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Is citizenship necessary for Japanese?

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Haluk Skywalker

2004/04/03 14:11:452004/04/03
"Toshi" <>, iletide sunu yazdi
> A national revolution is a taboo.
> However, the government, complete reform of
> bureaucracy are absolutely necessary.
> Japanese timidity, naivete to commit suicide without resisting it.
> The Japanese who are the stupid nation.
> When "you die" in the government,
> they will commit mass suicide anytime if commanded to do.
> It seems to be citizenship originally to be unnecessary to Japanese.
> His nation is too stupid.

And man invents MT. This marks the end of our business.

Haluk Skywalker

2004/04/04 7:49:272004/04/04
"Toshi" <>, iletide ?unu yazd?
> This argument won't do.
> It's just not clear enough.

Let me guess, you fed it in to translat'on software and it came out
something like 男の人MTを捏ち上げた。これは私たちの総務の吸殻です。 Well,
allow me retouch:


Will it do now?

Haluk Skywalker

2004/04/04 9:40:152004/04/04
"Toshi" <>, iletide ?unu yazd?
> Haluk Skywalkerさんの<c4osnh$2l230t$>から
> Since your argument isn't very clear,I don't see what you're getting
> at.

I'm saying stop feeding your bullshit to translation software and sending
them to ng, assuming that everyone would undderstand your nonsense. If you
wanna communicate do so in japanese or whateever the language your breed

> At least you don't know Japlish,Chinish,Koreanish. zzzz

ooo, reariiy? zzzz yerself

Michael Cash

2004/04/04 10:51:252004/04/04
On Sun, 04 Apr 2004 14:46:10 GMT, Toshi <> brought
down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>Haluk Skywalkerさんの<c4p378$2kjfga$>から

>>I'm saying stop feeding your bullshit to translation software and sending
>>them to ng, assuming that everyone would undderstand your nonsense. If you
>>wanna communicate do so in japanese or whateever the language your breed

>At first please write the reason in a syllogism
>if you say that there is the qualification that you criticize the
>perfect English that I write.
>Please write what kind of qualification
>to limit freedom of expression you have in a syllogism.
>Do you know a syllogism?

"A subtle or specious piece of reasoning."

Do you know a specious?

"Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious"


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

Dr. Howard Sprague
Dean of Admissions
Mount Pilot College

Haluk Skywalker

2004/04/04 11:38:392004/04/04
"Toshi" <>, iletide ?unu yazd?
> ...
> If it is unpleasant to change information,
> you should not participate in a newsgroup.

My point exactly. Because your information exchange is being unpleasant, so
consider not participating.

> At first you should have psychiatry look.

Maybe, but you will have to take an english look first to convince me

Haluk Skywalker

2004/04/04 12:41:362004/04/04
"Toshi" <>, iletide ?unu yazd?
> Michael Cashさんの<>から

> >"A subtle or specious piece of reasoning."
> >
> >Do you know a specious?
> >
> >"Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious"
> Please answer me in a syllogism.

Because deduction that time of the file, there is compilation. The volunteer
for charity this year use that high. Appropriateness. Equipment that it is
less than a little gin of foam/home should expand the attempt which is
distributed. Year everything the human of no means the fact that it is
discovered the witness where you who verify are surprised with soup for
those. Medical expense? The loss which you bet? Is that the blind man? Does
that when matching to the blind man for the audit, come to the conduct which
is possible? That is not limited just your function or your imagination
which make the deceptive receipt which you find. If auditor of tax has
remembered very lazy thing, if the government employee, like this it does,
with is. When your kennel for the thing which comes coming out and mortgage
is bought, 4 people from the door the ink to really before the rush hour
from the office, how it is, can give the selection between following-up from
5 auditors who are dried in your inspection.

Raj Feridun

2004/04/04 22:20:032004/04/04

Clash of the Babelfish. This is the best thread in here yet.


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