanese person. When I started seeing his messages, they had
a definite anti-Japanese slant and the messages seemed to imply he was
either burakumin or of Korean descent, but subsequent messages that showed a
basis against those groups made me realize that he simply was a troll.
My guess is that he is a pimple-faced preteen living in the US midwest.
John W.
:"John W." <worth...@yahoo.komm> wrote in message
John Worth is living in San Francisco, married to a Japanese.
He used to live in Himeji.
Kaz Tanaka is our newsgroup toy. I believe that he is a Japanese,
because he is an AMAGASAKI DOJIN and does not have enough
knowledge to be a foreigner in Japan.
Very strange idea. Why does someone have to have a knowledge to be a
foreigner in Japan? The funny inconsistent thing is, this shuji had
been considering I'm Korean until recently. Being Korean is really
being a foreigner in Japan so I wonder why this childish shuji boy has
changed his mind....
Tanaka Tomoyuki is real Japanese too.
Martin Phipps
"I know of no rights of race superior to the rights of man"
Frederick Douglass
Kaz is channeling Tanaka Tomoyuki.
John W.
So what's wrong with Tomoyuki? Is he also pointing out White supremacist's wrongs?
Damn, now they've got me thinking that Kaz is TT. Even net.kooks hate TT.
Ryan Ginstrom
> It seems to me I heard somewhere that kaz...@hotmail.com (Kaz)
> wrote in article news:<44dc0a26.03091...@posting.google.com>...
>>"Musashi" <Miya...@Hosokawa.co.jp> wrote in message news:<HCn9b.2363$gk6....@newssvr33.news.prodigy.com>...
>>>Is "Kaz" really a Japanese person?
>>Yes, I'm real Japanese. Don't get fooled by the wanker Vernon, he is
>>just a silly racist called Canadian that hate and despise the Japanese
>>by such a stupid fabrication as the Japanese eat dolphins. He is
>>worthless to deal seriously.
> Tanaka Tomoyuki is real Japanese too.
Is? You mean he's still alive?
Scott Reynolds s...@gol.com
"Scott Reynolds" <s...@gol.com> wrote in message
> On 9/19/2003 2:44 AM, Royal McCoy wrote:
> > It seems to me I heard somewhere that kaz...@hotmail.com (Kaz)
> > wrote in article
> >
> >>"Musashi" <Miya...@Hosokawa.co.jp> wrote in message
> >>
> >>>Is "Kaz" really a Japanese person?
> >>
> >>Yes, I'm real Japanese. Don't get fooled by the wanker Vernon, he is
> >>just a silly racist called Canadian that hate and despise the Japanese
> >>by such a stupid fabrication as the Japanese eat dolphins. He is
> >>worthless to deal seriously.
> >
> > Tanaka Tomoyuki is real Japanese too.
> Is? You mean he's still alive?
Whaaaaa! did you shoot him? You must be trying to cover up some dirty fact
of the White supremacists or Nazi he knows.
-----= Posted via Newsfeed.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
http://www.newsfeed.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== 100,000 Groups! - 19 Servers! - Unlimited Download! =-----
Glad to see you can do a better 自己紹介 than "I am me".
John W.
> So what's wrong with Tomoyuki? Is he also pointing out White supremacist's wrongs?
He caused a lot of infliction in the groups, but he was much more
intelligent. He was generous enough to contribute helpful information
to the groups quite often as well. You can't possibly be TT.
Now I'm thinking Kaz is Chinese. I'm also thinking Tanaka Tomoyuki
is Chinese.
Just think of it. Two, or maybe one mischievous Chinese with
two Japanese personas making Japanese look bad with years and
years of idiotic posts.
Oh, isn't that special?
" Hi.
I've been lurking on the newsgroups for sometime now and I
really don't want to get invovled or insult anybody, but i was
wondering (cause i get mixed up sometimes. hee!) if someone can list the
usual participants of this newsgroup (those who always post almost everyday)
their nationalities. I just want to know who is insuilting who form where.
Just curious and thanks for your help.
Just in case anyone wants to know, i'm Steve. American Jew.
ok, back to lurking."
another question would be who is pretendind to be what.
Oh well, back to lurking...
