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FA: Rare Philips Floor Speakers - 50s/60s vintage

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2002/09/10 23:31:422002/09/10

Dr. Cross Over

2002/09/12 0:09:362002/09/12
Buy-It-Now for $999.99 - - -

Whoa Nelly!


Robert Morein

2002/09/12 1:48:312002/09/12

"Brian L. McCarty" <> wrote in message
> in article, Sean at
> wrote on 9/11/02 13:31:
> >
Keywords: Global American Syndicate, IATSE Local 700, Pacific Century
Cyberworks, FNQFTA, Far North Queensland Film and Television Association,
Livewire H.K.


He's apparently still trying to raise money for his studio project:
McCarty's project is #99 in the following list:

If you are dissatisfied with McCarty's behavior on this newsgroup, you may
wish to contact Global American Syndicate through the above link.

Overnight, the reference of "CHAIRMAN CHENG LI DAVID FENG LIVEWIRE (HK)
LTD." appears to have been removed from McCarty's website,


Bulletin: It's back on as of 9/6. The wording has changed slightly:

CSS Investor Representative: David C.L. Feng (Livewire Ltd. H.K.)
However, Pacific Century Cyberworks,

the parent company of Livewire, denies any relationship.

A request is now pending regarding any association with McCarty's other

It is currently undetermined whether McCarty is attempting to skirt U.S.
securities laws regarding a public offering

Keywords: Global American Syndicate, IATSE Local 700, Pacific Century
Cyberworks, FNQFTA, Far North Queensland Film and Television Association,
Livewire H.K.

Ross Matheson

2002/09/12 10:54:292002/09/12
To: (Sean) wrote:


There's something odd about these ... at least in the crossover.

As for the price - well, *someone* has bid $99.99, and Buy It Now is off.

Actually my interest was piqued because I have a pair of similiar pair of
"full range" 12" Philips drivers, except mine have model numbers and are
definitely 8 ohm. Mine came from a thrift store for about $20/pr IIRC and
they were in such shoddy (not even a rebate or batten to hold the front &
back panels, left alone bracing) and small cabinets that I took them out.
I'm curious about their db/W/m sensitivity because Philips rates them in
another, odd, way, but I'll leave that for a separate article.

If these are 800 ohm then a tube guy might have SEPP fun with them.
But there's another aspect to the impedance description in the auction.

From the text:

" I do not have an ohmmeter to measure the impedance of these but I am
guessing they are very high impedence, maybe 800 ohm? I connected these to
a Fisher KX-100 stereo tube amp to test. By cranking the amp way up I was
just able to get enough volume to test the sound."

Yet almost a week before, Sean has posted to, saying
that with "a little measuring" they seem to be "about 2000 ohm" .

(No wonder you don't get a lot of volume out of them on an 8 ohm tap:-)

From: (Sean)
Subject: Has anyone seen speakers like these before?
Date: 5 Sep 2002 16:22:05 GMT

I picked up some interesting vintage Philips speakers today. They are
in five-sided enclosures, with a forward firing woofer/full-range
and a tweeter on each angled side. They look very nice, and seem
like they would sound pretty nice. But, my Fisher tube amp could
barely drive them, regardless of which speaker tap I chose. What
sound I could hear was surprisingly nice.

Upon closer inspection and a little measuring, these seem to be 2000
ohm or so impedance! I had heard about Philips using high-impedance
speakers with transformerless tube amps, but thought that was only
in their tabletop radios. These are end table size, with nice wood
veneer. Opening the cabinet I saw that the woofer was enclosed in
some sort of cloth, almost velvet looking, bag. And the crossover
has what looks like an iron-core transformer.

Anyone know anything about these, or seen something like them
before? Guess they are headed for eBay. Very fuzzy pics at:

Thanks! S.

Now leaving aside *any* thoughts of prevarication or misrepresentation,
I wondered at first whether they were normal impedance speakers with some
sort of fault - in the crossover, say. Looking at the crossover pic, it
appears to be a single cap and choke. But the wiring is strange. I wonder
if it's possibly a series type crossover, rather than the usual parallel.

There are 4 tags. The input appears to go to 1 & 3. The woofer is fed by 2
grey wires. The RH "mid" is fed by a grey and a brown, and the LH (from
rear view) is fed by two browns. You can't see how the cap and choke is
connected. I wondered if the 2000 ohms - however measured - was a leaky
cap resistance, but I couldn't see how a simple series or parallel single
L & C crossover could give such a result if all speakers worked. If it was
a series crossover with a leaky cap and open tweeters though, that might.
I note they are sold as-is, no returns, but he also says all drivers work.

A bit puzzling ...

Then it occurs to me that they could be 600 or 800 ohm speakers with a
series crossover and the tweeter/mids in series. That'd add up to ~ 2000!
Bingo! And AC impedance would be roughly 800, increasing with HF.

I've been reading too many Sherlock Holmes stories;-)
At least I didn't consume an ounce of shag over it!

Somebody could have a wee bit of fun with OTL. Ghastly cabs though;-)

Philips describe an SEPP output stage with the screens fed by a double
wound choke, from their respective anodes, so that the currents flow in
oppsite directions, the core is not magnetised and needs not be gapped, and
the cathode current is the same in each case, in "Hi-Fi Amplifier Cicuits"
by E.Rodenhuis. This has similar circuits to the Mullard book, and the
principles and development of the SEPP op stage is mentioned in the
introduction, along with all the UL EL34 & EL84 stuff, and it says (after
they get up to the double choke g2 solution) that this arrangement was used
for the "super high quality amplifier described on p.66."

Unfortunately my photocopying stopped on p.65! as I was mainly interested
in the other amps and didn't think I'd come across many 800 ohm speakers.
Not that I want these, and they'd be too far away anyway, but someone who
wanted to experiment with SEPP OTL might, if they are indeed 800 ohm.

Indeed, wouldn't a double wound ungapped choke connected in reverse series
make a good parafeed transformer?




2002/09/12 16:36:092002/09/12
I was contacted by a gentleman in Georgia who has what he believes is
the cabinet for the center channel speaker for this setup. It had two
eight inch drivers facing forward in a very similar type cabinet.
Looks like this was early stereo stuff (late 50s - the woofers have a
mark that seems to indicate 1959 manuf. date). I wish I knew more.
Still trying to contact Philips. The speakers really are very nice.


Jon Yaeger

2002/09/12 17:12:522002/09/12
In article <PUVf9.331053$>, "Robert
Morein" <> wrote:

> "Brian L. McCarty" <> wrote in message
> > in article, Sean at
> > wrote on 9/11/02 13:31:
> >
> > >
> >
> >


No one on this N.G. gives a R.A.T.'s ass about your personal feud with
that loser McCarty. Keep your crap confined to

If you had any integrity yourself, you'd use a REAL e-mail address.

- Jon

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