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Japs: I am glad that we bombed you 54 years ago!!!

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American Patriot

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto. You Japanese
savages deserved a lot worse than you've got. After the slaughter of
innocent Americans, as well as Chinese and Korean civilians, you have
shown that you are a nation of unworthy swines. Even today, when your
economy is in deep shit, I continue laughing at you. Use of nuclear bombs
was absolutely justified and saved precious American lives. Thank you,
President Truman, for ordering this humane and just act.

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
In article <>, (American Patriot) wrote:
> My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto. You Japanese
> savages deserved a lot worse than you've got. After the slaughter of
> innocent Americans, as well as Chinese and Korean civilians, you have
> shown that you are a nation of unworthy swines. Even today, when your
> economy is in deep shit, I continue laughing at you. Use of nuclear
I learned from reading a history book(sorry, cannot remember the name
nor the author's name) that dropping bombs were to save Japanese
civilians as conventional B-52 bombing would result more civilian
casualties and cost more time and money for U.S. to end the war.
Thanks to Korean War(damn!!) Japanese rebuilt their nation so quickly
by supplying U.S. military.

> was absolutely justified and saved precious American lives. Thank you,
> President Truman, for ordering this humane and just act.

There was every reason to justify the bombing of Japan. It saved
Americans, Koreans, Chinese, and others(including Japanese civilians).

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
In article <>, (American Patriot) wrote:

Let me tell you about my dad who is a korean. My dad lived his life
under Japanese occupation during 1930's 1940'. He rememer those
Japs as you called it. HOwever, he said that Japs are not as bad
as white america. He said he supporteed Japanese bombing on America
soil as he believed Americans are simply worst than anything
he has ever experience under Japs colonization. He said Japsnese
miltiary made the terrible error. They attacked too quick.
That's why Japanese lost the war. All in all, my dad now hates
white americans than these Japs. WHy he believed this way?
I think he caught the white patriot of racist mindset on people like

> My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto. You Japanese
> savages deserved a lot worse than you've got. After the slaughter of
> innocent Americans, as well as Chinese and Korean civilians, you have
> shown that you are a nation of unworthy swines. Even today, when your
> economy is in deep shit, I continue laughing at you. Use of nuclear

> was absolutely justified and saved precious American lives. Thank you,
> President Truman, for ordering this humane and just act.

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
In article <>, (American Patriot) wrote:
> My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto. You Japanese
> savages deserved a lot worse than you've got. After the slaughter of
> innocent Americans, as well as Chinese and Korean civilians, you have
> shown that you are a nation of unworthy swines.

Oh I don't know. I'm rather fond of my Sony digital camcorder.

Tom Goodman

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
On Fri, 6 Aug 1999 12:34:43 -0500, (American
Patriot) wrote:

>My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto. You Japanese
>savages deserved a lot worse than you've got. After the slaughter of
>innocent Americans, as well as Chinese and Korean civilians, you have

>shown that you are a nation of unworthy swines. Even today, when your

>economy is in deep shit, I continue laughing at you. Use of nuclear bombs
>was absolutely justified and saved precious American lives. Thank you,
>President Truman, for ordering this humane and just act.

Don't forget to thank the Russian Communists who bravely sliced
through heavy Nazi defense and rushed into Berlin, forcing Hitler to
commit suicide. German Nazi scientists were only days from completing
their atomic bombs. The result of Hitler's atomic bombs would have
change the world history, and USA would not be here today.

After Hitler died, and his Nazi troops dropped their weapons, only
then the Americans and allies could go into Berlin, but still it took
them days to get there. This shows how incompetent they were. The Nazi
western defense was weak; Hitler concentrated his men on the east
against Russian Communists' counterattack. At the west, Americans and
allies were struggling with elementary school age German boyscouts,
they couldn't break through the kindergartner. While Russian
Communists (Soviets) fought against Hitler's major power.

Anyway, Nazi atomic scientists offered Americans their atomic bomb
technology and work in exchange for their lives. So, away they went to
USA and built atomic bombs that dropped on Japan.

T*o*m G*o*o*d*m*a*n

Communism Is Godly !

Acts 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart
and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things
which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

The real Tom Goodman post from either or

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
In article <EuFq3.1404$>,
"Spy 007" <> wrote:
> Should have kill them all. If that did happend 54 years ago than we
> have Toyota, Honda, NEC, Sony, Casio, Toshiba, Mitsubishi... etc and
> America would be much more powerful, richer and monopolise the world
> more.
> Fuck damn it Truman why didn't you order a few more bombs 54 years

If anyone doubted otherwise, the massive yearly hibakusha-led PR
campaign can have unintended side-effects. <See above and below.>

> Maybe Clinton can send a few N-Bomb now and finish what was left over
> years ago, since the warheads are over stocked. Ohh no? They are
> now?


1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
In article <>,

American Patriot <> wrote:
>My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto. You Japanese
>savages deserved a lot worse than you've got. After the slaughter of
>innocent Americans, as well as Chinese and Korean civilians, you have
>shown that you are a nation of unworthy swines. Even today, when your
>economy is in deep shit, I continue laughing at you. Use of nuclear bombs
>was absolutely justified and saved precious American lives. Thank you,
>President Truman, for ordering this humane and just act.

Let me just take this opportunity to say, as an American, that only
a tiny and irrelevant fraction of us are bloodthirsty morons like the
one who posted the above paragraph.
Patrick Crotty
e-mail: prcrotty at

Victor Chan

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
Simple. white only likes anyone who looks Europeans. Not to say Europeans
like white Americans. But to white Americans, as long as you speak English
and look white or Europeans, they think you are like them. Cool, huh? The
white trash mentality. The mob mentality. Believe me, Asian Americans
(Chinese, Japanese and Korean) were being treated very very badly at the
turn of this century. I believe this is called American racism with the
intention to prove themselves as part of Europe. Aren't they the clever
little bastards? Using us, non-white, to assist them into assimilating into
Europe. The slave mentality even though they may appear as the master. <S>

<> wrote in message news:7ofele$nej$

> In article <>,
> (American Patriot) wrote:

> Let me tell you about my dad who is a korean. My dad lived his life
> under Japanese occupation during 1930's 1940'. He rememer those
> Japs as you called it. HOwever, he said that Japs are not as bad
> as white america. He said he supporteed Japanese bombing on America
> soil as he believed Americans are simply worst than anything
> he has ever experience under Japs colonization. He said Japsnese
> miltiary made the terrible error. They attacked too quick.
> That's why Japanese lost the war. All in all, my dad now hates
> white americans than these Japs. WHy he believed this way?
> I think he caught the white patriot of racist mindset on people like
> you.

> > My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto. You Japanese
> > savages deserved a lot worse than you've got. After the slaughter of
> > innocent Americans, as well as Chinese and Korean civilians, you have
> > shown that you are a nation of unworthy swines. Even today, when your
> > economy is in deep shit, I continue laughing at you. Use of nuclear
> bombs
> > was absolutely justified and saved precious American lives. Thank you,
> > President Truman, for ordering this humane and just act.
> >
> >

Tom Goodman

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
On Fri, 6 Aug 1999 16:25:47 -0400, "Victor Chan"
<> wrote:

>Simple. white only likes anyone who looks Europeans. Not to say Europeans
>like white Americans. But to white Americans, as long as you speak English
>and look white or Europeans, they think you are like them. Cool, huh? The
>white trash mentality. The mob mentality. Believe me, Asian Americans
>(Chinese, Japanese and Korean) were being treated very very badly at the
>turn of this century. I believe this is called American racism with the
>intention to prove themselves as part of Europe. Aren't they the clever
>little bastards? Using us, non-white, to assist them into assimilating into
>Europe. The slave mentality even though they may appear as the master. <S>

The imperialist mentality and bully behavior in
white-European-AmeriKKKans play an important part of their
involvements in the revived "Holy" Roman Empire and Greek Democracy
Empire. They are satan's children born to destroy the world. The Bible
foretold their existence in the end time. They arrived from Europe for
a purpose, not just to kill tens of millions of native American
Indians and Mexicans to set up a "Christian nation". They are in
North America to set up an evil, satanic nation that would control the
whole world.

Read what the Bible said about USA.

Here is my verse-by-verse commentary and analysis of the first beast
and second beast. I don't throw in one unrelated verse from one book
and half a verse from another book to confuse you. They are listed
verse-by-verse, line-by-line, for you to read and judge for yourself
how accurate the Bible scriptures compare with what's happening now.

666 is the number of the second beast that in fact is a man - a male
leader who is the representative of the first beast. Both first beast
and second beast are controlled by satan the devil.

These are explained here. Go to Rev. 13:17 if you can't wait to read

[My analysis in brackets.]

Rev.13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw out of the
sea a beast coming up, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon its
horns ten diadems, and upon its heads a name of evil speaking,

[ "The beast comes up from the sea" represents a powerful nation
surfaces in the world. USA is now the world's most powerful nation. It
came up very suddenly, almost out of nowhere, and has a very short
history. ]
[ With all those horns, the beast killed a few living things on its
way coming up from the sea. USA is built on stolen lands. White
European invaders killed tens of millions of native Indian people with
their pointy weapons - guns. The horns represent something more
powerful than guns. ]
[Americans are some of the most evil speakers of all time. They
twisted the Words of God to fit them into their satanic
pseudo-christianity. False prophets and teachers such as Robert
Schuller, Jimmy Swaggart, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jim Baker, and
whoever are those clowns on TV. Notice that they love to call
themselves "reverend". They are committing blasphemy ! "Reverend" is
God's holy title ! > Psalms 111:9  He sent redemption unto his people:
he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his
name. <]
[ American money, on them printed "In G_d We Trust". Blasphemy ! How
dare they put God's name on filthy dollar bills !]
[ Look at a street map of Whitehouse area, you can clearly see a
satanic symbol formed in its area. Also, Pentagon with its unusual
shape; if you look at it, it has five corners that allows fitting a
satan symbol of a upside down five pointed star. These hints telling
us something about the satanism nature of AmeriKKKan govt.]

13:2 and the beast that I saw was like to a leopard, and its
feet as of a bear, and its mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the
dragon did give to it his power, and his throne, and great authority.

[ Leopard has many spots all over its body. The spots represent the
many states in USA. Notice the Bible says "like to a leopard", it
doesn't say it's a leopard. South America is geographically located
below USA. Look at the map, it looks like a bear's foot pointing
towards lower left; look at the claw ! Notice Bible clearly says "its
feet as of a bear," it doesn't say it's a whole bear as described in
book of Daniel. So, those so-called Bible scholars or experts, please
smarten up. The Gulf of Mexico looks like a lion's roaring mouth with
canine teeth. Notice Bible clearly says "its mouth as the mouth of a
lion," it doesn't say it's a lion. Satan(dragon) gives power and
authority to USA so that it becomes a powerful beastly nation. ]

13:3 And I saw one of its heads as slain to death, and its
deadly stroke was healed, and all the earth did wonder after the

[ Yes, the whole world is amazed at USA, such a young nation but so
powerful. The once powerful "Holy" Roman Empire and Greek democracy
empire were dead, now they are revived as one. Its new name is the
American democracy empire. It's American DemonCrazy Empire.]

13:4 and they did bow before the dragon who did give authority
to the beast, and they did bow before the beast, saying, `Who
[is] like to the beast? who is able to war with it?'

[ The US military is the most advanced. No other nation on earth dares
to make war with it. Notice, "who is like to the beast?", it means
this nation is very powerful, no other can compare to it. Americans
are very proud of their nation and they are always bragging about how
USA is the greatest nation and no other is better or able to war with
it. Americans bow(worship) to the dragon(satan) in the forms of rock
music, drugs, satanic cults, new age cults, false Christian doctrines,
Hollywood, etc. Many Americans admit they believe and worship

13:5 And there was given to it a mouth speaking great things,
and evil-speakings, and there was given to it authority to
make war forty-two months,

[ American presidents and leaders are big liars. They are the ones
have started wars all over the world. ]

13:6 and it did open its mouth for evil-speaking toward God, to
speak evil of His name, and of His tabernacle, and of those who
in the heaven tabernacle,

[ Many Americans now say that Christian God isn't a good loving God
because he hates homosexuals. Now, even American media and TV shows
speak evil of Christian God. Clinton, on one hand claims to be
Christian, on his other hand, he agrees with abortion and homosexuals.

13:7 and there was given to it to make war with the saints, and
to overcome them, and there was given to it authority over
every tribe, and tongue, and nation.

