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Koreans Robbed Real Estates from Japanese Landowners

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2003/07/07 12:13:312003/07/07
<I repost this since I forgot to crosspost it to fj.soc.politics. I
expect more replies from there>

If you have ever been to Japan, you may have seen Pachinko(small
pinball) parlors stand in the front of almost every major Japanese
train station.

And those Pachinko parlors are the business that the Koreans in Japan

Subsequently to the surrender of the WW2, and the devastation caused
by the carpet bombings, the Koreans, including those illegal entrants,
had started to insist that the Koreans are the victor nations, as
SANGOKUJIN, and then started to lynch the Japanese citizens.

Japanese police and the public peace could not do anything against
those rowdy Korean thugs because they had extraterritoriality.

Japanese government had lost all the orders and controls of its nation
at that period. Those Koreans had taken the maximum advantage of
extraterritoriality and then they kidnapped those landlords who had
been owning the real estates located in the front of major train
stations in major Japanese cities, lynched them, slaughtered them then
stole their real estates.

Those Koreans are the origin of modern yakuza of post-war period. The
Koreans always justify those brutal acts by blaming IJA's atrocities
in the wartime, and they insist that those crimes are the justified

I have no clue why GHQ didn't stop them and arrest them. Does anyone
know why?

It is well-known that the money earned by the Pachinko business is
being transferred to North Korea via the Korean federation(Chosen
Soren) in Japan.

Also, is there any Japanese person who has further details about this
issue than me, or who has any knowledge about this SANGOKUJIN issue?
If there is any, I want you to enlighten me about what exactly
happened at that time.


2003/07/07 13:13:442003/07/07
Japanese criminals including Hirohito at the top to your granddad at the
bottom robbed, exploited and raped the entire Korean land for 35 years
without paying anything to it's right owners.

Pachinko owners pay officially and unofficially to Japanese Government and
their protege. Anything wrong in it?

"Kaz" <> wrote in message

Raymond Luxury-Yacht II

2003/07/07 13:22:522003/07/07

"Bluewater" <Blue...@no.spam> wrote in message

> Japanese criminals including Hirohito at the top to your granddad at the
> bottom robbed, exploited and raped the entire Korean land for 35 years
> without paying anything to it's right owners.
> Pachinko owners pay officially and unofficially to Japanese Government and
> their protege. Anything wrong in it?

Nothing wrong!! All that pachinko money get sent to Pyongyang.
Pyongyang bomb Seoul.
Nothing wrong at all!!

Jun Miyamoto

2003/07/07 15:02:532003/07/07

In article <M%hOa.3517$>,

Why aren't there pachinko places in Iran or Iraq?


2003/07/07 15:29:232003/07/07
Really? The best solution to the North Korean crisis(or rather Bush crisis)
is to bomb the pachinko?

"Raymond Luxury-Yacht II" <> wrote in message


2003/07/07 13:04:022003/07/07
Kaz wrote:

> the Koreans are the victor nations,



2003/07/08 3:29:462003/07/08
"Bluewater" <Blue...@no.spam> wrote in message news:<bec9o8$omk$>...
> Japanese criminals including Hirohito at the top to your granddad at the

Hirohito was a strange emperor who had been looking down on the Kinai
civilization of Kyoto and Asian civilization. And then he was adoring
the pseudo-Western civilization of Tokyo. He had never respected
Kyoto, which is the origin of his family. He was the typical
pseudo-Westerner and the honorary White. He may have been deserved to
be executed. You should have asked Douglas McArthur why he didn't
execute him.

I guess, the son of Celtic Arthur were afraid to execute the
pseudo-Anglo of Hirohito who looked like their pseudo-ruler to him.

> bottom robbed, exploited and raped the entire Korean land for 35 years
> without paying anything to it's right owners.

So, needy Koreans still want the more money? Actually the Japanese
government have aided a lot of money to Korea. Not just money, it also
offered all those technologies of manufacturing steel, ships,
automobiles, etc., to make South Korea to be able to gain foreign
exchange and to become a developed nation. If you claim that Japan has
not paid anything to Korea, you are proving yourself that you are a
sick silly liar.

The Japanese government has been aiding many countries so far, but,
among these countries, South Korea is the country that received the
largest amount of money and other supports from Japan. But you guy are
still can't support yourself then accuse us falsely to get more money.
You Koreans are like a bunch of scum still trying to rip us off.

