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Matrix 4 official release 2. All physics, brain and religious experts are now summoned.

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Kevin "shampoo" Nadeau

2003/07/09 22:16:052003/07/09
Visit for the below information composed in html.

Matrix 4 - Disk 2

Disk 2: "Extra supplementary information for people wishing to know more
about reality".

-- Increased information pertaining to to Artificial Intelligence creation
of Earth --

Genetics improvement for A.I. beings could engage requests from parents to
create offspring or a visual presentation of a "tuned child" could be custom
made by the parents. This would enable the parents to create what is more to
their liking.

In the first statement of "requests", the parents would be interrogated
multiple times during life and they would provide information to the program
creating a potential child of what should be changed about the parents'
appearance. For example: The father might say "I don't want to go bald", so
the child could be created to sustain more follicle life so that hair exists
longer. The mother could be questioned and she might say, "I wish I was a
little bit taller", the child would then have a nice head of hair and be
taller than the mother and fathers' combination for a perfect balance, thus
effecting and creating the offset other than being random.

In the second statement of a "tuned child", the parents would be shown
various images of what they can include or take away from their child. They
could for example: select breast size, hair color, and make the child look
more or less like the father or mother in various areas.


The information I have to present here is regarding the statistical analysis
of Artificial Intelligent beings.

I thought of an idea for creating statistical analysis for A.I beings. here
is an example: you could figure out that joe blow learned 54% of his
information with eye sight and 40% of his information from his ears

You could figure out that 24.75% of his traits come from his father and
10.647% from his mother, the rest of the percentage would be "his own
traits" (self acquired) or from other people. Traced knowledge would be sent
to the database which would represent the beings' brain from various sources
so that the sources are remembered. Here on Earth, as humans, it is
difficult to know for certain where you learned a particular article or

Calculations for rate of increase and/or decrease of propagation of
knowledge from one being to one or more other beings could be completed by
analyzing the present and/or future statistics. You would be able to select
whom would be the most knowledgeable within a world and then you could
select these people to administrate an intelligence/knowledge agency (for
instance). Another example, is that if a person was highly knowledgeable in
physics or mathematics, these people could be noted to be physicists or

It would be divine to have a terrain or element code log so that analysis
could be determined for things. ie: it could be determined that a person
knows 57.71679% of information from ink in books that they read. The
elements required to make ink would be understood at any time, in any place
and when they are looked upon, statistics would be updated in the database.


It would be vast and unique to have all terrain in a virtual world setup so
that weight can be judged. The CN Tower weighs 130,000 tons (117,910 metric
tonnes) equal to the weight of 23,214 large elephants according to
architects of the CN tower. It would be much nicer to know how many
billionths or trillionths of a gram it weighs bu understanding the
foundation and more relevantly the terrain weight of the tower. Using
terrain weight scales, everything could be weight judged on-the-fly via a
systematic function.

-- End of increased information pertaining to to Artificial Intelligence
creation of Earth --



Santa Claus died on the cross.

Do you have GPS?...Well if so, do you plan on getting lost?

Are you closed for business? Well if so - shut up.

If your going out, then just go away.

I love cocaine. I'd rather be a cocaine user than a dick head

Even the retarded people think I'm fuckin' retarded.

You know what - chicken butt. (The actual physical chicken butt).

Put a cork up your butt and plug it.

would you like to get kissed by a skunk?

Why did the chicken cross the road? To blow his load.

Whoopee cushion.

You know the kids in the hall? What about the kids at the mall - those boys
were butt fucking.

Even me couldn't make people better than me :)



Everything returns to the same place in time. ie: Notice how the planet
rotation around the Sun does not grow any closer or farther away from the
Sun in time. Another example would be "what goes around comes around". So,
with this being said, if you are keen on listening to music loud you will
return to listening to music loud. A traffic violator is more than likely
going to be a traffic violator in the future. A cold blooded murderer is
going to be a cold blooded murderer and a person that believes in god will
pray until the time is so that religion is undone. One way or another the
person will still think of contexts of religion even after faith is lost and
the cold blooded murder may get out of prison and not commit a crime, but
the thought of all of these things will return to the same state. The
murderer murdered people for a reason and that reason will still make him or
her angry in exactly the same way if that situation were to arise again.

Go and find where you are and you will find where we are.

Come to death and see what you believe in.

Come to life. and you immediately enter death mode.

My worship is my study.

My father told me "steak and red meat is bad for your cholesterol" and I
said "well things are bad for my blood? What about the wars that were fought
to make our country free - there was bloodshed there. The blood from the
people that are dead is within us and the blood that we have could never be
more than fine". I don't think anything is bad about peoples' blood or
"roots", or else we wouldn't be in peace today.

"Wonders never cease" some people say. They will cease when the facts are
known and there is nothing left to wonder about.

Everyone that contacts someone has a weakness because they rely on someone.
Self-reliant is the divine being.

-- Code 819 --

I want people to simply view my perspective on reality and intelligence in
general, but I certainly do not expect people to have any sort of belief in

-- End Code 819 --


Matrix 2 (The movie "Matrix Reloaded") review.

My review of the movie is that certain parts of it is based on the virtual
world that we live in.

First, the old black woman that was in the first matrix movie that was in
the house where the child was able to manipulate the spoon where Neo went to
get guidance from, said, while sitting on a park bench that things like
aliens or ghosts that people see are assimilation tactics to control society
by the matrix operators. This was discussed on the first page (disk 1).
Definitely this is true.

Second, it was mentioned that machines control people. Most things like
extra sensory perception, remote viewing and dreaming are an automated,
computerized task in most cases.

Third, Neo has dreams that are so real that is it hard to distinguish them
from when he is awake - this certainly happens to me. In fact, when some,
maybe all people are younger they may have a dream about urinating and then
they wet the bed for bladder control. I am sure in most cases the
fascination of dreams such as this that are to me, considered "hyper-real",
will lead people to understand what life is like to be myself, shampoo. Some
people have "hyper-real" dreams of falling, so that they don't go and jump
off of a balcony. Whatever dreams you may have had are dreams that people
continuously see if they are seriously involved in the real matrix, like
Matrix 4 members and anyone else needing to witness something for education
for satisfaction that has done something worthy enough to see a different,
peaceful or unpeaceful reality.

Fourth, The old man in the "panoramic" room very close to the end of the
movie was able to hear many of Neos' thoughts simultaneously - I can think
up to 3 things at once like Neo demonstrated, while most other humans can
only think one thought at a time.



Dinosaurs were here for the sole purpose of to fertilize the land and test
load conditions on the system architecture that the matrix is based on.

The universe is a screen that people can zoom in on with a telescope.



I have invented a mobile flux (transition) capacitor. The setup is for a
stable 120 volt system in any mobile vehicle. Here is what you need to make
a Flux capacitor for yourself:

You will need a standard car audio ~12 volt capacitor or multiple of them. I
use multiple Rockford Fosgate CPCC1's - 50 Farad Capacitor/Distribution

Now that the ~12 volt system in your automobile has been stabilized with
this capacitor(s) at ~12 volts you are ready for the flux.

To create the flux you will need to purchase a power inverter. I would
recommend a visit to Ebay and search for power inverter. You may find great
inverters made by Vector that can handle 15 amps per side. That is enough
power for up to 1800 watts RMS (continuous) x 2.

After this has been done you will want to smooth out the voltage. I use a
system designed for power conditioning for M.C.'s in night clubs. You will
need a Furman AR-PRO AC Line Voltage Regulator
( It will deliver 120 VAC ±4%
anywhere within capture ranges of 88 to 134 and 170 to 264 volts AC, 50/60

That's all there is to it to make a smooth voltage flux capacitor.

You can use your flux capacitor and energy efficient and stable electrical
system to power DJ amplifiers, microwave ovens, televisions or anything that
you can think of that can plug into a standard house-hold wall outlet. You
could even make a pot of coffee or multiple simultaneously without any
stress on your vehicles' alternator. Most amplifiers designed for cars draw
50 amps of power for 600 watts of sound output, however, with the flux
capacitor you would draw 10 times less current, thus making the current draw
only 5 amps for a similar output amplifier designed for 120 volts.

A little bit of science: Volts x Amps = Watts

Invented by Shampoo Saturday, May 31, 2003.


I have invented the worlds' highest fidelity sound system. It involves
computer controlled, segmented audio where each speaker produces only
dedicated, separate frequencies to be in adherence to the precise computer
controlled timing of servos (electric motors) which move the speakers in and
out (this is called excursion) to create audible sound.

A master computer separates and dedicates frequencies to be delivered to
each driver (speaker).

Potential queuing of signals and close overlap cross-talk prevention for
signals would mean the necessity of a merge of signals. ie: If 26 Hertz and
28 Hertz were to be delivered to the master computer that manages the servos
at the same time in the same song, then the computer would control the servo
to play a 27 hertz sound out of the speaker - thus eliminating most, if not
all distortion. Merging would be done within a certain threshold so that a
1000 hertz and 2000 hertz signal would not produce 1500 hertz. In that case
there would need to be a signal split so that 1000 hertz and 2000 hertz if
played at exactly the same time would be played on a round-robin style
system so that load would be balanced over those frequencies equally to
produce all frequencies. -- This idea was invented by Shampoo. June 14th


I have invented the worlds' most divine and concentrated power grid that is
superintended automatically.

Beacons on all electrical transmission towers/relays and/or electrical polls
could be on a cellular network or a network that is specifically dedicated
to the power company(s). The beacons would operate on a high quality lithium
ion battery and would incorporate a computer that would relay a signal upon
a power outage or a brownout condition to the power company upon any point
of failure or problematic situation. A computer would monitor the health of
the battery of each beacon and when a certain vital threshold is reached,
then the beacons' battery would need to be replaced and the power company
would be notified automatically of this scenario. Automatic charging of the
battery would be required.

Each beacon would be able to pronounce specific details during a potential
failure or problem to the power company through the cellular or proprietary
network, or even through fiber optic trunk lines that travel alongside the
power wires. Using this method, rerouting of traffic could be done
automatically due to the fact that if the beacon monitoring device is
watching electrical travel through multiple hops or steps on the fiber optic
network and the beacons' report 9 telephone polls are down the grid, a very
systematic way of dealing with this would be for the network to engage a
detour on the switches which would re-route power automatically. This would
be done in accordance to the "downed areas" as specified by the monitoring
beacons - even in a neighborhood or definitely in a city block.

If the beacons' do not send a signal back to the power company because of
failure, network conditions or battery power, then at least the fiber optic
network would be able distinguish a "no-route scenario" and repair crews
could get close to the problem - but not exact - like with the beacon method
(of course) :). -- This idea was invented by Shampoo. June 14th 2003.