[ USA is the only nation that forces control over all other nations,
through its stronghold in United Nations, NATO, and WTO. Whatever the
US president and his gang say, UN, NATO and WTO have to follow their
orders. In other words, USA is the authority over every tribe, tongue
and nation ! (also mentioned in Daniel's prophecy)]

13:8 And bow before it shall all who are dwelling upon the land, whose
names have not been written in the scroll of the life of the Lamb
slain from the foundation of the world;

13:9 if any one hath an ear -- let him hear:
13:10 if any one a captivity doth gather, into captivity he doth
go away; if any one by sword doth kill, it behoveth him by
sword to be killed; here is the endurance and the faith of the

-------------- second beast ------------

13:11 And I saw another beast coming up out of the land, and it
had two horns, like a lamb, and it was speaking as a dragon,

[ This second beast has 2 horns, looks like a lamb, but it speaks like
satan(dragon). It means that this beast pretends being righteous, but
it really isn't. Sounds just like the American president and the
American govt. Notice this beast comes up from the land, not the sea
like the first beast.]

13:12 and all the authority of the first beast doth it do before
it, and it taketh the land and those dwelling in it that they
shall bow before the first beast, whose deadly stroke was

[ The once wounded "Holy" Roman Empire and Greek Democracy Empire are
now revived, they're now called "Holy" American Democracy Empire. The
second beast forces the whole world worship the first beast - a
revival of the once dead "Holy" Roman empire and Greek Democracy
Empire. ] [ The US military is the counterpart of the Roman Catholic
crusaders who conquered other nations and slaughtered anyone who
didn't accept the "Holy" Roman Empire. Notice how USA claims to be
a "godly" nation and world's strongest power. Hmm, "Holy" Roman Empire
is indeed revived now. ]

13:13 and it doth great signs, that fire also it may make to
come down from the heaven to the earth before men,

[ Tomahawk missiles ? Laser guided missiles ?]

13:14 and it leadeth astray those dwelling on the land, because
of the signs that were given it to do before the beast, saying
to those dwelling upon the land to make an image to the beast
that hath the stroke of the sword and did live,

13:15 and there was given to it to give a spirit to the image of
the beast, that also the image of the beast may speak, and
[that] it may cause as many as shall not bow before the image
of the beast, that they may be killed.

[ We all know the Statue of Liberty is a spiritual (freedom and
democracy) symbol of USA. The statue is a dead structure, but it comes
alive with the so-called spirit of democracy (Greek paganism) and
so-called "freedom". This means that the Statue of Liberty is
represents the image of the beast. USA is that beast and democracy
(Greek paganism) and so-called "freedom" are that image. Americans
work extremely hard at pushing democracy(Greek paganism) on all other
people. They declare wars on countries oppose to democracy, very much
like the way "Holy" Roman empire forced catholicism onto other people.
Those who refused must be killed.]

13:16 And it taketh all, the small, and the great, and the rich,
and the poor, and the freemen, and the servants, that it may
give to them a mark upon their right hand or upon their

[ This may be an actual gadget that will be placed on the forehead or
right hand. People may have two choices of where they want the gadget
placed. The reason for placing on the forehead is obvious: some people
don't have right hand! It may also be that the gadget is placed on
both places, just in case one loses the right hand. Why place on the
right hand? It is probably because as people pass through a gate with
detector, the gadget in/on their right hands are automatically
detected. Why place on the forehead ? It is probably because it is
inconvenient to chop off someone's head just to take the gadget away;
it's easier to chop off someone's hand. And it's easier for satellites
to track the gadget in the forehead.]

13:17 and that no one may be able to buy, or to sell, except he
who is having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number
of his name.

[This is a strong clue that indicates the second beast (representative
of the first beast) is a powerful person who can change the order of
this whole world. There is only one such person, this person is the
president of USA. The mark is the name or number of a man(his). So,
this is the mark of the second beast, not of the first beast which is
called 'it'. The first beast is USA, the second beast is a male leader
of USA. This male leader will cause everyone to have the commercial
gadget placed on forehead or right hand, or both places. First there
were credit cards, then smart cards, now this gadget; all from USA. ]

13:18 Here is the wisdom! He who is having the understanding,
let him count the number of the beast, for the number of a man
it is, and its number [is] 666.

[You will soon find out about this new AmeriKKKan gimmick. This
prophecy will soon be fulfilled. For your information: most UPC
(Universal Product Code) or normally called product bar-codes contain
the code number "666"; with a "6" at the begining,in the middle, and
at the end of the code. The "6" is two strips of thin line; you can
see it on most product packages. There are already ID microchips for
dogs, similar gadget will eventually be used on humans. Now AmeriKKKan
scientists are working on nano-computer which is a molecular-size
computer that can store and work like a normal computer. This
nano-computer is the size of a bacteria. It is highly possible that a
bar code with your personal information will be built into a
nano-computer and injected into your hand and forehead. ]

===== God destroys the end time Babylon==========

Rev. 14:8 And another messenger did follow, saying, `Fall, fall, did
Babylon, the great city, because of the wine of the wrath of her
whoredom she hath given to all nations to drink.'

[ The old ancient Babylon, was the most powerful and advanced nation
of its time. This prophecy points to a nation in the end time that
resembles the ancient Babylon, it is not talking about the old ancient
Babylon. This new Babylon is USA.]

14:9 And a third messenger did follow them, saying in a great voice,
`If any one the beast doth bow before, and his image, and doth receive
a mark upon his forehead, or upon his hand,

14:10 he also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, that hath
been mingled unmixed in the cup of His anger, and he shall be
tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy messengers, and before
the Lamb,

[ Those who admire, supports USA and its democracy(Greek paganism),
idolize Americanism and received the mark of the beast (a commercial
device that is coded with 666), will be sent to the lake of fire - in
other words, burn in hell.]

14:11 and the smoke of their torment doth go up to ages of ages; and
they have no rest day and night, who are bowing before the beast and
his image, also if any doth receive the mark of his name.

[ Democracy(Greek paganism) is the image of USA. The device will
contain some sort of code that includes 666, or a name, or some sort
of word/s related to 666.]

14:12 Here is endurance of the saints: here [are] those keeping the
commands of God, and the faith of Jesus.'

[ Believe in God and receive salvation through Jesus Christ, and you
shall be saved. Follow the ways (democracy,New Age religion, etc.) of
men and you are damned. ]

========== Beware of USA - the beast ==========

Rev. 15:2 and I saw as a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who
do gain the victory over the beast, and his image, and his mark, [and]
the number of his name, standing by the sea of the glass, having harps
of God,

[Those who REFUSE to follow the ways of men (democracy, New Age
religions, fake christianity, etc.) will be saved.]

16:2 and the first did go away, and did pour out his vial upon the
land, and there came a sore -- bad and grievous -- to men, those
having the mark of the beast, and those bowing to his image.

[ Wrath on USA - also called the beast, the mother of harlots, the
whore, the Mystery Babylon, and Babylon the great city. ]

Tom Goodman

Mark 1:15  And saying, The time is fulfilled,
and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye,
and believe the gospel.


1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06

<> wrote in message news:7ofele$nej$
>In article <>,
> (American Patriot) wrote:
> Let me tell you about my dad who is a korean. My dad lived his life
>under Japanese occupation during 1930's 1940'. He rememer those
> Japs as you called it. HOwever, he said that Japs are not as bad
>as white america. He said he supporteed Japanese bombing on America
> soil as he believed Americans are simply worst than anything
>he has ever experience under Japs colonization. He said Japsnese
> miltiary made the terrible error. They attacked too quick.
> That's why Japanese lost the war. All in all, my dad now hates
>white americans than these Japs. WHy he believed this way?
> I think he caught the white patriot of racist mindset on people like

Or, your dad could have just been an idiot.


1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06

Victor Chan <> wrote in message

>Simple. white only likes anyone who looks Europeans. Not to say Europeans
>like white Americans.

Europeans don't always like other Europeans either.

> But to white Americans, as long as you speak English
>and look white or Europeans, they think you are like them. Cool, huh? The
>white trash mentality. The mob mentality. Believe me, Asian Americans
>(Chinese, Japanese and Korean) were being treated very very badly at the
>turn of this century. I believe this is called American racism with the
>intention to prove themselves as part of Europe. Aren't they the clever
>little bastards? Using us, non-white, to assist them into assimilating
>Europe. The slave mentality even though they may appear as the master. <S>

><> wrote in message news:7ofele$nej$
>> In article <>,
>> (American Patriot) wrote:
>> Let me tell you about my dad who is a korean. My dad lived his life
>> under Japanese occupation during 1930's 1940'. He rememer those
>> Japs as you called it. HOwever, he said that Japs are not as bad
>> as white america. He said he supporteed Japanese bombing on America
>> soil as he believed Americans are simply worst than anything
>> he has ever experience under Japs colonization. He said Japsnese
>> miltiary made the terrible error. They attacked too quick.
>> That's why Japanese lost the war. All in all, my dad now hates
>> white americans than these Japs. WHy he believed this way?
>> I think he caught the white patriot of racist mindset on people like
>> you.

Akira Ijuin

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
In soc.culture.japan American Patriot wrote:
> My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto.

Got dumped by a Japanese woman, heh.

Akira Ijuin,


1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
Tom Goodman wrote:

<large snip of religious gibberish>

> [ Wrath on USA - also called the beast, the mother of harlots, the
> whore, the Mystery Babylon, and Babylon the great city. ]
> Tom Goodman
> Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled,
> and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye,
> and believe the gospel.

Yo dude. How long have you been insane? Take your meds, see your
doctor" regularly, and maybe, just maybe, your hallucinations will end.
and this is crucial--throw away that disgusting Buybull to which you
referring. Realize that it's merely a tapestry of myths and bullshit
for fomenting more pure human suffering than any other book in history.
the thing and you'll feel much better.




1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06

Uh, please, PLEASE don't display your ignorance in such a manner. First of
all, you're an asshole for posting off-topic in many of these newsgroups.
Second, the US DID bomb Tokyo. Upwards of 80k in civilian casualties.
Please, people like you make me sick.


1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06

The US was fighting a war in the Pacific, as well as in Europe. Plus, we
generally don't approve of slaughtering 20 million of our civilians.



1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
You are out again, who let you go free from the mental hospital? the
Albanians drugs dealers!!!!!!


1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
Ylou Lunatic

Only the Japanise make the US reach, If not a Japanise scientist, you will
not have Computers today!!!!!


1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
Another escape from the mental hospital!!!!

Anthony J. Bryant

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
You're brilliant.

We *did* bomb Tokyo. And more people were killed there than Hiroshima
and Nagasaki.



Victor Chan

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
What's the matter? Can't handle your own obscurity? Can't handle the
inherent contradiction of your racist ideology? Your double standard? <S>

firefly <> wrote in message

Victor Chan

1999/08/06 3:00:001999/08/06
Is you again, the Tom Goodman pretender. You are a looser. Get yourself a
real name, dumbass. <S>

Tom Goodman <Christ...@Communism.CCl> wrote in message

Spy 007

1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
Should have kill them all. If that did happend 54 years ago than we wouldn't
have Toyota, Honda, NEC, Sony, Casio, Toshiba, Mitsubishi... etc and the
America would be much more powerful, richer and monopolise the world even
Fuck damn it Truman why didn't you order a few more bombs 54 years ago?


1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
sounds like you r Chinese, not white American.

Steve Sundberg

1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
On Fri, 6 Aug 1999 12:34:43 -0500, (American
Patriot) wrote:

>My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto.

You might want to retake your WWII history course again. Tokyo *was*
bombed ... with a loss of life greater than that of either atomic

Why am I not surprised such racists as "American Patriot" are total
duds when it comes to history?

It's been Oolong time, my Darjeeling Jasmine,
since we've had some Tea together.
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Tom Goodman

1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
On Fri, 6 Aug 1999 21:23:23 -0400, "Tom Goodman"
<Christ...@Communism.CCl> wrote:


A Nazi, racist punk is faking Tom Goodman's posting and he posts from or Optimum Online

The real Tom Goodman always posts from or

I have been expecting this punk forges my posting; I've always been
ready for this. Let me see what else the punk has up in his dirty
sleeves. Punk can't help but to try to harass good people. Let him
wastes his time if he wants to play games..

From now on, please check that the true Tom Goodman posting are from
either one of these two (only) ISP and contain the following:

At Email Address, always includes the word "Christian" :

Christian(a number follws)@Communism.CCI


Christian...@International.Commentator ( and a number follows)


ChristianCommunist (a number follows) @International.CCI

There is always a tag line at signature :

Mark 1:15  And saying, The time is fulfilled,
and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye,
and believe the gospel.


Acts 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart
and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things
which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

George Privalov

1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07

Spy 007 wrote in message ...

>Should have kill them all. If that did happend 54 years ago than we
>have Toyota, Honda, NEC, Sony, Casio, Toshiba, Mitsubishi... etc and the

Lets face it dude: they make better products. So I am glad they didn't bomb


1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
On Fri, 06 Aug 1999 19:03:44 GMT, Christ...@Communism.CCI (Tom
Goodman) wrote:

Stop telling your red lies mr gookman. The russkies did'nt get off
their own dirt until 44...Thats five years after they slaughtered
25000 poles at Katyn after they murderously invaded poland with
Hitlers graces. And the mighty USA bombed Berlin to dust with B-17's
and destroyed the mighty german Uboats in the atlantic and liberated
every Nazi held european country, beat rommel in Africa .Russia ONLY
defended their own country against a tired beat by the USA german
army.. And let me remind you that no German armies destoryed America
while America saved Europe from across the world..You communist are
nothing but murderes and theifs and terrible liers .

