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AFP does Chessington - AFPfamily 1.0

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Carol Willis

Sep 23, 1997, 7:00:00 AM9/23/97

And Lo it came to pass that on Sunday 21st Septemeber a large throng of
people decended on Chessington World Of Very Long Queues for the express
purpose of having a good time - that of course was the 17,000 folks on
an outing from British Telecom against whom the small huddle of people
from afp were almost un-noticable - unless you wanted to sit down in one
of the coffee stops :-)

At approx 9.30 Tap and myself (complete with assorted children) arrived
at Chessington South Entrance - argued for a bit and then decided to ask
one of the folk with a radio if there was another entrance - the answer
was yes and we were informed that at least those folks who'd come by
train would be there - so we set off on foot to meet the merry throng.

The throng were assembled by the North Gates, so we joined up and at
about 10.30 tackled the cash desk and made our way in to the theme park.

The first stop was the toilet block - well we did have kids with us, and
then it was straight to the nearest vendor of coffee and chocolate
icecream for breakfast.

From there we ventured into Calamity Canyon where we waited for about
half an hour to ride the Runaway Minetrain and discussed the fact that
queueing seemed to ba a national passtime - Simon Callan suggested a
theme park devoted entirely to the art with different types of queue -
Dale decided a Barbeque was his favourite sort.

From there we split up, Hamster and Kayla went to Toytown so the smaller
kiddies (Hamster and Kayla) could go on the flying elephants. Dale and
myself joined the incredibly long queue for the Rameses Revenge - which
was suitably fun. Having enjoyed our ride we trundled through to
Toytown where the Hamster & Kayla had almost made it to the front of the

Next it was off to the Terrortomb - another long wait (broken by the
sight of Duck Man's cousin, Turtle Man) ensued before the afpers
re-surfaced and demanded feeding. Luckily we were right next to the
pizza place so food was had and the quote file continued to grow.

We did try getting a ride on Dragon River, but the queue there was much
too long, so we ambled through the park stopping for the girls to ride
on the Carousel and David to be turned into a clown, and headed over to
Professor Burps Bubbleworks. Some getting wet happened at this point,
but not much.

We ventured a look at the Vampire - decided we'd be queueing all day if
we waited there, and headed off for more coffee - not in the Black
Forest Chateau however, but in the Alpine Spa.

The next stop was the OBChocolate visit to Cadbury Castle - which is
where we first sighted the Rock N Roll Nun! Much spending happened,
followed by much munching. The final ride of the day was a trip over
the Animal Lands, where we saw Penguins, Seals, assorted Ungulates and
Meerkats and failed to see Lions, Tigers, Snowleopards or Gorillas.

And that was the end of our Grand Day Out - cos everything was closing -
especially the Reptile House. So we said our goodbyes and headed for

The scariest/worst ride of the day was the trip home - two flat tyres,
no phone, and the nearest service station a good couple of miles away -
but we did eventually make it back, later than advertised, but in one

Many thanks to Afp's Universal Uncles - (and Aunts) who kept the
monsters entertained even when the queues were very very long and

Herebe a few of the Quotes:

"He has to get his leg over to get a good grip" - Carol, about the

"Did you get that hat from the back page of the Independant Magazine?"
Rock'n'roll Nun, to Thomas Pratchett.

"So you just fart in a bottle of juice then" Dale - about the

"You could be Uncle Prat" - Kayla, to Thomas

"At least we now have proof that Hamster can get his leg over" - Carol

- I'm sure Hamster will be along to complete the set shortly, until then
I return you to your normal service.....

Carol (looking forward to Cadbury World next year)

Carol Willis
BroomCon Organdiser

Michael The Roach Janszen

Sep 23, 1997, 7:00:00 AM9/23/97

On 23 Sep 1997 22:14:18 +0100, (Mark Lowes) shook the
Earth by stating:

>>The first stop was the toilet block - well we did have kids with us, and
>>then it was straight to the nearest vendor of coffee and chocolate
>>icecream for breakfast.

>Which David decided to wear rather than eat.

Huh? Would you care to explain further how he wore a coffe and chocolate
vendor? ;-)

penI'yIn 'ej pechep

Michael "The Roach" Janszen (AFP NLMeet reporter)

The Official Michelena Riosa Testosterone Brigade
Peerless Leader of the Post-Apocapalyptic Forces

Spammer trap - when replying by e-mail, drop the last letter
of the address...

Mark Lowes

Sep 23, 1997, 7:00:00 AM9/23/97

In article <>, Carol Willis <> wrote:
>And Lo it came to pass that on Sunday 21st Septemeber a large throng of
>people decended on Chessington World Of Very Long Queues for the express
>purpose of having a good time

Oh hell I thought we were there to try and loose Tap ;)


>The throng were assembled by the North Gates, so we joined up and at
>about 10.30 tackled the cash desk and made our way in to the theme park.

After sending tap back to try and reclaim money for the spare ticket
;) How did we manage that?

>The first stop was the toilet block - well we did have kids with us, and
>then it was straight to the nearest vendor of coffee and chocolate
>icecream for breakfast.

Which David decided to wear rather than eat.


>queueing seemed to ba a national passtime - Simon Callan suggested a
>theme park devoted entirely to the art with different types of queue -
>Dale decided a Barbeque was his favourite sort.

:) Weird kid, must be yours <gdr>

>From there we split up, Hamster and Kayla went to Toytown so the smaller
>kiddies (Hamster and Kayla)

*boing* Oi! Who are you calling small?

>could go on the flying elephants.

Don't knock it ;)

>Dale and
>myself joined the incredibly long queue for the Rameses Revenge - which
>was suitably fun.


