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[F] George In London Meet 990402 (that's 2nd of April 1999 for you normal people <g> )

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Barry R

Mar 30, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/30/99
Sorry for the late Posting, But I have other things happening in my
so-called life.

Whilst George The Geekling is in the area, I have found a nice
little pub to have a little get together in.

Make your way to Kennington Station on the Northern Line of the
Underground system. If you arrive there at around 615pm, you will
see a furtive looking man wandering around looking at you as if he's
trying to remember if he's seen you before... just past him you will
see me and george :)

For those who don't wish to meet beforehand, The Pub is called the
"Prince of Wales" and can be found at

Cleaver Square

A map is at

There is only one junction with traffic lights at Kennington station
and as you exit the station they are *right* in front of you.

Cross the Main road, and turn left, and walk.
Within two minutes you should come to Cleaver Square
(It's the second road on your right).

Enter The Road and follow it round to the right. The road curves 90
degrees, and the pub is about 1 minute walk straight down
(Look at the map and you'll see what all the above means)

Starts at about 630pm - 7pm

The Pub does not serve food this late, so it might be a good idea to
have something to eat beforehand
(or alternatively there's a McDonalds not too far away)

Bring: Chocolates, Furry Toys, Hugs for the Geekling, and money for

If it's needed, there is crash space for about 5, but don't expect
much comfort as that thing known as "Spring Clean" is happening.

Hope to See you there

Barry R. B. F. The Official Sad Bastard

Wot No Bananananana's
(` o-o ')

Barry R

Mar 30, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/30/99
In article <>, Barry R

just a quick follow-up to make it clear what the map shows

> There is only one junction with traffic lights at Kennington station
> and as you exit the station they are *right* in front of you.

I forgot a line saying...
Cross the side road and go to the traffic light crossing.

> Cross the Main road, and turn left, and walk.
> Within two minutes you should come to Cleaver Square
> (It's the second road on your right).

ok, from here it's all ok.

Barry R. B.F. The Official Unhappy Bastard

| |

Mar 31, 1999, 8:00:00 AM3/31/99
In article <>, (Barry R) wrote:

> Sorry for the late Posting, But I have other things happening in my
> so-called life.

Barry you shock me! are you implying that apart from those quis-nights you
have a *life* <fx: spit, spit> ummmm... are you sure you're not inapropriate
company for a geekling?

> Whilst George The Geekling is in the area, I have found a nice
> little pub to have a little get together in.

That's me!
for those of you that might rember me from long times past...
Flabbergast is the handle I used/still use (I think ?) for usenet.

<snipplets have happened>

> Bring: Chocolates, Furry Toys, Hugs for the Geekling, and money for
> drinks

Yes don't forget those hugs, I need them right now... and will even more all
alone in a strange country filled with people talking an odd language and
trying to steal my return ticket!
/me knows they will, I've unearthed your evil schemes!
Just for your information you will not succed, even if it means I have to glue
it to my body, or something.

Besides the only reason for english is to confuse poor ickle innocent


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Apr 1, 1999, 8:00:00 AM4/1/99
to wrote:
>That's me!
>for those of you that might rember me from long times past...

George! You're back! I'm... I'm... I'm flabbergasted! <gd&r>.

The early bird gets the worm,
but the second Mouse gets the Cheese.
AfpRodent to Miq, Elder Sibling to Deardevil Mouse, on a Hill, in a Heap
RIP, Antti Lehtola.

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