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*F* Oxfrod 3.0 patch level 1 mini-meet; the morning after...

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Thomas Down

Nov 10, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/10/96

A while ago, Tony Finch wrote:
> Matthew Bloch <> wrote:
> >
> > There was a failed attempt at a teleconference with the Cambridge meet,
> > except that nobody happened to be logged on to chiark. Bastards.
> You can find out my phone number without asking me for it, without a
> great deal of difficulty...

Yes, but using a phone requires:

1) Finding the required equipment. I don't have one in my room[1].
2) (In the case of a payphone) finding money.

talk(1) is cheap ;)

The aim of science is not to open
the door to infinite wisdom, but to
set limits to infinite error. -- Brecht

[1] Thank God, Cthulhu, or any other afpropriate deity

Matthew Bloch

Nov 10, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/10/96


You might want to know that today we finished off the petition for the
Banananananananana dakry ice-cream at George and Davis'. Me and Lunie went
round (me wearing Thomas' lurvely leather collar) and asked the patrons
whether they wouldn't mind helping out ;-)

We are pleased to announce that none of us have a hangover. Mainly due to
lack of money. Tra-la-la. Thomas is singing along to Hotel California,
except it's the filk: 'Satan C compiler'... I'll leave the reader to make his
/ her own judgements about this.

There was a failed attempt at a teleconference with the Cambridge meet,
except that nobody happened to be logged on to chiark. Bastards.

Well.... we're fairly desperate for things to say now, so I'll go away now,
and we'll get back to you when we have the inauguaral meeting of LUHU ;-)


Tony Finch

Nov 10, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/10/96

Matthew Bloch <> wrote:
> There was a failed attempt at a teleconference with the Cambridge meet,
> except that nobody happened to be logged on to chiark. Bastards.

You can find out my phone number without asking me for it, without a
great deal of difficulty...


Matthew Bloch

Nov 10, 1996, 8:00:00 AM11/10/96

In article <564n7v$>
Tony Finch <> wrote:

I know, I know, but we didn't have a phone ;-)


'What do you get when you fall in love?
A girl with a pin to burst your bubble,
That's what you get for all your trouble...'

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