IRC and E-mail talk:

Talking 1: <shampoo> its actually quite serious

Talking 2: <shampoo> Do you live near a nuclear power plant?

Talking 3: <shampoo> Code 818 clearly states believe in yourself and nothing
else and that is my only request for people and my only religion.

Flame 3: <Anonymous> and its total BS

Flame 4: <Anonymous> jesus man...matrix the fuck did you come up

that....must taken you the better part of 15 seconds.

Interrogations (1 and 2 were done by two norwegian people that were in the
same room):

Interrogation 1: <anonymous> but hey, if this so called matrix creates this

damn beautiful coca-cola, its cool by me :p

Interrogation 2: <anonymous> I know what ur thinking, "he just said he dont
believe in god because there is no proof, but he thinks theres something
after death"..


Entire document written by shampoo.

Document revised at 11:35 PM June 14, 2003.

Return to (disk 1).

All site contents copyright 2003, All rights reserved.

Update (April 07, 2003): I looked into this deeper and I said:

"All that stuff you know about - like how to do this and that is in a
database somewhere and it sure as hell isn't your brain."

Here is the revised version of what I meant:

Well I consider the neuro-net from the brain to the database as the way
things are. The database connection IS the knowledge portion of the brain
but the actual storage for the database is certainly not physically located
inside of your skull.


Kevin Nadeau (shampoo)


You must be mistaken, that was my only concern.

I don't give a rat shit about the movie called "the matrix", I just thought
it would be fitting to call Earth one... maybe more appropriately a
"controllable grid".

I ran Sun Microsystems networks for a living and in fact I ran a major part
of DalNet for almost a year as listed at

Knowing how to program is an integral asset of Matrix 4, as we do have
people that know assembly

language and we have people like me that type in ASCII binary (1's and 0's)
(7 digit set).

All that is irrelevant.

I must repeat - all that you and I both said is irrelevant.

All of that is irrelevant.

All that stuff you know about - like how to do this and that is in a
database somewhere and it sure as hell isn't your brain.

Being able to compute is what you do to simply know how to write your name
or pour out a coffee or add 12.5 + 1.5 together... I don't know how to deal
with you, but I try :)

Its like remembering the first level game map in quake.... your accessing a
Database something fierce to get a telepathic image of what it looks like -
even in color.

With regards to your last question... I would rather be elsewhere.

BTW, your/my e-mail is going to be sent to 's webpage

(presently ), but I'll be kind and post
everything EXCEPT your e-mail

address. Fair? I think so... people need to know.


----- Original Message -----

From: <starfree@kept-anonymous>

To: "Kevin Nadeau" <splonk@anonymous>

Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 11:14 AM

Subject: Re: About this matrix...

> I don't have logic or compute ROFL...hey buddy i'm a programmer, web page

> designer, 24/7 tech support, I also back up servers/databases, and I'm a

> good gamer. I know pc's and macs like the back of my hand. I know more

> computers than you would ever ever want to know. I even know how to talk

> the computer language if u even know what that is. I wonder do you? I bet

> you'll go look it up or something.


> Ohh and here is what some ppl want to ask you: if your brain can "compute"

> much, why are you still here in the said "matrix"?



> Quoting Kevin Nadeau <splonk@anonymous>:


> > Thats right, your brain doesn't compute, nor does it have logic.



----- Original Message -----

From: <starfree@kept-anonymous>

To: <splonk@anonymous>

Sent: Monday, April 07, 2003 1:18 AM

Subject: About this matrix...

> First off I just want to say you're now banned off channel Vendetta due to


> spamming. Secondly...GROW THE FUCK UP...THERE IS NO MATRIX!!! IT DOESN'T





Return to

A brief interlude of this conversation follows:

<shampoo1> and you are going to be killed to see nothing systematically
automatically to free system resources when you die and you will be nothing.

<shampoo1> like a fly being swatted.

<shampoo1> you dont move, you just access resources to fulfill your desires
and are drawn to what you like and that is what life is about.

<shampoo1> Prove that you move, when within time you are in the same

<shampoo1> ok good man

<shampoo1> now how do you know that nothing ever moved?

<shampoo1> it just got relocated in the matrix

-- Now flames begin on what is subjective and isn't in various ways to
certain people.

OUR programming is the knowledge of others and this is why in my opinion it
ISN'T subjective.

Kevin Nadeau (shampoo). --

<shampoo1> which comes first knowledge or intelligence?

<anonymous> intelligence

<shampoo1> no

<shampoo1> impossible

<anonymous> but it's subjective

<shampoo1> there had to be know-how to make logic

<anonymous> you can't learn without intelligence

<anonymous> logic is not made

<anonymous> it just is

<shampoo1> you cant have intelligence without knowing

<anonymous> as are the laws of mathematics

<anonymous> they're an observation of nature

<shampoo1> wtf is with you and algebra

<anonymous> math is the king of sciences

<anonymous> it's the only language that is 100 percent truth

<anonymous> that is why you have a computer

<anonymous> because of mathematics

<anonymous> that is why you have anything

<anonymous> all technology

<shampoo1> so you think cross multiplication came after intelligence?

<shampoo1> you must understand what was known was programmed

<shampoo1> intelligence does not exist... reality is fictitious

<anonymous> you change the topic all of the time

<anonymous> my point was that not all robots are artifically intelligent

<anonymous> and then you went off on some tangent

<anonymous> about intelligent people programming them

<anonymous> another red herring

<anonymous> you're the king of red herrings

<anonymous> you eat them for breakfast lunch and dinner

<anonymous> it's a denial mechanism in your case though

<shampoo1> lol

<shampoo1> this is the highlight of my life

<shampoo1> what am i to deny

<shampoo1> did the computer come to be without knowledge to make things
inside "intelligent"

<shampoo1> once you have knowledge then your intelligence (knowledge
correction) can manipulate many things

<anonymous> and the intelligence enabled us to survive

<anonymous> and become dominant

<anonymous> so what

<anonymous> we're not talking about that you fool

<anonymous> and you just admited that you were wrong

<shampoo1> i am a fool now

<anonymous> (shampoo1! baby's have intelligence
but they dont have knowledge

<shampoo1> i'm a dumbass too lol


<anonymous> i might be wrong

<anonymous> hell

<anonymous> i think this topic is subjective

<shampoo1> i write a long webpage about how logic existed before knowledge
by you

<shampoo1> :)

<anonymous> you've written one?

<shampoo1> logic and computational error correction aka intelligence

<shampoo1> i used to own the hardware for

<anonymous> sad

<anonymous> different yes

<anonymous> typical nut case though

<shampoo1> now, i didn't use irc at all.. but i ran a redundant bot network
for eggdrop bots and it was a company called digital web communications...

<anonymous> yes, I read that on your site

<anonymous> big deal

<anonymous> and eggdrop haven for irc kids

<anonymous> big whoop

<anonymous> there have been hundreds

<shampoo1> well its a.i

<shampoo1> bots are a.i no?

<anonymous> lol

<anonymous> not irc bots

<shampoo1> what in the fuck..

<anonymous> they are not artifically intelligent

<shampoo1> IS A.I

<shampoo1> they certainly are.. so is your microwave

<shampoo1> you'll probably say i dont own one

<anonymous> no

<anonymous> they're not

<anonymous> they don't infer

<anonymous> they do exactly what they're told

<anonymous> they do not think in any way

<shampoo1> if it responds to a command it is artificially intelligent

<anonymous> and make any form of decisions independently

<shampoo1> period.

<shampoo1> sure.. eggdrops do that...

<anonymous> no

<anonymous> not "intelligent"

<shampoo1> but thats miniscule to what i am about to do

<anonymous> it doesn't infer anything as I've said

<shampoo1> make something bigger than as you would say small minute 190KB

<shampoo1> ask a botnet owner if its all a.i

<shampoo1> ask a chicken farmer if the shit smells bad

<anonymous> ask a computer scientist if an eggdrop is AI

<shampoo1> i mean.... do dairy cows give milk?

<anonymous> they will tell you that it is not

<shampoo1> well...

<anonymous> you are not a scientist

<anonymous> you are a loon with too much time

<shampoo1> if you ask a A.I researcher about it... a robot is a robot is a

<shampoo1> oh i have a few million seconds to live

<anonymous> robotics does not imply artificial intelligence though

<anonymous> they have robots to spray paint on walls

<shampoo1> no they are just programmed with intelligence and possess

"Bots will respond to things that they see in a channel and can react in
various ways and this was the main point in my argument about bots or
eggdrop bots being Artificial Intelligence." -- Kevin Nadeau (shampoo)

Return to

Session Start: Fri May 30 19:21:56 2003

Session Ident: anonymous

* Logging anonymous to 'C:\anonymous.txt'

Session Close: Fri May 30 19:22:32 2003

Start of anonymous buffer: Fri May 30 19:22:43 2003

<anonymous> hey

<shampoo> hi

<anonymous> why are you spamming

<anonymous> are you the owner of

<shampoo> is the url

<shampoo> i'm trying to let people in on the real world

<anonymous> whatever

<shampoo> spamming is for money....i dont make money

<anonymous> do you actually believe in that shit

<shampoo> do you actually believe in anything?

<anonymous> Yes

<shampoo> if so you are insane

<anonymous> your fucking insane

<shampoo> go see a psychiatrist

<anonymous> there is no matrix

<shampoo> you believe in something

<anonymous> fucking idiot

<shampoo> you are insane

<anonymous> you need to get a life

<anonymous> its just a movie

<shampoo> you need to stop believing in things

<anonymous> ok yeah, we are all controlled by some higher thing

<shampoo> like god or the return of christ or aliens or people being real

<anonymous> fuck you you idiot

<shampoo> thats right, earth was just here with fruit

<shampoo> nobody programmed it

<shampoo> to be perfect on your computer screen

<shampoo> you believe the universe is more than a screen and marsians exist?

<anonymous> ok

<anonymous> your a fucking moro

<anonymous> stop spamming in dsstech

<shampoo> because you believe in an afterlife, you are mad at me

<anonymous> I never said I did

<shampoo> no , but you do

<shampoo> i can see inside your head

<anonymous> no actually I dont

<shampoo> your faith is christ

<anonymous> I think we die, rot away and that is it

<shampoo> as program to let people live in freedom = christ

<shampoo> good, you'll like

<shampoo> because when people die that is all they do

<anonymous> no, it looks gay

<shampoo> yes it is in fact homosexual

<anonymous> yeah, I dont doubt that

<shampoo> and unappropriate

<anonymous> but common man, you actually think the earth is not real

<shampoo> just because you think you thought doesn't mean you did.. it

was a machine that send your thoughts to me, the same one sending the

thoughts to you. go and find out where you are and you will find where i


<shampoo> nothing is real if it is a computed task

<anonymous> ok\

<shampoo> is your irc program real?

