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[F] Meet Report Nijmegen 1.0 / NL 7.0

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Michael The Roach Janszen

Nov 30, 1997, 3:00:00 AM11/30/97

Saturday, nov 29th, a selection from the Dutch-based afp participants
came unto Nijmegen to meet and be ga^H^Hhappy

Participants were:

Leo Breebaart
Jos Gingjan
Eelco Giele
Patrick Dersjeant
Marc Seutter (lurker / crashspace offerer)
Maleen Overkamp (ditto)
The Roach

After initial confusion was cleared up (circumstances beyond my control
had prevented me from making all necessary reservations, and it seems
that "'t pumpke" has closed down - which surprised all locals...), we
gathered in 'De Compagnie', two doors down from the original spot,
leaving a message stuck to the door. Everyone who was expected to show
up at 't pumpke did do so in the Compagnie. Unfortunately, the Compagnie
doesn't have Guinness, but aeveral bottles of Miller's Draft made people
a bit more forgiving.

From there we went to the Laserquest, which proved to be lots of fun.
The Max headroom-type environment still makes for a perfect stting for
this type of game.

Then, we had dinner at the 'Ankara', a Turkish place (the India Gate was
overfull, so we left a message with them, one person had said she might
try to join us during dinner, but we assume she never did make it to
Nijmegen after all).

After that, it was time for those needing to get back home that night by
train to leave for the station, the rest decided that the pubs in
Nijmegen were too full to find a place to drink, so we proceeded to Marc
& Marleen's place to talk some more. Then, Cybercat slept there, while
Sierra and Eelco came along to my place, where, after some more talking,
we also caught a bit of shut-eye.

When, after breakfast, I had brought these two to the station and
dropped them off there, this meet finally ended.

Themes spoken about (in no particular order):

New Zealans (as home country of Sierra)
The chance of Pterry showing up uinexpectedly at meets
role-playing games
Patrick being a traitor (the first Dutch afper to show up at a meet with
a Psion)
Licorice turtles
Widgets and Wingnuts
American v/s British English
Spice Girls & Albert Malich
Jingo, Hogfather, Feet of Clay
British Geography - Where is Edinburgh
A production of a Pratchett play by the Dutch afpers was considered
An internet 'phone cell' was tested and caused to crash and reboot
Thater in general
other meets
the origins of the 'Feminism' thread
The naming and numbering of the next meet
military service
where is the long-awaited and -promised afp meet web page?
current and former posters
Copyright and it's effect on the APF
children's programs
Newbie posts and forms
someone burnt some salad
Star Trek
Star Wars
models of ST/SW ships
Klingon / Esperanto / Interlingua
Internet providers
keyboard layouts
the advantages of going to meets by car
LuHu, Gid's Harem, the Michelena Riosa Testosterone Brigade
spreading of pheromones through usenet posts
"I am related to" - .sigs
afp reactions to spam
tarot and divination

Quotes (as usual pulled out of context)

"Don't worry, you'll be misquoted anyway" (Jos)

"Let us speak in Dutch, we can always say we were mis-translated"

After 1/2 hour, halfway through his first beer, Jos spills some of it.
"Drunk already?" (Leo)

Leo (about his job): "it is not a proof period."
Sierra: "Training?"
Leo: "No."
Sierra: "Probation?"
Leo: "That's more like it."

"I have worked for an American company, trying to teach them proper
English" (Sierra)

Jos (who had come in wearing a Delf uni T-shirt) takes it off to reveal
a "The trutle moves" T-shirt ... surprisingly similar to the one Patrick
wore. "Don't yopu feel like a bookend?" (The Roach)

Crossing the street at red lights: "You know, there's only green and
dark green." (Marc)

"The difference between the Damerell and Gabriel: in real life David is
nice" (Jos) - and I gathered his authorization for this quote :-)

Patrick: "Anyone have a modem for this?"
Marleen: "I might. What connector does it have?"
Patrick: "A standard ... Psion connector"

"10-Key typing on a Psion is not a good idea unless you are a
five-year-old" (Patrick)

"AFP video meet 1.0 beta" - "Not Beta, VHS" (Eelco and Patrick)

"Ouck, my earrings got stuck!" - "They get _really_ stuck only once..."
(Sierra / Eelco)

No date / place / venue for the next meet has been decided upon yet...

penI'yIn 'ej pechep

Michael "The Roach" Janszen (AFP NLMeet reporter)

The Official Michelena Riosa Testosterone Brigade
Peerless Leader of the Post-Apocapalyptic Forces

Spammer trap - when replying by e-mail, drop the last letter
of the address...

