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[F] Meet Laurabelle. in London - Quotefile

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Arwen Lune

Apr 23, 2001, 9:44:30 AM4/23/01
I've only got a quotefile on this one - basically I put my psion
in the middle of the table, and various people put down notes,
quotes and wibblings. Enjoy.

4/21/2001 5:40:02 PM

Custom MultiThread Quotefile Mk1
One monkey, several mammoths and a doily were harmed in the
compilation of this quotefile.

Barry: "It doesn't fit! Give it here, I'll have it"

Arwen (when The Book part lll arrives) :

Mole: "I read Longtusk from frontcover to backcover"
(now *there's* a thing to be proud of...)

Laurabelle: (to Arwen, squeezing tightly) Sorry, it won't fit...

Barry: Kevin, where's your other hand?
Kevin: (with LB on his lap) Oh, this is just a new form of

Nick Caulfield : "It's good that we're in the no-smoking section,
only now there are no ashtrays to dump the duck in."

Eric (on seeing mad drunk women going for random snogs with doilies
on their head) That proves it! There *are* weirder people than AFP!

[overheard conversation]
Mole: "..that turns your little balls, into great <gestures with
hands> big balls!"
Gideon: "..sheep..."

Moth: "We're going to eat the monkey!"

<Fishing blatantly>
Moth: "So who wants head.."
Gideon: "...from the monkey"
</Fishing blatantly>

Corinne: "I'd be craving salami after a while..."

Our Irish guest, Carol, finally apologised for Boyzone.
About bloody time.

Kevin: Damn,it's not quite a fork. (brandishing a knife to pick up
Eric's chips with)

Gideon, with a wave of his hand : "These aren't the chocolates you
are looking for"

Mole: "Right. Now I'm happy and will be for the rest of the
evening. I've got something to stroke."

Arwen Lune
Arwen laid down her broadsword. "I must ask for the knives
as well, babe." said Hammy. Arwen growled and laid them
down. "And the crossbow, and the morningstar, and the axe..."
[Sir Confused-a-lot on AFT]


Apr 23, 2001, 8:39:25 PM4/23/01
On Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:44:30 +0100, (Arwen
Lune) wrote:

>I've only got a quotefile on this one - basically I put my psion
>in the middle of the table, and various people put down notes,
>quotes and wibblings. Enjoy.
>4/21/2001 5:40:02 PM
>Custom MultiThread Quotefile Mk1
>One monkey, several mammoths and a doily were harmed in the
>compilation of this quotefile.

Yay, I've failed to be quoted.

Okay, so I *did* get pelted with small bits of green foil, attacked,
and generally abused[1], But I wasn't quoted.

My life is complete

Yours in total sincerity,

Mail: Surf:
EZine: <-- Be There Now.
/me bows to Aquarions greater knowledge on all things base.
-Ruthi, AFP

Quantum Moth

Apr 23, 2001, 9:20:24 PM4/23/01
Aquarion <> said...

> On Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:44:30 +0100, (Arwen
> Lune) wrote:
> >I've only got a quotefile on this one - basically I put my psion
> >in the middle of the table, and various people put down notes,
> >quotes and wibblings. Enjoy.
> >
> >--------------------------------------------------------
> >4/21/2001 5:40:02 PM
> >
> >Custom MultiThread Quotefile Mk1
> >One monkey, several mammoths and a doily were harmed in the
> >compilation of this quotefile.
> >
> Yay, I've failed to be quoted.
> Okay, so I *did* get pelted with small bits of green foil, attacked,
> and generally abused[1], But I wasn't quoted.
Aquarion, my dear fishtank, the reason - and it is a good reason - why
you were not quoted is that everything (and I mean *everything*) you said
that night was a horrendous pun. Hence the pelting.

I would like to add to this non-report the creation a new game of high
skill and low comedy. A precarious tower of... things was constructed on
the table and a packet of sweeties placed atop it. The player (or
"Challenger") is then handed a Leatherman (or Gerber)[2] and must extract
a sweetie from the packet without knocking it over. Points awarded for
flair, expertise and making the thing wobble without it actually falling
over. It's kinda a cross between Ker-Plunk!, Operation![3] and having a

By the way WE ARE STILL MAKING THE MOVIE. Sorry, that just came up a lot
during the evening, being as a fair-sized chunk o' the movie cabal[4] was
there. Sorry again.