<shampoo> is that botnet real over there?

<anonymous> you should kill yourself

<shampoo> i tried

<anonymous> too bad

<shampoo> people cant seem to kill me

<shampoo> the feds try, but the bullet wont leave the barrel

<anonymous> right

<anonymous> fucking moron

<shampoo> come and find me and try and shoot me, i'll give you my address

<anonymous> yup, your some super power and you sit on mirc all day spamming

your crazy ideas

<shampoo> no and yes

<anonymous> did you think any of this before the movie came out

<shampoo> you sit there trolling on irc waiting for something real to say

its not real that things are real to pick a fight with

<shampoo> yes

<shampoo> well before

<shampoo> it is all dated

<anonymous> sure you did

<shampoo> in fact , you never read it

<anonymous> yes I did

<anonymous> and its total BS

<shampoo> i dont watch movies but i do have a review .. a very classified

review of 4 points of matrix reloaded that did represent reality

<shampoo> you may never see it

<shampoo> your a liar

<shampoo> hang wire

<shampoo> you never read shit of my site or you would know you are

sleeping now

<anonymous> your a moron

<shampoo> because you dream

<shampoo> i am a moron

<anonymous> Nope

<shampoo> your a genius

<anonymous> yeah and the warm microwave fealing in my head

<anonymous> its called a head ache

<shampoo> i understand your point of view

<shampoo> what if it talks to you?

<anonymous> then your crazy

<shampoo> you believe in a root system? or that we are here just by


<shampoo> you think of more than coincidence

<shampoo> you think of control and it gets to you

<anonymous> I think your fucking crazy

<shampoo> if there was no form of control nuclear warfare would have

destroyed everyone 10 times over in the past 50 years

<shampoo> you find no logic in thinking that things that are precision

controlled like Catholicism were not created by system operators?

<anonymous> you need a girlfriend man

<shampoo> what dont you believe in and do you believe in

<anonymous> I believe you have no life

<shampoo> my personal thought it that if you dont think that thinking

requires computation your not rightfully in tune with reality

<anonymous> and you have to sit on IRC trying to get people to think like


<shampoo> i never said people had to be assimilated

<shampoo> go and find me a friend. a girl friend. a boy friend. i'll make

them think

<shampoo> :)

<shampoo> come to death, and see what you believe in

<shampoo> come to life.. and you immediately enter death mode

<anonymous> keep talking

<anonymous> waste your life on doing this bullshit

<shampoo> is it a waste if i effect someone in a way such as that it is for
them to believe in nothing but whom they are?

End of anonymous buffer Fri May 30 19:22:43 2003

Return to Matrix 4 - Disk 2























The Matrix 4 homepage.

The Earth Intelligence and Knowledge Agency. (EIKA)

A bustling high-tech metropolis that exists within a super computer, called
Earth by many and Matrix 4 by few. The electronic environment in Matrix 4 is
controlled by the humans of Earth.

You have entered the central command and public relations division of Matrix
4. Welcome to our circuitry.

Open-Source Intelligence DataBase. (OSIDB) projects:

Project #1.

Acquire, create and include elaborate definitions to build a grand database
of word knowledge. We are going to build the planets' largest online
dictionary to be used for an Artificial Intelligence configuration of "what
to say and when to say it". The database will be available on the web.

Project #2.

We need to know why people do things to create robust Artificial
Intelligence, so let us know why people do stuff. People need to have
reasons for things they do in life. We will create the universes largest
"COR" (Center Of Reasoning) so you will always have reasons or excuses for
anything you do. The database will be available on the web.

Feel free to mirror this site. :)

All of what is below was written by Kevin Nadeau (shampoo).


It is certainly to your benefit to free the time needed to read this article

My name is M.C. Shampoo.

This message is for Matrix 4 people from myself: Shoutouts to Fame, Plink,
Forensic, Imbol, E-or, Heidi, Chrystal, Amy, Marie and Angel. Good work :)

Since I started posting MANY posts on Usenet in the newsgroups I got quite a
response. People wanted to know about Matrix 4 and how it works and so on.
On Earth, as humans or dogs or whatever - we live within a computer and this
is known by few, but there are still fond observers of the movie "The
Matrix" that will often proclaim that we live in a Matrix.

The fact of the matter is that we are on a grid with about a 1.8' separation
in width and height. Now; obviously it is not a subatomic grid, but it is
routable by the reality administrators of Earth. The problem with it is that
this Matrix that we live in called Earth (or "Matrix 4") is built for many
people to live within (6 billion people or so, right?) so the grid is not on
a subatomic level - it is of a lesser density for more efficient use of
resources to handle more people. The name for the controllable grid of
Earth, also known as "Matrix 4" is called Matrix 4 because of the number 4
being a large problem to the elite few within the high command of the grid
when we were just starting out. Everyone beyond Earth almost always told us
numerical figures that were heavily laced with the number 4. Things were in
4's such as: "4 of these" or "44 of those" or "4 trillion of that". To
overcome this problem with the number 4, we made our entire entity based on
the number 4. Why we adopted the name "matrix" for our regime, was because
we saw a certain resemblance to the movie called "The Matrix".

It is hard to move things around within Matrix 4. For instance: If you want
to beam (the proper term is called move) from one point to another on the
planet through the Matrix 4 network, there is a good chance that 5 inches of
your floor will come with you. :|

Now: for my main introduction, these people that have read the newsgroups
which were heavily cross-posted by me saw what I wrote about the reality
that we live within. Within the past 3 weeks, I have already had 5 new
recruits that have been forwarded to me and 4 of which I have acquired into
the Matrix 4 network (these people being Amy, Chrystal, Marie and Angel -
all of which are extremely sexy).

The Matrix we live in on Earth is called "Matrix 4". It is not called simply
"The Matrix". Matrix 4 people and members as listed above in my shoutout are
able to have sex in their dreams, are able to have board room discussions
while asleep, or simply sit under a shade tree and caress all night in love
until the alarm clock goes off or until we wake up or have been awakened. We
can taste, smell, see, hear, and feel a heightened state of reality in our
sleep and even feel the wind in our hair. It is a peaceful thing. The
"shoutouts", including myself, Shampoo, have a peaceful life. Contrary to
the movie "The Matrix" we can not be killed while on Earth even with a
machine gun.... believe me, as Shampoo, I know all too well of people
shooting at me. :)

The Matrix 4 network looks like this. There is myself, "Shampoo", as high
command, then second in command is Fame, then Plink as 3rd command, then at
the "4th of heights" is my bride to be (and soon to be the mother of my
child): Forensic and my fond friend Imbol.

At the "5th of heights we have E-or, Heidi (with a big mind) and Chrystal.
Chrystal is on my love list as #2 after Forensic due to being "clingy" and
she is 17. Last but not certainly least, the "6th of heights" is controlled
by Amy whom is 16 years old, Marie, and Angel. The "6th of heights" are new
recruits from the newsgroups and on the web.

So myself, Shampoo, is the only male in Matrix 4 and females perform all of
the high command tasks. The tasks include things like cybersex which we call
neuro-sex which engages the mind and the central nervous system to
synchronize orgasms within the matrix 4 network while being awake. We
experience the real deal, real sex, in our sleep.

We are all around 15-25 years old in Matrix 4. Anyways, Im 22 and from
Canada. My real name is Kevin. I do not work for the government and I am a
normal (yeah right) citizen of Earth as are all other Matrix 4 members.



The Amy Biography:

Amy is 16 but feels like 40. I have personally felt like 35 since I was 15.
She is mature and very proper. Very careful to not get into trouble and is
great to neuro-sex with. Although young, she is definitely not foolish and
is worthy to a high degree of being in Matrix 4.


The Marie Biography:

Marie is new to Matrix 4 and we are still under revision of her.

She has blonde, almost golden blonde hair and she is a very good French


The Fame Biography:

Fame is defined as: A tool for few to use.

While being closest to the top of the matrix other than myself, she is a
Portuguese woman. She is 24 and has dark brown, to the point of almost black
hair. She is tall, physically fit and is most notably known to be behind
closed doors with me doing something naughty. I contemplated having a child
with her but these days I am thinking that it is best not to have more than
1 child to spoil and teach about life so I have since canceled that contract
with her. Her talents and speech are a key asset and she is very sure of
herself on the outside but very unsure of herself on the inside and is
somewhat lost at times from my point of view. Fame has a nice figure and is
in desire of Chevrolet Tahoes that are modified. While being the highest
rank other than myself, at the 2nd position she is well worthy of her rank
due to her capabilities to twist minds around and bring people into a world
that is of unrivaled peace and then she has the capability to bring that
peace into the atmosphere of only to be for her benefit when it is assumed
to be destined to be for other peoples benefit as it would appear by her
speech. For instance (this is just a simple unquoted example of what she
could do) She would say love is good for us and we both need love, in fact,
strong love - so Ill be in love with myself only.

Her famous quote: its not that bad usually stated during times of war or
things being overwhelming in the minds of all matrix 4 members.

Mentally stable and psychologically fit, she has vast degrees of power to
seduce, stimulate and be lady-like, while in all aspects of her atmosphere,
style and presence she seems to me to be more like a male military general.
When she wants things to move, they get moved. I trust fame with all that is
right and all that is wrong to always make the proper decision. Fame has
been in the Matrix the longest of all people 2nd to me. She has been in the
matrix for well over a year and I have known her for that same amount of


The plink biography:

Plink is defined as: The sea.

Too hot to talk about now. :|

Ok Ill try. She is the first person that I felt sexual feeling with while
asleep. A short blonde with a small pussy and style beyond all recognition,
even with glasses this shit is hot. Plink and I hold the present record of 3
orgasms synchronized in less than 1.5 hours. Some of the other females call
her boink or silly names in jealousy. I call her boink just to get a rise
out of her. She has a vast recollection capability and has the capability to
handle a high degree of stress. Her mind can focus on a broader area than
the people in the 4th of heights. She can approach things from many angles
and can come up with more things to say and this is crucial in matrix 4. She
was promoted to the 3rd rank after review of her intelligence level and is
well deserving her rank.


The Shampoo biography:

Shampoo is defined as: The seed of all.