Patrick Dersjant

Dec 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/1/97

Michael The Roach Janszen wrote:
> Saturday, nov 29th, a selection from the Dutch-based afp participants
> came unto Nijmegen to meet and be ga^H^Hhappy
> Participants were:

> Unfortunately, the Compagnie
> doesn't have Guinness, but aeveral bottles of Miller's Draft made people
> a bit more forgiving.

't was Murphy's Red, though. Not Miller. We wanted stout, after

> From there we went to the Laserquest, which proved to be lots of fun.
> The Max headroom-type environment still makes for a perfect stting for
> this type of game.

The chance to blast at your fellow afp'er with something other than
cabbage made for great fun indeed.

> After that, it was time for those needing to get back home that night by
> train to leave for the station, the rest decided that the pubs in
> Nijmegen were too full to find a place to drink, so we proceeded to Marc
> & Marleen's place to talk some more. Then, Cybercat slept there, while
> Sierra and Eelco came along to my place, where, after some more talking,
> we also caught a bit of shut-eye.

> Patrick being a traitor (the first Dutch afper to show up at a meet with
> a Psion)

> Licorice turtles
Which were perfect. I think we had some fun to when we thought about
letting one be signed by PTerry.

> An internet 'phone cell' was tested and caused to crash and reboot

It was astounding how fast a group of seasoned AFP'ers can destroy
public property. (Or at least, cause it to reboot. We never did find
out how to get into the BIOS.)

> The naming and numbering of the next meet

Which, for interested dutch AFP'ers, might be the AFP dutch Videomeet
v1.0VHS starring Soul Music (both parts). Interested parties are
invited to mail me privately, so I can see who might be interested.

> Quotes (as usual pulled out of context)
> "Don't worry, you'll be misquoted anyway" (Jos)
> "Let us speak in Dutch, we can always say we were mis-translated"
> (Patrick?)

Those two were actually related:
Patrick: Another reason for talking dutch: you can say 'I'm misquoted,
I'm misquoted''
Jos: 'You get misquoted anyway'

Some more...
'You can be an auditor and talk about I' (Patrick)
'Yes, but only for a very short time, and normally it's immediately
followed by 'Oh bugger it.'' (Roach)

During the discussion where to drink after dinner:

Marc 'Roach, you decide'
Roach 'This is a democracy'
Marc 'Yes, and you're the man with the vote.'

Patrick Dersjant

[1] At least I did

(spamtrap: please remove the 5 from the adress)
'Panic? We're not smart enough to panic.'
(Skipper of the Swedish Match after Leg 2 of the
Whitbread Round the World Race)

Jos Dingjan

Dec 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/1/97

Michael The Roach Janszen wrote:
> Saturday, nov 29th, a selection from the Dutch-based afp participants
> came unto Nijmegen to meet and be ga^H^Hhappy
> Participants were:

> Jos Gingjan

*giggle* Roach, don't tell me you're going for a "I've misquoted Jos'
surname in every meet report I made"...

Hmm, one thing's lacking. Not really a participant, but I'd like to
state, for the record, that *the* wingnut was present, too...


> From there we went to the Laserquest, which proved to be lots of fun.
> The Max headroom-type environment still makes for a perfect stting for
> this type of game.

Roach, why not include a summary of people's scores, and their
nicknames? (I actually played under the name of 'Wingnut' *smug*)


> After that, it was time for those needing to get back home that night
> by train to leave for the station, the rest decided that the pubs in

*sigh* The Netherlands aren't that big. Why does it have to take three
bl**dy hours to get back from Nijmegen to Delft then? (I know, I know,
because the night-trains take the long way from Utrecht to Delft: via
Amsterdam, Schiphol, Leiden and Den Haag... When oh when are they goin'
to close the loop, with direct night-trains from Utrecht to


> Themes spoken about (in no particular order):

> Widgets and Wingnuts

*Who* thought of sticking widgets in *bottles*? See my comments further
on, amidst the quotes..


> An internet 'phone cell' was tested and caused to crash and reboot

..and you couldn't even do anything useful. No irc, no telnet...