Free China from Communist Oppression !!!!!!!!!!!!!

>On Fri, 6 Aug 1999 12:34:43 -0500, (American
>Patriot) wrote:

>>My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto. You Japanese
>>savages deserved a lot worse than you've got. After the slaughter of
>>innocent Americans, as well as Chinese and Korean civilians, you have
>>shown that you are a nation of unworthy swines. Even today, when your
>>economy is in deep shit, I continue laughing at you. Use of nuclear bombs
>>was absolutely justified and saved precious American lives. Thank you,
>>President Truman, for ordering this humane and just act.

>Don't forget to thank the Russian Communists who bravely sliced
>through heavy Nazi defense and rushed into Berlin, forcing Hitler to
>commit suicide. German Nazi scientists were only days from completing
>their atomic bombs. The result of Hitler's atomic bombs would have
>change the world history, and USA would not be here today.

>After Hitler died, and his Nazi troops dropped their weapons, only
>then the Americans and allies could go into Berlin, but still it took
>them days to get there. This shows how incompetent they were. The Nazi
>western defense was weak; Hitler concentrated his men on the east
>against Russian Communists' counterattack. At the west, Americans and
>allies were struggling with elementary school age German boyscouts,
>they couldn't break through the kindergartner. While Russian
>Communists (Soviets) fought against Hitler's major power.
>Anyway, Nazi atomic scientists offered Americans their atomic bomb
>technology and work in exchange for their lives. So, away they went to
>USA and built atomic bombs that dropped on Japan.
>T*o*m G*o*o*d*m*a*n
>Communism Is Godly !

>Acts 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart
>and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things
>which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

Htin Aung Moe

1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07

chris wrote in message ...

>Victor Chan <> wrote in message
>>Simple. white only likes anyone who looks Europeans. Not to say
>>like white Americans.
>Europeans don't always like other Europeans either.

But any of them can't watch an Asian nation/people beat their Euro master.
They may compete among themselves, but if a new competitor (Asian nation)
come is different story. Think it that way, not every white
South Afrikaner like each other, but when a black person beat a white
Afrikaner they will feel like "sitting on the shaking chair".

Chris Hamilton

1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
On Fri, 06 Aug 1999 19:03:44 GMT, Christ...@Communism.CCI (Tom
Goodman) wrote:

>Don't forget to thank the Russian Communists who bravely sliced
>through heavy Nazi defense and rushed into Berlin, forcing Hitler to
>commit suicide. German Nazi scientists were only days from completing
>their atomic bombs. The result of Hitler's atomic bombs would have
>change the world history, and USA would not be here today.

Yes, the Soviet Union was key to winning the war in Europe.

>After Hitler died, and his Nazi troops dropped their weapons, only
>then the Americans and allies could go into Berlin, but still it took
>them days to get there. This shows how incompetent they were. The Nazi
>western defense was weak; Hitler concentrated his men on the east
>against Russian Communists' counterattack. At the west, Americans and
>allies were struggling with elementary school age German boyscouts,
>they couldn't break through the kindergartner. While Russian
>Communists (Soviets) fought against Hitler's major power.

Completely incorrect. Both fronts were manned with both high and low
quality German troops (SS, Army, Volkssturm, etc.). By that time of
the war (Spring 1945) the Germans had relatively few tanks, planes,
and other vehicles, and very little fuel. Ammunition, particularly
for artillery was also in short supply. Some units surrendered en
masse, others fought to the bitter end. On the Eastern front, troops
were more likely to fight to the end due to the revenge they knew
would be exacted against them if they were taken prisoner by the
Soviets. The Western powers treated the POWs with more humanity.

The reason the Allied troops did not get to Berlin was that Stalin,
Churchill, and Roosevelt had already agreed that the Elbe River would
be the demarcation line. It was reached, and some US commanders,
Patton especially, felt they should keep going and seize Berlin first,
before the Soviets. US command overruled him. Probably for the best,
as it would not have been cool for Western and Soviet trooops to start
slugging it out too.

Some Germans were hoping up to the end that there would be a rift
between the US/UK/France allies and the Soviets, and the Western
powers would join with Germany to fight, but of course that didn't

>Anyway, Nazi atomic scientists offered Americans their atomic bomb
>technology and work in exchange for their lives. So, away they went to
>USA and built atomic bombs that dropped on Japan.

Incorrect. The project was under development for years prior to 1945.
Many German exiles worked on the project, true, but they were not
"Nazi" scientists - they'd fled Germany in the 1930s.

Some German scientists also worked on our early rocket / space
projects. Whethere they were formerly Nazis, I don't know.

Please don't revise history. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Chris Hamilton --
City of Washington Pipe Band

Steve Sundberg

1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
On Fri, 6 Aug 1999 21:23:23 -0400, "Tom Goodman"
<Christ...@Communism.CCl> wrote:


Tom, in the past you've *condemned* the US for being any of a number
of things ("unChristian," mostly). Who's paid you off to be a
cheerleader all of sudden? Has some Satanic group found something to
blackmail you with?


1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
firefly wrote:
> Another escape from the mental hospital!!!!

Get them back! Your ward is almost empty.


1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07

whale <> wrote in message

> On Fri, 06 Aug 1999 19:03:44 GMT, Christ...@Communism.CCI (Tom
> Goodman) wrote:
> Stop telling your red lies mr gookman. The russkies did'nt get off
> their own dirt until 44...Thats five years after they slaughtered
> 25000 poles at Katyn after they murderously invaded poland with
> Hitlers graces. And the mighty USA bombed Berlin to dust with B-17's
> and destroyed the mighty german Uboats in the atlantic and liberated
> every Nazi held european country, beat rommel in Africa .Russia ONLY
> defended their own country against a tired beat by the USA german
> army.. And let me remind you that no German armies destoryed America
> while America saved Europe from across the world..You communist are
> nothing but murderes and theifs and terrible liers .
> Free China from Communist Oppression !!!!!!!!!!!!!
> >

Moron 'whale', who was dropped just after birth, has joined the NG.


1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
On Sat, 7 Aug 1999 13:47:05 -0400, "Michael" <>

Micheal- the communist Canadianl maggot doesnt like the truth..awww,
too bad


1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
Moron, could you explain how destroyed U-boats could make German
ground troops tired.
Rommel's tanks transferred from Africa to Stalingrad did made Rommel's
troops weak a little bit:), moron.
Moron, I am glad to tell you that Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and a couple
others countries are in Europe:), moron.
The truth is that you are MORON.

whale <> wrote in message

Tom Goodman

1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07

It's no big deal for white AfriKKKaners kill Black Africans, the
killer is protected by white judge and policemen, but when a Black
African kills a white AfriKKKKaner,'s all over the world
news. You see, white imperialists, especially AmeriKKKaners, are the
worse in the entire world history. They have taken North America,
Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Guam, Falkland Island, and many other
so-called "territories". They are have control on the whole world !

Hitler and Genghis Khan were mickey mice in comparison.


1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
On Sat, 7 Aug 1999 16:31:14 -0400, "Michael" <>

Oh Micheal, Micheal,,your obviously a misinformed transplanted russian
in Canada eh ? The sad truth is russia signed a worthless non
aggression pact with hitler. Russia & Hitler invaded Poland together
and then Russia MURDERED 25000 Polish prisioners at Katyn..The sad
truth is your motherland is home of scumbag killers like your daddy &
grampa..Tha sad truth is,russia cryed to the allies like little
bitches in 41 when their old friend Hitler said fuk the mongrels of
Russia, Attack !!! Then the dumb Allies supply you worthless bastards
with planes and military equipment to defend yourselfs..but your
worthless communist country was still reeling from the millions
starved to death by the fake 33 famine. Then It took you losers the
whole war to push the Germans out of Russia..By that time the USA
defeated Germany with the worlds most massive bombing raids of
Berlin...Not only did we defeat the Nazis of Europe, the mighty USA at
the SAME time whopped the worlds second most powerful army of
Japan...The communist USSR was such a pathetic joke that it doesnt
even exist anymore...Hence, thats why scumbags like you live in Canada


1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
On Sat, 7 Aug 1999 16:31:14 -0400, "Michael" <>

>Moron, could you explain how destroyed U-boats could make German
>ground troops tired.

Sure dumb ruskie, no problem...You see silly, by the US Navy defeating
the german uboat domination of the Atlantic it allowed the allies to
supply the UK with US troops , bombers, fighters and go on the offence
against Berlin , With the 24hour night & day bombing of Germany that
kind of wiped out hitler war manufactoring plants. Hence,
starving,freezing German troops out of bullets in frozen russia make
easy pickins...even by subhumans as yourself


1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07

whale <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 7 Aug 1999 16:31:14 -0400, "Michael" <>
> wrote:
> Oh Michael, Michael,,your obviously a misinformed transplanted Russian
> in Canada he ? The sad truth is Russia signed a worthless non
> aggression pact with Hitler. Russia & Hitler invaded Poland together
> and then Russia MURDERED 25000 Polish prisoners at Katy..The sad

> truth is your motherland is home of scumbag killers like your daddy &
> grump..Ha sad truth is,Russia creed to the allies like little
> bitches in 41 when their old friend Hitler said Fu the mongrels of

> Russia, Attack !!! Then the dumb Allies supply you worthless bastards
> with planes and military equipment to defend yourselves..but your

> worthless communist country was still reeling from the millions
> starved to death by the fake 33 famine. Then It took you losers the
> whole war to push the Germans out of Russia..By that time the USA
> defeated Germany with the worlds most massive bombing raids of
> Berlin...Not only did we defeat the Nazis of Europe, the mighty USA at
> the SAME time whooped the worlds second most powerful army of
> Japan...The communist USSR was such a pathetic joke that it doesn't
> even exist anymore...Hence, thetas why scumbags like you live in Canada
> now

What Katy has to do with Hitler's defeat?
Despite whatever happened in USSR before and after, only morons like you
could question main role USSR played in Hitler's Germany defeat.
Russians always remember the help they got from USA and Great Britain.
Russians also remember convoy PQ-17 and allies "performance" in
Ardennes, when they faced real German troops:(, but anyway allies did the
they could, and Russians always will remember ~300,000 dead American
soldiers in WWII including casualties on Japanese front.
You can tell anything you poor mind can produce, but
in 1945 USSR had the most powerful military machine in the world.
Buy for now, read some books.

Tom Goodman

1999/08/07 3:00:001999/08/07
On Sat, 07 Aug 1999 12:59:24 GMT, (Steve Sundberg)

>On Fri, 6 Aug 1999 21:23:23 -0400, "Tom Goodman"
><Christ...@Communism.CCl> wrote:
>Tom, in the past you've *condemned* the US for being any of a number
>of things ("unChristian," mostly). Who's paid you off to be a
>cheerleader all of sudden? Has some Satanic group found something to
>blackmail you with?

An AmeriKKKan racist punk is faking Tom Goodman's posting.
The Nazi punk posts from or Optimum Online

The real Tom Goodman always posts from or

Bad products are never counterfeited, only the good products are
imitated. Only cheap, inferior people who can't create good, original
products have to counterfeit others.

I have been expecting this punk forges my posting; I've always been
ready for this. Let me see what else the punk has up in his dirty
sleeves. Punk can't help but to try to harass good people. Let him
wastes his time if he wants to play games..

From now on, please check that the true Tom Goodman posting are from
either one of these two (only) ISP and contain the following:

At Email Address, always includes the word "Christian" :

Christian(a number follws)@Communism.CCI


Christian...@International.Commentator ( and a number follows)


ChristianCommunist (a number follows) @International.CCI

There is always a tag line at signature :

Mark 1:15  And saying, The time is fulfilled,
and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye,
and believe the gospel.


Acts 4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart

and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things
which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

Spy 007

1999/08/08 3:00:001999/08/08

firefly wrote in message <7og2r2$foo$>...

>You are out again, who let you go free from the mental hospital? the
>Albanians drugs dealers!!!!!!

Hell no, I didn't came out of a mental hospital. I actually came out from
you mum's bedroom, dickhead!

Spy 007

1999/08/08 3:00:001999/08/08
This person is the typical stubborn silly old fart that I always talked

American Patriot wrote in message <>...

1999/08/08 3:00:001999/08/08
In soc.culture.russian Michael <> wrote:
> Moron, could you explain how destroyed U-boats could make German
> ground troops tired.
> Rommel's tanks transferred from Africa to Stalingrad did made Rommel's
> troops weak a little bit:), moron.
> Moron, I am glad to tell you that Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and a couple
> others countries are in Europe:), moron.
> The truth is that you are MORON.
> Michael.