> Pachinko owners pay officially and unofficially to Japanese Government and
> their protege. Anything wrong in it?

Wrong. Pachinko owners have been still ranked in its top position of
the worst tax-evader list. Also, It is well-known that the North
Korean bank(Chogin) had ripped off a lot of money from the Japanese
government recentry for its alleged reconstruction. And the money the
N.Korean bank ripped off from our government is now considered as sent
to PyongYang to produce their nukes. The Koreans are nothing else
besides bunches of scum.


2003/07/08 6:56:192003/07/08

"Kaz" <> wrote in message
> "Bluewater" <Blue...@no.spam> wrote in message
> > Japanese criminals including Hirohito at the top to your granddad at the
> Hirohito was a strange emperor who had been looking down on the Kinai
> civilization of Kyoto and Asian civilization. And then he was adoring
> the pseudo-Western civilization of Tokyo. He had never respected
> Kyoto, which is the origin of his family. He was the typical
> pseudo-Westerner and the honorary White. He may have been deserved to
> be executed. You should have asked Douglas McArthur why he didn't
> execute him.
> I guess, the son of Celtic Arthur were afraid to execute the
> pseudo-Anglo of Hirohito who looked like their pseudo-ruler to him.

Thank you for nice third grade manga

> > bottom robbed, exploited and raped the entire Korean land for 35 years
> > without paying anything to it's right owners.
> So, needy Koreans still want the more money? Actually the Japanese
> government have aided a lot of money to Korea. Not just money, it also
> offered all those technologies of manufacturing steel, ships,
> automobiles, etc., to make South Korea to be able to gain foreign
> exchange and to become a developed nation. If you claim that Japan has
> not paid anything to Korea, you are proving yourself that you are a
> sick silly liar.
> The Japanese government has been aiding many countries so far, but,
> among these countries, South Korea is the country that received the
> largest amount of money and other supports from Japan. But you guy are
> still can't support yourself then accuse us falsely to get more money.
> You Koreans are like a bunch of scum still trying to rip us off.

So you steal everything from Korea and pretend you give the fraction fo what
Japan owe to Korea then you got them back together with interests. Where are
all the rice and the rent for buildings and land you illegally occupied.

> > Pachinko owners pay officially and unofficially to Japanese Government
> > their protege. Anything wrong in it?
> Wrong. Pachinko owners have been still ranked in its top position of
> the worst tax-evader list. Also, It is well-known that the North
> Korean bank(Chogin) had ripped off a lot of money from the Japanese
> government recentry for its alleged reconstruction. And the money the
> N.Korean bank ripped off from our government is now considered as sent
> to PyongYang to produce their nukes. The Koreans are nothing else
> besides bunches of scum.

I thought the top of the tax evaders should be ranked by top Japanese
politicians and they enjoy protecting the pachinko for the benefit of hard
cash with which they look after their corrupt serfdom. You don't really know
their connection, then you are not Japanese.

Raymond Luxury-Yacht II

2003/07/08 8:58:152003/07/08
Get a life , !!!!

Just using some else's name and email address is not good enough.

You can fool no one but yourself !!!!

"Raymond Luxury-Yacht II" <> wrote in message news:<M%hOa.3517$>...

Raymond Luxury-Yacht II

2003/07/08 9:40:382003/07/08
"Bluewater" <Blue...@no.spam> wrote in message news:<bechmi$8dv$>...

> Really? The best solution to the North Korean crisis(or rather Bush crisis)
> is to bomb the pachinko?
> "Raymond Luxury-Yacht II" <> wrote in message
> news:M%hOa.3517$
> > Nothing wrong!! All that pachinko money get sent to Pyongyang.
> > Pyongyang bomb Seoul.
> > Nothing wrong at all!!

This is just pretending to be me(Raymond Luxury-Yacht). He
stole my identity.

As you will notice in the two message headers below that =
Fake Raymond Luxury-Yacht. (The two messages have the same IP address)

He did such a poor job in disguising himself.

