Thanks go out to AlexR (TEH) for being a wonderful host (and friend) at
the London Meet, as well as Rory, "the" Damme..Dammerr..err.. Dammeral
(sp?), The (original & one-true) Kat, Alan&Collette, plus everyone else
who showed up in my alcoholic and I forgot your
names. <grin>
Further Thanks need to be tendered to the wonderful folks who ran the Con
in Manchester: Karen (last-minute reservation-goddess), Carol
(who-provided-a-badge-for-my-badgeless-friend), Sparks (for being a
really gracious host to a (mostly) clueless Merkin), and Paul (for also
being a more gracious & understanding host to someone who was definately
a "Fish out of water")... This is not to say that the rest of the staff
shouldn't be thanked, but I regret I didn't have much of an opportunity
to meet you in person, so I apologise for this oversight .. (Or if I did,
I must have been in a stuporific haze...<grin>)
All of y'all were fabulously wonderful to meet, talk to, and
definately put on a show that I will be recounting to my (jealous)
friends for years to come.
More thanks need to be tendered to the whole host of folks who really
went out of their way to make me feel comfortable at the Con. I was
kinda uncertain when I arrived what to expect ... I've been a regular
Convention attendee for years now here in the States, but I will say
that there is no comparison beween US Conventions & UK Conventions. They
both are distinctly different, and it was unusual to be at a Con where I
didn't know at least HALF of the people there. ...ANYWAYS...
Thanks go out to Alan Connell (Really nice gent), Ursus
(I-word..ha ha..erm.. ha?), Stuart (Now you're Australian, right? (removing
foot from mouth)), Bast! (Not too much chatter, but it was interesting),
CyberCat (Sunday pTerry Signing Queue), Glinda (another Merkin! I
thought I was the only one with this accent!), Alien (& the Mrs & little
ali-tot), ppint (for the Wonderfully entertaining ride to the Airport!),
CMOT Briggs (I have friends who want Mousepads..Consignment?), Ginny Briggs
(For putting me at my ease in the Dealers Room...), the wonderful folks at
Clarecraft (They are too nice to be believed... <smile>), AlexR (Yes, you
again... Want some more Strongbow? I'm buying...), Alan&Colette (Two
gracious & entertaining hosts...), the other members of the "Foreign
Legion" (Too many to mention, or remember, or was that just me?), Dave
HodgesArrrrgh! (For an indepth & Detailed description of the "Real" HHG),
Paul Kidby (You never know what you'll learn from listening to him...),
Rory (a familiar face when I was feeling out-of-sorts), the folks who
kept hitting me in the face in the bouncy-castle-with-calls-in (I had
bruises for DAYS!), and .... Everyone else who I didn't mention, but took
a few minutes to clue in a clueless Merkin...
And finally, thanks to Terry Pratchett... Although I really didn't get
much of a chance to talk to you, I did enjoy the witticisms & various
dangling funny bits when you were in Panels, UU Challenge, or just
wandering around the Con ...
Thanks, y'all ... I had an absolute blast, and look forward to returning
soon! (98!)
PS - When are y'all going to come visit us Merkins? I do have plenty of
room in my new house... (Plus Condo's in Florida)
PPS - Sorry this was so long-winded, I wanted to make sure I didn't leave
anyone out... (or if I did, it would be by TOTAL accident, and I know
I'll feel like a heel when I get the E-mail saying "Umm..Jay...What about
<insert selected incide..err..instance here>?)
Jay Finch : Nuclear weapons for this .sig provided by
President/GKE of NERO-Atlanta : Rick's Theatrical Props, Hollywood.
(770) 393-8485 (voice) : : "Sometimes your grasp of the obvious : astounds even me, Pinky."
MTBI Survey says: ENFJ : -- The Brain
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