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ATTN: girlfriend of steel

閲覧: 3 回


2003/06/22 8:03:402003/06/22
Just wanted to let you people know that the PC version of Girlfriend of
Steel 1, translated in English (the real complete game, not the crappy fan-
made version) is currently being posted on the
newsgroup. So if you want it, go leech it already.

Bill Martin

2003/06/22 8:38:532003/06/22
In article <Xns93A28EE047E83p...@>,
Pharsti <phar...@hotmail.comm> wrote:

I'm waiting for some one to release the Mac version of it.

Any attempt at theft of this sig is strictly prohibited, and will be dealt with
in the most severe manner possible, most probably involving chicken feathers,
cod liver oil, and a very, very depraved walrus.
BTW, this sig is in compliance with the 1998 Don't Toucha My Toot-toot Pact.


2003/07/03 14:27:402003/07/03
Pharsti <phar...@hotmail.comm> wrote in message news:<Xns93A28EE047E83p...@>...

I cant find the alt.binaries newsgroup section, can you send me the
link for the please. THanks


2003/07/08 2:02:572003/07/08
To: (MrHyde) wrote in


Ya I went there a few weeks ago and got every file except file 22, seems
like the original poster didn't upload it, by any chance you have the
full set of this game?? if so plz upload it. TIA


2003/07/08 16:21:252003/07/08
Kenshin <> wrote in message news:<Xns93B2861...@>...

This game are so hard to find. the must be
close I just find the
Did your games can work a bit without the 22 th files?
If someone have it , please tell us!!!


2003/07/11 9:56:592003/07/11
To: (MrHyde) wrote in message news:<>...

Yeah, the uploader forgot to post part 22 of the RARs, and
consecutively dropped off the face of the earth. I'm missing that part
too. It has been posted in it's complete form on IRC however, but I
have no idea where, or how to work IRC for that matter. I guess our
best bet now would be P2P programs like Direct Connect (the game
should be about 380 MB).


The binary groups cannot be accessed through Google groups and
possibly some other Newsservers - you'd have to get an Easynews
account for example or get a free one at (50 MB a
day limit), and use a program like X-news to browse/download.


2003/07/14 6:53:042003/07/14

Part 22 along with a full repost of the game has been posted, finally!


2003/07/26 0:49:282003/07/26
Thanks I got acces to the server, but the files are allready gone. can
you put them on kazaa? You would make so many anime fan so happy ;)
Or can you send it to me by msn? Or repost it on the server again...
Damn I want it lol.

If anyone see it again on the server please tell me,


2003/08/04 13:51:002003/08/04
You people shouldnt tease me damit i got all hope full. ive wanted to
play that game ever since i first heard it exhisted. even considered
buying a sega saturn or watever it playes on but i realized that
wouldnt help cus i cant read or undertand japanese ( DAM AMERICAN
UPBRINGING ) but ya some one translate what all this sias and tell me
were to get this game damit ( in english of course ) ill give you a

Sauka- Dark Lilum


2003/08/04 22:25:162003/08/04
To: (Sauka) wrote in message news:<>...

Sauka, no offense, but after looking through your last five posts I'm
not even sure you can read or understand English. On the other hand,
that may also have to do with your "AMERICAN UPBRINGING," although
that certainly didn't stop me. You are in such dire need of help that
I'm going to rewrite your post for you.

Q: Drinian, why are you doing this?
A: I'm really bored.

> You people shouldnt tease me damit i got all hope full. ive wanted to

You people shouldn't tease me <deleted>; I got all hopeful. I've
wanted to

> play that game ever since i first heard it exhisted. even considered

play that game ever since I first heard it existed. I even

> buying a sega saturn or watever it playes on but i realized that

buying a Sega Saturn -- or whatever it plays on -- but I realized

> wouldnt help cus i cant read or undertand japanese ( DAM AMERICAN

wouldn't help, since I can't read or understand Japanese (<deleted>

> UPBRINGING ) but ya some one translate what all this sias and tell me

upbringing!), but if someone translated what it all says and told me

> were to get this game damit ( in english of course ) ill give you a

where to get this game <deleted> (in English, of course), I'll give
you a

> cookie!

I mean, really, turn off the anime for a little while and go read some
Dickens and C.S. Lewis. Notice how they write? Emulate it. I assume,
of course, that you're over the age of eight or so. I think you'll
find that being a clear and interesting writer will get you more
favors, especially online, than a cookie.

Although those are also appreciated.

I wouldn't be quite as bothered, except that I consider Evangelion to
be one of the greater literary works of the late twentieth century.
And now, I will manage to keep this post on topic, by explaining a
little about the translations for Girlfriend of Steel 1. My
understanding is that the Chinese translations for the PC version of
this game were kept in a textfile, and that by editing that file a
translation into any language could be made. Thus, if you could get
the much-easier-to-find Chinese version, all one would have to do is
replace that textfile, which is probably no more than 50kb. Now, is
someone interested in posting the English translation textfile
somewhere on the Web?

With the greatest apologies,


2003/08/05 22:36:522003/08/05
> Sauka, no offense, but after looking through your last five posts I'm
> not even sure you can read or understand English. On the other hand,
> that may also have to do with your "AMERICAN UPBRINGING," although
> that certainly didn't stop me. You are in such dire need of help that
> I'm going to rewrite your post for you.