"Chief Inspector Dreyfus" <cidr...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
Nope. That's not something called as "intelligent". It's just a
honorary White's act. I'm a completely un-westernized and civilized
Japanese, so I could not be any of such savage honorary White thing.
But I guess he is slightly intelligent than you because no one could
be such a stupid "blindly White-worshiping yellow cab" like you.
Just go back.
there I detected a completely un-westernized and civilized ancient japanese
expression. "Yellow Cab", that's very teinei for "make you free" right? So
its "Blindly worshipping white will make you free". Very much like albeit
>>Don't take it the wrong way, but I really felt no particular obligation
>>to introduce myself more than I did. If someone's coming here to pick
>>fights or bully around someone, then they don't deserve it.
>>John W.
> I guess you have never read this fellow KAZs' near psychotic racist
> ramblings in this newsgroup and others. If you had, you'd never suspect
> the original poster of picking fights or bullying anyone.
No, I have. But it's one thing to flame away at someone who replies to
an otherwise benign/non-inflamatory/etc. post, but quite another to
create a post (or several, as has been the case in the past few months)
simply to insult someone or drag them into a flame war. In my mind that
makes the original poster look like an idiot.
John W.
Well I looked at this thread and I don't see anywhere where this guy is
anyone or draging anyone into a flame war, even Kaz himself. Do you?
He just asked a question and then we see why he asked it.
Looks to me like you're the one instigating a fight.
The ones creating idiotic posts as you describe are:
Japan news update
Ugly Gookko
Rayond Luxury Yacht II
Ugly Duckling
et al
Doesn't matter. In my book that's a troll in action. He asked a question
that he knows is inflamatory because that particular topic has been
around for quite some time. That it didn't devolve into a flame war is
good; though I haven't read all of the posts, it appears to be the
anti-Kaz lobby playing with themselves. That's fine, I suppose, if
that's how they want to act.
As for me picking a fight, perhaps. Probably it's that I'm just bored of
this thread getting cross posted every month or so.
John W.
> Nope. That's not something called as "intelligent". It's just a
Still, it's better than anything you'll come up with, until all the more
dominant males are groomed, Monkey-boy.
Well Steve, you may as well have painted a bullseye on your chest.
The little Asian racist cretins that post on fj.life.in-japan, and
soc.culture.japan, and also soc.culture.asian.american don't
care who they smear. But, they are especially vicious with whites
and blacks, only sometimes do they attack Jews.
If you really want to have fun, go over to soc.culture.korean
and pose as a Japanophile. Or, if you prefer, pose as an American
of Japanese ancestry.
You know the drill Steve, just disagree about anything with some
Jews and you automatically become a Nazi redneck anti-Semite
working for the Mississippi Republican Party under the direction
of Trent Lott, and Pat Buchanan is your mentor.
The same in the Asian newsgroups. In SCAA, for example just disagree
with the Japanese, or Americans of Japanese ancestry on anything
remotely related to Japan, or Asians and you become a Japan basher
and even better yet, you can get labeled a racist. It's easy.
Just look at the insane rantings of the moron that attacked W. J.
I don't dwell too much on race, or ethnicity of any particular
poster. I just think that with people like Kaz and the Tanaka's
of the world speaking for Japan, Japan doesn't need any more enemies.
It would not be hard for one of the Korean hate-mongers to pose
as a Japanese, such as this Kaz, just to make Japan look terrible,
and make Japanese look incredibly ignorant.
I only proposed that a Chinese was posing as Kaz, because Kaz wrote
"Whaaaaa!", that was a flimsy excuse, but I really didn't need one.
Lurk away.
Chief Inspector Dreyfus
I don't know what you have learnt in your schooling, but I have learnt
Question: What is the negative effects of racist and sexist languages
with respect to perception?
Answer: Not only do they harm the person who was referred to, but also
do they harm society. Our culture value (I am not sure about Kaz's
culture) and society are shaped by our language. Racist and sexist
languages suggest that some people are less important than other people.
The more languages are allowed to continue, the more stereotype and
other inaccurate judgments are perpetuated. You can not change cultural
perception without changing language. Language has to change; language
is responsible for how the culture shapes. (Bonnie)
I hope it helps you. This is how they teach people to be international
/intercultural rather than being American. America (the USA) just
happened to be a large land where many kinds of people happened to live.
