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[GN] Is it morally right to flee?

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Ezekiel J. Krahlin

May 8, 2001, 6:30:59 PM5/8/01
On Tue, 08 May 2001 Richard <> wrote:

Is it morally right to flee the homophobe to queer safe
geographical locations?

Under such grievous conditions, as we now have here in Amerika,
yes. We do not owe any homophobe the continued violent
sacrifices that are apparantly our lot, in order to win equality.
We'd be of much better service to Our Cause, if we remain in our
skins: which security Holland and some other friendly nations
provide. We can than fight more effectively, in a peaceful space
and from a safe distance, for gay rights on the global level. Some
of us can *visit problem areas, in order to support and even arm
our less fortunate sisters/brothers, and to foment a revolution.

As for remaining in Amerika--whether one wants to or not--here is
where I believe we stand:

---begin quote:

...when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing
invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them
under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw
off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future

---end of quote

But I have also described what I'd like to see done on behalf of
our gay populace here in Amerika, had I the influence. You can
find this under a link on my website <>,
called "Zeke for President = Gay Liberation". This is at the very
top of my home page, and was inspired by our latest presidential
election. It's a fun read, too, and will give some a better idea of my
plans for Gay Equality.

Here is one small excerpt from it, to whet your appetite:

---begin quote

Immediately on my first day in office, I will declare a State
of Emergency across the entire nation for all our gay
citizens. I will establish Northern California as a safe haven
for gay refugees from our own country, as well as
install military outposts in every city, town and village,
dedicated to the protection and liberation of gay men and
women everywhere. Let this special branch of the Armed Forces
be named "The Blue Rose Militia". It is a terrible thing to
live in abject terror of harm to one's life, limb and liberty
in the very nation in which you were born and raised. Yet that
remains the case for the majority of our gay populace who
dwell not in the coziness of a major city--all of which have
become too expensive to move to, including "gay mecca"--
but across our land in small-town and rural Amerika. While most
heteros happily live and breathe democracy, most gays outside of
major cities continue to accommodate, chameleon-like, a de facto
terrorist regime. They are our Silent Majority, for whom I struggle
to give voice.

---end quote

Further, is the creation and maintenance of queer-safe
land-communities-neighhoods-ghettoes an appropriate goal?

If you have sympathy for even *one of these groups' proclaimed
right to their own homeland, then I say you must also demand a
piece of real estate for gay people:

Jews, Kurds, Palestinians, Innuit, Aborigines.

The only distinct difference between the above groups, and gays,
is that we have no specific geographical origin we can point to. So
we must focus on our history of abuse and decimation as a
parallel reason to theirs, for desiring a home land. And I don't
think this would be a difficult thing to pull off...considering the
extreme anti-gay climate so prevalent in over 93% of the world's
nations. Why, even the gay-friendliest nation in the world,
Holland, remains problematic with homophobia (as another poster
pointed out)...and I don't think this will ever change, so long as
gay people must remain under a HETEROCENTRIC regime,
which--as liberal as it is--Holland remains.

Rex Wockner on Planet.out writes this week of no more need for
queer-only spaces

What planet is *he from? Oh yeah, Planet Out, a.k.a. "Planet Sell-

Others confront Zeke (and I am currently on Zeke's side) for his
desire for queer-majority safe space (geographically, not just a

Allow me to end this article, by quoting from an earlier article I
posted to alt.politics.homosexuality, in 1998, under subject title:
"Lesbian & Gay Separatist Notions":

---begin quote by Zeke Krahlin, 07 Aug 1998:

Forming groups united under the banner of "gay separatism" can
have many beneficial effects, without ever leading to a literal

1) It can spur society to take us more seriously, thus result in
quicker elimintion of anti-gay laws and attitudes.

2) It can clarify for us, where heterocentrism leaves off, and gay
sensibilities start.

3) Separatist notions would aid the creation of a more well-knit
community, where we can effectively take better care of our own
poor, disabled, and otherwise less fortunate. It can lead to forming
our own underground or parallel economy, where a lot less wealth
gets funneled into homophobic institutions.

4) Separatist philosophies can foster greater success in
establishing a more united gay community...which can then
inspire more democratic ideas for other disadvantaged cultures
and subcultures. This would make us the vanguard to a better
world, by the examples we set.

