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[F] Durham meet 2.0 - proposal and

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Jamie Crowther

Nov 21, 1999, 8:00:00 AM11/21/99

Okay, this is probably a leetle bit late, but I thought I had better ask
people once more what arrangements they are amenable to for the next
Durham meet. This is by no means an announce yet, because I'm still not
sure about times and places, but these are what I propose:

The Time: The evening of any day from the 9th to the 11th of December -
depending on reponses I get (if any).

The Place: Probably (a very big probably) at the Seven Stars Inn, about
a 10 minutes bus ride from town, and 5 minutes bus ride from my home.

Crash space: I can almost certainly fit up to about four or five people
in my house, providing they don't mind being a little cramped and my
housemates don't object; oh, and it might be a good idea to bring a
sleeping bag. I'm sure there might be other crash space if really
needed, but I'm probably being hugely optimistic here about the numbers
expected. Ah well.

If anyone's interested at all, please email me, and I 'll try and get
organised at last.

Finally, an apology to Julie 'ingenious paradox' Winkless for failing to
organise anything for a convenient time before she came to full term;
sorry Julie, hopefully I'll be more organised next time (he says, while
distractedely watching the porcine shapes fluttering above his head).


Ever ready, depending on your given definition of 'ready'.
'The knuckles! The horrible knuckles!'
T.Pratchett, 'The Light Fantastic'

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