> there I detected a completely un-westernized and civilized ancient japanese
> expression. "Yellow Cab", that's very teinei for "make you free" right? So
> its "Blindly worshipping white will make you free". Very much like albeit
> does...
I wish Kaz studied a bit of world history. He seems to believe that
there is only one kind of white people in this world, but he is missing
the point in the fact that there were a number of izakoza and gotagota
(infliction? grudges?) among different kinds of white people.
When he refers to "white people", just saying "Canadian" or "American"
is too abstract. Besides, especially when he is writing negative
messages about those blindly selected white people by him, he is
actually insulting the whole nation. Therefore, he has to learn how to
select right language when he ever wants to communicate with others.
> Kaz wrote:
> <snip>
> I don't know what you have learnt in your schooling, but I have learnt
> this.
> I hope it helps you. This is how they teach people to be international
> /intercultural rather than being American. America (the USA) just
> happened to be a large land where many kinds of people happened to live.
Cindy, I know you are a fan of proverbs and sayings. You should go look
up "Pearls before swine" and contemplate any relationship it has to
trying to give advice to Kaz about getting along with different
> Cindy, I know you are a fan of proverbs and sayings. You should go look
> up "Pearls before swine" and contemplate any relationship it has to
> trying to give advice to Kaz about getting along with different
> nationalities.
I have been in speech/communication study lately, and it is wonderful. I
think everyone should learn it. The book teaches how one should behave
in newsgroup discussion as well. First, Kaz seems to have terrible
perceptual errors on everything. He sees people as country or nation;
then, he sees a country/nation as a race. Second, his generalization of
*all* attributes based on *one single* attribution. It is called halo
effect. (Human Communication)
Also, he is very distinct in showing contrast effects, which means to
compare people's behavior with other people's behavior. (Human
Stereotyping is very common in Kaz's writing. Its definition is to
perceive people as a group with wrong perception. (Human Communication)
I guess he doesn't have self-esteem.
Actually, the halo effect causes people to rate an individual high on
all attributes because of a high rating on a single attribute. Kaz's
pathology is more akin to the "devil effect", which causes people to
rate individuals low on all attributes because of a low rating on a
single attribute--whiteness.
E L Thorndike, "A Constant Error on Psychological Rating", Journal of
Applied Psychology, vol. IV (1920), 25-29
> Also, he is very distinct in showing contrast effects, which means to
> compare people's behavior with other people's behavior. (Human
> Communication)
> Stereotyping is very common in Kaz's writing. Its definition is to
> perceive people as a group with wrong perception. (Human Communication)
> I guess he doesn't have self-esteem.
Oh, I think he gets pretty "steemed" up at times. ;-)
"Lurking activated"
Inspector Dreyfus" <cidr...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
Jew, Jap and Nigger-hating White power is borderless. Not just in
North America, also such dirty White supremacist's lands like Sweden,
Germany, Russia, France, Portugal, Hungary and Holland.
Look those ugly dirty brutal faces of albinic apes in that site.
"USA" <U...@aol.com> wrote in message
> "Ugly Gookko" <kim_do...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:7781b702.03091...@posting.google.com...
> > "USA" <U...@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:<9EN9b.153$Cs...@nwrdny02.gnilink.net>...
> > > "Japan News Update" <japan_ne...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> > > news:31c0c08f.03091...@posting.google.com...
> > > > "Musashi" <Miya...@Hosokawa.co.jp> wrote in message
> > > news:<HCn9b.2363$gk6....@newssvr33.news.prodigy.com>...
> > > > > Is "Kaz" really a Japanese person?
> > > >
> > > > Kaz is a gay Japanese male who is in love with another Japanese gay
> > > > male named U...@aol.com
> > > >
> > > > They anal-lyze each other everyday.
> > >
> > > Retarded trolling chink boy should keepee bucktoothed mouth shut
> >
> >
> > USA, I am so proudy of you my fellow Japanese country man :-)
> You too Chinaboy
I don't think he is Chinaman, though. Japan News Update is probably
Hungarian or same dirty sort of east European.
Hi John, what are you doing now in Nashville? I have never thought
you are becoming a country singer.