[1]Aquarion and the missing text. Chapter 12:
[2]or they take it out of their holster, depending on if they are the
owners of said geek tool or not.
[3]I'm pretty sure these both have "!" in their name...
thom willis - - Corinne's Worse Half
me- | movie-
[22:18] <ailbhe> "I'm going to bath a cat." "Do you want Brahms at the
funeral?" [22:18] <Uwe> "No. I'll be Bach"


Apr 23, 2001, 7:00:04 PM4/23/01
Hmm, he may be wrong, but MP thinks that

(Arwen Lune) wrote, on Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:44:30 +0100, that:

>I've only got a quotefile on this one - basically I put my psion
>in the middle of the table, and various people put down notes,
>quotes and wibblings. Enjoy.

Oh, wow! A whole post of predictable feed lines! I can resist. I can
resist. No, I can't...
Apologies for taking the tone of conversation down. More. :-} [1]

>4/21/2001 5:40:02 PM
>Custom MultiThread Quotefile Mk1
>One monkey, several mammoths and a doily were harmed in the
>compilation of this quotefile.
>Barry: "It doesn't fit! Give it here, I'll have it"

Is "it" the monkey?


>Laurabelle: (to Arwen, squeezing tightly) Sorry, it won't fit...

Can I have this as a sig line. Please!


>Eric (on seeing mad drunk women going for random snogs with doilies
>on their head) That proves it! There *are* weirder people than AFP!

Oh, we knew that. You should meet my housemates...[2]


>[overheard conversation]
>Mole: "..that turns your little balls, into great <gestures with
>hands> big balls!"
>Gideon: "..sheep..."

No, no, no - not "great big balls", just "great balls". Oh, and it's
not a sheep, it's a Flaffy[3]

>Moth: "We're going to eat the monkey!"

I'm sure the monkey approved...

><Fishing blatantly>
>Moth: "So who wants head.."
>Gideon: "...from the monkey"
></Fishing blatantly>

Fairs fair, I suppose...

>Our Irish guest, Carol, finally apologised for Boyzone.
>About bloody time.

Well, it could be worse. Did she apologise for B*witched?

>Kevin: Damn,it's not quite a fork. (brandishing a knife to pick up
>Eric's chips with)

Poor Eric...


>Mole: "Right. Now I'm happy and will be for the rest of the
>evening. I've got something to stroke."

Can I add this to my sigfile too? I'm sorry, but that is priceless,
and it's about time to replace my doorpad...[4]


[1] Oh, come on - you should be impressed. It was bloody difficult
taking the smut level up much... :-}[5]
[2] Current or future - they're both mad, and willing to admit it...
[3] Pokemon Silver/Gold reference here. Well, makes a change from
[4] The notepad on my door with a nice quote on[6]
[5] Whilst still keeping the actual content family friendly, at least.
[6] It used to be the PTerry quote "When I was a child, I spake as a
child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I
became a man I put away childish things because, wow, then I could
afford much *better* childish things!", then it was a square of
"Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas"[7]
[7] Write it out backwards...


Apr 23, 2001, 10:39:21 PM4/23/01
In article <>, Aquarion
<> writes

>/me bows to Aquarions greater knowledge on all things base.
> -Ruthi, AFP

All things base are b...


[tyre tracks]


Apr 24, 2001, 12:34:48 AM4/24/01
On Mon, 23 Apr 2001 22:20:24 +0100, Quantum Moth <>

>Aquarion <> said...
>> On Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:44:30 +0100, (Arwen
>> Lune) wrote:
>> >I've only got a quotefile on this one - basically I put my psion
>> >in the middle of the table, and various people put down notes,
>> >quotes and wibblings. Enjoy.
>> >
>> >--------------------------------------------------------
>> >4/21/2001 5:40:02 PM
>> >
>> >Custom MultiThread Quotefile Mk1
>> >One monkey, several mammoths and a doily were harmed in the
>> >compilation of this quotefile.
>> >
>> Yay, I've failed to be quoted.
>> Okay, so I *did* get pelted with small bits of green foil, attacked,
>> and generally abused[1], But I wasn't quoted.
>Aquarion, my dear fishtank, the reason - and it is a good reason - why
>you were not quoted is that everything (and I mean *everything*) you said
>that night was a horrendous pun. Hence the pelting.

They wern't *that* bad!

Okay, so the pun-tree from Monkey, maybe...

>I would like to add to this non-report the creation a new game of high
>skill and low comedy.

Kudos to Gideon for the creation of such a marvel

>By the way WE ARE STILL MAKING THE MOVIE. Sorry, that just came up a lot
>during the evening, being as a fair-sized chunk o' the movie cabal[4] was
>there. Sorry again.
An new post will be coming soon. Promise.