Wow I feel so insulted. It happened to be that I was in a rush that
day to get to work seeing as how I was already very late from going
through these very interesting conversations in the
japan.anime.evangelion group. I attempted to get a message down as
fast as humanly possible and thus did away with unnecessary grammar
and time consuming spelling extras (although necessary for more
complex conversations I understand) I apologize for being so annoying
to you and to all of those that were so horribly offended by my style
of hurried writing, from now on I will be sure to put up a disclaimer
before I write in a hurried fashion so that people like you are not so
traumatized by my text. Although the satisfaction and thus
entertainment level you derived by putting me down even under the
false shield of "no offence " in order to make yourself appear to you,
and all others, as a better person them most, must have been extremely
satisfying. Once again I beg forgiveness for my existence, please
continue your actions of using me and others as stepping stones for
the appearance of prestige among your fellow colleagues. I am reminded
of grade school and the constant harassment to nerds and losers
(myself included in that category) by the popular people to appear
greater and thus more popular among there friends. By you're knowledge
and wisdom I can sense from your writings I can tell you are much more
mature and refined than these common bullies. It hurts me to find
these same rudimentary people lurking in my only haven from them in
the guise of fellow internet goers.

In pain and sadness
Sauka- Dark Lilum


2003/08/06 0:35:032003/08/06
If you feel trustworthy enough of a total stranger to e-mail me your
address, I would be happy to send you a CD. Ask nicely enough and I
might even print out the original CD label that was included with the
download =)

"The program isn't debugged until the last user is dead"

-----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
-----== Over 80,000 Newsgroups - 16 Different Servers! =-----


2003/08/06 11:54:162003/08/06
To: (Sauka) wrote in message news:<>...

> Wow I feel so insulted.

You're right, I do owe you an apology. I shouldn't have done that the
other night... I guess it's one of those examples of how the
semi-anonymity of the Internet leads me to do things I wouldn't out
here in the so-called "real world." I'm sure that anyone able enough
to find their way to Usenet has at least some modicum of intelligence
(that's why I spend time posting here instead of on random Eva
boards). Don't take it personally: I'm a grammar Nazi. I get pissed
off* when the Associated Press makes mistakes in their stories, which
happens to be about once a day.

And I actually enjoy re-writing things, especially while I'm reading
books or watching movies. Sort of a mental game to improve my own
writing.** I'm hoping to try out being an editor at a publishing house
sometime. Of course, I forget that criticism is invited by the author
in those situations.

Oh, and for an example of a poorly written post by me (at least in
terms of attempted humor), have a look at the thread "New Movie Poster
(or "I'm at it again")."

-- Drinian

* colloquialism, -10 points
** sentence fragment, -20 points

unknown hero

2003/08/06 14:10:072003/08/06
To: (Drinian) wrote in

> And now, I will manage to keep this post on topic, by explaining a
> little about the translations for Girlfriend of Steel 1. My
> understanding is that the Chinese translations for the PC version of
> this game were kept in a textfile, and that by editing that file a
> translation into any language could be made. Thus, if you could get
> the much-easier-to-find Chinese version, all one would have to do is
> replace that textfile, which is probably no more than 50kb. Now, is
> someone interested in posting the English translation textfile
> somewhere on the Web?

The game was translated off the original Japanese version, and text
messages were actually bitmaps (except the menus, which were text in the
script files). And yes, it's possible to replace some files (text
bitmaps, script and main executable) to get English translated game.
It would be about a meg or two I think... so if you're REALLY interested,
I guess I could make a "patch".

Ren Driver

2003/08/06 14:14:212003/08/06
A good bit off topic but commenting on grammar nazi. I get the same way.
Find some books that their first print is pre 1970. Sometimes you'll find
typos and grammar errors in them cause they had no form of spell check.
Though you have to find a print of it that was before computers to find the
typo(one example is atlantian chronicles. On the second page one of the
thoughs is spelled tho)
"Drinian" <> wrote in message


2003/08/12 0:04:232003/08/12
"Ren Driver" <> wrote in message news:<1AbYa.2820$>...

^.^ can't say much more late again. BAHH!!


2003/08/13 7:39:152003/08/13

"Sauka" <> wrote

> ^.^ can't say much more late again. BAHH!!

Isn't it always the way : /



2003/08/17 5:49:352003/08/17
Wizzard <> wrote in message news:<3f3085a5$>...

> If you feel trustworthy enough of a total stranger to e-mail me your
> address, I would be happy to send you a CD. Ask nicely enough and I
> might even print out the original CD label that was included with the
> download =)
> Wizzard
> "The program isn't debugged until the last user is dead"

Hay thanks a lot I just got it in yesterday. Bleh, awfully short,
finished it in a couple of hours. But nice none the less, no anything
about the other eva games. And I'm assuming there's a sequel to this
one of course. Any one know the best place to find it?



2003/08/17 5:55:302003/08/17
o ya and i was wondering if theres i program i could use to get those
bp2 files into regular image files i can save like jpgs or watever.
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