But looks to me like you made a prejudiced judgement.
I haven't found anything to support the notion that this "musashi" character
is a troll as you are saying. In fact he hasnt even argued that much with
himself. What I did see was his utter disbelief that Kaz could be Japanese
he claims. Its vernon who's been filling up this NG with his responses to
the lunatic Kaz.
I hope you find it equally if not even sader the level to wich some people
to "attack" another race of nationality.
After all, if no one attacked no one would need to defend.
-) ちょうどそのU...@aol.com
Nobody cares about hungarians. They aren't very important.
My wife got a good position here, so we moved. I figure I have about as
much chance being a country singer as anything else. :)
John W.
If you want to fit in, you need to figure out how to transition to the
appropriate music. I think you should pick up some of the "Pickin' On
..." series to help. I am listening to "Pickin' on the Rolling Stones"
as I write, and the mandolin solo in "Paint It Black" is absolutely
Note to Declan: This series hasn't got the humorous bent that the
Fargone Beauties provide, but I would bet that any fan of the Fargones
would like them. Both volumes of "Pickin' on Led Zeppelin" are damn
good, too.
Prophecy of Kaz;
Sooner or later, Hungarians frustrated about being a former dominated
country under USSR will raise the jew and jap-hating Nazi.
With those remarks, are you fighting against racism or are you just
contributing to the hatred?
For some reason I picture John as being more of a line dancer.
> Note to Declan: This series hasn't got the humorous bent that the
> Fargone Beauties provide, but I would bet that any fan of the Fargones
> would like them. Both volumes of "Pickin' on Led Zeppelin" are damn
> good, too.
As I can't currently afford it, I've just added them to my amazon
wishlist instead. You wouldn't happen to listen to Hayseed Dixie as well
by chance?
"Having tried intelligence to win the war on terrorism and achieved
mixed results - bad and worse - the defense department has decided to go
the other way and give stupidity a chance." - Alan Abelson
> Kevin Wayne Williams wrote:
>> If you want to fit in, you need to figure out how to transition to the
>> appropriate music. I think you should pick up some of the "Pickin' On
>> ..." series to help. I am listening to "Pickin' on the Rolling Stones"
>> as I write, and the mandolin solo in "Paint It Black" is absolutely
>> beautiful.
> For some reason I picture John as being more of a line dancer.
>> Note to Declan: This series hasn't got the humorous bent that the
>> Fargone Beauties provide, but I would bet that any fan of the Fargones
>> would like them. Both volumes of "Pickin' on Led Zeppelin" are damn
>> good, too.
> As I can't currently afford it, I've just added them to my amazon
> wishlist instead. You wouldn't happen to listen to Hayseed Dixie as well
> by chance?
Nope. I take it I should?
John W.
> For some reason I picture John as being more of a line dancer.
As dancing goes, line dancing looks fairly easy, and I can't even do
that. Proud to be a wallflower/barfly.
John W.
>> As I can't currently afford it, I've just added them to my amazon
>> wishlist instead. You wouldn't happen to listen to Hayseed Dixie as
>> well by chance?
> Nope. I take it I should?
So far I've only heard a few clips and a downloaded radio interview.
Hillbilly versions of AC/DC etc. I might be able to buy myself a cd or 2
for a xmas prezzie.
Kaz is comic relief.
You dirty albinic ape, go back to your cage.
Comic relief without a sense of humor?
> Comic relief without a sense of humor?
In terms of comic relief, shirley there is not much difference between
laughing with and laughing at.
"Kick it to the shithouse" - Bob Dwyer, Saturday 2nd November, 1991.
It's amusing to watching how this fucking nasty psycho-terrorist
Declan Murphy keeps sticking to provoking me constantly. I don't know
what the hell is his problem is, but he should be really see a
Your grammar is horrible. Can you at least read and correct mistakes
before sending your messages? You are showing your ignorance to the world.
> It's amusing to watching how this fucking nasty psycho-terrorist
> Declan Murphy keeps sticking to provoking me constantly. I don't know
It works, Monkey-boy.
> what the hell is his problem is,
What's yours? Fleas?
