Definitely not one of the largest meets in afphistory, that's for sure.
-- The meet that made it past Quorate! Read it all here! --
Attendees: Adrian, Ailbhe, Marcus, Stewart and myself
Although it was intended to have been started at seven, the meet didn't
happen until about half past for a number of reasons - primarily, Ailbhe
and Adrian had the joy of trying to follow my directions to Witney, and
subsequently lost themselves in Oxford, almost driving under a bus,
doing the same in the town they were trying for, suffering hysterics and
trying to kill Lonewolf. Luckily we managed to hijack a lift into
Oxford, or we would have been a lot longer. Upon arrival, we were
accosted by an unknown face with the comment "I've got a hunch . . .
afp?", who turned out to be the not too well known Marcus, the only
person to have arrived on time and was also the buyer of the first round
. . . thanks! Stewart walked through the door a few minutes later, with
the news that Chris Horry (who fully intended on attending) hadn't met
him as proposed[2].
Marcus left after a few drinks to meet some friends of his at another
pub, but not before he'd managed to break his 'No cigarette since
Sunday' achievement. The evening went fairly quietly, if you discount
the large group of Spanish tourists sat at the next tables (which we
couldn't really). Stewart kept glancing out the window, in the hope
Chris would find his own way here (or the messiah would come, whichever
was more convenient); Thomas arrived (to everyone's pleasure); Adrian
simply wouldn't forgive me for my (mis)directions; Ailbhe continually
told him not to hit me; and I kept trying to avoid his gaze. However, we
made up towards the end of the evening and threw ourselves into one
another's arms for a brave waltz to the seet strains of 'the masochism
tango'. Adrian wasn't drunk - no really - and ate more kebabs than
it is ordinarily considered safe to consume on the way home. No drinks
were ailbhe'd. Everyone ate crisps. And that was about it - apologies
for the belatedness.
The majority of things that are fit for the public domain are incredibly
dull, so we'll be merciful and leave it out. Join the Campaign against
Public Obscenity!
Adrian: Just don't let him tell me directions (to the toilets), or I'll
never get there!
[2] Chris managed to get off at the wrong stop, tried to find Stewart,
couldn't, and went home again. Let's hear a big "Awww" for Chris, now.
He has supplied various people with his mobile phone number since that
ICQ: 10385934
Fear the phone that says "Squidgy Moo"
Thats odd, I just got Deja Vu... Wonder why...
- J
ClueRuler SigVersion 5.1 <> A Small Guide To .sig Style
A nice .sig is a tidy .sig (John Barberio) Kids - ASCII art, Just Say No
My sig has 4 lines of 72 characters. Good sigs start with "-- <newline>"