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Gowan spouts

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Brett Robson

2003/06/06 5:36:412003/06/06

Gowan at his best, more straw men than a Yellow Brick Road convention,
responding to imagined ad hominem attacks with ad hominem attacks, false
dichotomies, illogical leaps of supposed logic,

Unfortunately it's not dated, but I think it is June 2002.

"Gowan's language snobbery is his trophy." Maintain your skillz Gowan, that's
all you got. Mr O'Neill hates wankers and you are a wanker. Your imagined
jealousy doesn't change that.


ps did you really need your wife to help write such shit?

This is what he is responding to

and his response

"2 out of 3 ain't bad" - Meat Loaf
"1 out 2^64 is a real bitch" - Original

Dave Fossett

2003/06/06 6:10:162003/06/06
Brett Robson wrote:

> Gowan at his best, more straw men than a Yellow Brick Road convention,
> responding to imagined ad hominem attacks with ad hominem attacks, false
> dichotomies, illogical leaps of supposed logic,

Well, it was called a "Rant".

Change Gunma to Saitama, and "George" sounds frighteningly like me... :-(

Dave Fossett
Saitama, JAPAN

Ryan Ginstrom

2003/06/06 6:41:272003/06/06

"Brett Robson" <> wrote in message

But actually, his making himself the subject of all these episodes, even the
video shop where he was clearly not involved, does point to a bit of

O'Neil just needs to learn better pantomime, and he'll be fine. For
instance, speaking of convenience stores, the other day I managed to
pantomime, "whatever sauce you stick in those sandwiches, don't put it in
mine anymore. The last sandwich I ate here gave me the shits something

BTW, I seriously hope you just recently stumbled on this article, and
haven't been planning your scathing attack for the past year.

Ryan Ginstrom

Curt Fischer

2003/06/06 8:37:012003/06/06

Brett Robson wrote:
> Gowan at his best, more straw men than a Yellow Brick Road convention,
> responding to imagined ad hominem attacks with ad hominem attacks, false
> dichotomies, illogical leaps of supposed logic,
> Unfortunately it's not dated, but I think it is June 2002.
> "Gowan's language snobbery is his trophy." Maintain your skillz Gowan, that's
> all you got. Mr O'Neill hates wankers and you are a wanker. Your imagined
> jealousy doesn't change that.

Hey Brent,

This already came up on slj awhile ago. Good try though.

Also, everyone knows that Kevin's wife's name is Keiko.

Curt Fischer

Declan Murphy

2003/06/06 8:53:402003/06/06
Curt Fischer wrote:

> This already came up on slj awhile ago. Good try though.

I thought I'd read this somewhere before. Damn deja vu.

"All FDR undid was the value of the dollar"

Kevin Gowen (really)

Rodney Webster

2003/06/06 11:03:522003/06/06
In article <NOZDa.740$>,
"Dave Fossett" <re...@via.newsgroup> wrote:

> Brett Robson wrote:
> > This is what he is responding to
> >
> Change Gunma to Saitama, and "George" sounds frighteningly like me... :-(

Same with me, except it's Kanagawa, not Gunma. Hell, I've even got the
two kids with both Japanese and English names - though in my kids' case
the order is reversed and their Japanese names are their middle names.

It's bad enough having to worry about being treated like a sideshow
attraction by Japanese because I sometimes speak to my kids in English
in public, now it seems I have to take care not to tread on poor
O'Neill's feelings.

Luckily I was arrogant long before I developed any proficiency in
Japanese, and so this article does not apply to me.

BTW, Brett, has your hatred for Kevin grown so much that you scour the
internet for material on him, or did you just happen to stumble on that
article while pretending to work?

Rodney Webster

Michael Cash

2003/06/07 6:17:062003/06/07
On Fri, 6 Jun 2003 19:41:27 +0900, "Ryan Ginstrom"
<> belched the alphabet and kept on going with:

I have just visited the site and read a few of the rants. I am highly
distressed by them. Previously, I had thought fjlij to be the center
of activity for maladjusted gaigins. That supposition has been
shattered beyond repair.