5) Any gay man or woman can contribute to, and participate in,
separatist goals to whatever extent he/she wants...whether just a
little, or all the way. One may not be want to move to a gay nation,
but prefer to build a stronger community within the present one.

6) Forming our own naiton, or even a powerful global community
without its own country, (or both)...will be an impressively
successful experiment in social engineering. We will be consulted
by many leaders of minorities across the world, for assistance in
improving their own communities.

By distinguishing ourselves as "gay", we already perceive
ourselves as separatist in some ways. One reason (besides the
constant hatred directed at us, which becomes sublimated) we
don't have much pride as a people, is because we have no
ethnically unified past. We are the first minority group with its own
dinstinct identity, yet without any ethnic background. So we can
be the first to totally *invent our culture in a direction we'd like to
see it grow, not where heteros want to.

---end quote

Thank you for asking, Richard. You know of course, that you now
bear the stigma of "Krahlin supporter", for which you will suffer
unimaginably horrid consequences by certain extremists within
our own community. Keep on truckin'! The world is your erster.

I am the Joe Isuzu of the Gay Community;
Go suck an egg.
Lavender-Velvet Revolution


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Ezekiel J. Krahlin

May 15, 2001, 11:49:27 PM5/15/01
On Tue, 08 May 2001 12:34:42 -0400, Natalie Davis <>

Then again, I don't trust living in queer-only space because the risk is high
of running into queers like Ezekiel, who are as damaging to me as Jerry
Falwell is.

How many ways is your statement above bigoted, (specifically:
"homophobic")? Ah, let me count them:

1) You don't trust living in queer-only space.

Now what's this supposed to mean? Because I spoke out vociferously
against your accusations that I propose violence, merely for proposing
vocal dissent in homophobic churches? And because I didn't fall for your
female-tears ploy to win sympathy for your rather arrogant attitude against
gay determination, including in religious spheres? Now, where have I heard
such vitriol before; in fact, quite often? Oh, yeah, in right-wing homophobic
assaults on our decent community.

As if gay folks born into fundamentalist churches didn't have a right to speak
out against their own neighbors' hypocrisy and malice! (That's what I *really
hear coming from your wicked speeches.)

2) You regard me as an infectious pariah, with whom you fear coming into
contact with, in queer spaces. Now, where have I heard such vitriol before, in
fact, quite often? (Oh, yeah, again in right-wing homophobic assaults.)

3) Without using the adjective "violent" to describe me, you nonetheless
imply such...based on your own selfish definitions of "spiritiual violence".
You therefore imply that any and every queer space is loaded with violence
to the point where it would not be *safe for you and your children. Now, where
have I heard such vitriol before, in fact, quite often? (Oh, yeah.)

4) You claim that I am as damaging as Jerry Falwell! Wow, you do have
sharp claws, don't you? At the same time you "apologize" you continue to try
to slice me to pieces. I'm sorry, dear, but YOU LOSE, and you ought to have
enough sense to back off. Your broad-sweeping attacks on me also offend
*most gay people at large, across the entire spectrum from conservative to
radical. You would *judge our entire gay family as being UNWORTHY of
your presence, based on your own malicious perceptions of me, and
extending them to *every gay person on the planet.

Furthermore, to justify such a malicious claim, you need to cite specific
examples, now don't you? But you haven't Madge, you just haven't. Let me
see you come up with a clear list of Falwell's evils, then match it with a list of
my own so-called wrongs. Otherwise, you are belching foul air from the
hollow cavern that serves you for a brain.

In conclusion: I see no difference in the vile accusations Falwell hurls
against gay people, from your malicious charges against me, an outspoken
gay activist. IOW, you are HOMOPHOBIC. Hide behind your female tears,
your gay-godly MCC, your skin color, whatever...but I can still see through
that veil of hypocrisy.