Privet Michael.
Dorogoj, ti ne nervnichaj tak, a? A to so zdorovjem problemi budut.
Von yazva opjat' shalit' nachnet i t.d.
Nu kak nravitsa exempljar? Pomojemu klass.
Kstati inogda ti ne luchshe vigljadish'. :) Pochemu ti takoj
neposledovatel'nij Michael? Ili vse v USSR bilo ok do teh por kak ti
ujehal, a potom vse stalo ok v Kanade? :)

Ladno, ne nadrivajsa. Prosto smeshno nabljudat' tebja v etoj roli. :)

Andrey Nikolaev Ulm university,
Department of Biophysics. Germany.
Email: Andrey.Nikolaev@!get-lost-spammer!
Substitute physik instead of !*! .


1999/08/08 3:00:001999/08/08

<> wrote in message

> In soc.culture.russian Michael <> wrote:
> > Moron, could you explain how destroyed U-boats could make German
> > ground troops tired.
> > Rommel's tanks transferred from Africa to Stalingrad did made Rommel's
> > troops weak a little bit:), moron.
> > Moron, I am glad to tell you that Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania and a
> > others countries are in Europe:), moron.
> > The truth is that you are MORON.
> > Michael.
> Privet Michael.
> Dorogoj, ti ne nervnichaj tak, a? A to so zdorovjem problemi budut.
> Von yazva opjat' shalit' nachnet i t.d.
> Nu kak nravitsa exempljar? Pomojemu klass.
> Kstati inogda ti ne luchshe vigljadish'. :) Pochemu ti takoj
> neposledovatel'nij Michael? Ili vse v USSR bilo ok do teh por kak ti
> ujehal, a potom vse stalo ok v Kanade? :)
> Ladno, ne nadrivajsa. Prosto smeshno nabljudat' tebja v etoj roli. :)

Privet, Andrusha.
So zdorov'em problem net, poka. Vse kak u Koreiko- schastliviy
ya chelovek:).
A ot smexa grizhu mozhno nazhit':)
Kozlam etim otvechau ne potomu, chto CCCP tam ili chto esche,
za ludey nashix pogibshix obidno.
A naschet neposledovatel'nosti eto ti zrya.
Ya tut vsem govoru, chto ot demokratii po rossiyski uexal.
To, chto bilo v USSR ya bi esche viderzhal, no to, chto proisxodit seichas
uzhe ne mogu:).
Vot kak ya ponyal, chto grayadet let edak 10-15 "demokratii i svobodi",a
potom otstrel "demokratov" i ekspropriaciya to reshil ne meshat', ved' komu
ne nravit' sya-tot uxodit:), tem bolee, kogda tebya opyat' ne sprashivaut.
Da i strani kotoroi prisyagal netu uzhe, tak chto kak u Lutera na mogile
"Svoboden nakonec":)

P.S. A ya dumal ya tebya tozhe otuchil otvechat' na moi postingi:))).

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/08 3:00:001999/08/08
On Sat, 07 Aug 1999 20:48:33 GMT, Christ...@Communism.CCI (Tom
Goodman) wrote:

>On Sat, 7 Aug 1999 07:06:43 +1200, "Htin Aung Moe"
><> wrote:
>>chris wrote in message ...
>>>Victor Chan <> wrote in message
>>>>Simple. white only likes anyone who looks Europeans. Not to say
>>>>like white Americans.
>>>Europeans don't always like other Europeans either.
>>But any of them can't watch an Asian nation/people beat their Euro master.
>>They may compete among themselves, but if a new competitor (Asian nation)
>>come is different story. Think it that way, not every white
>>South Afrikaner like each other, but when a black person beat a white
>>Afrikaner they will feel like "sitting on the shaking chair".
>It's no big deal for white AfriKKKaners kill Black Africans, the
>killer is protected by white judge and policemen, but when a Black
>African kills a white AfriKKKKaner,'s all over the world
>news. You see, white imperialists, especially AmeriKKKaners, are the
>worse in the entire world history. They have taken North America,
>Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii, Guam, Falkland Island, and many other
>so-called "territories". They are have control on the whole world !
>Hitler and Genghis Khan were mickey mice in comparison.

You have the mental capacity of a 'mickey mice'

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/08 3:00:001999/08/08
On Sat, 07 Aug 1999 23:41:50 GMT, Christ...@Communism.CCI (Tom
Goodman) wrote:

>On Sat, 07 Aug 1999 12:59:24 GMT, (Steve Sundberg)
>>On Fri, 6 Aug 1999 21:23:23 -0400, "Tom Goodman"
>><Christ...@Communism.CCl> wrote:
>>Tom, in the past you've *condemned* the US for being any of a number
>>of things ("unChristian," mostly). Who's paid you off to be a
>>cheerleader all of sudden? Has some Satanic group found something to
>>blackmail you with?
>An AmeriKKKan racist punk is faking Tom Goodman's posting.
>The Nazi punk posts from or Optimum Online
>The real Tom Goodman always posts from or
>Bad products are never counterfeited, only the good products are
>imitated. Only cheap, inferior people who can't create good, original
>products have to counterfeit others.
>I have been expecting this punk forges my posting; I've always been
>ready for this. Let me see what else the punk has up in his dirty
>sleeves. Punk can't help but to try to harass good people. Let him
>wastes his time if he wants to play games..
>From now on, please check that the true Tom Goodman posting are from
>either one of these two (only) ISP and contain the following:

Any real tom goodman post can be detected with an idiot meter. The
needle usually goes off the scale.

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/08 3:00:001999/08/08
On Sat, 07 Aug 1999 20:07:11 GMT, (whale) wrote:

>On Sat, 7 Aug 1999 13:47:05 -0400, "Michael" <>
>Micheal- the communist Canadianl maggot doesnt like the truth..awww,
>too bad

He very well may be a maggot, but he might not be a Canadian.

>>whale <> wrote in message

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/08 3:00:001999/08/08
On Sat, 07 Aug 1999 20:07:11 GMT, (whale) wrote:

>On Sat, 7 Aug 1999 13:47:05 -0400, "Michael" <>
>Micheal- the communist Canadianl maggot doesnt like the truth..awww,
>too bad

>>whale <> wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 06 Aug 1999 19:03:44 GMT, Christ...@Communism.CCI (Tom
>>> Goodman) wrote:
>>> Stop telling your red lies mr gookman. The russkies did'nt get off
>>> their own dirt until 44...Thats five years after they slaughtered
>>> 25000 poles at Katyn after they murderously invaded poland with
>>> Hitlers graces. And the mighty USA bombed Berlin to dust with B-17's
>>> and destroyed the mighty german Uboats in the atlantic and liberated
>>> every Nazi held european country, beat rommel in Africa .Russia ONLY
>>> defended their own country against a tired beat by the USA german
>>> army.. And let me remind you that no German armies destoryed America
>>> while America saved Europe from across the world..You communist are
>>> nothing but murderes and theifs and terrible liers .

I applaud your dissertation against Goodman, but I would like to point
out that the U.S.A. was not alone in the War and the number of U-Boats
destroyed in the Atlantic by the U.S. was less than those destroyed by
British/Canadian efforts. And Rommel was pretty well beaten by the
time the U.S. arrived in N. Africa; as a matter of interest, the
Americans got their asses kicked in the Kasserine Pass by Rommel's
forces in their first confrontation with the Africa Corp. And the
"U.S." did not liberate 'every' country in Europe. Ike's decision
'gave' a big chunk of Germany to the Soviets and American influenced
Allied stupidity lost the Czechs and damn near gave Austria to the
Reds. Exaggerating American successes and participation in WWII is
not the way to defeat a confirmed propagandist like Goodman.


1999/08/08 3:00:001999/08/08

Barry Bruyea <> wrote in message

> On Sat, 07 Aug 1999 20:07:11 GMT, (whale) wrote:
> >On Sat, 7 Aug 1999 13:47:05 -0400, "Michael" <>
> >wrote:
> >
> >Micheal- the communist Canadianl maggot doesnt like the truth..awww,
> >too bad
> He very well may be a maggot, but he might not be a Canadian.

The same is true for you:).

1999/08/08 3:00:001999/08/08
In article <>, wrote:
> On Fri, 6 Aug 1999 12:34:43 -0500, (American
> Patriot) wrote:
> >My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo
and Kyoto.
> You might want to retake your WWII history
course again. Tokyo *was*
> bombed ... with a loss of life greater than
that of either atomic
> bombing.

Maybe he meant Tokyo was "only" about 50%
destroyed as I have read before.


Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/09 3:00:001999/08/09
On Sun, 8 Aug 1999 08:37:52 -0400, "Michael" <>

I am a Canadian; and you are a.........?

1999/08/09 3:00:001999/08/09
In article <>,
"chris" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> >In article <>,
> > (American Patriot) wrote:
> >
> > Let me tell you about my dad who is a korean. My dad lived his life
> >under Japanese occupation during 1930's 1940'. He rememer those
> > Japs as you called it. HOwever, he said that Japs are not as bad
> >as white america. He said he supporteed Japanese bombing on America
> > soil as he believed Americans are simply worst than anything
> >he has ever experience under Japs colonization. He said Japsnese
> > miltiary made the terrible error. They attacked too quick.
> > That's why Japanese lost the war. All in all, my dad now hates
> >white americans than these Japs. WHy he believed this way?
> > I think he caught the white patriot of racist mindset on people like
> >you.
> Or, your dad could have just been an idiot.

No, he is right. I agree with him. White guy with American
jingo attitude is far worst japs. This is a fact!
There is nothing i can do about it. I'm sicking of
"god bless America" cap or shouting "American #1". These
are just dungs.

> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >> My only regret is that we did not bomb Tokyo and Kyoto. You

> >> savages deserved a lot worse than you've got. After the slaughter
> >> innocent Americans, as well as Chinese and Korean civilians, you
> >> shown that you are a nation of unworthy swines. Even today, when
> >> economy is in deep shit, I continue laughing at you. Use of nuclear
> >bombs
> >> was absolutely justified and saved precious American lives. Thank
> >> President Truman, for ordering this humane and just act.
> >>
> >>
> >
> >


1999/08/09 3:00:001999/08/09

Barry Bruyea <> wrote in message

> I am a Canadian; and you are a.........?

... me too.


1999/08/09 3:00:001999/08/09
On Sat, 7 Aug 1999 17:36:27 -0400, "Michael" <>

1945 USSR had the most powerful military machine in the world ???????

What Navy ? - Subs, Destroyers,Carriers ?
What Airforce ? -What russian fighter was superior to P51mustange or
Corsiar ? What bomber was superior to the B17 & B29 strato fortress ?
What type of Atomic weapons did Russia have in 45 ?

I also like the way you word Japan as "japanese front" That Japanese
front also had a Navy & Airforce far superior to Russia.. Anymore
facts in your canadian history book you care to tell ?

1999/08/10 3:00:001999/08/10
In article <>, wrote:
> Tom Goodman wrote:
> <large snip of religious gibberish>
> > [ Wrath on USA - also called the beast, the mother of harlots, the
> > whore, the Mystery Babylon, and Babylon the great city. ]

> >
> > Tom Goodman
> >
> > Mark 1:15 And saying, The time is fulfilled,
> > and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye,
> > and believe the gospel.
> Yo dude. How long have you been insane? Take your meds, see your

Do you really think this guy is talking gibberish?
I really don't think so. a lots of what he said
will be fulfilled. A 666 and molecular-size computer
in fact are happening right now. BElieve or not
American transistor scientists just invented the nano
bacteria size transistor. I read that a 2 weeks ago
on newspaper. It means that it possible to build molecular
size computer to use in human body. So this is obvious

> "talkin'
> doctor" regularly, and maybe, just maybe, your hallucinations will
> Oh--
> and this is crucial--throw away that disgusting Buybull to which you
> keep
> referring. Realize that it's merely a tapestry of myths and bullshit
> responsible
> for fomenting more pure human suffering than any other book in
> Shitcan
> the thing and you'll feel much better.
> Rationally,
> Atheos

1999/08/10 3:00:001999/08/10
In article <>,

USA is no doubt the nation that closely related to the
Satan power in Revelation Prophecy. This Satan USA is
now the most poweful nation driving this world. There will
be a END of human race. USA is driving all human race and
all nation in the world. This is why no nation can't stand
against Satanic USA regime. What USA led to drive the whole
world is aid by the technology which is their new weapon
to control and to dominate the whole nations. Satan USA
really don't give any shit on human race. It's all about
money and power which are their main object to accumulate
by exploitate weak nation economiclly and militarally.

Satanic USA is nation of false Christianty. Satan USA race
twist God's words to fit their own superiorty purpose.
THey claim to be Godly people. They believe that they were
chosen by God to spread the gospel around the globe, Of course,
this is all scheme in order to dominate the world.
Satanic USA people Claim they are christian nation. This is
clearly another propaganda. In my opinion, Christan Americans
are the most materialist people on earth. These Christian
not only buy and sell and participate in marketing orientate
society, they are #1 polluater on earth. These white AMericna
mainly responisble for global warming and environmntal disaster.
THey can't stop polluting the earth cuz their lifestyle are
totally depend on automobile.