Michael Cash

"My name is Elmer J. Fudd, millionaire. I own a mansion and a yacht."

Elmer J. Fudd

Kevin Gowen

2003/06/07 9:05:552003/06/07
Rodney Webster wrote:
> BTW, Brett, has your hatred for Kevin grown so much that you scour the
> internet for material on him, or did you just happen to stumble on
> that article while pretending to work?

Maybe he ran out of dead mother-in-law jokes.

Kevin Gowen


2003/06/07 10:24:522003/06/07
Michael Cash <> wrote in message news:<>...

> I have just visited the site and read a few of the rants. I am highly
> distressed by them. Previously, I had thought fjlij to be the center
> of activity for maladjusted gaigins. That supposition has been
> shattered beyond repair.

Mike, you must lead a sheltered life up there.


Michael Cash

2003/06/07 10:49:192003/06/07
On 7 Jun 2003 07:24:52 -0700, (mukade) belched the

alphabet and kept on going with:

>Michael Cash <> wrote in message news:<>...

I don't know any gaigins in real life up here, maladjusted or


2003/06/07 13:25:322003/06/07
Michael Cash <> wrote in message news:<>...

> On 7 Jun 2003 07:24:52 -0700, (mukade) belched the
> alphabet and kept on going with:
> >Michael Cash <> wrote in message news:<>...
> >>
> >> I have just visited the site and read a few of the rants. I am highly
> >> distressed by them. Previously, I had thought fjlij to be the center
> >> of activity for maladjusted gaigins. That supposition has been
> >> shattered beyond repair.
> >>
> >
> >Mike, you must lead a sheltered life up there.
> I don't know any gaigins in real life up here, maladjusted or
> otherwise.

Saying that, the most maladjusted in fjlij usually aren't gaigins.


Kevin Gowen

2003/06/08 18:10:212003/06/08

But to think that Ms. Matsusaka could have been my wife! Oh, Mie!

At least she maintains a website that I can use to pine away for her.

Where did I get the idea that the folks at Japan Today have never seen a

Kevin Gowen

Brett Robson

2003/06/08 23:33:052003/06/08
On Sat, 07 Jun 2003 00:03:52 +0900, Rodney ...

>It's bad enough having to worry about being treated like a sideshow
>attraction by Japanese because I sometimes speak to my kids in English
>in public, now it seems I have to take care not to tread on poor
>O'Neill's feelings.

I'm sure you could act like a wanker if you tried hard enough.

>BTW, Brett, has your hatred for Kevin grown so much that you scour the
>internet for material on him, or did you just happen to stumble on that
>article while pretending to work?

I get enough of his half arsed theories here without looking for more. Reading
his "pabulum" only makes you stupid.
That's Gowan's shit at number 1.

Why would I "pretend" to work at 6:30pm on a Friday evening while impatiently
waiting for the support staff to give me the all clear to head off to much a
anticipated party?

Brett Robson

2003/06/08 23:39:022003/06/08
On Fri, 06 Jun 2003 21:37:01 +0900, Curt ...

Sorry to bore you then. I'll send Keiko an email apologizing, I'm sure Gowan
won't mind.

Brett Robson

2003/06/09 0:13:532003/06/09
On Fri, 6 Jun 2003 19:41:27 +0900, "Ryan ...

>"Brett Robson" <> wrote in message
>> This is what he is responding to
>But actually, his making himself the subject of all these episodes, even the
>video shop where he was clearly not involved, does point to a bit of

Possibly insecure. However if we accept his version he was involved. On the
other hand we can follow Gowan's example and make up a new version of the story
and invent a "swipe ... at bilingual families".

The simple point is if you do not act like a wanker then the O'Neill language
snob accusation doesn't apply to you. Making up a heap of shit, Gowan just shows
himself to be a wanker. The final sentence show the level of wankerism {TM} he
has prefected on usenet and not usenet.

I wonder if Gowan would deign to help a couple of Austrian tourists find a
temple in Kyoto or pay for the bus? Yes, he probably would, but he couldn't help
write about it later.