Here is my proof :

Message 1 from fake Raymond luxury-Yacht.
From Mon Jul 07 13:10:05 2003
Path: sn-us!sn-xit-01!sn-xit-08!!elnk-pas-nf2!elnk-atl-nf1!!!!!!!6baca155!not-for-mail
From: "Raymond Luxury-Yacht II" <>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.japan
References: <>
Subject: Re: For USA & Makoto Taniguchi
Lines: 25
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
Message-ID: <NPhOa.3507$>
X-Trace: 1057597805 ST000
(Mon, 07 Jul 2003 13:10:05 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 13:10:05 EDT
Organization: SBC
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 17:10:05 GMT
Xref: sn-us soc.culture.japan:331345

I am not Korean.
Just because I have a flat face with slitty eyes
covet my neighbors dog and smell like garlic, it
does not mean I am Korean

"Raymond Luxury-Yacht II" <> wrote in message
> Exactly. They keep saying that I am Korean. What idiots.
> (Kim) wrote in message
> > Unfortunately, Korean haters such as USA and Makoto Taniguchi will
> > insist that your are Korean when deep inside their heart they know
> > that your are not.
> >
> > They hate Korea so much that they will do anything to blame Koreans
> > for everything that are negatively said about Japan by non-Koreans.
> >
> > They are making Koreans pay the price for other people's crime.
> >
> > USA and Makoto Taniguchi are mirror images of all Japanese people --
> > Racist.

Message 2 from USA (

From Mon Jul 07 12:27:00 2003
Path: sn-us!sn-xit-06!sn-xit-09!!!!!!6baca155!not-for-mail
From: "USA" <>
Newsgroups: soc.culture.japan
References: <>
Lines: 34
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158
X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165
Message-ID: <obhOa.3490$>
X-Trace: 1057595220 ST000
(Mon, 07 Jul 2003 12:27:00 EDT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 12:27:00 EDT
Organization: SBC
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2003 16:27:00 GMT
Xref: sn-us soc.culture.japan:331336

"Miyako Kawamura" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 07 Jul 2003 13:13:57 GMT, "USA" <> wrote:
> >You contradict your own first post about my pretending to be
> Japanese.
> >Now you admit that I am not and call me a "Jap-Want-to-be".
> >Well listen here my little yellow bucktoothed dog eating friend,
> because
> >you are OBVIOUSLY a CHINK or a flat-faced GOOK, you don't realize
> >that White Americans don't give a shit about Japs. Do you know why ya
> little
> >monkey?
> >Because White people don't feel inferior to the Japanese like Chinese
> and
> >Koreans do.
> >If anything YOU are the "Jap-Wannabe".
> >Now why don't you stop using Rayonds name and go back to steaming
> your cat.
> I read most of the messages you posted on soc.culture.japan and yes
> you do pretend to be Japanese. Just be yourself(White American) ok ?
> And don't speak on behalf of Japan and Japanese when we have never
> requested such favor.

Another Fake Raymond Clone.
Your disguise is so shitty you didn't have to bother switching names


2003/07/08 9:50:082003/07/08
M_SHIRAISHI <> wrote in message news:<>...

> Kaz wrote:
> > the Koreans are the victor nations,
> Kas(糟)の糞餓鬼がマヌケな英語を書いているゾ。(爆笑



2003/07/08 10:38:202003/07/08
HAHAHAHA...the Name stealer complaining about
someone stealing his stolen name...
This is Rich!

"Raymond Luxury-Yacht II" <> wrote in message


2003/07/08 13:14:332003/07/08

By insulting Korean people in Japan, "Kaz_the_Stupid"
thus camouflaging his identity: North Korean agent
smuggled into Japan.

By the way, the real Kaz_Tanaka-san have most probably
been kidnapped by this rascal.


2003/07/08 22:24:042003/07/08
To: (Kaz) wrote in message news:<>...



2003/07/09 2:23:372003/07/09
M_SHIRAISHI <> wrote in message news:<>...

This psycho self-conscious bastard M.SHIRAISHI has been wanking
himself for years with such a silly incoherent nonsense which doesn't
make any sense to anyone. I think his IQ is less than 50.


2003/07/09 2:39:352003/07/09
M_SHIRAISHI <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "Kaz_the_Stupid"

I'm wondering why this crude ape doesn't just write as "Kaz the
Stupid" instead of "Kaz_the_Stupid", always putting underlined spaces
between each word.


2003/07/09 3:17:472003/07/09
"Bluewater" <Blue...@no.spam> wrote in message news:<bee80j$rqa$>...