The only self-loathing, crazy Whites-worshipping honorary White
lunatics claim like that. Why do you hate the Japanese so much? Aren't
your parents the Japanese? Or you are actually the Korean or the
>> Your grammar is horrible. Can you at least read and correct mistakes
>> before sending your messages? You are showing your ignorance to the world.
> The only self-loathing, crazy Whites-worshipping honorary White
> lunatics claim like that.
Hey, flea-bag, could you at least answer aspersions RE: your English in
standard English?
> Why do you hate the Japanese so much? Aren't
She doesn't; for example, she doesn't call Japanese "Japs".
Now, go fling your dung at your fellow zoo denizens, and leave the humans
> The only self-loathing, crazy Whites-worshipping honorary White
> lunatics claim like that.
Unless I do it, who else will do? Generally, English speakers have been
taught not to fuss over other's incorrect English. Your English was
just like you were walking in the street with your fly open.
> Why do you hate the Japanese so much?
I don't hate the Japanese; I hate the words you use. If you are
precisely thinking what you write, I hate your brain as well.
> your parents the Japanese? Or you are actually the Korean or the
> Chinese?
Why does always nationality matter? I belong to wherever I live.
Kaz, if you have so much time messing with the internet, go back to
school. It is the best choice you can make in your whole life.
"Cindy" <cind...@attb.com> wrote in message
> Kaz wrote:
> > The only self-loathing, crazy Whites-worshipping honorary White
> > lunatics claim like that.
> Unless I do it, who else will do? Generally, English speakers have been
> taught not to fuss over other's incorrect English. Your English was
> just like you were walking in the street with your fly open.
> > Why do you hate the Japanese so much?
> I don't hate the Japanese; I hate the words you use. If you are
> precisely thinking what you write, I hate your brain as well.
テレビでも平気で漫才師あつかい。 あなたたちは知らないかもしれないが、漫才
> Aren't
> > your parents the Japanese? Or you are actually the Korean or the
> > Chinese?
> Why does always nationality matter? I belong to wherever I live.
> Kaz, if you have so much time messing with the internet, go back to
> school. It is the best choice you can make in your whole life.
-----= Posted via Newsfeed.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =-----
http://www.newsfeed.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== 100,000 Groups! - 19 Servers! - Unlimited Download! =-----
> あのね、いったいどれだけの東京人が関西人を「漫才師」などと軽蔑し、差別し、侮
> 辱していることか。
そうなってしまうのは何が原因なのでしょう? メディアでしょうかね。
> テレビでも平気で漫才師あつかい。 あなたたちは知らないかもしれないが、漫才
> 師ってのは
> 被差別民なわけ、いわゆる春駒万歳、三河万歳・・・・その他いろいろあるけどすべ
> て部落民
> 職業なわけ。歌舞伎役者や能役者よりモロに部落なわけ。
> その揺るぎがたい関西人蔑視を堂々としているいやらしい東京じゃっぷの卑劣な行為
> を棚に上げて、
> いちいち人の揚げ足を取ってグダグダ言うものではない。
然。 バカバカしいのもいいところ。
東京偏重の放送は本当に醜い。 ガラ悪い東京弁を全国に振りまくのにもあきれる
縁のないものまでやたら全国放送に登場します。 ところが同じようなつい
いるような妄想に取り付かれるわけでしょうね。 民主主義国家でこんな
> > テレビでも平気で漫才師あつかい。 あなたたちは知らないかもしれないが、漫
> > 師ってのは
> > 被差別民なわけ、いわゆる春駒万歳、三河万歳・・・・その他いろいろあるけど
> > て部落民
> > 職業なわけ。歌舞伎役者や能役者よりモロに部落なわけ。
> それはどんな根拠があって言えるのですか?
> > その揺るぎがたい関西人蔑視を堂々としているいやらしい東京じゃっぷの卑劣な
> > を棚に上げて、
> > いちいち人の揚げ足を取ってグダグダ言うものではない。
> そうですか、それでは日本全国の平和のためにも頑張って下さい。
関西人蔑視差別発言はやめてください。 21世紀の民主社会のいまどき、
Yeah Kaz you're sent back to schoolin'
whole lotta love...
<mtfe...@netMAPSONscape.net> wrote in message
No, I'm not blonde-haired and green-eyed with pink skin. like this cute
White guy.