>O'Neil just needs to learn better pantomime, and he'll be fine. For
>instance, speaking of convenience stores, the other day I managed to
>pantomime, "whatever sauce you stick in those sandwiches, don't put it in
>mine anymore. The last sandwich I ate here gave me the shits something

How do yo pantomine (in Kansai-ben) "See this giant box that weighs 20kilos and
contains 2 million yens worth of communication equipment? And the takyubin pay
at the other end sticker here with the toe-key-oh address? Call the black cat
people with the green trucks and they will take it away"?

>BTW, I seriously hope you just recently stumbled on this article, and
>haven't been planning your scathing attack for the past year.

My sub-editor on the northside of the tracks, has been a bit busy lately with
his new hikari-fibre internet dot com thingo finding stuff for my pr0n server,
and unfortunately no one else can read my scribbles when I forget to take my
medication. I only got the draft back last week and then couldn't read it
because of all the stains.

Brett Robson

2003/06/09 1:23:052003/06/09
On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 09:05:55 -0400, "Kevin ...

>Maybe he ran out of dead mother-in-law jokes.

Sorry I was so offensive I wouldn't want to upset you. My father used to have a
"Mother in Law in Boot (trunk)" sign on the back of the car. Following the
passing of my grandmother he has removed the sign. Would you like it? It would
be really funny, in your case people might actually think she was in there!

BTW, my colleague and I have been discussing charities. She and a few others in
the office give to a child sponsorship charity. Which organization(s) do you
give to? Any you would recommend?

(Please note my idea of a charity is something to help /poor/ people, not a
building fund at an ivy league university).

"he [John Ashcroft] deliberately left Jesus out of office prayers to avoid
offending non-Christians." - Ben Shapiro 27/2/2003

Ryan Ginstrom

2003/06/09 3:25:192003/06/09

"Brett Robson" <> wrote in message

> On Fri, 6 Jun 2003 19:41:27 +0900, "Ryan ...
> Possibly insecure. However if we accept his version he was involved.

Yes, if we accept his version: Some random gaigin starts speaking English to
his children in front of O'Neal in order to impress him about how ??? he is,
where ??? is some quality that I can't fathom. It seems to me that the
language patterns one establishes with one's children develop over time, and
don't change too readily. So whether our anonymous gaigin thought he was the
cat's pajamas for speaking English to his sproglings or not, it seems highly
unlikely that it could have been for O'Neal's benefit that he was doing so.

> >O'Neil just needs to learn better pantomime, and he'll be fine. For
> >instance, speaking of convenience stores, the other day I managed to
> >pantomime, "whatever sauce you stick in those sandwiches, don't put it in
> >mine anymore. The last sandwich I ate here gave me the shits something
> >awful."
> How do yo pantomine (in Kansai-ben) "See this giant box that weighs
20kilos and
> contains 2 million yens worth of communication equipment? And the takyubin
> at the other end sticker here with the toe-key-oh address? Call the black
> people with the green trucks and they will take it away"?

Piece of cake. You just have to break down the idea into its component

This is my component.
This is you.

This is my component getting broken.
This is you being abused with a broom handle.

This is my component in a lovely strong box.
This is my component being treated with great care by a black cat.
This is you not being abused with a broom handle.

See, it's quite simple once you get used to it. You'll never have to speak
another word of ying-yong again!

Ryan Ginstrom

Brett Robson

2003/06/09 4:02:042003/06/09
On Mon, 9 Jun 2003 16:25:19 +0900, "Ryan ...

>Piece of cake. You just have to break down the idea into its component
>This is my component.
>This is you.
>This is my component getting broken.
>This is you being abused with a broom handle.
>This is my component in a lovely strong box.
>This is my component being treated with great care by a black cat.
>This is you not being abused with a broom handle.

That is surprisingly similar to what I did. But I think the problem was the
broom handle, he decided the first option was the prefered option. Perhaps I was
too sexy with the way I did it.

>See, it's quite simple once you get used to it. You'll never have to speak
>another word of ying-yong again!