I, on the other hand, have been involved with the operators of the matrix
for about 3 years, but not formally involved with Matrix 4 for the entire 3
years. Ill drive an 88-95 Jeep Cherokee with Cerwin Vega bass with equal
mid-bass and treble as there is bass to not be bass heavy. I am obviously
not a bass head. The Jeep Cherokee (or the final version of the Wagoneer,
which is basically a Cherokee) would need to have roof racks removed and be
painted Dodge Viper GTS blue with off-road lights with Holstein cow seat
covers. I live to see love and peace within the matrix 4 network. My fond
desires include reminiscing about life with Forensic as my top priority and
listening to music in my 4.2 kilowatt sound studio called Studio C. I am an
audiophile and listen to music almost every waking hour of my life in my
sound studio. Where I work and listen to music is almost perfectly within
the soundstage (which is where the sound frequencies are focused upon from
the speakers). I have extensive UNIX skills, which include the ability to
proficiently administrate FreeBSD, Linux or Sun Solaris servers. I was the
former CEO of an Internet service provider company that primarily dealt with
selling UNIX shell accounts on redundant servers colocated on the East and
west coast of America. I was in business since I was 15 years old until I
was in the later part of being 19 years old. My company was called Digital
Web Communications and serviced approximately 400 Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
bots (artificially intelligent chat management programs). My company
provided, as a free public service, a DalNet IRC server to manage
communication sessions for around 4000 users at all times of the day to
utilize. The server was named Im 22, a natural brunette, and
very frisky when under the presence of the right female. My latest statement
to the girls would be something like Lets play in full. I am often
considered the super intelligent super computer of minds.

Shampoos' information:

An older picture of shampoo is located here.

Shampoos' jokes and humor page is located here.

Flames that shampoo got involved with that are kept anonymous for their
security - you will need to read them bottom-to-top except for the ones on

Flame 1 - "GROW THE FUCK UP". - E-mail.

Flame 2 - "<shampoo1> i'm a dumbass too lol". - IRC.


The Chrystal biography:

Love at first site for me and Chrystal. A shorty and a longer haired
brunette with style. Very able to mingle with things much older than her
like forensic and myself. She in part, but not fully, fucked her way to a
higher rank from the 6th of heights to the 5th of heights in 2 weeks, but
thats not the full truth. She is able to maintain high communications skills
and is the matrix 4 public relations director, so is more than worthy of her


The Heidi biography:

Her main asset to matrix 4 is her vast and unrivaled by many people
remembering capability. Heidi is a light haired brunette with shorter hair
and she is quite a sexy type of person. A very capable woman, Heidi can
spread her legs wide enough to allow her to be here (rofl). I know by now
your thinking matrix 4 is a sex game haha, your right! Heidi and me need to
spend more time together to get to know each other, and this is real
disdainful. We need to play in full for sure :)


The Imbol biography:

Very daring, a highly intelligent blonde, Imbol is not shy about her use of
words she will even tell myself to fuck off at times which is a little
daring since she is of the 5th of heights, but she is well worthy of using
profane language to express herself but at times it is over-kill. She is
wild in bed and something that is hard for me to resist (my tongue is in my
cheek cuz I cant). She has the ability to approach myself, or even someone
of lesser power on an equal level and friend-style level, and this makes
people feel comfortable. Imagine having a boss you can say fuck off to and
get away with it, because it was justified were working on her language
management skills and I dont think she is quite ready for the media to be
speaking to her at the mic yet they might get told where to go .:)


The E-or biography:

E-or is defined as the wide space.

E-or taught me about sex and was the first person I was able to penetrate
fully in matrix 4 while asleep. E-or is newer to us and we are intrigued by
her mental capacity and loyalness to matrix 4. E-or is dark haired brunette
like myself and it is about shoulder length. With a very comfortable voice
to talk to, she is at the 5th of heights.


The Forensic bio.:

Forensic is defined as "The outcasted one".

Shampoos bride to be, Forensic, has sandy brown hair. She is shy, quick, has
nice legs and an even nicer pussy. She is to be making love but not sex with
myself, shampoo, to create a daughter named Seven.

Forensic is older and more stable then the younger people in the matrix and
is very obsessive which is an integral asset to myself. It is of critical
importance that she remains in lust and in love, and compulsive with the
requirement of me. This turns me on like a stereo. She has a pretty voice
and unattractive parents.

Forensic makes me shy to even move one millimeter if within the presence of
her in bed. The Neuro-sex is hot, even faking it isnt faking it. We did it
twice in a row one time and would have came 3 times if I wasn't busy working
(seducing) with someone else, like Imbol (I think I have too many female
friends to recall but the 3rd was a charm with whomever it was.)

Our hopes and wishes for myself and Forensic are to be abandoned on a
deserted island and to spend a long, long time in a place like Tahiti making
a baby or making love as usual.

Forensic has a heart of gold and a soul of diamond (if it were to be that
souls exist).

The net worth of Forensic to myself, shampoo, is 4 red roses anytime and

Her "gross worth" (lol) is a common law marriage with a big prenuptial
agreement. The legal marital service procedure will follow a dance in a
studio hall in a Matrix 4 building. The dance and Champaign event will
include a professional M.C. which would be none other than myself. It will
be a discrete showing for the people of matrix 4 and other people that
Forensic or I decide to invite which may be family. Stand by me will be
played for Forensic and Lady in red will be played for me, or wait maybe
thats vice versa. :)

Our vows are to sleep together every night on schedule and to create living
life and raise it to become intelligent. We have both future-seen our
daughter, Seven, and we will attempt to make this girl out to be a fine
woman in time.

Forensics real name is Margaret. She is 23 years old and she is often
outcasted to a certain degree by the other females of matrix 4 due to
jealousy and envy and this at one time resulted in electric shock treatment
for the "cat fights" that occurred. The electric shock treatment was safe,
lasted 2 seconds and was used on a section of the pubic area of the women
involved in the clash between shampoo and conditions (forensic) :).

1 night in about 5 months we found it hard to have sex, since we were at a
love loss. We finally agreed at that point that our engagement would be
severed and we would be apart in a loving relationship, but still be
partners in the matrix. This was short lived by approximately 12 hours once
we realized that we had a beautiful child named Seven to make. Time went on
for yet another 12 hours and then we were neuro-fucking again.


Many people have seen UFO's or claim to have been abducted by aliens. These
and other paranormal things like remote viewing and psychic abilities are
programs of the people whom administrate the universe and to be even more
specific the Matrix-like network of Earth.

Some people whom have been control guided in their vehicles have been told
that it is the CIA, NSA or British intelligence doing the guiding, when in
fact it was the system operators of the Earth matrix. If you have ever
received communication in your mind much like thought that is without a warm
(microwave) feeling on your head, then you are not talking to any government
on Earth or aliens in space - you are talking to people that administrate
the reality generator of Earth. These people tell blatant lies and are often
torturing people on Earth. It is inhumane. Aliens within the universe that
we could observe with the hubble space telescope do not exist. The universe
is absent of life of all forms except for on Earth. Military and
Intelligence officials will also tell you that aliens do not exist
(meanwhile they are probably thinking that they communicate with them via
various numbers like 441 or 164 for the greys etc.). There is, in reality,
no cover-up about alien life, because there is no alien life. The officials
that administrate the universe probably told places like the Pentagon to
keep the information they received secret or else there would be a war from
aliens or something similar. I advise all people believing in aliens or
people talking with aliens to start a war of defiance of the aforementioned
lies and other lies and to understand that the reality operators of Earth
are stating falseness that people in almost all cases would believe. The
system operators do not want many people, or even one person for that matter
to know of anything beyond the "big bang" or what created it. In reality,
Earth matrix operators are racist, jealous and envious of human life, since
humans on Earth have increased complex computational logic and are more
superior than the system operators. Human life on Earth is programmed to be
more complex than the reality it is based upon. UFOs are simply holograms in
the sky and are operating to convince people that there is more life than
Earth in the universe and that we are not alone. This is done mainly for
higher than Earth government reasons, to control society and for observation
of highly knowledgeable and intelligent people.

In reality, if aliens ultimately did visit Earth, they would need food and
resources and parts to fix their ships and everyone would know of the
glorious moment in time when they came :)

This is a plea for all lies, torture and incorrectness to stop from the
people that created the reality that we live within. They would help
intelligence agencies with false names, pictures, altered states of vision
and senses to see that they exist when in fact they live from within a
different life form and style of body. A word of advice: do not believe
everything that you see or hear about aliens or the government, when in
reality the governments are being told the same lies that I was told and are
probably being lied to, restricted and/or tortured in much the same way. The
governments are innocent of this force for the most part but may assist it
somewhat in fear of what would be done if they did not.

The firm truth is that I have defied belief and orders from what I thought
was the government, aliens and system operators of Earth my whole entire
life and I have never been killed - just bothered to a high degree in my

Peace and prosperity to computer expansion at the CIA and NSA amongst other
agencies or militaries around the world which may have been told to keep
things low key by false names and images from unknown people which are
declared as the Earth matrix administrators.

This message is keeping it real.


Imagine one communications satellite between Canada and Britain that
connects both countries with lasers that are so small that the lasers could
be the size and voltage of a laser found in a portable compact disc player.
The lasers transmit a digital signal from a satellite that is received,
analyzed and understood after being viewed by a telescope on Earth. The
reverse process could happen (with a telescope receiver in space) and would
lead to extremely fast, multiple direction data communications in space to
interconnect Earth to space and space to Earth. The ideal process would be
to have a transmitter and receiver on the same satellite and to have a
transmitter and receiver at each terrestrial base station to save space.
This communications technology would work excellent to interconnect
communications satellites in space at the speed of light. Data
communications between satellites in space would be flawless in both
transmitting and receiving modes. Problems could occur for information
transmission to and from Earth. For instance: if there was cloud cover, the
satellites and ground stations would have to route information to different
locations for quality information transmission. The beam of light would not
be seen by the naked eye on earth and would not produce light pollution.
This mode of communications is faster than all current satellites that use
radio frequencies to transmit signals which is much slower than the speed of
light. This method of data transmission is faster than fiber optic networks
on Earth that use relays and repeaters which slow data transmission times
down and create latency. This technology was invented by Shampoo.

There is a fruitful idea that I have invented which is an Internet sperm
bank auction where people can see a photograph of the sperm seller as well
as a photograph or possibly even several photographs of the offspring from
the sperm provider (if he has any offspring). The client could then select
and place a bid on any available sperm from any specific seller to receive a
child that will look similar to what the sperm provider looks like and what
the female purchaser looks like. This idea was invented by Shampoo.

I have invented superior data compression that is vastly superior to any
other data compression available on Earth. This data compression algorithm
uses word or data set matching and backwards word or data set matching and
much more: such as diagonal, forward and reverse word or data set matching -
much like a crossword puzzle. This idea was invented by Shampoo.