> The naming and numbering of the next meet

And the naming and numbering of previous meets (why on *earth* are we
sticking to the <placename> <version> NL <version> -scheme?)

Another subject that was discussed, and not an unimportant one: how it
used to be so much fun reading all the meet-reports and threads that
followed, and how that seems to've disappeared... (hints? Me? Naaah..)


> Quotes (as usual pulled out of context)


> After 1/2 hour, halfway through his first beer, Jos spills some of it.
> "Drunk already?" (Leo)

Actually, I was quite boggled by the situation. I was pouring beer
(Murphy's) when the flow stopped, and quite early, too (much earlier
than I'd expected from the size of the bottle). I did the basic routine
of <surprised look>, <look at bottle>, <shake bottle>, <retry> when a
whole gush came out at once (the above quote followed). Closer
examination showed that they actually stuck a *widget* in the bottle, a
loose one. A perfect object to get in the way... :/ And no, I didn't
break the bottle to show the widget around (there were people present
who'd never heard of the concept of "widgets in beer" (or this
particular use of the name "widget")).


> "The difference between the Damerell and Gabriel: in real life David
> is nice" (Jos) - and I gathered his authorization for this quote :-)

Yup. But to be completely honest: I was quoting myself. I said this
earlier, at the Amsterdam OOB-meet (where Gabriel himself was present).
Bryan, any chance of a belated meet report for that? (You're the one
with all the notes, no? ;)


> No date / place / venue for the next meet has been decided upon yet...

...but Patrick and I made vague plans for the first NL-meet not to be
based in the Netherlands, but in Dublin...

To summarise: it was Fun (and pity that we had to leave so early.
'specially with all the quotes/topics/drinks we seem to have missed... I
made a good start on my Sinterklaas-surprise though :)


AFP/ABP faqs at or at

Eelco Giele

Dec 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/1/97

Michael "The Roach" Janszen <ro...@earthling.netz> wrote:

(Well, this is a somewhat distorted version)

> From there we went to the Laserquest, which proved to be lots of fun.
> The Max headroom-type environment still makes for a perfect stting for
> this type of game.


> Themes spoken about (in no particular order):


> The naming and numbering of the next meet

<snip, move>

> No date / place / venue for the next meet has been decided upon yet...

Well, let's combine these things. Result:

How about a "NL 98 osr:eindhoven" meet end of januari, where we can
compare the Laserquest Nijmegen with the Q-zar Eindhoven?

I'll make sure there is at least one pub open that serves Guinness :P

A first suggestion: 24th of januari?
Crash space will be available.

I would really like to receive some dates. Also about the planning
for the video meet.

------ On with the meet report.

> where is the long-awaited and -promised afp meet web page?

This seems like something that can be arranged. See above, it even
sounds like a good idea (tm). I'm even willing to volunteer. [1]

> someone burnt some salad

At least the candles still had their original shape when we left :)

> "Ouck, my earrings got stuck!" - "They get _really_ stuck only once..."
> (Sierra / Eelco)

Was that me? (it sure sounds like something I could have said, but I
think this was someone else's)[2]

I was wondering, where are the Laserquest results? They were written
down. I'm sure of that.

Greetings, Eelco

[1] Ok, why did you all do a step back? :)
[2] In defense for the Roach, they didn't serve Guinness, but they
did serve Kasteelbier. I can live with that.
The world is a toy box full of sub-optimized and feature-poor toys.

Tim T.

Dec 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/1/97

Sorry, missed it.. computer fair, and Marijke's only night off this

In article <65uod5$vuu$>,

Eelco Giele <> writes:
> Michael "The Roach" Janszen <ro...@earthling.netz> wrote:

>> No date / place / venue for the next meet has been decided upon yet...
> Well, let's combine these things. Result:
> How about a "NL 98 osr:eindhoven" meet end of januari, where we can
> compare the Laserquest Nijmegen with the Q-zar Eindhoven?

Hmmm.. We have a laserquest at Eindhoven too... Might be worth
comparing the two.

> I'll make sure there is at least one pub open that serves Guinness :P

At the last count, we have a choice of four...

> A first suggestion: 24th of januari?
> Crash space will be available.

Sounds good to me...

