An outline of the vague plan is presented below. Email me for further
details as required, or for my mobile number so that you can reach me
during the meet to find out where we are at any given time.
The date: Starts on Saturday 7th October and continues until we get
The time: 1pm is the start ...
The place: starting at "The Hogshead", a pub on Oxford Road opposite
Whitworth Park (as last October's meet) in the University area of
Manchester between city centre and Rusholme, and on (amongst others)
the 40-something bus routes from central Manchester (5 mins on the
bus). Spending lunch (if you've not eaten) and then the afternoon
there, then elsewhere later on.... (to be decided on the day but
including food for dinner at some point in the evening).
So wass goin' on?
Another Manchester AFPmeet so we can see again all the wonderful
people we met at our first 3 meets, and hopefully meet some more.
The plan after lunch and a boozy afternoon on Saturday 7th, is to
head to Rusholme for a curry or similar in the evening.
Probably to be followed by 'fun and games' then sleep at Kensington
Road (Darren's house). Email him or me for address details etc.
How do I get there?
- -------------------
By train to Victoria -
From Victoria station get any bus that claims to go down Oxford Rd
(there are several that do) and ask for Whitworth Park (just past the
main University union and Academy buildings) on Oxford Road. Make
sure bus goes all the way to Whitworth park when you get on as there
are some that turn off Oxford Road before then. The Hogshead is on
the left-hand-side of Oxford Rd if you are heading out of town, and
there is a bus stop about 100 yards past it on the same side of the
road as the one you'll be getting off at.
By train to Piccadilly:
From Piccadilly station, walk down the station approach and keep going
until you reach a small park on your left. This is Piccadilly Gardens.
Cross over to the far side of this park to Piccadilly Bus Station.
From the bus station catch any bus that claims to go down Oxford Road
as far as Whitworth Park, then continue as above...
By train to Oxford Road:
From Oxford Road station, walk down the approach until you reach
Oxford Road (surprisingly) at the junction with Whitworth Street. Turn
right along Oxford Road and continue down Oxford Road until you reach
a bus stop showing nos. 40-somethings etc. Now catch one of these
that goes all the way to Whitworth Park (take care, some turn off
before then!) and then continue as above...
By coach to Chorlton Street Bus Station
From the bus station, head north to Picadilly Gardens on your
left, and the bus station adjacent to it. From the bus station catch
a bus as described above....
If all else fails
E-mail me on
and I'll give further assistance,
OR e-mail Darren on
particularly with regard to sleeping arrangements as he'll be putting
people up that want to kip over....
Where do I sleep?
If you require somewhere to crash, Darren will be putting people up
at the house, as you've probably gathered by now.
I'm sure other Manc and Manc-close AFPers will offer overflow crash
space if it proves necessary (unlikely), but there is plenty of room
at the house. Just bring a sleeping bag if you have one in case he
runs out of beds! Oh yeah - and deodorant and toothbrush (and more
importantly a change of socks) too if you are staying for a while :).
You can probably track down B&B's etc. from Manchester Online
( ) if you don't want to kip at the
house - that site may also give more info about anything else I
haven't covered here.
Where do I park?
Parking in central Manchester is a nightmare - if you want to bring a
car then the best bet will be to come to Darren's house in the morning
(liase with Darren first though) and bus/taxi wherever together from
there. (Nos 14 and 15 from the Quadrant end of Darren's Rd heading
into town will drop you at Whitworth Park opposite the Hogshead).
Since people will be returning to the house to sleep anyway it makes
sense to leave cars there, as there's no problem at all with parking
near the house (reasonable area - won't get broken into).
We can direct you there to park even when we are not there if you are
arriving at other times during the course of the meet.
Any orange badge holders etc or anyone else who needs/wants to park
near the Hogshead contact me for closer parking details and I'll find
out for you.
Any further queries?
email me on
and on the day - have my mobile number with you in case you lose us:
(email me for it if you are planning to come)
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you,
AFP Saint Mary
AFPfiancee to Stuart Harvie
Now officially his girlfriend in real life - aren't I lucky?