> The imperialist mentality and bully behavior in
> white-European-AmeriKKKans play an important part of their
> involvements in the revived "Holy" Roman Empire and Greek Democracy
> Empire. They are satan's children born to destroy the world. The Bible
> foretold their existence in the end time. They arrived from Europe for
> a purpose, not just to kill tens of millions of native American
> Indians and Mexicans to set up a "Christian nation". They are in
> North America to set up an evil, satanic nation that would control the
> whole world.
> Read what the Bible said about USA.
> Here is my verse-by-verse commentary and analysis of the first beast
> and second beast. I don't throw in one unrelated verse from one book
> and half a verse from another book to confuse you. They are listed
> verse-by-verse, line-by-line, for you to read and judge for yourself
> how accurate the Bible scriptures compare with what's happening now.
> 666 is the number of the second beast that in fact is a man - a male
> leader who is the representative of the first beast. Both first beast
> and second beast are controlled by satan the devil.
> These are explained here. Go to Rev. 13:17 if you can't wait to read
> it.
> [My analysis in brackets.]
> Rev.13:1 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw out of the
> sea a beast coming up, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon its
> horns ten diadems, and upon its heads a name of evil speaking,
> [ "The beast comes up from the sea" represents a powerful nation
> surfaces in the world. USA is now the world's most powerful nation. It
> came up very suddenly, almost out of nowhere, and has a very short
> history. ]
> [ With all those horns, the beast killed a few living things on its
> way coming up from the sea. USA is built on stolen lands. White
> European invaders killed tens of millions of native Indian people with
> their pointy weapons - guns. The horns represent something more
> powerful than guns. ]
> [Americans are some of the most evil speakers of all time. They
> twisted the Words of God to fit them into their satanic
> pseudo-christianity. False prophets and teachers such as Robert
> Schuller, Jimmy Swaggart, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jim Baker, and
> whoever are those clowns on TV. Notice that they love to call
> themselves "reverend". They are committing blasphemy ! "Reverend" is
> God's holy title ! > Psalms 111:9  He sent redemption unto his people:
> he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his
> name. <]
> [ American money, on them printed "In G_d We Trust". Blasphemy ! How
> dare they put God's name on filthy dollar bills !]
> [ Look at a street map of Whitehouse area, you can clearly see a
> satanic symbol formed in its area. Also, Pentagon with its unusual
> shape; if you look at it, it has five corners that allows fitting a
> satan symbol of a upside down five pointed star. These hints telling
> us something about the satanism nature of AmeriKKKan govt.]
> 13:2 and the beast that I saw was like to a leopard, and its
> feet as of a bear, and its mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the
> dragon did give to it his power, and his throne, and great authority.
> [ Leopard has many spots all over its body. The spots represent the
> many states in USA. Notice the Bible says "like to a leopard", it
> doesn't say it's a leopard. South America is geographically located
> below USA. Look at the map, it looks like a bear's foot pointing
> towards lower left; look at the claw ! Notice Bible clearly says "its
> feet as of a bear," it doesn't say it's a whole bear as described in
> book of Daniel. So, those so-called Bible scholars or experts, please
> smarten up. The Gulf of Mexico looks like a lion's roaring mouth with
> canine teeth. Notice Bible clearly says "its mouth as the mouth of a
> lion," it doesn't say it's a lion. Satan(dragon) gives power and
> authority to USA so that it becomes a powerful beastly nation. ]
> 13:3 And I saw one of its heads as slain to death, and its
> deadly stroke was healed, and all the earth did wonder after the
> beast,
> [ Yes, the whole world is amazed at USA, such a young nation but so
> powerful. The once powerful "Holy" Roman Empire and Greek democracy
> empire were dead, now they are revived as one. Its new name is the
> American democracy empire. It's American DemonCrazy Empire.]
> 13:4 and they did bow before the dragon who did give authority
> to the beast, and they did bow before the beast, saying, `Who
> [is] like to the beast? who is able to war with it?'
> [ The US military is the most advanced. No other nation on earth dares
> to make war with it. Notice, "who is like to the beast?", it means
> this nation is very powerful, no other can compare to it. Americans
> are very proud of their nation and they are always bragging about how
> USA is the greatest nation and no other is better or able to war with
> it. Americans bow(worship) to the dragon(satan) in the forms of rock
> music, drugs, satanic cults, new age cults, false Christian doctrines,
> Hollywood, etc. Many Americans admit they believe and worship
> devils(satan).]
> 13:5 And there was given to it a mouth speaking great things,
> and evil-speakings, and there was given to it authority to
> make war forty-two months,
> [ American presidents and leaders are big liars. They are the ones
> have started wars all over the world. ]
> 13:6 and it did open its mouth for evil-speaking toward God, to
> speak evil of His name, and of His tabernacle, and of those who
> in the heaven tabernacle,
> [ Many Americans now say that Christian God isn't a good loving God
> because he hates homosexuals. Now, even American media and TV shows
> speak evil of Christian God. Clinton, on one hand claims to be
> Christian, on his other hand, he agrees with abortion and homosexuals.
> ]
> 13:7 and there was given to it to make war with the saints, and
> to overcome them, and there was given to it authority over
> every tribe, and tongue, and nation.
> [ USA is the only nation that forces control over all other nations,
> through its stronghold in United Nations, NATO, and WTO. Whatever the
> US president and his gang say, UN, NATO and WTO have to follow their
> orders. In other words, USA is the authority over every tribe, tongue
> and nation ! (also mentioned in Daniel's prophecy)]
> 13:8 And bow before it shall all who are dwelling upon the land, whose
> names have not been written in the scroll of the life of the Lamb
> slain from the foundation of the world;
> 13:9 if any one hath an ear -- let him hear:
> 13:10 if any one a captivity doth gather, into captivity he doth
> go away; if any one by sword doth kill, it behoveth him by
> sword to be killed; here is the endurance and the faith of the
> saints.
> -------------- second beast ------------
> 13:11 And I saw another beast coming up out of the land, and it
> had two horns, like a lamb, and it was speaking as a dragon,
> [ This second beast has 2 horns, looks like a lamb, but it speaks like
> satan(dragon). It means that this beast pretends being righteous, but
> it really isn't. Sounds just like the American president and the
> American govt. Notice this beast comes up from the land, not the sea
> like the first beast.]
> 13:12 and all the authority of the first beast doth it do before
> it, and it taketh the land and those dwelling in it that they
> shall bow before the first beast, whose deadly stroke was
> healed,
> [ The once wounded "Holy" Roman Empire and Greek Democracy Empire are
> now revived, they're now called "Holy" American Democracy Empire. The
> second beast forces the whole world worship the first beast - a
> revival of the once dead "Holy" Roman empire and Greek Democracy
> Empire. ] [ The US military is the counterpart of the Roman Catholic
> crusaders who conquered other nations and slaughtered anyone who
> didn't accept the "Holy" Roman Empire. Notice how USA claims to be
> a "godly" nation and world's strongest power. Hmm, "Holy" Roman Empire
> is indeed revived now. ]
> 13:13 and it doth great signs, that fire also it may make to
> come down from the heaven to the earth before men,
> [ Tomahawk missiles ? Laser guided missiles ?]
> 13:14 and it leadeth astray those dwelling on the land, because
> of the signs that were given it to do before the beast, saying
> to those dwelling upon the land to make an image to the beast
> that hath the stroke of the sword and did live,
> 13:15 and there was given to it to give a spirit to the image of
> the beast, that also the image of the beast may speak, and
> [that] it may cause as many as shall not bow before the image
> of the beast, that they may be killed.
> [ We all know the Statue of Liberty is a spiritual (freedom and
> democracy) symbol of USA. The statue is a dead structure, but it comes
> alive with the so-called spirit of democracy (Greek paganism) and
> so-called "freedom". This means that the Statue of Liberty is
> represents the image of the beast. USA is that beast and democracy
> (Greek paganism) and so-called "freedom" are that image. Americans
> work extremely hard at pushing democracy(Greek paganism) on all other
> people. They declare wars on countries oppose to democracy, very much
> like the way "Holy" Roman empire forced catholicism onto other people.
> Those who refused must be killed.]
> 13:16 And it taketh all, the small, and the great, and the rich,
> and the poor, and the freemen, and the servants, that it may
> give to them a mark upon their right hand or upon their
> foreheads,
> [ This may be an actual gadget that will be placed on the forehead or
> right hand. People may have two choices of where they want the gadget
> placed. The reason for placing on the forehead is obvious: some people
> don't have right hand! It may also be that the gadget is placed on
> both places, just in case one loses the right hand. Why place on the
> right hand? It is probably because as people pass through a gate with
> detector, the gadget in/on their right hands are automatically
> detected. Why place on the forehead ? It is probably because it is
> inconvenient to chop off someone's head just to take the gadget away;
> it's easier to chop off someone's hand. And it's easier for satellites
> to track the gadget in the forehead.]
> 13:17 and that no one may be able to buy, or to sell, except he
> who is having the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number
> of his name.
> [This is a strong clue that indicates the second beast (representative
> of the first beast) is a powerful person who can change the order of
> this whole world. There is only one such person, this person is the
> president of USA. The mark is the name or number of a man(his). So,
> this is the mark of the second beast, not of the first beast which is
> called 'it'. The first beast is USA, the second beast is a male leader
> of USA. This male leader will cause everyone to have the commercial
> gadget placed on forehead or right hand, or both places. First there
> were credit cards, then smart cards, now this gadget; all from USA. ]
> 13:18 Here is the wisdom! He who is having the understanding,
> let him count the number of the beast, for the number of a man
> it is, and its number [is] 666.
> [You will soon find out about this new AmeriKKKan gimmick. This
> prophecy will soon be fulfilled. For your information: most UPC
> (Universal Product Code) or normally called product bar-codes contain
> the code number "666"; with a "6" at the begining,in the middle, and
> at the end of the code. The "6" is two strips of thin line; you can
> see it on most product packages. There are already ID microchips for
> dogs, similar gadget will eventually be used on humans. Now AmeriKKKan
> scientists are working on nano-computer which is a molecular-size
> computer that can store and work like a normal computer. This
> nano-computer is the size of a bacteria. It is highly possible that a
> bar code with your personal information will be built into a
> nano-computer and injected into your hand and forehead. ]
> ===== God destroys the end time Babylon==========
> Rev. 14:8 And another messenger did follow, saying, `Fall, fall, did
> Babylon, the great city, because of the wine of the wrath of her
> whoredom she hath given to all nations to drink.'
> [ The old ancient Babylon, was the most powerful and advanced nation
> of its time. This prophecy points to a nation in the end time that
> resembles the ancient Babylon, it is not talking about the old ancient
> Babylon. This new Babylon is USA.]
> 14:9 And a third messenger did follow them, saying in a great voice,
> `If any one the beast doth bow before, and his image, and doth receive
> a mark upon his forehead, or upon his hand,
> 14:10 he also shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, that hath
> been mingled unmixed in the cup of His anger, and he shall be
> tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy messengers, and before
> the Lamb,
> [ Those who admire, supports USA and its democracy(Greek paganism),
> idolize Americanism and received the mark of the beast (a commercial
> device that is coded with 666), will be sent to the lake of fire - in
> other words, burn in hell.]
> 14:11 and the smoke of their torment doth go up to ages of ages; and
> they have no rest day and night, who are bowing before the beast and
> his image, also if any doth receive the mark of his name.
> [ Democracy(Greek paganism) is the image of USA. The device will
> contain some sort of code that includes 666, or a name, or some sort
> of word/s related to 666.]
> 14:12 Here is endurance of the saints: here [are] those keeping the
> commands of God, and the faith of Jesus.'
> [ Believe in God and receive salvation through Jesus Christ, and you
> shall be saved. Follow the ways (democracy,New Age religion, etc.) of
> men and you are damned. ]
> ========== Beware of USA - the beast ==========
> Rev. 15:2 and I saw as a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who
> do gain the victory over the beast, and his image, and his mark, [and]
> the number of his name, standing by the sea of the glass, having harps
> of God,
> [Those who REFUSE to follow the ways of men (democracy, New Age
> religions, fake christianity, etc.) will be saved.]
> 16:2 and the first did go away, and did pour out his vial upon the
> land, and there came a sore -- bad and grievous -- to men, those
> having the mark of the beast, and those bowing to his image.

> [ Wrath on USA - also called the beast, the mother of harlots, the
> whore, the Mystery Babylon, and Babylon the great city. ]
> Tom Goodman
> Mark 1:15  And saying, The time is fulfilled,
> and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye,
> and believe the gospel.

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/10 3:00:001999/08/10

The last thing the Soviets wanted to face was the Japanese Navy,
having had theirs detroyed once before by superior tactics and
superior ships. The Russians have long memories and fear of losing
their eastern empire and Vladivostok made them to a lot of shuckin'
and jivin' to avoid war with the Japanese until the Japs were on the
ropes in '45.

