Anyway, this was my signing (times approx.):
4:05 Arrived Blackwells, loitered around PTerry display, surreptitously
looing for anyone who might be an AFPer.
4:10 Spotted someone who mught *just* be Iwan Lamble (having only seen
him for about 15 seconds on a GCSE bitesize revision programme).
Nonchanantly tried to work out whether it really was him without risking
being made to look stupid, by asking him and being told that he wasn't.
4:11 Gave up being nonchalent and asked whether he really was Iwan. Was
told that he was, indeed, Iwan, and who might I be? Decided to wait for
MEG, who was intending to arrive at about quarter past.
4:30 Wandered towards the car park in the hope of meeting a lost MEG.
Decided it was way too cold, so went back to Blackwells to await the
wayward MEG.
4:35 Gave up waiting for MEG, and decided to queueueueue, the
queueueueueueueueueue having grown in about 30 metres (c. 40 minutes)
since we arrived.
5:05 A very tired-looking MEG arrives, having had Swansea happen to her.
Passes us in the queueueue, and disappears out the door, to find the end
of the queueueue...wherever it was.
6:20 (five mins after I predicted!) Finally reached PTerry. Was not
subjected to irony, sarcasm or even wit - he's being underworked <g>
Iwan left to go somewhere (after getting home), I went to find MEG
further back in the queueueueue. After having a gape at the length of
the queueueue in front of her, decided this would be *way* to long to
wait, and, after a look at my bus timetable, realised a bus was leaving
in a minute, the next one in a hour, so made a very quick exit. Poor MEG
was left as the last remaining attendee (not that there was a meet to
And now, the section you've all been waiting for...!QUOTES!
Um... sorry... due to the lack of an alcoholic influence, we're limited
to just the one:
'Gid's is much bigger than that' - Suzi <g,d,rvvvvf>[1][2]
Well, that's it for now, and here's hoping that the next one will be a
tad more succesful,
[1] Am I the *only* person to have noticed that that appears in *every*
[2] I'm sorry to say that this *was* actually said at the non-meet (ok,
ok, Suzi didn't say it, but it's not *that* far off <g>)
'I want to thank you for putting me back in my snail shell' - TMBG**
Official Mate of PThomas' Official Entorage (not another one!)**Official
Welsh Geek (and proud of it)**ICQ broken ATM**AFPiance to Brucianna & JJ
******FFith thrid OTM**
More like 4:45. Not that it really matters.
Quote: 'What happens if Terry wants to go to the toilet?'
Iwan Lamble
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