If you are not a plant for the Religious Reich, you may as well be. With
friends like you, who needs, I mean "enemies"? Dear, you have
earned not just one enemy, but MANY, by broadcasting your anti-gay
prejudices across a very popular Internet mailing list. Congratulations for
doing a very fine job of self-destruction. If only *more homophobes were like
you, our victories would be like a stroll down Easy Street on a fine spring

However, your arrogant persistance in denigrating a gay person who
rightfully speaks out against those who define certain peaceful forms of gay
dissent as somehow "violent"--and of a level more vulgar than the actual
violence committed by gay bashers and anti-gay preachers--speaks
mountains for your *true agenda of hatred against any gay person who does
not behave stereotypically meek, especially before anyone who regards
herself as "superior" merely because she believes her religious views hold
sway over the views of anyone else, even when it means gay lives must be
sacrificed to appease her unholy Moloch.

You interpret gay people's hesitation to speak out as if we are all a bunch of
"suckers". Well, this is one queer who is *not afraid to speak out against
your vitriol:

How DARE you accuse me of violence, when all I proposed is verbal dissent
in a church that preaches anti-gay hatred?

How DARE you claim that my proposal far exceeds the violence of even the
most hateful homophobic attacks (which are murders)?

How DARE you proclaim to the gay community that I am somehow every bit
as damaging to the gay cause as Jerry Falwell?

How DARE you give some terribly verbose apology that winds up being
nothing more than your own *shield by which you can more effectively hurl
your malicious arrows at me? Do you *really think I'd fall for that ploy...of
your copious tears from how "profoundly" I supposedly have hurt you? Girl,
your arrogance knows no bounds, does it? You really think we gay folk are
all a bunch of suckers.

Yet you INSIST you are contributing towards the betterment of gay people
everywhere. Know what this sounds like to me? It sounds JUST LIKE a
Fundamentalist who has INFILTRATED a gay church, and is playing on gay
people's remaining lack of self worth required to confront your kind of
religio-heterocentric hubris. But we are ALL waking up, and soon will
REFUSE to make any compromises whatsoever, by saboteurs such as
yourself...who present themselves as angels amidst our crowds, yet are
actually demons plotting our demise, one by one if need be.

I am SURE that gay churches and other gay-spiritual spaces have INDEED
been infiltrated by self-righteous hetero (and some pathetic-gay) Xians, who
see this as their God-given DUTY to invade our personal lives and
communities...and manipulate our groups so that we may finally "see the
light"...of our supposed unseemly wrongs re. homosexuality. The ultimate
goal is to COMPLETELY SABOTAGE all gay spaces--sacred and otherwise-
-so that our community becomes totally helpless and under complete control
of Christian zealots (such as yourself).

Every tactic you used to denigrate me, is precisely what someone from the
Religious Reich would do. This is not even an issue any more, of a well-
meaning lesbian who attends a "liberal", gay-supportive church like the
MCC, who chose her words poorly. No, you have gone too far and too often
in slamming me down for my very reasonable outrage, for this to be a mere
difference of opinion. You vile attitudes make you worthless to the gay
cause; as you have so aptly proven numerous times in your imposed topic of
"spiritual violence". By attempting to defame me, over and over, you have
clearly implied that gay people in general, are inferior to heterosexuals...and
even worse: we are pariahs who somehow DESERVE such a low status in
the human family.

I withdraw the acceptance of your half-baked apology at this point.
Obviously, you are so wrapped up in your wickedness, you don't even *care
at this point, that you are spewing personal remarks against me that are
quite homophobic...and thus offending *all gay people, as well as revealing
your true colors. How can any part of your "profuse" apology hold even a
single iota of sincerity, when you continue to verbally bash me?

I am only too glad to alert our gay participants, that here is a prime example
of infiltration by right-wing ideologues, into our own sacred spaces...which
includes our more valued discussion groups. Considering how vile and
immoral are these Xian Fundies, I am not surprised at all, that they would be
sending their own mean-spirited little missionaries to spy on us, and
dismantle all sacred gay spaces. Of course, how much more *effective of
them, to recruit certain misled queers whose sadistic streak would tempt
them into being puppets for The Reich, and therefore make the issue even
more confusing to discern.

And how would such an infiltrator respond to my accusations? "You're
paranoid", of course. It is all so pathetically predictable. Natalie, you have
gone down in flames of can't erase any of your nasty words from
the Internet; you are on record as a traitor. You *are the weakest link;

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