1999/08/10 3:00:001999/08/10
Lee, I'll tell you why Americans don't know. They just don't have
information available. Just like in other countries average American
citizens are fooled by their government. I think Americans deserve to
know more. Being in a smaller country next to another smaller country
allows interchange of ideas and information(like in Europe). Americans
are alone. They're spoiled brats.

Besides average americans don't have time to watch news. When they
come home from work their mind is only capable of either having sex or
watching Steve Austin crushing bear can on his head. Why? Because
their government makes them pay huge amount of tax to support invading
other countries(of course they call it helping) so americans work their
ass off to buy more Toyotas and Hondas(as far as manufacturing
technology goes Japan is ahead of U.S. by far which is why american car
industry is down... it's not because they forgot to bomb Tokyo. See?
They don't know).

Therefore, I don't hate Americans. Besides, what other country do you
know will let you in and let you do your own business and go to school?
I remember in Korea we discriminated Chinese, Japanese, Americans, and
even our own people if they're poor, less educated..and so on.
I think Americans are doing their best as far as racism is concerned.
If other countries had as many races as america does it'll be a war.

In article <7on0qh$mdf$>,

1999/08/10 3:00:001999/08/10

Barry Bruyea wrote:

> > 1945 USSR had the most powerful military machine in the world ???????
> >
> >What Navy ? - Subs, Destroyers,Carriers ?
> >What Airforce ? -What russian fighter was superior to P51mustange or
> >Corsiar ? What bomber was superior to the B17 & B29 strato fortress ?
> >What type of Atomic weapons did Russia have in 45 ?

What american tanks was comparable to IS2,IS3,SU100,T44? Not superior,
comparable only.



1999/08/10 3:00:001999/08/10

whale <mur...@CCP.commi> wrote in message

> 1945 USSR had the most powerful military machine in the world ???????
> What Navy ? - Subs, Destroyers,Carriers ?
> What Airforce ? -What russian fighter was superior to P51mustange or
> Corsiar ? What bomber was superior to the B17 & B29 strato fortress ?
> What type of Atomic weapons did Russia have in 45 ?
> I also like the way you word Japan as "japanese front" That Japanese
> front also had a Navy & Airforce far superior to Russia.. Anymore
> facts in your canadian history book you care to tell ?

Let's not go deep in technical data of some pieces of
military hardware:), it will prove nothing.
I can ask you about Russian tanks and attack aircraft:),
and what USSR did to Japanese army in Manchuria,
if you know there it is:)

Germany had much more powerful hardware then USSR at the start and so what.
US and USSR had very advanced weapon in their wars (Vietnam and Afghanistan)
and guess what:)
About two atomic bomb US had in 1945 you can tell your grandma:).
Ask you father how many nukes one needs to make former USSR to feel it:)
Bye, Stick to teletabizzzz.

Sports Knish

1999/08/11 3:00:001999/08/11
On Tue, 10 Aug 1999 18:31:42 -0400, "Michael" <>

>whale <mur...@CCP.commi> wrote in message
>> 1945 USSR had the most powerful military machine in the world ???????
>> What Navy ? - Subs, Destroyers,Carriers ?
>> What Airforce ? -What russian fighter was superior to P51mustange or
>> Corsiar ? What bomber was superior to the B17 & B29 strato fortress ?
>> What type of Atomic weapons did Russia have in 45 ?
>> I also like the way you word Japan as "japanese front" That Japanese
>> front also had a Navy & Airforce far superior to Russia.. Anymore
>> facts in your canadian history book you care to tell ?
>Let's not go deep in technical data of some pieces of

Ok agreed, lets not because I usaully dont converse wth Canadian
communist. They only lie and spread propaganda and say "lets not go
deep bla bla bla" when things dont favor them..thats right, No Navy,
No Airforce to mention of, No Nukes.....Just tanks and mongrels riding
horses...otherwords zzzzzippo


1999/08/11 3:00:001999/08/11

Sports Knish <> wrote in message

> On Tue, 10 Aug 1999 18:31:42 -0400, "Michael" <>

> >whale <mur...@CCP.commi> wrote in message
> >

> Ok agreed, lets not because I usaully dont converse wth Canadian
> communist. They only lie and spread propaganda and say "lets not go
> deep bla bla bla" when things dont favor them..thats right, No Navy,
> No Airforce to mention of, No Nukes.....Just tanks and mongrels riding
> horses...otherwords zzzzzippo

To converse with anybody one should have a brain:)
To put labels one does not need to have a brain:)
No the best tanks, no the most trained and experienced infantry and
officers, no the most powerful artillery, just a couple dropped nukes,
after that nothing had left, and mongrels riding far away
fleet....otherwords zzzzzippo
And who said that USSR had no airforce, where Germany lost
the most its aircraft?
If you know there Germany is:)


1999/08/17 3:00:001999/08/17
To: ha scritto nel messaggio

>Lee, I'll tell you why Americans don't know. They just don't have
>information available. Just like in other countries average American
>citizens are fooled by their government. I think Americans deserve to
>know more. Being in a smaller country next to another smaller country
>allows interchange of ideas and information(like in Europe).

This is true. Our media is biased.

>are alone. They're spoiled brats.

We worked hard to spoil ourselves. Sorry other's can't say the same.

>Besides average americans don't have time to watch news. When they
>come home from work their mind is only capable of either having sex or
>watching Steve Austin crushing bear can on his head.

We have the time. But you must remember we are not a small country trying
to fill in the news hour with news from other small countries. We are large
and just keeping up with the news of our own land is time consuming. We are
not sex oriented or interested in crushing bear cans on peoples' heads. For
Christ's sake - where do you people come from? Have you ever visited or
lived in the United States?

>Therefore, I don't hate Americans. Besides, what other country do you
>know will let you in and let you do your own business and go to school?
>I remember in Korea we discriminated Chinese, Japanese, Americans, and
>even our own people if they're poor, less educated..and so on.
>I think Americans are doing their best as far as racism is concerned.
>If other countries had as many races as america does it'll be a war.

One more thing, the United States is not made up of a bunch of blond haired
white people. We are YOU, world. We have respresentatives of YOU all over
our country; Asians, Europeans, Africans, Latinos, etc. We are many
different religions who, even though we have occasional hate crimes, overall
live in better harmony than other countries do! ha scritto nel messaggio

>In article <>,
> (American Patriot) wrote:
> Let me tell you about my dad who is a korean. My dad lived his life
>under Japanese occupation during 1930's 1940'. He rememer those
> Japs as you called it. HOwever, he said that Japs are not as bad
>as white america. He said he supporteed Japanese bombing on America
> soil as he believed Americans are simply worst than anything
>he has ever experience under Japs colonization.

Did he ever live in the States? How does he know we are just 'worst than
anything he has ever experience(d)'?

Nana Bukhsianidze

1999/08/18 3:00:001999/08/18
The "Patriot" is just a troll.
But You (and you are not a troll) wrote:

> Don't forget to thank the Russian Communists who bravely sliced
> through heavy Nazi defense and rushed into Berlin, forcing Hitler to
> commit suicide. German Nazi scientists were only days from completing
> their atomic bombs. The result of Hitler's atomic bombs would have
> change the world history, and USA would not be here today.
Do you think that at least 100 000 000 citizens of Soviet Union were having
mass delusion while having the non-russian selfconciessness?
Also rest of the country( another 100000000) which were RSFR's citizens were
sharing the same delusion with us and calling us non-Russians????
I am sick of this!
Yup what you have said was done by the Russian communists but besides them
there were communists or non-communists of other nationalities: Ukranians,
Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis,,,, And if you want to use shorcut use
word Soviet Communists... Is it sooooooo difficult? Or since you write to
Russian NG you can say Russian communists along with the communists of other
nationalities of soviet union? We as nations don't count yes? And our death
and sacrifice doesn't count iether?
I start to give up on Americans. Nothing is going to help the cluster
mentality of this people.



1999/08/18 3:00:001999/08/18

On Wed, 18 Aug 1999, Nana Bukhsianidze wrote:

> Jesus!...
> I start to give up on Americans. Nothing is going to help the cluster
> mentality of this people.

Heheh, slowly getting wiser? Welcome in club ...


Barry Bruyea

1999/08/18 3:00:001999/08/18
On Wed, 18 Aug 1999 09:05:08 -0400, "Nana Bukhsianidze"
<> wrote:

>The "Patriot" is just a troll.
>But You (and you are not a troll) wrote:
>> Don't forget to thank the Russian Communists who bravely sliced
>> through heavy Nazi defense and rushed into Berlin, forcing Hitler to
>> commit suicide. German Nazi scientists were only days from completing
>> their atomic bombs.

Another myth. The Nazis had virtually scrapped their nuclear program
in late 1943 to pour resources into hundred ton useless tanks among
other things. But certainly the V1 & 2 could have been a great
delivery vehicles if they had have been more successful.

The result of Hitler's atomic bombs would have
>> change the world history, and USA would not be here today.
>Do you think that at least 100 000 000 citizens of Soviet Union were having
>mass delusion while having the non-russian selfconciessness?
>Also rest of the country( another 100000000) which were RSFR's citizens were
>sharing the same delusion with us and calling us non-Russians????
> I am sick of this!
>Yup what you have said was done by the Russian communists but besides them
>there were communists or non-communists of other nationalities: Ukranians,
>Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis,,,, And if you want to use shorcut use
>word Soviet Communists... Is it sooooooo difficult? Or since you write to
>Russian NG you can say Russian communists along with the communists of other
>nationalities of soviet union? We as nations don't count yes? And our death
>and sacrifice doesn't count iether?

>I start to give up on Americans. Nothing is going to help the cluster
>mentality of this people.



1999/08/18 3:00:001999/08/18
> One more thing, the United States is not made up of a bunch of blond haired
> white people. We are YOU, world. We have respresentatives of YOU all over
> our country; Asians, Europeans, Africans, Latinos, etc. We are many
> different religions who, even though we have occasional hate crimes, overall
> live in better harmony than other countries do!

The occasional hate crime ?? There are huge organizations devoted to spreading
hate (KKK, White Power, Arayan Brotherhood, Black name a few)
and encourage racism.


1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19
Nana Bukhsianidze wrote:
> The "Patriot" is just a troll.
> But You (and you are not a troll) wrote:
> > Don't forget to thank the Russian Communists who bravely sliced
> > through heavy Nazi defense and rushed into Berlin, forcing Hitler to
> > commit suicide. German Nazi scientists were only days from completing
> > their atomic bombs. The result of Hitler's atomic bombs would have

> > change the world history, and USA would not be here today.
> Do you think that at least 100 000 000 citizens of Soviet Union were having
> mass delusion while having the non-russian selfconciessness?
> Also rest of the country( another 100000000) which were RSFR's citizens were
> sharing the same delusion with us and calling us non-Russians????
> God!!!!
> I am sick of this!
> Yup what you have said was done by the Russian communists but besides them
> there were communists or non-communists of other nationalities: Ukranians,
> Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis,,,, And if you want to use shorcut use
> word Soviet Communists... Is it sooooooo difficult? Or since you write to
> Russian NG you can say Russian communists along with the communists of other
> nationalities of soviet union? We as nations don't count yes? And our death
> and sacrifice doesn't count iether?
> Jesus!...
> I start to give up on Americans. Nothing is going to help the cluster
> mentality of this people.

Get a grip. The Georgians were a miniscule part of the war effort,
you try to make it sound like Russians sat back and let all the
minorities do all the fighting. The contribution of the other
nationalities is to be recognized and saluted but not exaggerated
in some revisionist effort.


1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19

Zeljko Raznjatovic <Anonymous...@See.Comment.Header> wrote in message

> But it's necessary to "prove" the Soviet myth that the USA could not
> have defeated Hitler single-handedly.

You must be a joker:)
Defeat where? In Pacific:).

> The fact is that if the Soviet Union had been utterly defeated by Nazi
> Germany, the war would still have ended in an Allied victory in August
> of 1945.

One can only imagine Allied performance against main German ground troops,
taken from Eastern front.:(

> On the other hand, it is probably *also* true that the Soviet Union
> might have defeated Hitler without American aid, if none had been
> forthcoming.

Yes, but without "probably" it would take probably 2-5 millions more dead,
but former USSR
was the only country which "could stand that".

> >The result of Hitler's atomic bombs would have
> >>> change the world history, and USA would not be here today.

> Perhaps. If there had been any.
> But there weren't.

It is very unlikely. To have a couple nukes with no ability to produce them
in a big quantities and absence of tactical nukes, does no difference in war
of such scale.

> >>and sacrifice doesn't count iether?
> >>Jesus!...
> >>I start to give up on Americans. Nothing is going to help the cluster
> >>mentality of this people.

> The Americans are certainly dealing with their nationality problem
> better than the Russians.

Yes it is very clear.



1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19

Huge? I don't think so.
And they have to remain in hiding because they cannot show their face to
the overwhelming number of Americans of all colors,creeds and religions
who might become violent when they see them.
Remember it always takes Police to protect those hate groups from the
public when they make their meager showings.