> Greetings, Eelco
> [1] Ok, why did you all do a step back? :)
> [2] In defense for the Roach, they didn't serve Guinness, but they
> did serve Kasteelbier. I can live with that.

Easily satisified.. ?

't Pumpke closing is bad news, though... Used to be one of my main
navigation points around Nijmegen. Hell, used to be one of the very
few decent places above the Maas..

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voodoo Programmer/Keeper of the Rubber Chicken
Oh.....Nobody knows the truffles I've seen, wo wo wo yesss.

Michael The Roach Janszen

Dec 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/1/97

On Mon, 01 Dec 1997 10:23:11 +0100, Jos Dingjan
<> shook the Earth by stating:

>Michael The Roach Janszen wrote:
>> Saturday, nov 29th, a selection from the Dutch-based afp participants
>> came unto Nijmegen to meet and be ga^H^Hhappy
>> Participants were:
>> Jos Gingjan
>*giggle* Roach, don't tell me you're going for a "I've misquoted Jos'
>surname in every meet report I made"...

Oops! Sorry, 'twas completely unintentional. Must be more careful about
typing next time :-(


>> From there we went to the Laserquest, which proved to be lots of fun.
>> The Max headroom-type environment still makes for a perfect stting for
>> this type of game.

>Roach, why not include a summary of people's scores, and their
>nicknames? (I actually played under the name of 'Wingnut' *smug*)

OK, OK. As far as I can remember:

Sierra - 212
Leo - 217
Jos (Wingnut) - 229
Cybercat (Cyclone?) - 542
Eelco - 443
Patrick (Turtle) - 310
Marc (marcs) - 212
Marleen (mover) - 307
me (Roach) - 192

Pls. not the civility and noblesse oblige with which I managed to score
less than the esteemed guests ;-)

>> Themes spoken about (in no particular order):

>> Widgets and Wingnuts
>*Who* thought of sticking widgets in *bottles*? See my comments further
>on, amidst the quotes..

>> After 1/2 hour, halfway through his first beer, Jos spills some of it.
>> "Drunk already?" (Leo)
>Actually, I was quite boggled by the situation. I was pouring beer
>(Murphy's) when the flow stopped, and quite early, too (much earlier
>than I'd expected from the size of the bottle). I did the basic routine
>of <surprised look>, <look at bottle>, <shake bottle>, <retry> when a
>whole gush came out at once (the above quote followed). Closer
>examination showed that they actually stuck a *widget* in the bottle, a
>loose one. A perfect object to get in the way... :/ And no, I didn't
>break the bottle to show the widget around (there were people present
>who'd never heard of the concept of "widgets in beer" (or this
>particular use of the name "widget")).

IIRC, it is used to ensure a more steady and constant flow, and to cause
the beer to foam (a concept scoffed at in the Netherlands, admittedly.
There's nothing nicer than a German 'Pils' with a nice high 'crown')

Michael The Roach Janszen

Dec 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/1/97

On 1 Dec 1997 16:25:09 GMT, Eelco Giele <> shook the Earth
by stating:

>Well, let's combine these things. Result:

>How about a "NL 98 osr:eindhoven" meet end of januari, where we can
>compare the Laserquest Nijmegen with the Q-zar Eindhoven?

>I'll make sure there is at least one pub open that serves Guinness :P

>A first suggestion: 24th of januari?
>Crash space will be available.

Hmm. If possible, could we move that? Zjere is a major festivity on the
25th (and I refuse to let anyone peek at my passport to see just how
old... wait, there's a demonstration of the Kamperduiin battle in
Amsterdam (IIRC) on the 25th.)

Eelco Giele

Dec 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/1/97

Michael "The Roach" Janszen <ro...@earthling.netz> wrote:
> On Mon, 01 Dec 1997 10:23:11 +0100, Jos Dingjan
> <> shook the Earth by stating:


> >Roach, why not include a summary of people's scores, and their
> >nicknames? (I actually played under the name of 'Wingnut' *smug*)

> OK, OK. As far as I can remember:

> Sierra - 212
> Leo - 217

Pink Bubba, wasn't it?

> Jos (Wingnut) - 229
> Cybercat (Cyclone?) - 542

I think cybercat played under the name cybercat.

