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[F] Birmingham afpmeet

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Nov 29, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/29/98
A number of afper's have recently been discussing an afpmeet
in Birmingham
on ICQ[1], so here are the details as they stand, apologies
now for anything that's unclear, but its not all been planed
just yet, just to let ppl know well in advance though.

The meet will take place on Saturday 27th February 1999.
We will meet in Birmingham at a pub near New Street
Station (which pub
has not yet been decided, will post as soon as it has). We
will also be going to the Chung Ying Garden Restaurant[2]
for a meal. I have it on good authority that it is very
nice :-).
I currently haven't heard about any crash space,
although I have only spoken to a few afp'ers that use ICQ,
so if anyone reading this has any to offer can you please
contact me ( It has been suggested
that it would be economical for a bunch of afper's to rent a
family room in a travel lodge (£39) and then cram in as many
ppl as will fit on the floor in sleeping bags, with the cost
split between them. I would imagine that those that wish to
make use of the beds would probably have to pay a bit more,
or get involved in a fist fight, or maybe use bribery in the
form of chocolate/cheese/alcohol, but I'm sure something
will be sorted out :-).
Time hasn't really been discussed yet, although I expect
it will be 7:00pm.
I'm not sure what numbers will be like, although having
discussed it on ICQ, I think we should get a fair few ppl,
almost everyone that was UK based (and one that isn't!)
thought that they'd be able to make it :-). If you do wish
to attend then please email me and let me know, if you have
any questions then please email me with those :-).
Oh, btw there has also been some discussion of a special
guest, although this hasn't been confirmed yet, so I won't
say who.
Oh, and one last thing, we were gonna call the meet Brum
1.0, but then realised that no one knew if it was Brum 1.0
or not, and kinda suspected that there had probably been
other Brum meets. If anyone has details on this then it
would be much appreciated if you could let me know :-)

[1] sorry, that sounds wrong... this was a discussion on ICQ
about an afpmeet in RL... clear?
[2] a Chinese restaurant for those who didn't guess

<.sig under revision, it was two big and someone pointed
this out to me (thank you), it will return>

Keith Underdown

Nov 30, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/30/98
May be able to offer some crash space in Dudley. We've only just
moved here, but we might have sorted ourselves out by February.

Keith & Meg Underdown Southport


Carys Underdown


Nov 30, 1998, 8:00:00 AM11/30/98

Thorin98 wrote in message <73slof$b54$>...

>A number of afper's have recently been discussing an afpmeet
>in Birmingham

Birmingham ? Where's that ? <g>

>The meet will take place on Saturday 27th February 1999.
> We will meet in Birmingham at a pub

Good start.

>near New Street Station (which pub
>has not yet been decided, will post as soon as it has).

<fx. research mode>

>We will also be going to the Chung Ying Garden Restaurant[2]
>for a meal. I have it on good authority that it is very
>nice :-).

Excellent choice that ma^WWperson !

>contact me ( It has been suggested
>that it would be economical for a bunch of afper's to rent a
>family room in a travel lodge (£39) and then cram in as many

Me scrabbles around for details of travel lodges and "Old Friends"
(tm) / family.

>split between them. I would imagine that those that wish to
>make use of the beds would probably have to pay a bit more,
>or get involved in a fist fight, or maybe use bribery in the
>form of chocolate/cheese/alcohol, but I'm sure something
>will be sorted out :-).

! sounds like fun ?!? Does this involve cabbages. Or showing one's
bare ar*e on New Street Station [3] ?

> Oh, and one last thing, we were gonna call the meet Brum
>1.0, but then realised that no one knew if it was Brum 1.0
>or not, and kinda suspected that there had probably been
>other Brum meets. If anyone has details on this then it
>would be much appreciated if you could let me know :-)

No idea, ask the oracle ? [1]
I can't believe it's not .... more than 1.0.

[1] Who's the oracle ?

>[2] a Chinese restaurant for those who didn't guess

[3] Don't ask !


Dec 1, 1998, 8:00:00 AM12/1/98
Stephen Booth wrote:
> I'd reccomend Newt and Cucumber by the station. Or if you want a
> pub by Chung Ying Gardens then I'd say the Queens Arms (the only
> pub whose toilets scored lower than a French hole in the ground
> on Suzis scale and which Gid described as 'Real mens toilets').

Actually - I've found an even worse pub from this point of view in
London!... the one in London permanently has an inch of water across
some of the carper, no loo seat, and thick mold climbing up the walls
<ewwww>. I have now stopped visiting said loos, preferring instead to
play the "hang-on-until-I-burst" game :-(

(and if you are now wondering why I visit this pub... it is conveniently
between the underground station and one of my clients when I go to them
for meetings - and the food is OK)
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