1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19

George ha scritto nel messaggio <>...

>> One more thing, the United States is not made up of a bunch of blond
>> white people. We are YOU, world. We have respresentatives of YOU all
>> our country; Asians, Europeans, Africans, Latinos, etc. We are many
>> different religions who, even though we have occasional hate crimes,
>> live in better harmony than other countries do!
>The occasional hate crime ?? There are huge organizations devoted to
>hate (KKK, White Power, Arayan Brotherhood, Black name a
>and encourage racism.

George, what I'm trying to point out here is that Americans are a diverse
group of people. If you simply have two groups, for example Serbs and
Albanians, who must live together but have constant conflict, then the
entire country is engaged in conflict. Whereas, in the states, we are a
little bit of everyone in the world. It is harder to cause a large conflict
with so many groups from different backgrounds.

Yes, I agree that all of those groups exist, sorry to say so. They are a
small percentage of our society, though, but receive a lot of attention due
to their atrocious hate crimes. My own family has been a victim of hate
crimes (I think it's sort of world wide, don't you?). Those hate groups are
mainly made of people who live in fear, Xenophobic. Although we can't make
them go away by ignoring them, we can educate each other about them and
ourselves. Stereotyping Americans doesn't encourage understanding.

Suppose the only person a Russian met (in his own country) was an American
KKK member. Do you think it's fair to judge us all by the encounter with
this one person?

I want to understand people of other countries for myself. I don't want to
believe in the film stereotypes of Russians, or Chinese, or Japanese. I
don't want to follow the 'guidance' of my nation's current leaders. I don't
have a ring in my nose and all I am asking is that if others do, please take
it out and educate yourselves instead of letting others do it for you.

And, after glancing at the title of this thread, I find it totally
disgusting. I've always thought the bombings were one of the top disgraces
of the human race. How can anyone rejoice in such a horrible event?

Chris Hamilton

1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19
On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:32:59 -0400, "Michael" <>

>One can only imagine Allied performance against main German ground troops,
>taken from Eastern front.:(

It was quite good. The Anglo-American forces in the West faced
excellent troops, as did the Russians in the East. As the war went
on, the quality diminished of course, along with the numbers of men,
tanks, etc.

Remember the US stopped the 6th SS Panzer Army in The Ardennes ...
that ain't chopped liver.

Chris Hamilton --
City of Washington Pipe Band

Mong Huangsam

1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19
Henry wrote:
> Remember it always takes Police to protect those hate groups from the
> public when they make their meager showings.
Well, that really works both ways.


1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19
> And, after glancing at the title of this thread, I find it totally
> disgusting. I've always thought the bombings were one of the top disgraces
> of the human race. How can anyone rejoice in such a horrible event?

It was a horrible event, but I can't fault Truman for the decision he made. All
wars are horrible events, tough decisions are made by people, humans....Truman
made the decision to drop the bombs, there are many arguments, I believe he used
the "Either its us or them...and we have the bomb". I don't think we should have
a picnic and party but I also think that we should never forget.

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19
On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:32:59 -0400, "Michael" <>


>Zeljko Raznjatovic <Anonymous...@See.Comment.Header> wrote in message
>> But it's necessary to "prove" the Soviet myth that the USA could not
>> have defeated Hitler single-handedly.
>You must be a joker:)
>Defeat where? In Pacific:).
>> The fact is that if the Soviet Union had been utterly defeated by Nazi
>> Germany, the war would still have ended in an Allied victory in August
>> of 1945.

>One can only imagine Allied performance against main German ground troops,
>taken from Eastern front.:(

Who the hell do you think the Allies were fighting in N. Africa,
Sicily, Italy and later after the invasion? Boy Scouts? And it
wasn't aggressive synchronized swimmers in the Atlantic, my friend.

>> On the other hand, it is probably *also* true that the Soviet Union
>> might have defeated Hitler without American aid, if none had been
>> forthcoming.

Allied aid in the first year of the war enabled the Soviets to get
their act in order. Without that aid, the Soviets may still have won,
but they would have been fighting their way back to Moscow from
Siberia, if at all.

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19
On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:34:04 -0400, Henry <>

>George wrote:
>> >
>> > One more thing, the United States is not made up of a bunch of blond haired
>> > white people. We are YOU, world. We have respresentatives of YOU all over
>> > our country; Asians, Europeans, Africans, Latinos, etc. We are many
>> > different religions who, even though we have occasional hate crimes, overall
>> > live in better harmony than other countries do!
>> >
>> The occasional hate crime ?? There are huge organizations devoted to spreading
>> hate (KKK, White Power, Arayan Brotherhood, Black name a few)
>> and encourage racism.

But, consider this, unlike Germany, for instance, the Americans have
not elected any of this ilk to their Congress.

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19

Given the culture and history of the Japanese people, what would have
been a horrible event would have been the millions of dead had the
Home Islands been invaded by Allied troops; and I emphasize, MILLIONS.


1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19

Barry Bruyea <> wrote in message

> Who the hell do you think the Allies were fighting in N. Africa,
> Sicily, Italy and later after the invasion? Boy Scouts? And it
> wasn't aggressive synchronized swimmers in the Atlantic, my friend.

Boy Scouts....:) It is your words, not mine:)
All I am traing to say is :one could see German tanks transferred from
N.Africa near Stalingrad and
one never saw German tanks transferred from Kursk near Ardennes:).

> Allied aid in the first year of the war enabled the Soviets to get
> their act in order. Without that aid, the Soviets may still have won,
> but they would have been fighting their way back to Moscow from
> Siberia, if at all.

I disagree with "if at all":). Allied aid did a lot it's true, it made the
war a little bit shorter and
saved Russian and Allied lives, but it never changed strategically anything
and did they have a choice?:)
I understand what you do not know a lot about "unknown war" as it is very
often is being called
war in Eastern Europe .
For example you can read that the Ardennes offensive is the biggest battle
of WW2, but it is not
true. The battle of Kursk involved ~2000000 men that is almost 2 times
Try to read some real books:) and believe me that people of former USSR
grateful for help
of allies at the beginning of war against USSR.


1999/08/19 3:00:001999/08/19

Chris Hamilton <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:32:59 -0400, "Michael" <>
> wrote:
> >One can only imagine Allied performance against main German ground
> >taken from Eastern front.:(
> It was quite good.  The Anglo-American forces in the West faced
> excellent troops, as did the Russians in the East.  As the war went
> on, the quality diminished of course, along with the numbers of men,
> tanks, etc.
> Remember the US stopped the 6th SS Panzer Army in The Ardennes ...
> that ain't chopped liver.
> Chris

Hi, Chris.
I remember, but when I begin to count you will have to remember much more:).
Chris I do respect the efforts of allies in second world war, but  it is getting
very sad when I see the quality of informatin about so called "unknown war" (war in Eastern Europe)
you recieve here.
1945 in helping counter the German attack driving the Germans back through the same area where the 106th had been in position in mid-December 1944. This German Offensive became known in the U.S. Forces journals as The Battle of the Bulge.
Statistics: More than a million men, 500,000 Germans, 600,000 Americans (more than fought on both sides at Gettysburg) and 55,000 British fought in what turned out to be the largest land battle of World War II. In all, 3 German armies, 10 corps, the equivalent of 29 divisions. 3 American armies, 6 corps, the equivalent of 31 divisions. There were 100,000 German casualties, killed wounded or captured. 81,000 American casualties, including 23,554 captured and 19,000 killed. The British lost 1,400 casualties 200 killed. 800 tanks were lost on each side and 1,000 German aircraft lost.
Following their disastrous defeat at Stalingrad during the winter of 1942-43, the German armed forces launched a climactic offensive in the East known as Operation Citadel on July 4,1943. The climax of Operation Citadel, the Battle of Kursk, involved as many as 6,000 tanks, 4,000 aircraft and 2 million fighting men and is remembered as the greatest tank battle in history. The high-water mark of the battle was the massive armor engagement at Prochorovka (also spelled Prokhorovka), which began on July 12.

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/20 3:00:001999/08/20
On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 20:08:00 -0400, "Michael" <>

>Barry Bruyea <> wrote in message
>> Who the hell do you think the Allies were fighting in N. Africa,
>> Sicily, Italy and later after the invasion? Boy Scouts? And it
>> wasn't aggressive synchronized swimmers in the Atlantic, my friend.
> Boy Scouts....:) It is your words, not mine:)
>All I am traing to say is :one could see German tanks transferred from
>N.Africa near Stalingrad and
>one never saw German tanks transferred from Kursk near Ardennes:).

And your point is?

>> Allied aid in the first year of the war enabled the Soviets to get
>> their act in order. Without that aid, the Soviets may still have won,
>> but they would have been fighting their way back to Moscow from
>> Siberia, if at all.
>I disagree with "if at all":). Allied aid did a lot it's true, it made the
>war a little bit shorter and
>saved Russian and Allied lives, but it never changed strategically anything
>and did they have a choice?:)
>I understand what you do not know a lot about "unknown war" as it is very
>often is being called
>war in Eastern Europe .
>For example you can read that the Ardennes offensive is the biggest battle
>of WW2, but it is not

I have never read or heard that the Ardennes was the biggest battle of
WWII. I have read it was the biggest battle the Americans were
involved in durig WWII.

The battle of Kursk involved ~2000000 men that is almost 2 times
>Try to read some real books:) and believe me that people of former USSR
>grateful for help
> of allies at the beginning of war against USSR.

But, did they love Stalin for helping Hitler to start the war?

Chris Hamilton

1999/08/20 3:00:001999/08/20
On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 20:23:13 -0400, "Michael" <>

>Chris Hamilton <> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:32:59 -0400, "Michael" <>
>> wrote:
>> >One can only imagine Allied performance against main German ground
>> >taken from Eastern front.:(
>> It was quite good. The Anglo-American forces in the West faced
>> excellent troops, as did the Russians in the East. As the war went
>> on, the quality diminished of course, along with the numbers of men,
>> tanks, etc.
>> Remember the US stopped the 6th SS Panzer Army in The Ardennes ...
>> that ain't chopped liver.
>> Chris
>Hi, Chris.
>I remember, but when I begin to count you will have to remember much more:).
>Chris I do respect the efforts of allies in second world war, but it is getting
>very sad when I see the quality of informatin about so called "unknown war" (war in Eastern Europe)
>you recieve here.

Hi Michael,

Oh yes, I'm very well versed about the war in the East. Smolensk,
Kharkov, The Caucasus, Stalingrad, Kursk, Destruction of Army Group
Center, East Prussian campaign, etc. I have said for years that
people in the USA don't realize the magnitude of the battles in Russia
(or even that there were battles in Russia!). It's just the way
Americans are - they think the world outside their borders is of
relatively little importance.

My father was a POW (had been a bombardier on a B-17) from October
1943 till April 1945. He was liberated from Stalag Luft 3 (near
Stettin near the Baltic coast) by the Red Army and actually travelled
with a Russian platoon for a few days (before discretion became the
better part of valor).


1999/08/20 3:00:001999/08/20

Chris Hamilton <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 20:23:13 -0400, "Michael" <>
> wrote:
> >
> >Chris Hamilton <> wrote in message
> >
> >> On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 08:32:59 -0400, "Michael" <>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> >One can only imagine Allied performance against main German ground
> >troops,
> >> >taken from Eastern front.:(
> >>
> >> It was quite good. The Anglo-American forces in the West faced
> >> excellent troops, as did the Russians in the East. As the war went
> >> on, the quality diminished of course, along with the numbers of men,
> >> tanks, etc.
> >>
> >> Remember the US stopped the 6th SS Panzer Army in The Ardennes ...
> >> that ain't chopped liver.
> >>
> >> Chris
> >
> >Hi, Chris.
> >I remember, but when I begin to count you will have to remember much
> >Chris I do respect the efforts of allies in second world war, but it is
> >very sad when I see the quality of information about so called "unknown

war" (war in Eastern Europe)
> >you receive here.

> Hi Michael,
> Oh yes, I'm very well versed about the war in the East. Smolensk,
> Kharkov, The Caucasus, Stalingrad, Kursk, Destruction of Army Group
> Center, East Prussian campaign, etc. I have said for years that
> people in the USA don't realize the magnitude of the battles in Russia
> (or even that there were battles in Russia!). It's just the way
> Americans are - they think the world outside their borders is of
> relatively little importance.
> My father was a POW (had been a bombardier on a B-17) from October
> 1943 till April 1945. He was liberated from Stalag Luft 3 (near
> Stettin near the Baltic coast) by the Red Army and actually travelled
> with a Russian platoon for a few days (before discretion became the
> better part of valor).
> Chris

Hi, Chris.
My gratitude to people like your father.
Thank you.
P.S. My family lost 7 men in that war, two were heavily injured and died in
their early 50's,
my uncle lost his right arm up to his shoulder in age 16 (he said he was 17
to be eligible to be a volunteer)

Chris Hamilton

1999/08/21 3:00:001999/08/21
On Fri, 20 Aug 1999 17:32:39 -0400, "Michael" <>

>Chris Hamilton <> wrote in message


>> My father was a POW (had been a bombardier on a B-17) from October
>> 1943 till April 1945. He was liberated from Stalag Luft 3 (near
>> Stettin near the Baltic coast) by the Red Army and actually travelled
>> with a Russian platoon for a few days (before discretion became the
>> better part of valor).
>> Chris
>Hi, Chris.
>My gratitude to people like your father.
>Thank you.
>P.S. My family lost 7 men in that war, two were heavily injured and died in
>their early 50's,
>my uncle lost his right arm up to his shoulder in age 16 (he said he was 17
>to be eligible to be a volunteer)

Wow, that's rough. My father was wounded pretty seriously, but his
life was saved by a dedicated German doctor who didn't give a fuck who
was enemy and who was not. They had a nice reunion a few years ago.