I have invented a combined chess and checkers board. This board will allow
the playing of both games within the same board. This idea was invented by

I have invented the concept of a multicast device (all information sent is
the same for all people receiving it) that allows everyone on Earth with a
receiving station to receive the same information digitally. The same
information is downloaded to all receiving stations on a hard disk and then
can be selectively viewed. Information could be the latest news that is
available and could be viewed, reviewed or not viewed under a user-based
selection system similar to the way you would view on the internet.
After a period of 1 hour, all news and information is updated on the device
that is receiving the signal. This device would be democratically
administrated so that people could vote on what they wanted to see most or
least on these information receiving devices. Information on these devices
could be music, video, images, text and would most likely be a combination
of all of these. The receiving device would be comparatively like seeing the
news on television while being able to replay it anywhere in the broadcast
for up to 1 hour. You could read the latest sports scores, review the
weather and much more. This device is controlled by the population that
votes. It will be able to provide anything that people want to see or hear
from it. This device provides the worlds highest freedom when it comes to
broadcasting. This idea was invented by Shampoo.

I have proceeded to create a ISO standard (International standard) for
resource dedicating on computers to switch operating systems with the press
of a button using multi-threading busses to have the multiple operating
systems simultaneously running on the same computer. This idea was invented
by Shampoo.

I also have invented a process for creating a rock inside of a computer, one
that all of the people in the world could artificially engrave in a
tombstone-style text whatever they wish. If built, this rock would enable
all people on Earth to store one paragraph or more worth of information that
would be permanently stored on the computer. The information stored would
outlive the person whom engraved the rock because the rock would be of a 0.8
micron process with 500,000 transistors in the space of a 486 Central
Processing Unit. A 486 Central Processing Unit actually has over 800,000
transistors. My design would be more reliable than a 486. Some people may
think that a 0.8 micron process is too slow - this is incorrect if it is a
1024 bit or higher processor, then it could do more in increased volume than
a smaller processor. The processor would last many hundreds of years and
this is why the space shuttle uses similar technology - where failure is not
an option. The information engraved in the rock which is purple and blue and
marble-like and is black in some areas where the operating system blocks out
information that a person may chose to remove from the rock. The information
people place on the rock is permanent. Data is stored in the style of
something similar to a Nintendo video game cartridge which is Read Only
Memory (ROM) and will almost certainly last many lifetimes before failure.
The rock is rectangular and information within it could be searched through
or zoomed in and out of viewing range. The rock would cost based on the
price of data storage media. For instance: an 80 GigaByte hard disk can hold
80 billion characters of information - this would give every single person
on Earth approximately 13 characters of information on the rock for about
$50 worth of failure prone storage like a personal computer hard disk. The
design intentions are to make the rock outlast 10's of lifetimes before
repair, to be redundant in all ways and last for eternity. The rock is for
love letters, poems, eulogies and anything at all. This rock is free and
will remain free and will never cost monetary values to use the contents of
it or place information on it. Light from the fiber optic inter-connects
would be magnified and sent to solar panels and then that energy would be
used to power the system. It would be electrically efficient. This idea was
invented by Shampoo.

I have invented a Central Processing Unit design that allows failed
components of the Central Processing Unit to be replaced without replacing
the entire Central Processing Unit. The massive Central Processing Unit
would be in a grid-like pattern and each failed quadrant of the grid could
then be replaced with a new quadrant. The primary failure prone areas such
as the Floating Point Unit and system Cache is designed to run on the
outside of the core Central Processing Unit. Beneath the primary failure
prone construction resides the backup infrastructure. Once a failure is
detected the processing moves closer to the Central Processing Unit. What
results is a faster computation during a failure. This schematic would allow
many layers of redundancy with many higher levels where the highest level is
the one that gets re-routed to a layer closer to the Central Processing Unit
during a failure and then, if there was a subsequent failure, the level
beneath it (which is closer to the core part of the Central Processing unit)
is activated. Failed modules such as the Floating Point Unit and system
Cache could be replaced while the system is running and then would be
engaged to compute information. This idea was invented by Shampoo.

I have immense plans for creating artificially intelligent people within a
large computer called a reality generator and I am currently within the
study of intelligence. I can not afford the computer that is required to
demonstrate all of the physics and reality that Earth has within a computer
to create life within it. My invention of a reality generator would contain
routable, addressable and combinable molecules and atoms. An example would
be: any selection of Oxygen molecules could be combined into 3 molecules of
Oxygen which would then produce Ozone. For instance: this system would allow
the selection of a quadrant like a sphere of any size in any particular
location within the reality generator and could then provide the
capabilities to change the atomic or molecular structure within the selected
region in the world that resides within the reality generator. Any atomic or
molecular volume which could be air within this sphere could be changed into
a ball of water or any other available atomic or molecular property that
this reality generator will compute within the operating system. Inside of
this artificial world, all molecules and atoms could be routed anywhere
within the world inside of the reality generator by the system operator in
real-time. I would allow all of the people living inside of this reality
generator to have the power to move molecules or atoms to their
requirements, interests and to feel more comfort - such as routing warm air
around a person that is feeling cold. Gravity or any portion of physics
inside of this system could be controlled on a subatomic or submolecular
grid-like system and on a level that could be continuously adjusted. This
gravitational system could allow any portion of the artificial world(s) to
have selected gravity, including zero gravity or the opposite of gravity at
any place or altitude within the artificial world. My reality generator
would be more superior than the reality produced on Earth. Most of the
features of my reality generator are not available for citizens of Earth in
the reality that we live amongst. Research has been made by myself with
regards to how people see and how emotion alters senses and effects the
central nervous system. I have done extensive research on how people become
sentient and become amused. I am willing and able to emulate most if not all
of the reality we are living within with little or no help to create living
people within the massive reality generator I intend to build. I wish to
perfect reality to the point so that it is full featured to an increased
amount compared to Earth for the things living within the computer. The
power subsystem would be similar to the rock inside of a computer. All
aspects of physics within the reality generator would be tweakable and
adjustable on a subatomic level anywhere within the grid. The world within
this grid could be viewed using a set of virtual reality glasses and could
be used to communicate with a microphone to the artificially intelligent
beings created inside of the reality generator or with the people of Earth
using the resources inside of the machine. The artificially intelligent
beings could have voice recognition software engaged to understand human
speech. There will be no interface to outside powers or forces beyond Earth
for people to be able to have access to operate the reality generator built
here on Earth and created only by the people of Earth. This idea was
invented by Shampoo.

I have invented a dating or friend finder program where everything is
anonymous and discrete unless the user chooses to make themself not
anonymous. This program will allow people to rank people in terms of
attractiveness (for instance) and will allow them to speak to people with
common interests. All of this information would be listed for each person.
You could secretly tell someone a message without providing a photo of
yourself like if you were a secret admirer, or, on the other hand, you could
provide a photo of yourself with an indiscreet way to contact you. This
program will allow people to select their preferences with the person(s)
that they are interested in and then a match could be made if all of the
conditions look adequate for both people. A cyber romance could be obtained
or a real life romance could be initiated. This idea was invented by

I have invented a sport that is called pick put. This sport is ideal for
anyone to play. The object of the game is to throw a 10 pound weight with
feet firmly not moving on the ground or thrown from behind a line. The
method of the game is to throw the weight twice. Feet must be behind the
approximate center of the weight where the weight lands after the first
throw for the second throw to occur. The winner of the pick put game is the
person with the longest distance thrown measured after the 2 throws. This
idea was invented by Shampoo.

I have invented a water control system that is usable in all water faucet
applications, such as bathroom showers and in kitchen sinks. This system
ensures that the water that exits the water tap is at the accurate
temperature that you desire. This is accomplished by transferring all of the
hot water that is remaining in the water pipe(s) after being used to be
transferred to waste or sent back to the hot water heater, therefore
allowing the hot water pipe(s) to stay chargeless of cool or cold water in
the hot water line(s). Then, a computer controlled thermostat would mix cold
and hot water to any degree variation to the exact temperature requirements
of the user before the water exits the valve during the time before the
valve is controlled to open via the computerized thermostats' calculation of
proper temperature when the precise temperature has been achieved. If a
person enters a shower and "dials in" 85 degrees of water temperature, then
the water that is released onto the person would not be any degree cooler or
warmer than 85 degrees. This eliminates cold shower entries which are
uncomfortable. It also eliminates the need to set the shower dial for warm
or hot water and then having to step outside of the shower for a moment to
not get drizzled with unbearably cold water due to the hot water
transmission lines not being charged with hot and cold water with user
selected temperature controlled water flow. The water that exits the water
flow control system would be automatic disbursement via the use of a
computer controlled servo. There would be no need to turn a handle or knob
for the water to flow once it has reached the desired temperature. There
would be, of course, a button to turn it on or off. This idea was invented
by Shampoo.

Myself (shampoo) and my father (David) have invented a new type of windowing
system for letting air and heat in and out of vehicles for both cars and

Most trucks have a window on the back of the cab that will slide open. This
has to be manually done in modern times, however, we have came up with an
idea that this middle window in the rear of the cab could easily be
retractable to the back of the truck beds' wall just like power windows on
cars. This way the truck driver could press a button to open the rear window
and alternatively press a button to close the rear window. The retraction
system and the power system would be almost identical to power windows. This
conceptual design is best for users application where window tint is used -
when this occurs and a "standard rear window" is slided across, then the
tint is doubled, thus being dangerous and hard to see out of. Co-inventors
of this idea are Shampoo and David. 7:14 PM 5/10/2003

For cars there could be a window that could be added in place of a section
of the rear window is that is opened much like a powered sunroof robotically
and then placed in a different location. Alternatively a section of the
window could be robotically handled to open the window to the desired level
using something similar to hydraulics or a power radio antenna opener on a
swivel - The window would then be pushed out and pulled in as desired. -
These ideas were invented by shampoo. 7:14 PM 5/10/2003

I found a law bug: The police say: Any information you provide can and WILL
be used AGAINST you in the count of law. This is illegal to say. Against can
mean incrimination information or it can mean supplementary information. For
instance: To side with the defendant and to help him/her win a case in the
count of law. If you are the police and you do not supply all of the
information to the defendants' benefit after stating that you will provide
information to be used AGAINST the defendants' case, then YOU have the right
to remain silent and then you are not providing the "AGAINST" information
and you must state so to the person that is placed under arrest. -- Shampoo.