> "Kaz" <> wrote in message
> > "Bluewater" <Blue...@no.spam> wrote in message
> news:<bec9o8$omk$>...
> > > Japanese criminals including Hirohito at the top to your granddad at the
> >
> > Hirohito was a strange emperor who had been looking down on the Kinai
> > civilization of Kyoto and Asian civilization. And then he was adoring
> > the pseudo-Western civilization of Tokyo. He had never respected
> > Kyoto, which is the origin of his family. He was the typical
> > pseudo-Westerner and the honorary White. He may have been deserved to
> > be executed. You should have asked Douglas McArthur why he didn't
> > execute him.
> >
> > I guess, the son of Celtic Arthur were afraid to execute the
> > pseudo-Anglo of Hirohito who looked like their pseudo-ruler to him.
> Thank you for nice third grade manga

You are welcome.

> > > bottom robbed, exploited and raped the entire Korean land for 35 years
> > > without paying anything to it's right owners.
> >
> > So, needy Koreans still want the more money? Actually the Japanese
> > government have aided a lot of money to Korea. Not just money, it also
> > offered all those technologies of manufacturing steel, ships,
> > automobiles, etc., to make South Korea to be able to gain foreign
> > exchange and to become a developed nation. If you claim that Japan has
> > not paid anything to Korea, you are proving yourself that you are a
> > sick silly liar.
> >
> > The Japanese government has been aiding many countries so far, but,
> > among these countries, South Korea is the country that received the
> > largest amount of money and other supports from Japan. But you guy are
> > still can't support yourself then accuse us falsely to get more money.
> > You Koreans are like a bunch of scum still trying to rip us off.
> >
> So you steal everything from Korea and pretend you give the fraction fo what
> Japan owe to Korea then you got them back together with interests. Where are
> all the rice and the rent for buildings and land you illegally occupied.

Japanese government has been paying trillions of money on Korea. More
than the actual value of the things you listed.

Anyway, the comfort women things are so implausible. Why did they
start to blame it after a half century? Why didn't they blame right
after the war, or the Korean war?

> > > Pachinko owners pay officially and unofficially to Japanese Government
> and
> > > their protege. Anything wrong in it?
> >
> > Wrong. Pachinko owners have been still ranked in its top position of
> > the worst tax-evader list. Also, It is well-known that the North
> > Korean bank(Chogin) had ripped off a lot of money from the Japanese
> > government recentry for its alleged reconstruction. And the money the
> > N.Korean bank ripped off from our government is now considered as sent
> > to PyongYang to produce their nukes. The Koreans are nothing else
> > besides bunches of scum.
> I thought the top of the tax evaders should be ranked by top Japanese
> politicians and they enjoy protecting the pachinko for the benefit of hard
> cash with which they look after their corrupt serfdom.

Could be.


2003/07/09 16:29:352003/07/09

You should not too much sex for your health !!


2003/07/09 10:23:412003/07/09

"Kaz_the_Stupid"stupidly guessed:

> I think his IQ is less than 50.

Actually above 150.  ヽ(^。^)ノ


2003/07/09 14:24:472003/07/09
"Kaz_the_Stupid" stupidly wrote:

Want to know the reason, Pig's Son?

This is because you are so much linked to the concept of stupidity.

Got it?


2003/07/10 3:02:242003/07/10
To: (kentlong1) wrote in message news:<>...

Hey you great Tokyo man, did you mean that having too much sex is not
healthy? Or you meant being too sexy is not healthy? I'm just
wondering what you did mean.

BTW, you failed to make your kanji appear right. Also why does "sex"
have something to do with this topic?


2003/07/10 9:54:062003/07/10
あのー 毎度のことで

> いつもお世話になってます、□■□■□でございます。

と 文末(あたり)の

> 武庫川土人が尼崎市民を名乗るな!ボケが!

の落差に 戸惑いを覚えている者でございます。
文末(あたり)も いくつかの自動定文処理からの

(注)M_某氏用。このごろ 元気がないようですんで。
   低(た)落が効いてますか(oioi そんなタマじゃない)。



2003/07/12 0:09:202003/07/12
M_SHIRAISHI <> wrote in message news:<>...

> "Kaz_the_Stupid"stupidly guessed:
> > I think his IQ is less than 50.
> Actually above 150.  ヽ(^。^)ノ

Sorry to tell you, but your grammar doesn't represent you have an IQ
over 150.
It seems, a retarded boy like M.SHIRAISHI tends to have a fantasy of
his having a high IQ.


2003/07/12 0:23:102003/07/12
M_SHIRAISHI <> wrote in message news:<>...

You are unveiling the circumstance of your own cerebrum to the whole
world on Usenet that you are not only retarded but also insane.

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