Thanks, but the problem is when I have to use an intercom or phone to a remote
security to get access to an unmanned site. I think I will have to use the
shouting very loudly approach.


2003/06/09 6:03:052003/06/09
Brett Robson <> wrote in message news:<>...

> On Sat, 07 Jun 2003 00:03:52 +0900, Rodney ...
> >
> >It's bad enough having to worry about being treated like a sideshow
> >attraction by Japanese because I sometimes speak to my kids in English
> >in public, now it seems I have to take care not to tread on poor
> >O'Neill's feelings.
> I'm sure you could act like a wanker if you tried hard enough.
> >
> >BTW, Brett, has your hatred for Kevin grown so much that you scour the
> >internet for material on him, or did you just happen to stumble on that
> >article while pretending to work?
> >
> I get enough of his half arsed theories here without looking for more. Reading
> his "pabulum" only makes you stupid.
> That's Gowan's shit at number 1.

Could you explain what you find so offensive about Kevin's rant?


Bryan Parker

2003/06/09 6:29:182003/06/09
To: (mukade) said:

Not tonight he can't. The Interweb Gaijinius
doesn't have an ISP.

-------Please no e-mail with big words--------

Declan Murphy

2003/06/09 9:00:352003/06/09
Bryan Parker wrote:

> Not tonight he can't. The Interweb Gaijinius
> doesn't have an ISP.

<gasp>How can this be?</gasp>

Eric Takabayashi

2003/06/09 9:29:412003/06/09
Brett Robson wrote:

> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003 09:05:55 -0400, "Kevin ...
> >
> >Maybe he ran out of dead mother-in-law jokes.
> >
> Sorry I was so offensive I wouldn't want to upset you. My father used to have a
> "Mother in Law in Boot (trunk)" sign on the back of the car. Following the
> passing of my grandmother he has removed the sign. Would you like it? It would
> be really funny, in your case people might actually think she was in there!
> BTW, my colleague and I have been discussing charities. She and a few others in
> the office give to a child sponsorship charity. Which organization(s) do you
> give to? Any you would recommend?

I like Compassion International.

Apparently too religious for some here. I originally went with them when I was at
university because they were cheaper than other sponsorship programs I knew such
as Christian Children's Fund. Fact remains they enabled kids in developing nations
to school and also taught them real skills for their futures.

As for plain old support, I like Second Harvest,

the people who can turn a one dollar donation into 28 pounds of quality donated
food, and Mercy Corps,

who spend 91 cents of every dollar on actual aid. That is just incredible. The Red
Cross/Red Crescent remains an old favorite. The Hunger Site and its affiliated
sites are a no brainer, they are FREE for people who click on the buttons. Of
course more support can be given for those who actually make purchases or
donations. I like their toys or some of their rain forest products.

Kevin Wayne Williams

2003/06/09 9:43:132003/06/09
Brett Robson wrote:

> BTW, my colleague and I have been discussing charities. She and a few others in
> the office give to a child sponsorship charity. Which organization(s) do you
> give to? Any you would recommend?

Take a good look at CHILD: Children's Healthcare is a Legal Duty, at Helps to ensure that sick children are
protected from their parents' superstitions. Of course it is a little
USA-centric, but I am not sure that this problem exists in the rest of
the Western world.


Brett Robson

2003/06/10 0:08:482003/06/10
On Mon, 09 Jun 2003 22:00:35 +0900, Declan ...

>Bryan Parker wrote:
>> Not tonight he can't. The Interweb Gaijinius
>> doesn't have an ISP.
><gasp>How can this be?</gasp>

Computers don't have to be connected to the internet. One of my computers is
connected to a synthesiser, drum machine, keyboard, stereo and sometimes
connected to a bass and guitar.

I have 3 computers; no internet connection.
I have a huge fridge that contains no food and 4 cans of Ebisu (in case Mr Sumo
Snr drops in)
I have a DVD and VCR and no video store membership.

I'll get BFleets eventually, but I want to buy one of these first.
and maybe that Cherry Red Les Paul that is calling me from a store in

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