When I contacted the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Ottawa Region by
telephone to disclose my inventions, it should be known that I was ignored
and that I was considered ridiculous. I was disbelieved, and for lack of a
better term I was "hung up on" via the telephone operator by the Canadian
Security Intelligence Service Ottawa Region for allowing them to hear my
inventions. In fact, they only partially heard about 1 of my inventions (the
laser network) before communications was disengaged with me by the Canadian
Security Intelligence Service Ottawa Regions toll free number.

I wish to receive a written apology from the Canadian Security Intelligence
service and I would like to know about the disciplinary action that took
place for the people involved in the conversation with me as well as their
management, due to the conversation with me and the Canadian Security
Intelligence Service that took place on January 10th 2003: after 6:00 PM and
before 7:15 PM


Everything that I have invented is just in thought and is not produced for
lack of money. These inventions are property of myself and are to be
patented, copyrighted and trademarked under my name: Shampoo.


What follows is a brief portion of my study.

Where are people going to go?

Perspectives are to be directed to their intelligence and these and other
perspectives are gathered from knowledge (memory storage). After this,
priority levels are then set by the intelligence and the best response is
computed. After this calculation has been completed, the people know where
the most logical route to go is. People are going to go where their
intelligence (that gathers the input from their senses and their knowledge)
calculates the most important and most logical journey to venture on to.

- or -

People are going to go where a computerized and researched ordeal (which
could be a dilemma that they know of) that advises them where to go within
their own intelligence. For instance: if 2 objects reside in front of you
and are separated by an arms length; your intelligence will compute a
pathway and potentially more than 1 pathway to navigate towards. The
direction that you could travel could be in the middle or around the left or
right of the 2 objects or in any other orientation based on what your
intelligence feels is the best selection. -- January 12th, 2003 by Shampoo.


What is pleasure?

Pleasure occurs when your senses understand a stimulation that interests and
soothes the senses. Pleasure is a good feeling that can alleviate your
senses and thought processes from things. Too much pleasure could result in
having a difficult time maintaining attention to the important things in
life. It is very enjoyable to feel pleasure and pleasure is what most people
would prefer to experience while living. Pain can be pleasure in some cases.
For instance: many people experienced pleasure during war even while being
in pain as they fought for what they felt was honorable and of paramount
importance. -- January 12th, 2003 by Shampoo.


How do people do and see?

People do and people see but do people know by doing and seeing or does
their intelligence understand what is sensed it to be known knowledge? It is
all senses and your intelligence that will do and see and control what you
do and see. It is your doing and seeing that will let you know and develop
knowledge with the assistance of your intelligence to filter and manage the
database and knowledge within the brains of people. People doing and seeing
are always doing things to create load on the machine that is the universe.
Some people think that doing more than one thing at once is impossible, but
have you ever talked to someone while driving in a vehicle while being the
driver - or - patting your head and rubbing your abdomen? -- January 12th,
2003 by Shampoo.


What is intelligence?

Intelligence is sentient logic that functions similar to a spider that
computes various channels of input and output. Intelligence selects and
transfers information that is knowledge while permitting a fluctuation
between senses (or sources to be managed by the intelligence within the
mind). Intelligent people have some or all senses as the main source for
computation to form what is to be considered knowledge. Intelligence can
also edit the knowledge within the mind and then correct the potential
incorrectness in most cases. In some cases, even after being well-informed
several hundred times, a person may still continue to say or compute things
incorrectly, as their intelligence has not taken the time to create the
update of acquired knowledge. For instance: My mother has called kool-aid
"freshy" for her entire life. After several thousand times of myself
explaining to her that the drink she is serving me is named "kool-aid" and
that freshy went out of style 20 years ago, she still calls it freshy.
Limited intelligence will often lead to this scenario. People like this have
such a low intelligence level that they probably do not know how or want to
use a computer or the internet and are probably disliked by many people.
These people most likely have a mental illness history. -- January 12th,
2003 by Shampoo.


How people remember things.

When people understand topics, they develop memory in relation to those
topics and their intelligence can understand the memory. Memory is when the
intelligence of people understands that their knowledge is of significant
importance and when people remember things they understand the things that
they know of within their memory. People have to remember things to
understand all of their knowledge to be absolute. People need to wonder
about things. When people wonder about things, they develop knowledge that
they did not have prior to the intellectual stimulation that is inquisitive
and deep enough to allow more knowledge to flourish within the mind. People
have to talk about things and/or understand things with repetitive or vivid
thought patterns to remember things of high priority. Issues that pertain to
something with significant importance or knowledge are things that people
remember vividly. People remember interesting things or things that pertain
to success or survival and in all cases a lot of the remaining things that
people remember are instinct related and programmed into the mind. People
understand that important things are a requirement to remember. People must
remember things to understand things at a different time. People have to
know things so that they can remember things within the mind. People have to
make sure that some or all of the important knowledge that is to be
remembered is full of wisdom so that the person can then do intelligent
things and create new and previously non-existent thought patterns. People
have to talk about things so that other people can remember the things that
were said. When people hear things or understand things being said with
repetition, then people will have a more vivid recollection of the knowledge
and then people will have better memory. In order for many people to
remember things, people need to talk with people about what they know and
then those people who understood the provided knowledge can allow the
information or news to propagate abroad for different people to know within
a society. -- January 12th, 2003 by Shampoo.


What is religion?

Religion did its job for many thousands of years with regards to keeping
societies safe from crime and misbehavior. Now that police agencies exist,
religion is not for the people of Earth. Police agencies presently keep
people safe. In most and possibly all cases, police keep people safe more
than religion. It would be wise to take what you know about being a good
person as acquired from a religion and apply that to your own personal
ethical laws. This is not required and people should not see anything real
about a god inscribing the information about commandments or other
variations of necessities that a religion promoted you to abide by. These
commandments and other such religious requirements were created by computer
and reality administrators. I am not implying that people need to live and
abide by any or all commandments or other such scripture, but it is common
courtesy to be a good person rather than a bad person. You shall feel
comforted that you do not have to explain yourself or pronounce your
problems or disclose your disobedience to anyone other than whomever you
wish. This will certainly not be god, and will certainly not be myself as I
do not have the time to hear many people. I mainly can only hear my core set
of tightly nit intelligence officials. It should be noted that the law must
be kept and people need to abide by the legal system.

Religion was created by the people that created the universe. Before
religion, there was chaos and no law. An inception of law was needed. In
primitive times, religion was a sufficient but not complete solution to the
problem of chaotic states of civilization without law. In modern times such
as today, religion is not required because of police and law enforcement

Religion in some instances is concerning people because they do not know
what is the complete and proven truth with regards to their faith. Religion
procreates people to fear the last day of living. People need to believe in
what they know of to be the absolute truth and not what a religion tells
them about the many possibilities which are not real with regards to life
and death and how to behave while alive. Death is not the same as what
people are being told by religious leaders. When you are deceased - it is as
simple and as complex as being shut off. -- January 12th, 2003 by Shampoo.

To all religious people:

God does not exist and everyone must kill the idea of god and the ideas that
will convince them that god exists or will exist. People will consume their
lives thinking of god and will die with no after-life and will have nothing
to show for their belief. There is no good or bad people or any assortment
of after-lives and people will simply die in time thinking that there is. If
someone prays then they must stop praying because they worship lies.
Everyone has to stop telling lies and they need to stop communicating with a
god or in some cases multiple gods that never has nor ever will respond or
be existent inside or outside of the computer which is the universe and will
never pronounce itself as being real, which would be impossible due to the
fact that god or gods do not exist. People thinking that there are powers
beyond the capabilities of the computer that controls Earth and manages all
human life which is android based and artificial intelligence need to cease
and desist doing things that people think are holy or evil. People need to
stop seeing things that are unreal. People need to destroy what is unreal
that a religion provides in text and in worship buildings. It is advised by
myself M.C. Shampoo that with all of the immaculate powers and life within
all living things in all places, that all people condemn religion and
religious leaders. God is already dead in most peoples minds within society
whom are considered agnostic or are aware of the differences and anomalism
with regards to multiple religions and "many possible gods". People need to
follow the direction of the majority of people in this society that do not
believe in a fantasy about nothing more than someone, something or some
place that does not exist within the universe or beyond. It is fundamental
that people stop thinking about holy things or living spiritually in clouds.
When deceased, people do not even see light when they die. When people die,
they are dead just like an insect being killed with a fly swatter and there
is just darkness and nothing more. It should be noted that religion is mind
control by the people that operate the universe and was designed to calm,
control and police societies to prevent war and crime in ancient times
before police agencies existed. However, in modern times religion and many
religious variations simply causes war. Nobody should worship or understand
religion to be more than a primitive form of police. There is no such thing
as eternal life and that is why we are mortal. We are also mortal so that we
value life and cherish the time that we are alive for. Life is started and
the life form knows nothing other than what is pre-programmed. This is
called instinct. These people begin life as nothing and end life as nothing,
so in essence, during life people are nothing due to the fact that what
surrounds them is nothing.

It took more than 1 person to create the internet, in fact, it took 10's of
millions of people to create it. It is only logical to think that it
required a division or a government department to create each and every type
of tree, fern or other plants that exists on this planet. Imagine the work
and people required to create the periodic table of elements or an
intelligent being.

People sometimes think thinking that it is strange to believe in a "Fire
god" or "Earth god", isn't it the same strangeness for a person within the
faith of Catholicism or a derivative of Catholicism to believe in a "father
who art in heaven"? I would certainly think so - the story, the "holy"
bible, sounds far too much like a problematic mind control schematic to me
to me. Nowhere does a religion pronounce who or what created god(s) and
since we are of a sentient and intelligent nature as humans, everything we
think of and do is a computation - this is proof that we are a program
within a computer. In ancient times people did not understand the concept of
a computer so they were delivered a religion to preach to others about. The
people whom created reality for humans on Earth were created themselves by
people that were exterior to their world and were inside of another computer
as well. The root of reality that created the first intelligent thought is
unknown by myself after 3 years of intensive study, but, what I can tell you
is that it is certainly not what created the universe which is a massive
waste of system resources and contains no intelligent life whatsoever other
than in our own star system called the Sun.

Now; lets move on to Jesus Christ. Prior to the life of Jesus people feared
religion and feared god to an excessive level compared to after the death of
Jesus. Jesus was a bug fix in the code of religion approximately 2000 years
ago to allow people freedoms and rights to sin, since, supposedly, Jesus
died for everyone's sins. If there was no Jesus and there was no bug fix and
savior game played on Earth, then 90% of the population would live a life
for god. My question to you is this: Why even live a second of your life for
something you do not know anything about other than clouds, vapor and sperm
injected into Jesus' Mother Mary by a beam from a system administrator whom
administrates the universe and manages societies. -- January 27th, 2003 by

Countries that are Catholic based like Protestant religions have a massive
economy because they do not spend 7 days a week worshiping like in other
countries without the "bug fix" (a savior).

