Gideon, Ben Argyle, Naomi, Garner, Martyn, Jester, Supermouse,
Selina, Helen (Selina's Friend), mpk, Janice, Suzi, Gid, Stephen
Booth, Maurice, TOTKat, ppint, MiQ, Little A'Tuin, Nessie, Tiggy,
and yhn
Not much to report. We arrived, some ate, all drank, some were
merry, (all were happy), and some photos were taken.
Pictures can be found at
I'm used to getting my leg over. - Naomi.
He's a bit low. - Barry
They're comparing size now. - Helen
You're a Tart! - Suzi to Barry
I've been influenced by Vicci. - Barry
Gideon, Put your tongue away. - mpk
Get your 'ands off me ring. - Jester.
You can add a couple of inches by fluffing your hair. - Janice
Undead! Undead! - MiQ.
He goes a nice shade of red! - Suzi about Barry
Skating on Saturday...
Arriving at the Rink at about 12:15, Supermouse, Naomi, and yhn
hired some skates, and took to the ice. (yhn returned to the hire
area three times to try to gain a pair of skates that had at least
some sort of edge...). We were joined by Stephen, who had his own
skates (ba*d), and a little later by Maurice. The group enjoyed a
skate around the rink until about 14:30ish.
Rating for the rink. 5 out of 10.
Oh yes, Final Score.
Maurice - 2
Stephen - 1
Naomi - 0
Supermouse - 0
yhn - 0
The winner by Two falls to One was Maurice. :)
After skating, Supermouse went home, Stephen made his way to
Waterstones, Naomi and yhn went to catch their trains, and Maurice
was last heard of as being in the vicinity of the Broadmarsh Centre.
That's all for now...
Barry R. B.F. The Official Sad Bastard
In Carols Heap, In Lottie's Scrum, In Ailbhe's Queue,
A Part of the Collective, A Member of the Harem, AFPShrink to MEG,
AFPfianceed to Lindsay, and AFPOtherhalf to Selina.
May I just point out that this was not said to me, worse luck!
>Skating on Saturday...
>Arriving at the Rink at about 12:15, Supermouse, Naomi, and yhn
>hired some skates, and took to the ice.
Bugger, I knew I should have stayed in Nottingham so that I could come
and watch this.
No, you wouldn't have got me on the ice, I'm terrified of falling and
hurting myself. ( Yeah, I know, I'm a big softy! ).
-- Mobile 0410 468303
Member of various afp societies and variously afpattached.
Afpiance of the beautiful Naomi and collector of Garner the slobberhound.
Afpurity 54% ICQ# 21158900 UKRA #1050 Bounce index = lots.
I managed to go to the same meet as ppint, meet ppint, eat ppint's
offerings and talk to ppint; and I still left the meet unaware as to
ppint's real gender.
You see, nobody had introduced me to ppint. I left the meet unaware that
ppint had been present.
I'm not sure how many afpurity points that gives me. :0)
Thankyou, ppint, for introducing me to Maya Gold. Asking the remains of
the bar to marry me was a momentary lapse. However, before the marriage
could be consumated the marriagee was consumed, so I will be unable to
post happy tidings. I am sure, however, that I shall one day meet a nice
personable unattached bar and get to know it better and who knows? :0)
Ask not for whom the cheese rolls...
AfpRodent to the eloquant Miq, in a Heap on a Hill and
thinking of trying Behind the Sink.
I think that was ppint's plan... parachute in in a polo neck and
ski mask, deliver the Maya Gold, then vanish to the Other Room
before you or I could investigate such personal trivia...
>Thankyou, ppint, for introducing me to Maya Gold. Asking the remains of
>the bar to marry me was a momentary lapse.
Momentary? It was a lifelong relationship as far as the bar was
>However, before the marriage
>could be consumated the marriagee was consumed, so I will be unable to
>post happy tidings. I am sure, however, that I shall one day meet a nice
>personable unattached bar and get to know it better and who knows? :0)
You're still talking about *chocolate* bars here, my dear Rodent?
'Cos in my experience, the other sort of bars are always attached.
I wouldn't want to see you disappointed...
Miq - afpiance to the delicious MÕG {hug} and the deranged Supermouse {hug},
afpsibling to Heather, Honorary Mole, Phing, Phost, Afpgony Aunt and Nefphew
Having delivered the Maya Gold, they 'ordered' me into the seat they had
been occupying and then proceeeded to blend into the background, thus
making it very hard indeed to spot their gender. ( grin )
May I also point out that I was successful in arranging that the last
piece should be eaten by the fair Naomi. ( Yes, I know it should have
been the last Rolo, and yes, it should have been mine and not ppints,
but it's a start, isn't it? )
Mart - who is now in the low after Fridays high. ( shrug )
In article <>, Barry R
<> writes
[ hack ]
>Pictures can be found at
[ snip ]
OK, I've just shown Granny my piccy, but having a lousy memory for names
I can't remember who is in it with me.
It's the third one down and I'm the weird looking one on the left in a
waistcoat and bow-tie. So, who's the lovely young lady sat next to me?
Mart - who's probably in deep do-do with said female. ( grin )
Helen is her name. She is a (currently at any rate)Non-AFP friend of
The Lovely Selina.
I thought that I'd added tags to all photos...
<FX:Checks page...>
BUGGER. Bloody HTML... You think I'd get it right considering I
spend quite a lot of time doing it as wor^H^H^H jbex.
It's now fixed...
Barry R. B.F. The Official Sad Bastard
In Carols Heap, In Lottie's Scrum, In Ailbhe's Queue,
A Part of the Collective, A Member of the Harem, AFPShrink to MEG,
Still searching for that Mythical Place known as "Shelfspace"
Thanks Barry, that's one less bit of trouble I'll be in.
>She is a (currently at any rate)Non-AFP friend of The Lovely Selina.
Bum. I wanted to meet Selina, I didn't realise she was there.
>I thought that I'd added tags to all photos...
><FX:Checks page...>
>BUGGER. Bloody HTML... You think I'd get it right considering I
>spend quite a lot of time doing it as wor^H^H^H jbex.
>It's now fixed...
You mean people will be able to recognise me?
Better behave then, hadn't I? ( grin )
Martyn as in my "evil twin" from Friday - chap in classy blue waistcoat?
And it was rather fun meeting you all!
Delurking temporarily...
You didn't look so bad yourself. ( grin )
>And it was rather fun meeting you all!
And fun meeting you.
I would propose, but I think someone might just set a slobberhound on me!
>Delurking temporarily...
Will it will be a permanent delurk soon?
-- Mobile 0410 468303
Afpattached to Naomi. Afpurity 54% ICQ# 21158900
Dazed, confused, likely to fall too hard, too far and too fast.
Heading for a major crash landing. Paranoid? Moi?
>>Martyn as in my "evil twin" from Friday - chap in classy blue waistcoat?
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Why thank you, fair maiden!
>You didn't look so bad yourself. ( grin )
>And fun meeting you.
>I would propose, but I think someone might just set a slobberhound on me!
Surely not!
>>Delurking temporarily...
>Will it will be a permanent delurk soon?
Oh, when I can find something to say!