Just like to say that I really enjoyed the screening at the NFT this morning.
Now if _ONLY_ I was going to still be in the country when they finally
screen all the episodes of both Soul Music and Wyrd Sisters when they are
screen on channel 4. If nothing else, I finally got to get a book signed
(I've missed all of Terry's visits to Australia, so was glad of the
oportunity to see him here). Thanks to the bofhs here who let it be
known that this event was on the morning after the asr meet, and hi to
the others I met...it was nice to put faces to some of the names I've
become familiar with through long time lurking around here....(eeep I've
posted now, does this mean I can no longer lurk in silence?)
Anyway, that's me for now....I may post again one day
bu...@bpfh.net bu...@nether.net all...@topaz.cqu.edu.au
Merry A.
P.S. I do realize, British tapes don't work in American VCRs...there are,
as always, people who'll fix that...
Miss Merry A., Amy O'N.--"Moi, je suis going home"
wecsu...@aol.com, among others
Oops, delurked!
Hi all.
Hi, welcome to afp.
Would you be that nice lady sat in E23?
If so, don't worry the rest of afp aren't quite as mad as that guy sat
on your left![1]
I think a few of the things I wasn't sure about were probably because I
had my own ideas of how Susan looked etc.
[1] If you belive that ... !!!
http://www.mclapham.demon.co.uk Mobile 0860 914817 AFPurity 61%
Member of LUHU and Michelena Riosa Testosterone Brigade
Minion in charge of asset sharing.
With all these things, it's a question of profit and loss. You start
out knowing that stuff is going to get lost in the translation -- what
you have to hope is that the new medium is going to add 'replacement'
things. There's a lot I like about this version of SM -- all of the
voices, for example (especially those of Susan, Death and Ridcully, who
has exactly the right loud exasperated tone) and most of the
realisations of the characters. Maybe I've just had too many dealing
with screen people to get too excited when minor things aren't according
to the book -- as I said at the NFT, all you can hope to establish is
that the makers' hearts are in the right place; trying to look over
their shoulders all the time isn't going to result in a good production.
Terry Pratchett
Oh dear, I'm already a triplet due to birthdate, now I'm a clone! I
obtained the name at work and liked it. I'll add my most frequent
distinguising feature.
>Mind you, according to Tony Finch's list I wasn't there anyway so perhaps I
>imagined it. Perhaps Martyn Clapham (whom FTony had difficulty in identifying
>but who sat next to me) can verify that I do, in fact, exist (Hi, Martyn!).
Elaine Logan
MisElaineous the Red
Apologies to the two Elaines for getting them confused, but as I didn't
get this Elaines surname it will be understood ( Won't it? Please? ).
BTW nearly every other female I meet these days semms to be called
My greeting to the other Elaine still stands, but of course I'm not the
person who was sat on your left.
MartynC - trying to find a rock to hide under!
Just be glad nobody says something like the following:
'...Roland Jaffe's "The Scarlet Letter" was indeed "freely adapted"
from Hawthorne's book - "in the same way that methane is freely
adapted from cows"' (from a "New Yorker" review of the movie)
Wish I could have seen the SM screening, but I'm continentally challenged.
Not to mention finacially challenged as well. (sigh)
David S
>Apologies to the two Elaines for getting them confused, but as I didn't
>get this Elaines surname it will be understood ( Won't it? Please? ).
See Elaine, you finally decide to delurk, and look what happens.
Confusion all round. How do you do it? :) Now there are lots of
MisElaineous Elaines floating around. What will we do?
(BTW Say hello to Victoria)
Listicath Here's to women! Would that we could fall into their
a...@dircon.co.uk arms without falling into their hands!
*R*elevant *I*rrelevant *A*nnotation *G*ames *F*andom *M*etatopic
In article <5eaoaa$pnt$4...@newsserver.dircon.co.uk>, a...@dircon.co.uk (Listicath) writes:
>See Elaine, you finally decide to delurk, and look what happens.
>Confusion all round. How do you do it? :) Now there are lots of
Oh, it just comes naturally......
>MisElaineous Elaines floating around. What will we do?
>(BTW Say hello to Victoria)
Ok, "Hello Victoria". Who is Victoria then? or did you mean the railway station
in London?
MisElaineous of Misalliance.
Victoria is a red head, about 20cm tall (not counting her brush),
slightly grey about the muzzle.
She says hello to everyone here, but I'll have to be message relay as
she can't manage the keybord with her paws.
The fragrant honeysuckle spirals clockwise to the sun, and many other
creepers do the same; but some climb anti-clockwise -- the bindweed
does, for one (or convolvulus, to give her proper name). ...
(40x^3 - 204x^2 + 326x + 504) / 6
>MisElaine...@uk.sun.com (Elaine Charlson - Sun ENO) wrote:
>>MisElaineous of Misalliance.
>The fragrant honeysuckle spirals clockwise to the sun, and many other
>creepers do the same; but some climb anti-clockwise -- the bindweed
>does, for one (or convolvulus, to give her proper name). ...
Said the left handed bindweed to the right handed honeysuckle;
Oh, let us be .............
Finish it and attribs????