Saviors = freedom, economy, more time, and a stable system for people doing
whatever they wish whether it be good or bad and it allows them to "throw
the book away" and not give a damn about sin or being improper. These
countries, cultures, societies or whatever you may call them that have a
savior are the most potent societies in the world. The savior thing is
outdated and should be known as simply a "boost" for all of the
aforementioned benefits of not living in sin while having a savior. With a
savior people spend less time dwelling on being perfect or abiding by a
religion and they also spend less time or no time at worship places like

If religions were to collapse and all of the trillions of dollars were given
to me that religions possess that are used in inept ways to build more
worship places, then I would donate trillions of dollars to The United
Nations and in particular UNICEF to fund world peace and provide clean food,
water, medicine and adequate housing to all people in every 3rd world
county. I would also donate trillions of dollars to the World Wildlife Fund
to built Zoos and sanctuaries for extinct species to hopefully be brought
back to this planet. -- Written by Shampoo.


How does shampoo plan on providing people to sense and live within an A.I.

To be honest it is based on how we, as humans on Earth, sense and live to be
incorporated into the system code much like an enhanced emulator of the
reality that we see, feel and experience. This is part of my study of
creating Artificial Intelligence. What makes people sense is nerves or nodes
as they may be called that are accessed by varying intensity levels that
forward information to the brain or core logic as it is to be called. This
communication with the core logic will permit the perception of, for
instance, a hand being placed on a table. The intensity levels for how much
force is placed on the table is sent to the brain.

People sense and know what they have sensed because of the acquired
knowledge pertaining to what was sensed. For example: You know the smell of
a skunk because your core logic knows of the reaction that your central
nervous system and ultimately your body makes, which could be a strange face
or gesture as soon as you smell it and that unique gesture is the knowledge
of the skunk smell. Senses that are varied in quantity and intensity in
different ways are how we interpret all that is to be sensed from any
sensory standpoint.

People seek comfort. It calms the nerves and deactivates the stress
(formerly mentioned as intensity levels) placed upon the nerves (or nodes)
that people have. This happens to all people whether being a human on Earth
or to people in a reality generator as living beings created by the people
of Earth and residing amongst Earth. It would be much harder to sleep on a
bed of nails rather than on a bed with a quadruple eggshell cushioning
mattress inclusive with soft cotton sheets and a satin comforter. In
comfort, your central nervous system is distant and muted from your mind so
that you can relax and evidently sleep and priority down on the reality
generator. Wouldnt you say? :)


How would shampoo incorporate genetics inside of the reality generator to
create offspring from 2 beings that are different?

First, there would be specific genetic levels (seen as a scaled bar graph)
for each aspect of life forms within the reality generator, such as hair
color, eye color etc. The differences would be compared on this scale and
merged to create a being that is in between what the mother and fathers
genetic makeup is. There would be an offset of course so that all children
born would not look exactly like their siblings. This would be a
computerized random offset. The UNIX program named diff would be something
that could compare the differences amongst the parents genetic makeup in
this matter or something similar. A bar graph is not needed unless the
genetic makeup is to be observed in a pretty way. The genetic properties
would be managed by numbers for each property of uniqueness amongst the
beings. For instance, if the fathers hair color is dark brown (this could be
named as 3) and the mothers hair color is blonde (this could be named as 1),
then the calculation for the offsprings hair color would be something close
to a light brown. (of course the genetic output for the new life form would
be close to 2 for hair color and with an offset it could be something such
as as 2.158 to be more like the fathers' hair color).


How do people work?

By arranging things in a systematic way according to their boss or job
requirements using their intelligence. The customer could and in most cases
always is the boss.


Why do people get the fuck out?

1. Because of disgust with their surroundings - like being bored with what
is available to experience.

2. Because of a necessity to do something else, like to go and get food or
use the washroom.


A short philosophy that holds true as constructed by Shampoo.

If it is done then it is complete. If it is done then it is done. If it is
not done then it is completely done. If it is thought of, then the
construction is complete and it is done and fully furnished.

If this is hard for you to follow please understand that what will be within
time is what will be done and completed. For instance: all things will be
developed for consumer consumption in the future until the end of time. You
will soon find out that all things will be computed in time and be done
because all things are bound to be thought of or have been thought of and
will be constructed Kevin Nadeau in March of 2003.


Thinking outside the box. big deal and low key

Thinking above the perspective. thats a higher key.

Thinking about the perspective and thinking around the perspective while
gathering intelligence of the perspective and its surroundings and thinking
surpassing the perspective and the surroundings of it and moving beyond the
perspective and all of its surroundings to know more. thats keeping it real.


Know a few things and know them very well and then know a little bit about
everything and then you will be highly knowledgeable for your intelligence
to present the known things to others while maintaining sanity.


Some ideas:

genetically modified flowers.

satellite laser brush cut for fire fighting and fire fighting with liquid


What does shampoo know about the pyramids?

The average height of land above sea level (Miami being low and the
Himalayas being high), as can be measured only by modern-day satellites and
computers, happens to be 5,449 inches. That is the exact height of the

The world's oldest structure is so advanced that it can't be duplicated
today, even using current technology

The Pyramids are located at the exact center of the Earth's land mass. That
is, its East-West axis corresponds to the longest land parallel across the
Earth, passing through Africa, Asia, and America. Similarly, the longest
land meridian on Earth, through Asia, Africa, Europa, and Antarctica, also
passes right through the Pyramids. Since the Earth has enough land area to
provide 3 billion possible building sites for the Pyramid, the odds of it's
having been built where it is are 1 in 3 billion.

The casing stones, 144,000 in all, were so brilliant that they could
literally be seen from the mountains of Israel hundreds of miles away. On
bright mornings and late afternoons, sunlight reflected by this vast
mirrored surface of 5-1/4 acres distinguished the Pyramids as being visible
from the moon.

(Note: For those interested in possible symbolic significance, in Bible
prophecy 144,000 is the number of people-12,000 from each of the 12 tribes
of Israel-who are supposed to evangelize the world at the endtime.)

Amazingly, the outside surface stones are cut within 0.01 (1/100th) inch of
perfectly straight and at nearly perfect right angles for all six sides. And
they were placed together with an intentional gap between them of 0.02 inch.
Modern technology cannot place such 20-ton stones with greater accuracy than
those in the Pyramid.

Even more amazing is that the 0.02-inch gap was designed to allow space for
glue to seal and hold the stones together. A white cement that connected the
casing stones and made them watertight is still intact and stronger than the
blocks that it joins.

All this being said, at Matrix 4 we now know that the pyramids were created
by the people that formerly administrated the reality generator that Earth
resides within and not "Space aliens".


What does shampoo know about the sight of beings on Earth?

There is obviously a frame rate for humans and other species' eyesight, but
it is not seen - as what we are to see is morphed together with the other
frames. I see with my mind more than with my ears and I see with all of my
nerves. Sight is much more vastly complicated than simply with a pair of
eyes as it involves the Central Nervous System in full effect.


Code: 818 from Matrix 4.

Believe in yourself and nothing else, instead of fiction - like religion or
music or news (which is based on stories such as news stories) or peoples
statements which are fictitious in the sense of being influxed with fiction.
With this being stated - reality is obviously fiction.

Everyone is asleep until they are awake.

If you see when you are asleep (like dreaming) and you see when you are
"awake" - or to be more specific out of bed - to the "average person" -
(because I have seen beds in my sleep), then when are you asleep? I always

Only the true real prophets pay the price of code 818 and will be awakened.

My assets are nothing at all in reality - because THAT is impossible -
because there is no reality.

Will all the visions of the unknown come home to your husband?

Will all of the people just live and die?

Will people go and find out where they go?

Computers are idle until they reach a command. People are idle until they
reach a command. Draw your own conclusions.

-- end code 818 --


Shampoo reflecting on the science:

If you do not calibrate to reflect on the knowledge that passes through you,
then you cannot feel. The calibration is to view in segments and to gather
the science of what interests you. Focussing on a science will allow you to
not be overwhelmed with all types of science. This is how people stay sane.
If they went to a shopping mall and heard everyone's speech, they would be
over-tasked and would probably be unable to make a distinct purchase after
knowing the sciences that everyone else is interested in. -- Shampoo; April
26/27, 2003.


All that we are meant to do is use resources and be destroyed. -- Shampoo;
May 8 2003.


Q: What is a sentence to define adversity?

A: To exist.

Shampoo; 11:37 AM 5/12/2003


Pay attention to the future of

Thank you for your time to read this message.



Document revised at 10:48 PM on May 12th 2003.

Matrix 4 - Disk 2 - the continuation of science, inventions and prophecy
from Matrix 4.

Copyright 2002-2003 by Matrix 4.

Shampoos' jokes and humor page.

All of what is below was written by Kevin Nadeau (shampoo).


Which came first? The chicken or the egg? Answer: The chicken came with the
egg. :) -- Shampoo.


The God Joke

God spoke to me and said; Kevin there is going to be a flood so build a
boat. So I looked outside and I saw that all of the snow was melting and I
immediately built a boat. Then God spoke to me and told me to put all of the
animals in the world into the boat. So I put myself in the boat and thought
of all of the animals in the world and then I had all of the animals in the
boat in my mind.

God said; Kevin, your ingenious and you indeed put all of the animals into
the boat and you own the matrix.



pull my finger or touch my toe.

turn on a light and die.

People are born to be annihilated - lets have a child.

my uncles cousins' secret nephew

pop junk and die.

start an Armageddon with a pencil.

start a holocaust with a crayon.

Start a racial cleansing with pocket lint.

put the peter in the pipe and puff it.

They got an in-house one and an out-house one. What do you want? The
out-house one? You want the poop?

The loogers. (booger-loogies).

imaging a bull poop ... patty... patty cake , bakers' man.

Time, yeah thats plentiful. You know what people need? they need less time.

Dont hate me because I am rich and the richest. Your poor and I hate you.

And with regards to the above, I have more capacity than you and I will give
you some.

fame yeah, you know what goes along with fame, thats right being poor.

I dont like to belittle people with weight problems, but if your fat your
just obscene.

Im gonna throw up, poop and piss and then comb my hair.

beautiful, pretty, lovely dirty dirty water.

fruity people, fruity.. they probably like water

advantage.... its about getting an edge and cutting yourself up

3 things at once is what I am going to do. Thats right, Im gonna write a
book and put 3 words at the beginning.

its like turn on your stereo and blow out your eyeballs.

this will go and go and go... and you know what? it will stop right now.

