If you're interested, please contact me privately at eddiebox71()
> I need some help promoting my new bar... anything from PR, web
> visibility, media to stuff as simple as chirashi. Willing to trade
> either free drinks, or free music lessons (I'm a professional Jazz
> player, and I've written books on gospel blues and Jazz improv and
> harmony.)
How can we get there for our free drink if you don't provide the address?
Dave Fossett
Saitama, Japan
Push a very long straw into your computer and the other end will be
routed automatically.
Michael Cash
"Tom Cruise saves late 19th Century Japan from creepy politicians and creeping Westernization in "The Last Samurai," another Hollywood epic that shows that nobody embodies the nobility of an exotic foreign culture like a visiting white guy."
John Beifuss
In article <787fb31a.03120...@posting.google.com>, Eddie
<shak...@aol.com> wrote:
One piece of advice: put the location/number/single-line pitch for your
bar in your sig file. In the meantime where is this bar?
Where is your bar?
First they gerrymander us into one-party fiefs. Then they tell us they only
care about the swing districts. They they complain about voter apathy.
-- Gail Collins
I didn't mean this to be a troll or a spam, so I left it out...
If someone is interested, they can contact me privately, discuss what
they have to offer, and what I can give them in return and set up a
time to meet.
If I knew where senju is I could probably find kita senju.
The best thing I could do it stay away from the bar. What do I get for that?
"You don't bang it at 11:00pm but on the other hand, you don't play tribal house
when you're headlining a tech-house party"
DJ Mike McKenna talking shit
> And what about the free drinks?
First you have to find the place. Since their are free drinks, the
"catch" is you can't get there. Diabolical!
The evil bastard!
Now where`s my free drinks!
I mean it would be a shame if I went to this address with a printout
of this message and demanded free drinks...
Eddie's Lounge
3-55 Senju,
Adachi-ku, Tokyo,
120-0034, JAPAN
> I mean it would be a shame if I went to this address with a printout
> of this message and demanded free drinks...
> Eddie's Lounge
> 3-55 Senju,
> Adachi-ku, Tokyo,
> 120-0034, JAPAN
Looks like the location for the fjlij Tokyo-area bonenkai has been set
then... Free drinks all round!