Always had some repercussions from his injuries, but not disabling.

My father *claims* he was the youngest 1st Lieutenant in the US Army
at one time. Could have been ...


1999/08/21 3:00:001999/08/21

Barry Bruyea <> wrote in message

> On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 20:08:00 -0400, "Michael" <>
> wrote:
> >
> >Barry Bruyea <> wrote in message
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Who the hell do you think the Allies were fighting in N. Africa,
> >> Sicily, Italy and later after the invasion? Boy Scouts? And it
> >> wasn't aggressive synchronized swimmers in the Atlantic, my friend.
> >
> > Boy Scouts....:) It is your words, not mine:)
> >All I am traing to say is :one could see German tanks transferred from
> >N.Africa near Stalingrad and
> >one never saw German tanks transferred from Kursk near Ardennes:).
> And your point is?

Hitler thought Romel could handle that without tanks:)

> But, did they love Stalin for helping Hitler to start the war?

Do you mean the deal with Hitler about Czechoslovakia and others
victories of somebody's diplomacy:)

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/21 3:00:001999/08/21
On Sat, 21 Aug 1999 03:13:14 GMT, (Chris Hamilton)

>On Fri, 20 Aug 1999 17:32:39 -0400, "Michael" <>

>>Chris Hamilton <> wrote in message

>>> My father was a POW (had been a bombardier on a B-17) from October
>>> 1943 till April 1945. He was liberated from Stalag Luft 3 (near
>>> Stettin near the Baltic coast) by the Red Army and actually travelled
>>> with a Russian platoon for a few days (before discretion became the
>>> better part of valor).
>>> Chris

He was obviously one of the lucky ones. There was all too large a
number of Allied prisoners 'liberated' by the Soviets who got to see
the beauty of Siberia first hand; loved it so much they stayed there
for the rest of their lives courtesy of Soviet beaurocratic

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/21 3:00:001999/08/21
On Sat, 21 Aug 1999 01:21:45 -0400, "Michael" <>

>Barry Bruyea <> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 19 Aug 1999 20:08:00 -0400, "Michael" <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >Barry Bruyea <> wrote in message
>> >
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Who the hell do you think the Allies were fighting in N. Africa,
>> >> Sicily, Italy and later after the invasion? Boy Scouts? And it
>> >> wasn't aggressive synchronized swimmers in the Atlantic, my friend.
>> >
>> > Boy Scouts....:) It is your words, not mine:)
>> >All I am traing to say is :one could see German tanks transferred from
>> >N.Africa near Stalingrad and
>> >one never saw German tanks transferred from Kursk near Ardennes:).
>> And your point is?
>Hitler thought Romel could handle that without tanks:)
>> But, did they love Stalin for helping Hitler to start the war?
>Do you mean the deal with Hitler about Czechoslovakia and others
>victories of somebody's diplomacy:)

No, I mean the shipping of millions of tons of strategic materials to
Germany; allowing Germans to train on Soviet soil; Soviet invasion of
Poland and the Baltic Countries prior to their entry into WWII. The
invasion of Finland.


1999/08/21 3:00:001999/08/21

Barry Bruyea <> wrote in message

> >> But, did they love Stalin for helping Hitler to start the war?
> >
> >Do you mean the deal with Hitler about Czechoslovakia and others
> >victories of somebody's diplomacy:)
> >Michael.
> No, I mean the shipping of millions of tons of strategic materials to
> Germany; allowing Germans to train on Soviet soil; Soviet invasion of
> Poland and the Baltic Countries prior to their entry into WWII. The
> invasion of Finland.
> >

Hi, it would be nice to say 'A' before you've said 'B':)
All that happened after Hitler 'somehow' had German military forces
restored, despite
the treaty, and Stalin, after seeing that had no choice like playing nice
him, baying some time.
It would be fairly to say WW1 allies were pushing Hitler to the East and
their 'OK' to resurrection German military, that was the real beginning of

Chris Hamilton

1999/08/21 3:00:001999/08/21
On Sat, 21 Aug 1999 10:44:23 GMT, (Barry Bruyea)

>On Sat, 21 Aug 1999 03:13:14 GMT, (Chris Hamilton)

>>>> My father was a POW (had been a bombardier on a B-17) from October

>>>> 1943 till April 1945. He was liberated from Stalag Luft 3 (near
>>>> Stettin near the Baltic coast) by the Red Army and actually travelled
>>>> with a Russian platoon for a few days (before discretion became the
>>>> better part of valor).
>>>> Chris
>He was obviously one of the lucky ones. There was all too large a
>number of Allied prisoners 'liberated' by the Soviets who got to see
>the beauty of Siberia first hand; loved it so much they stayed there
>for the rest of their lives courtesy of Soviet beaurocratic

Yeah, that's for sure. I'd read some claims that large numbers of US
POWs were taken to Russian and never accounted for by the US govt.

Certainly many German POWs never came back. Some (from Stalingrad's
Sixth Army) didn't come back until the mid-1950s.

Rostyslaw Lewyckyj

1999/08/21 3:00:001999/08/21

On Sat, 21 Aug 1999, Chris Hamilton wrote:

> On Fri, 20 Aug 1999, "Michael" <> wrote:
>>Chris Hamilton <> wrote

>>> My father was a POW (had been a bombardier on a B-17) from October
>>> 1943 till April 1945. He was liberated from Stalag Luft 3 (near
>>> Stettin near the Baltic coast) by the Red Army and actually travelled
>>> with a Russian platoon for a few days (before discretion became the
>>> better part of valor).

>>Hi, Chris.
>>My gratitude to people like your father.
>>Thank you.

>>P.S. My family lost 7 men in that war. Two were heavily injured
>>and died in their early 50's. My uncle lost his right arm
>>up to his shoulder at age 16 (he said he was 17

>>to be eligible to be a volunteer)
> Wow, that's rough. My father was wounded pretty seriously, but his
> life was saved by a dedicated German doctor who didn't give a fuck who
> was enemy and who was not. They had a nice reunion a few years ago.

I wonder if there are any anecdotal stories about Russian doctors
with the Soviet forces, who saved lives of injured soldiers in
the army of the Third Reich?

> ...........................

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/22 3:00:001999/08/22
On Sat, 21 Aug 1999 08:15:39 -0400, "Michael" <>


That ''resurrection" of Hitler's armed forces was sanctioned by the
Soviets more than the allies who helped him build up an army and air
force that violated the levels set by the Versaille Treaty. Hitler's
war of aggression, initially in the West helped Stalin launch his own
little war of agression with the Baltic States and Finland and later


1999/08/22 3:00:001999/08/22

Rostyslaw Lewyckyj <> wrote in message

Hi, smart one:)
Here is the deal: you find some stories about German doctors, but not those
who preformed
experiments on prisoners, and I will find some stories about Russian
Sounds good, smart one?:)
P.S. Nazi Germany started the war, let's start with them.:)

1999/08/24 3:00:001999/08/24
In article <>, wrote:
> George wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > One more thing, the United States is not made up of a bunch of
blond haired
> > > white people. We are YOU, world. We have respresentatives of YOU
all over
> > > our country; Asians, Europeans, Africans, Latinos, etc. We are
> > > different religions who, even though we have occasional hate
crimes, overall
> > > live in better harmony than other countries do!
> > >
> >
> > The occasional hate crime ?? There are huge organizations devoted to
> > hate (KKK, White Power, Arayan Brotherhood, Black
name a few)
> > and encourage racism.
> Huge? I don't think so.
> And they have to remain in hiding because they cannot show their face
> the overwhelming number of Americans of all colors,creeds and
> who might become violent when they see them.
> Remember it always takes Police to protect those hate groups from the
> public when they make their meager showings.

From what I have read these groups are growing very fast. They
supposedly prey on the young for obvious reasons.

Please visit the following site to get to know the real Sathya Sai Baba:

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


1999/08/24 3:00:001999/08/24
George wrote:
> > And, after glancing at the title of this thread, I find it totally
> > disgusting. I've always thought the bombings were one of the top disgraces
> > of the human race. How can anyone rejoice in such a horrible event?
> It was a horrible event, but I can't fault Truman for the decision he made.

Why ? I just fail to understand this position. Couldn't he get the same
by a 'demo' blast or striking exclusively military target ? Why kill
of thousands of innocent civilians ? Doesn't this fit perfectly into the
of terrorism ?

> wars are horrible events, tough decisions are made by people, humans....Truman
> made the decision to drop the bombs, there are many arguments, I believe he used
> the "Either its us or them...and we have the bomb".

Them ? Are you serious ? Could Japan be a major threat to US + allies at
the end of war ?


1999/08/24 3:00:001999/08/24
As I understand it the option of setting off a demo was talked should
remember that both bombs weren't dropped at the same was dropped and there
was still defiance than the other....finally the emporer surrendered. Remember you're
talking about a society that produced suicide bombers, very proud people who would
rather die than surrender....

Also, the power of the bomb wasn't fully known at the time either, the death toll
surprised the US...none of us had to make the decision so I think it is a moot point
to discuss it.

AV wrote:

The Japanese were at one point winning the war, thousands of US and allied soldiers
were still being killed, Truman wanted an end as did those fighting......

Eduard Grebe

1999/08/24 3:00:001999/08/24

AV <> wrote in message

> George wrote:
> > It was a horrible event, but I can't fault Truman for the decision he
> Why ? I just fail to understand this position. Couldn't he get the same
> effect
> by a 'demo' blast or striking exclusively military target ? Why kill
> hundreds
> of thousands of innocent civilians ? Doesn't this fit perfectly into the
> definition
> of terrorism ?

I agree with this position. It is totally inexcusable to hit a target such
as a city full of civilians with a weapon of mass destruction. Some advisors
were telling Truman the US could win the war easily without the bomb, but he
was stubborn. I believe he did this to try and establish the USA as the sole
superpower and make sure no-one attacks the USA again.

What a typical, arrogant, typicly American attitude!

(BTW I am acting so high and mighty as a citizen of Souh Africa - the only
country in the world to have dismantled its Nuclear weapons and in so doing
totally disarm in Nuclear terms!)

Barry Bruyea

1999/08/24 3:00:001999/08/24
On Tue, 24 Aug 1999 17:10:52 +0400, AV <> wrote:

>George wrote:
>> > And, after glancing at the title of this thread, I find it totally
>> > disgusting. I've always thought the bombings were one of the top disgraces
>> > of the human race. How can anyone rejoice in such a horrible event?

>> It was a horrible event, but I can't fault Truman for the decision he made.
>Why ? I just fail to understand this position. Couldn't he get the same
>by a 'demo' blast or striking exclusively military target ? Why kill
>of thousands of innocent civilians ? Doesn't this fit perfectly into the
>of terrorism ?

Your naivete is showing. There were no 'exclusively' military targets
on the Home Islands and a nuclear strike against one of the occupied
Islands would have killed local inhabitants who had no part in
starting the war. Notwithstanding that, a demo would have been a
gamble, as it might not have worked. And then, of course, anyone who
understands the Japanese mentality of the day knows that any invasion
of the Home Islands would have result in untold death and suffering on
both sides; far more than the result of the Atomic strike. And then
there is the lesson to the world regarding what an Atomic strike was
really like. If it hadn't have been dropped, the Soviets would have
still had the bomb and without the imperical knowledge gained form
Hiroshima or Nagasake, given the nature and tenure of the cold war,
Don't you think somebody, somewhere would have dropped the damn thing?
Thus, initiating a nuclear war?

Barry Bruyea


1999/08/24 3:00:001999/08/24
Although pure speculation......what if the bomb weren't dropped and the war
dragged on for a few more months, how many people do you think may have been
killed, on both sides ? What if Truman's advisors were wrong ?? I didn't hear of
any mass protests denouncing the governments actions...


1999/08/24 3:00:001999/08/24

Barry Bruyea <> wrote in message

Sanctioned more by the Soviets:) you must be kidding. Hitler became so brave
to send
some soldiers to be trained in USSR because western countries did nothing
and it was not
prohibited by the treaty:)
Actually Poland happened first:),September of 1939, then Finland November
of 1939 and after Baltic States, and Hitler's aggression in the West was
over already:)

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