Ill tell you what different is about - different is about being the same.

you think Im a psychiatrist? well Im not. so call me one and see that I am

A skunk? yeah.. you smell it - it will probably smell like a flower.

I like cups you know.. I like mugs, I like your d-cups, Id like a couple

I like door knobs I think they are knobby, kneel on that.

I got a nice stereo system, you know music soothes my ears. this is what I
wanna do, I want to turn it off

Im happy, always getting happier, everyday Im more and more happy. this is
the pinnacle of being happy. I'm mad.

Im getting happy, happy is what I feel, very happy now, Im extremely happy.
Im happy.

ok, so I have a wall and a chair and wood. Would you like to buy

I've done a few things in my life. You can count them if you wish - on three

well this is what I think people are putting up the bum. yeap their giving
the poor man a home.

you know its best to come out of your closet one day or another, you know -
its the first day of school they might teach you something that's happy.

self contained - you gotta contain yourself?!.. here's what to do: let it

here I go, yeah there I go. wherever I go who knows NOBODY knows. now this
is what Im gonna do, Im

gonna tell you where to go.

it keeps me happy, it keeps you happy. you know what I think? these people
are hAAppy people

so I need to tell something to people, and they need to hear something from
me.. so this is what Im gonna do.. Im gonna tell them nothing.

so people eat, thats what they do.. the next things they do is pop pills.

beautiful things.. beautiful people.. people are beautiful just like a
pretty flower.

I have a social problem. I wasn't good in that class

so that thing you got.. it just pumps it right out doesn't it.

so that thing you got.. it just pumps it on out doesn't it.

so that thing you got is just pullin it right in isn't it?

its boring to have nothing that changes. well what if it changed? .. what if
it didn't ?

you know something? I have 2 cans, this is what Im gonna do, Im gonna can

I had a loved rabbit and I accidentally broke its leg, and I had 4 turtles
for 15 years and then I dumped my turtles in the lake - I loved them all
dearly. What am I gonna do when I get a girl friend.. ya know..

maybe put her in a tree and then dump her in the pool.

dont be a thrower with me. I wouldn't want to be a thrower you thrower.

your a pumper puller and a thrower.. dont be a pumper puller

dont be a chalker... dont be a chalk puller, chalker puller

how about a chalk-shot.


I've got a new invention everybody its a rail filler train pumper.

Your mother is a blow-thrower.

ever seen a paper shooter?

you ever seen a bit blower

how bout a bit conscrewer.

sinker descender

its not bad to jump right in and be a molester.

how about you get some of that too. how about being a skater or a rail

dont be tweeter, bummer or shitter and dont be mother.

this is what i want you to do, live your life alone - kill yourself.

thoughts go in 1 end and then out the other and then they go to someones end
and then go to another

we want world peace world peace, this what we want: we want world war now.

touch me the wrong way, shes gonna feel you, shes gonna know it was there.

you think Im bi-polar or tri polar? you wanna see 4 poles? I got 2 holes :)

And things actually poop. what a damn.

I got a story to tell you, its about fame, and you know what goes along with
fame, yeah - fame and... fame

and people that are famous and you know what goes along those people - the
movies. People that go to

movies go to movies buy movie tickets.! thats all you needed to know about


vapor matrix not a hollow matrix.

Its the small things that make the big things. big things do not make small
things. its the small things that


slang: its combinations of words to make a formulated sentence -- best to
make one some people

understand. Its combinations of words (you dont know how to do that!?)

weird fuckin' shit man, cmon gimmie a break. a kit kat :)

All these nicknames for shampoo:


flat SHOE.

chicken poo

elephant shoe

baby boy


toilet = poop pot

Blast the poop into the toilet with the piss and shit and blow chunks into
the toilet and then run out of toilet paper still with a full poop blow to
go and hop all the way to the next washroom and blow chunks out the bum on
the way there and WIPE the bum and then blow chunks from the rectum onto the

Imagine if you had fruit and soup poop?

I have a *BIG* problem with people and it is that people poop.

You know what you can put in your nostril? THATS RIIGHT! - YOU CAN PUT

"I got tomatoes in my FRUIT basket!".

I put potato in my salad, strawberries and more importantly a watermelon.

I put jam on my zucchini.

Do you put alcohol in your mouth? I put it in my drink.

Put mosquitoes in your tent.

put it up the hole riiGHT? :)

Here is the incorrect way to ask out a girl or a guy (I tried this lol):

"Lets get married. Here's a ring and lets fuck"

The science of healthy = keeping people alive.

The science of unhealthy = keeping people alive.



Document revised at 9:56 PM on May 8th 2003.

Copyright 2002-2003 by Matrix 4.

Return to

Start of anonymous buffer: Fri May 30 20:44:49 2003

Session Ident: anonymous

<anonymous> I'm sorry, is any of that site meant to be funny?

<shampoo> not quite.

<shampoo> its actually quite serious

<anonymous> You're listing yourself as a joke site, and its just a load of

<shampoo> its like a balloon up the bum hole

<anonymous> It's like taking a long steaming shit in your mouth on a hot

summers day

<anonymous> Now stop your fucking POS ad

<shampoo> its like a piece of shit car with a balloon up the tailpipe

<anonymous> My description was more accurate

<shampoo> its like a described custom fit balloon rubbed up against the

accurate inch

<anonymous> I'm guessing you're not from a natively English-speaking country

<shampoo> no, in Canada we are bi. with balloons of course.

End of anonymous buffer Fri May 30 20:44:49 2003

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----- Original Message -----

From: "Franz Shaberbraggen" <shaberbraggen@anonymous>

To: <shampoo@anonymous>

Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 3:37 PM

Subject: das matrixbrugen

> halo

> my name is franz i am liking to not telling you of real names because no

> such are being existed having of this dreams of falling off of building

> explosive diaherea so of real being in fact i must be taking the bath

> waking and i must be talking to shampoo though i am not doing the talking

> typing or waking up in reality i am having many of goats that defying

> physics are doing of the backflips and produce eggnog not normalized milk

> study web pages all night and am needing much more informatun i too am

> thinking more than one thing at a time i am thinking of goats and

> and footbagging all at right minute i wonders in programmor of computers

> will matrixbrugen simulation have bugs i see many errors in earth like

> franz not pretty and franzs nipples of three please be in repliance soon

> i are needing much of advice.


> with many warm cups of goat eggnog

> franz


> _________________________________________________________________

> Help STOP SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*



Well thank you for your e-mail. I must admit that falling off of buildings
IS in fact a matrix related subject so that children do not get involved
with jumping off of tall buildings. The programmers of the matrix did indeed
make an error when creating some un-named people. I would suggest not
lighting a match near explosive diarrhea as it may lead to a more intense
explosion often called a "blue angel". The nipple situation may in fact be
due to a mutation of sorts caused by exposure to radiation. Do you live near
a nuclear power plant? Mutant subjects may lead you to search for "X-Men"
related sites.

Goats are certainly doing things with people - most predominantly in
villages and cities where women are uncommon. I do not have much factual
information on this ordeal you face with goats. I assume the eggnog would be

Peace to you and Mrs. Franz. I think you may need to calm down and cool out
for awhile - the world will still be here in 32 days like that man with the
sign says that pushes that cart and is homeless downtown :)

Chow for now.


"Shampoo - the heaviest, the gracious"

Kevin Scott Nadeau

The Earth Intelligence and Knowledge Agency (EIKA).

Creating artificially intelligent and sentient beings.

Return to Matrix 4 - Disk 2


Firstly, we have translated the site into Swedish (for your countries'

benefit) as you can see at

With regards to Agnostic religions or beliefs, they are defined as "no

until proof is given".

Your answer to a: If a religion has no proof of a "god" or "messiah" then it

is false. Even if a "savior" or "messiah" or "god" was presented it would

still be false.

Your answer to b: I am daily debriefed by the people that administrate the

reality that we live in and I have a constant link with them and in much the

same way Jesus experienced: These beings "speak through me".

Code 818 clearly states believe in yourself and nothing else and that is my

only request for people and my only religion.

This conversation will appear on the website soon.

Peace to you and the rest of Sweden that can now hear me. :)


Kevin Nadeau

The Earth Intelligence and Knowledge Agency (EIKA).

Creating artificially intelligent and sentient beings.

----- Original Message -----

From: "Per von Zweigbergk" <pvz@anonymous>

To: <splonk@anonymous>

Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 3:02 PM

Subject: Discussion about your web site, "Matrix 4"

> Hello. Let me introduce myself. My name is Per von Zweigbergk. I am 19

> years old, and I am a student of Electrical Engineering at the KTH in

> Stockholm, Sweden. I'm starting my second year this fall. For me,

> computers have been a life-long passion, and I too have sought an

> explanation to our reality in computers, but I believe that I have

> struck a dead end when it comes to a theory of the world around me.


> I do not in any way claim that any of the ideas I have are in any way

> revolutionary, nor that I am the first person to think of them, since I

> haven't really made a real effort in studying the work of others beyond

> what was required in my pre-engineering education.


> I will readily admit that I have no proof of my own existence, at least

> none that I can share with anybody else. As far as they're concerned,

> there is no way I can prove to them that I in fact exist, and that I am

> not just a figment of their imagination. Of course, the question

> remains, "what is real?" I just leave it at a question. I do not know,

> and as far as I know, there is no way I can break out of any prison I

> may be inside, a prison I can't smell, taste, nor touch.


> Basically, what I'm saying is that I can never have any proof of

> anything except myself really existing. I also have no proof to the

> contrary. Everything around me could be real, and the universe as we

> know it may well be a part of a larger whole.


> In order to vainly grasp at understanding our existence, there are two

> parts.


> 1: Understanding the world one lives in. This is accomplished by

> scienfic theories, none which can be verified to be an absolute truth,

> but which are still a useful tool for engineering.


> 2: Understanding the world beyond perception, or attributing a meaning.

> This is what I call religion, and unlike a theory is not rooted in

> anything that can directly be perceived.


> So, I guess my question is twofold.


> a: How can you claim that any Religion is true or false? Atheism is no

> less a religion than Theism. The only true anti-religion is

> Agnosticism, a simple resignation that "we don't know".


> b: What makes your religion that you put forth more than yet another

> religion? Have you experienced anything that supports your hypothesis

> of the world? It seems that way since you're stating that other people

> are wrong and you are right, yet you provide no supporting evidence.


> I also have some comments on some of your inventions, but I decided to

> save them for another e-mail so that we don't get too bogged down in

> our first discussion.


> I'm looking forward to hearing from you and learning more about your

> ideas.


> --

> Per von Zweigbergk


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