>[1]Aquarion and the missing text. Chapter 12:

Erk, Lost footnote:
[1] And I minded. Oh yes, I minded lotsly

Yours in total sincerity,

/me bows to Aquarion's greater knowledge on all things base.
-Ruthi, AFP

Arwen Lune

Apr 24, 2001, 10:02:00 AM4/24/01
And lo! On the day of Mon, 23 Apr 2001 19:00:04 GMT, MP said in

> Hmm, he may be wrong, but MP thinks that
> (Arwen Lune) wrote, on Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:44:30 +0100, that:

> >Laurabelle: (to Arwen, squeezing tightly) Sorry, it won't fit...
> Can I have this as a sig line. Please!

Please don't. Quotefiles aren't meant to supply for your .sigfile.
And besides, it would set off my scoringsystem because my name is
in it.


Darth Arwen

Leo Breebaart

Apr 24, 2001, 10:56:52 AM4/24/01
to (Arwen Lune) writes:

> > >Laurabelle: (to Arwen, squeezing tightly) Sorry, it won't fit...
> >
> > Can I have this as a sig line. Please!
> Please don't. Quotefiles aren't meant to supply for your .sigfile.

Huh? How on earth do you figure *that*? If I see a quote I really like,
and I want to use it for my sig, what does it matter where the quote
came from?

> And besides, it would set off my scoringsystem because my name is in
> it.

Well yeah, but something like:

if (body contains "Arwen")
score = score + 10

if (body contains "Arwen" and body contains "squeezing tightly")
score = score - 10

should surely take care of that?

Leo Breebaart <>

Dragon Prince

Apr 24, 2001, 6:27:16 AM4/24/01

"MP" <> wrote in message

| Hmm, he may be wrong, but MP thinks that
| (Arwen Lune) wrote, on Mon, 23 Apr 2001 10:44:30 +0100, that:
| >I've only got a quotefile on this one - basically I put my psion
| >in the middle of the table, and various people put down notes,
| >quotes and wibblings. Enjoy.
| Oh, wow! A whole post of predictable feed lines! I can resist. I can
| resist. No, I can't...
| Apologies for taking the tone of conversation down. More. :-}

God[s] rest your soul


Apr 24, 2001, 9:25:40 PM4/24/01
Hmm, he may be wrong, but MP thinks that (Leo

Breebaart) wrote, on 24 Apr 2001 12:56:52 +0200, that:

> (Arwen Lune) writes:
>> > >Laurabelle: (to Arwen, squeezing tightly) Sorry, it won't fit...
>> >
>> > Can I have this as a sig line. Please!
>> Please don't. Quotefiles aren't meant to supply for your .sigfile.
>Huh? How on earth do you figure *that*? If I see a quote I really like,
>and I want to use it for my sig, what does it matter where the quote
>came from?

That's pretty much my opinion, but I won't nab it if Arwen would
rather I didn't...

>> And besides, it would set off my scoringsystem because my name is in
>> it.

<snip Leo's suggestion>

Scoring system?



Apr 26, 2001, 4:01:31 PM4/26/01
On Thu, 26 Apr 2001 08:17:04 +0200, Uwe Milde <>

>There's a point here. Quoting from those "quotefiles" is a bit
>dangerous. They are supplied utterly out of context for
>humeru^H^H^Horous effect.

I'm going to be completely boring here and vindicate myself by
describing the context of said quote:

>Laurabelle: (to Arwen, squeezing tightly) Sorry, it won't fit...

I had gotten quite a bit of lemon in my coke, didn't want it,
offered it up for grabs. Arwen assented, but the (rather
thick) slice wouldn't fit into the bottle she was drinking
from. And for the record, I wasn't squeezing either, because
that would have dribbled/squirted lemon juice all over.

What a refreshing mind you have, young man. There really
is nothing quite like total ignorance, is there?
-- Neil Gaiman, _Neverwhere_

Leo Breebaart

May 1, 2001, 9:25:20 PM5/1/01
Laurabelle <> bravely tries to lift our minds out of
the gutter by explaining the context of a rather ambiguous quote:

> >Laurabelle: (to Arwen, squeezing tightly) Sorry, it won't fit...
> I had gotten quite a bit of lemon in my coke, didn't want it, offered
> it up for grabs. Arwen assented, but the (rather thick) slice wouldn't
> fit into the bottle she was drinking from. And for the record, I
> wasn't squeezing either, because that would have dribbled/squirted
> lemon juice all over.

And to that all I have to say to that is:

Hey, hey, hey hey hey hey hey hey yo, hey, do
Baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby baby babe, oh
Hey babe yeoh yeoh yeoh
Oh oh

Leo Breebaart <>

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