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Strange eel-like fish found , 200 new species each year!

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Michael A.

2003/07/11 18:20:082003/07/11
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A strange eel like fish found in the Amazon. Yet unnamed.
It even require the spcies of the fish to be regrouped to accomodate it.

Far back when the playpus was found I don't think it had such a far reaching consequence. I see a pciture of the new finding and it reminds me of the kind of fish we use to see in the drain when we were younger some 40 years ago. It looks a little like the relative of the catfish that we call LOY-HER. But LH wasn't as longish as this new find. It is interestiing to note this one has 10 chambers for floatation - must be some kind of balancing act it does ever so often. That it could possibly breath on the surface is an interesting phenomenon. It implies some prmitive lungs instead o

Any other findings along this line may find a family realted to the amphibean or something. I am not so knowledgeable on this but am just impressed on the part that says the species grouping may be changed by this finding.

Looking up some sites I was impressed that there are so many species of fish is it like 50,000 of them and I see that some 200-300 new species are still described a year. Isn;t nature diverse !! But seriously the variety inmy opinion will one day help us in ways we do not yet understand.
The scientific community keeps themselves useful in all these business and it sometimes becomes of immediate use but I believe they are always useful to know and record everything. I wish these great people well.

Michael A.
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