> <mtfe...@netMAPSONscape.net> wrote in message
> news:blo063$b34$2...@news.Stanford.EDU...
>> In fj.life.in-japan Monkey-boy <kaz...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> > Declan Murphy <declan...@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:<3F7B9E4...@hotmail.com>...
>> >> Ernest Schaal wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > Comic relief without a sense of humor?
>> >>
>> >> In terms of comic relief, shirley there is not much difference between
>> >> laughing with and laughing at.
>> > It's amusing to watching how this fucking nasty psycho-terrorist
>> > Declan Murphy keeps sticking to provoking me constantly. I don't know
>> It works, Monkey-boy.
>> > what the hell is his problem is,
>> What's yours? Fleas?
> No, I'm not blonde-haired and green-eyed with pink skin. like this cute
Ah, worms, then.
<mtfe...@netMAPSONscape.net> wrote in message
When you come to Osaka next time, visit Mino park. You will see a lot of
your brothers and sisters there. Yes, those primates in the Mino park are
really albino-supremacists and they are so proud, conceited racists that
look down on the "japs" from trees and never treat the "japs" impartially.
Then they rob the jap's lunch boxes, apples and bananas. Just take Hankyu
train from Umeda to Mino station, and walk from Mino station to the Mino
fall. You will see those arrogant, cool and cute White-supremacists having
round green eyes, blond hair, pink skin and chiseled faces like this guy.
> <mtfe...@netMAPSONscape.net> wrote in message
> news:bm3ncj$me0$1...@news.Stanford.EDU...
>> In fj.life.in-japan Monkey-boy<Monkey...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> > *** post for FREE via your newsreader at post.newsfeed.com ***
>> > <mtfe...@netMAPSONscape.net> wrote in message
>> > news:blo063$b34$2...@news.Stanford.EDU...
>> >> In fj.life.in-japan Monkey-boy <kaz...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> >> > Declan Murphy <declan...@hotmail.com> wrote in message
>> > news:<3F7B9E4...@hotmail.com>...
>> >> >> Ernest Schaal wrote:
>> >> >>
>> >> > It's amusing to watching how this fucking nasty psycho-terrorist
>> >> > Declan Murphy keeps sticking to provoking me constantly. I don't know
>> >>
>> >> It works, Monkey-boy.
>> >> > what the hell is his problem is,
>> >>
>> >> What's yours? Fleas?
>> > No, I'm not blonde-haired and green-eyed with pink skin. like this cute
>> Ah, worms, then.
> When you come to Osaka next time, visit Mino park. You will see a lot of
> your brothers and sisters there.
Sorry, Monkey-boy, I'm an only child, like you were an only pup.
> train from Umeda to Mino station, and walk from Mino station to the Mino
> fall. You will see those arrogant, cool and cute White-supremacists having
> round green eyes, blond hair, pink skin and chiseled faces like this guy.
"cool and cute"??
"chiseled faces"??
Monkey-boy, I do believe you're in love.
> > テレビでも平気で漫才師あつかい。 あなたたちは知らないかもしれないが、漫
> > 師ってのは
> > 被差別民なわけ、いわゆる春駒万歳、三河万歳・・・・その他いろいろあるけど
> > て部落民
> > 職業なわけ。歌舞伎役者や能役者よりモロに部落なわけ。
> それはどんな根拠があって言えるのですか?
> 私はむかしある外資系の会社に就職し、社員の8割方が
> 部落民で、非常にいじめられた苦い経験があります。
> それって、いかに客に受けるようにセクシーに歩くテスト・・・とか、いかに体を露
> 出して客を満足させルカのテスト・・とか言うんじゃないの?
ぶっぶー。 もっとむずかしい勉強よ。 先週の月曜日のテストが返ってきて、
> アメリカではそんな女性の露出度を売りにしている卑猥な航空会社があるとか聞い
> た。
> いかにも女性を男性のおもちゃとしか考えてない男尊女卑の米国ならではやね。
> 日本ではそんなことするとたちまち公序良俗に反するとして没になるけど・・・
日本がベストで、日本が一番正しいって考え方は ethnocentrism って言うん
だって。 アメリカ市民の人々には、ehnocentrism の考えを持たないように厳