> Eelco - 443

Because I am Cyclone.[1]

> Patrick (Turtle) - 310
> Marc (marcs) - 212
> Marleen (mover) - 307
> me (Roach) - 192

> Pls. not the civility and noblesse oblige with which I managed to score
> less than the esteemed guests ;-)

And that with the "wait sneeky around the corner and shoot them in
the back tactic." :) [2]

Greetings, Eelco

[1] A roleplaying thingy. It's the callsign of my character.[3]
[2] Closer examination shows he just shot me in the back once. Oh
well, I scared him out of a corner a few times with some gun hits (5)
[3] This totally useless information added as a bonus.
(5) five.
Real programmers don't comment their code,
it was hard to write, it should be hard to understand.

Eelco Giele

Dec 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/1/97

Michael "The Roach" Janszen <ro...@earthling.netz> wrote:
> On 1 Dec 1997 16:25:09 GMT, Eelco Giele <> shook the Earth
> by stating:

> >Well, let's combine these things. Result:

> >
> >How about a "NL 98 osr:eindhoven" meet end of januari, where we can
> >compare the Laserquest Nijmegen with the Q-zar Eindhoven?
> >
> >I'll make sure there is at least one pub open that serves Guinness :P
> >
> >A first suggestion: 24th of januari?
> >Crash space will be available.

> Hmm. If possible, could we move that? Zjere is a major festivity on the
> 25th (and I refuse to let anyone peek at my passport to see just how
> old... wait, there's a demonstration of the Kamperduiin battle in
> Amsterdam (IIRC) on the 25th.)

Well, the date is still a first suggestion. I will start working on a
meetings web page, and I will try to get some voting system going. I
will take special consideration for the official AFP NLMeet reporter.
Which reminds me, were meets without the reporter still official
meets? I missed that bit of discussion :)

Greetings, Eelco


Dec 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/1/97

On Mon, 01 Dec 1997 09:08:55 +0100, Patrick Dersjant <at...@usa.net5>

>Marc 'Yes, and you're the man with the vote.'

That was me.

"I'm red, I'm red!" Rambo (I think)
"But I'm not" Me (Yes, I love laserquest ;)

"'I wonder how far the barometer's sunk?' he said.
'All der way,' said Detritus gloomyly. 'Trust me on dis.'"

AFP Code 1.0 ANL$>C$ d s+: a- UP+ R F++ h+ P--- OSD--: C? M-
pp--- L c- B+ Cn+:+ PT+++ Pu63 5+ X+ MT++ e+(++) r! !y+ end

Patrick Dersjant

Dec 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/2/97

Eelco Giele wrote:
> Michael "The Roach" Janszen <ro...@earthling.netz> wrote:
> > On 1 Dec 1997 16:25:09 GMT, Eelco Giele <> shook the Earth
> > by stating:
> > >Well, let's combine these things. Result:
> > >
> > >How about a "NL 98 osr:eindhoven" meet end of januari, where we can
> > >compare the Laserquest Nijmegen with the Q-zar Eindhoven?
> > >
> > >I'll make sure there is at least one pub open that serves Guinness :P
> > >
> > >A first suggestion: 24th of januari?
> > >Crash space will be available.
> > Hmm. If possible, could we move that? Zjere is a major festivity on the
> > 25th (and I refuse to let anyone peek at my passport to see just how
> > old... wait, there's a demonstration of the Kamperduiin battle in
> > Amsterdam (IIRC) on the 25th.)
> Well, the date is still a first suggestion. I will start working on a
> meetings web page, and I will try to get some voting system going. I
> will take special consideration for the official AFP NLMeet reporter.

And IIRC Jos and me were thinking of an NL-meet Dublin right around
that time... (end of januari/beginning of februari). Gonna get busy :)

Patrick Dersjant

Jos Dingjan

Dec 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM12/2/97

Cybercat wrote:

<Quotes from Nijmegen 1.0 / NL 7.0

> "I'm red, I'm red!" Rambo (I think)

> "But I'm not" Me (=Cybercat) (Yes, I love laserquest ;)

Yup, that was Rambo. Another quote, nearly the same:

"I'm red, I'm red!" Rambo

"You're dead, you're dead!" me

He was such a cute little fellow. The man who gave us instructions for
the Laserquest warned us not to crouch, otherwise our heads would be at
perfect lasergun height for people coming 'round the corner (teeth-in-
hand and such). Then he saw Rambo, and said "Oh, you're *always* at that

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