Robin S Armstrong | All Science is either Physics
ro...@broughtonhigh.edin.sch.uk | or Stamp Collecting
Head of Physics | -- Lord Rutherford
Broughton High School, Edinburgh |
On Tue, 18 Feb 1997, Elaine Logan wrote:
> In article <5ebrdi$g...@flonk.uk.sun.com>, Elaine Charlson - Sun ENO
> <MisElaine...@uk.sun.com> writes
> >
> >In article <5eaoaa$pnt$4...@newsserver.dircon.co.uk>, a...@dircon.co.uk (Listicath)
> >writes:
> >>
> >
> >>(BTW Say hello to Victoria)
> >
> >Ok, "Hello Victoria". Who is Victoria then? or did you mean the railway
> >station
> >in London?
> >
> Victoria is a red head, about 20cm tall (not counting her brush),
> slightly grey about the muzzle.
Ah, not me then. That had me slightly worried, for a moment.
Victoria (not the one with the brush)
On 19 Feb 1997, Tony Finch wrote:
> The fragrant honeysuckle spirals clockwise to the sun, and many other
> creepers do the same; but some climb anti-clockwise -- the bindweed
> does, for one (or convolvulus, to give her proper name). ...
Toooooooo the honeysuckle's parents
It came as a shock,
"The bindweeds," they said "are inferior stock,
They're uncultivated, of breeding bereft,
We twine to the right and they twine to the left".
Classic, absolutely classic.
Ah, an easy one since Misalliance is named after this song by Flanders and Swann
(At the drop of a hat - 1960 Parlophone PCS 3001; recorded during a performance
at the Fortune Theatre, London on 2nd May, 1959).
The words are at home though and all I can think of are the lines that go:
"Oh, let us start saving, Many a mickle makes a muckle" and
"Left, right, what a disgrace, or they may grow straight up
and fall flat on their face".
The ending is so sad that it always makes me snivel quietly......
MisElaineous of Misalliance.
If this qualifies for a ppoint on *this* ng I'll be very very
Said the right handed honeysuckle to the left handed bindweed,
"Oh, let us get married, if our parents don't mind -- we'd
Be loving and inseperable, inextricably entwined -- we'd
Live happily ever after" said the honeysuckle to the bindweed.
or perhaps you wanted the bit that went;
Said the left handed bindweed to the right handed honeysuckle,
"We'd better start saving -- many a mickle mak's a muckle.
We'll run away for a honeymoon and hope that our luck'll
Take a change for the better" said the bindweed to the honeysuckle.
Anyway, it's "Misalliance" by Flanders and Swann.
Prepare for a cascade of replies, since I think almost every afper
knows this song -- this thread will inevitably repeat itself in time.
Current periodicity is about 3 months (unless it repeated while I was
away over Christmas...)
Love, Peter
"Right, Left, what a disgrace!
Or it may go straight up and fall flat on its face..."
PS Just for a bit of controversy here, I'm going to stick my neck out
and say that IMAO F&S are *far* superior to Tom Lehrer and (at least on
this side of the pond) got here *first*!
This is why I didn't ask for one in the first place. (The principle
reason I have the CDs is AFP.)
I dunno, people offering ppoints on my behalf...
(Rooted on either side of the door, one of each species grew, and
raced towards the widow ledge above: each corkscrewed to the lintel in
the only way it knew, where they stopped, touched tendrils, smiled,
and fell in love. Ahh.)
>Said the left handed bindweed to the right handed honeysuckle,
Said the anticlockwise bindweed to the clockwise honeysuckle
>"We'd better start saving -- many a mickle mak's a muckle.
>We'll run away for a honeymoon and hope that our luck'll
Then ....
>Take a change for the better" said the bindweed to the honeysuckle.
>Anyway, it's "Misalliance" by Flanders and Swann.
The title being the reason I started this thread, sigh.
>PS Just for a bit of controversy here, I'm going to stick my neck out
>and say that IMAO F&S are *far* superior to Tom Lehrer and (at least on
>this side of the pond) got here *first*!
I think I'm suffering from a Lehrer deficiency.
So, bad hair days have a greater significance for you than for rest of
us brush-owners then?
The Official Michelena Riosa Testosterone Brigade
Founder Member and President for Life, New Members Welcome
The Bellman of Ankh, j...@burnis01.airtime.co.uk afpurity 56%
Coming soon to a website near you http://www.burnley.gov.uk/bellman.htm
On 20 Feb 1997, The Bellman of Ankh wrote:
[snip attributions - can't work 'em all out]
> > > Victoria is a red head, about 20cm tall (not counting her brush),
> > > slightly grey about the muzzle.
> > Ah, not me then. That had me slightly worried, for a moment.
> > Victoria (not the one with the brush)
> So, bad hair days have a greater significance for you than for rest of
> us brush-owners then?
Bad hair *day*? I have a bad hair *life*. Or I did until Wednesday when
in the interests of theatrical verisimilitude (I'm playing Mephisto in a
university production next week) I had most my flowing curls chopped off and
dyed black.
Suddenly I realise what hair brushes are for, they can actually transform
a tangled mass (or rather a tangled couple of inches now) into a
respectable, well-kempt head of hair. but it has been rather a wrench to
my self-image, and a friend's daughter said, on seeing me for the first
time, "You've got a new head".
>>>(BTW Say hello to Victoria)
>>Ok, "Hello Victoria". Who is Victoria then? or did you mean the railway
>>station in London?
>No no talking to me this time! :-)
>Victoria is a red head, about 20cm tall (not counting her brush),
>slightly grey about the muzzle.
>She says hello to everyone here, but I'll have to be message relay as
>she can't manage the keybord with her paws.
I'm waiting to see what happens if she meets Mr Fox. Is she on the
look out for a toy boy?