>Having enjoyed our ride we trundled through to
>Toytown where the Hamster & Kayla had almost made it to the front of the

*grumblesmurf* and once we got on Katrina didn't want to give me the
controls, a fight happened and we nearly had a real flying elephant.
Well it was a geek toy so I should have been flying it :)

>Next it was off to the Terrortomb - another long wait (broken by the
>sight of Duck Man's cousin, Turtle Man)

Weird, I completely failed to get the camera out, it was his
expression as he was walking aloing a sort of "What are you looking
at, I'm the normal one round here"

>ensued before the afpers
>re-surfaced and demanded feeding.

Predictable to the end.

>Luckily we were right next to the
>pizza place so food was had and the quote file continued to grow.

Oh yes....

BTW Simon....

I'll get you....

>on the Carousel and David to be turned into a clown,

No comment....

>and headed over to
>Professor Burps Bubbleworks. Some getting wet happened at this point,
>but not much.

I thought coffee happened at this point but it might have been an
alternate reality.


>where we first sighted the Rock N Roll Nun! Much spending happened,



>The scariest/worst ride of the day was the trip home - two flat tyres,
>no phone, and the nearest service station a good couple of miles away -
>but we did eventually make it back, later than advertised, but in one


>Many thanks to Afp's Universal Uncles - (and Aunts) who kept the
>monsters entertained even when the queues were very very long and

Seconded, without them to aim the kids at we wouldn't have had any
peace. Many thanks Guys.

>Herebe a few of the Quotes:
>"He has to get his leg over to get a good grip" - Carol, about the


>"Did you get that hat from the back page of the Independant Magazine?"
>Rock'n'roll Nun, to Thomas Pratchett.


Of course is this the time to point out that he is the anti-pratchett.

The hat is....



>"You could be Uncle Prat" - Kayla, to Thomas

*rofl* ;)

>"At least we now have proof that Hamster can get his leg over" - Carol


>- I'm sure Hamster will be along to complete the set shortly, until then
>I return you to your normal service.....

Oh yes....


Katrina "Is he called Uncle Tap because he keeps dripping everywhere?"

Apparently Tap wanted to be alone with a rubber glove at some point...

Tap to Carol (in front of the kids)
"What's a Condom?"

Thomas "This chair has got the wrong number of legs"

Uncle Muppie "aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!"

"Do you mind if I grab you in Terror?" Simon to Kayla

Like I said Simon.... you're ancient history...

Muppie and the Muppet babies

We thought of going to the action man exhibit but they might have
stopped us from leaving with the animated action man (muppie and his
incredible hair) Though it was decided that he's the cheap version, no
lever on the back of his head to move his eyes. <LKayla[1]> Though I
don't know about the "hands that grip"</>


[1] Can't I even post in peace anymore? ;)
Mark Lowes faqqer, Webmaster to the masses, Listmaster and proto-bofh
More play:

Andy Fawcett

Sep 24, 1997, 7:00:00 AM9/24/97

Mark Lowes wrote:
> In article <>, Carol Willis
> <> wrote:
> >And Lo it came to pass that on Sunday 21st Septemeber a large
> >throng of people decended on Chessington World Of Very Long Queues
> >for the express purpose of having a good time
> Oh hell I thought we were there to try and loose Tap ;)

Not a chance!

> [...]
> >The throng were assembled by the North Gates, so we joined up and
> >at about 10.30 tackled the cash desk and made our way in to the
> >theme park.
> After sending tap back to try and reclaim money for the spare ticket
> ;) How did we manage that?

What do you expect? We had several poly/uni graduates there, including a
maths graduate. Of course we couldn't count!

> >The first stop was the toilet block - well we did have kids with
> >us, and then it was straight to the nearest vendor of coffee and
> >chocolate icecream for breakfast.
> Which David decided to wear rather than eat.

But of course. You sound surprised by this!

> [...]
> >queueing seemed to ba a national passtime - Simon Callan suggested
> >a theme park devoted entirely to the art with different types of
> >queue - Dale decided a Barbeque was his favourite sort.
> :) Weird kid, must be yours <gdr>

Yup, and she's (rightly) proud of him :-)

> >From there we split up, Hamster and Kayla went to Toytown so the
> >smaller kiddies (Hamster and Kayla)
> *boing* Oi! Who are you calling small?


> >Dale and myself joined the incredibly long queue for the Rameses
> >Revenge - which was suitably fun.
> Swines

Far too *vom* inducing for my liking...

> >Having enjoyed our ride we trundled through to Toytown where the
> >Hamster & Kayla had almost made it to the front of the queue.
> *grumblesmurf* and once we got on Katrina didn't want to give me the
> controls,

Women drivers... ;-)

> a fight happened and we nearly had a real flying elephant.
> Well it was a geek toy so I should have been flying it :)


> >Next it was off to the Terrortomb - another long wait (broken by
> >the sight of Duck Man's cousin, Turtle Man)
> Weird, I completely failed to get the camera out, it was his
> expression as he was walking aloing a sort of "What are you looking
> at, I'm the normal one round here"

Seriously weird.

> >ensued before the afpers re-surfaced and demanded feeding.
> Predictable to the end.


> >Luckily we were right next to the pizza place so food was had and
> >the quote file continued to grow.
> Oh yes....


> BTW Simon.... I'll get you....

That's what you think...

> >on the Carousel and David to be turned into a clown,
> No comment....

But we already had one of those...

> >and headed over to Professor Burps Bubbleworks. Some getting wet
> >happened at this point, but not much.
> I thought coffee happened at this point but it might have been an
> alternate reality.

I shared the alternate reality.

> [...]
> >where we first sighted the Rock N Roll Nun! Much spending happened,
> Wibble.

Wibble about the nun, or the spending?

> [...]
> >The scariest/worst ride of the day was the trip home - two flat
> >tyres, no phone, and the nearest service station a good couple of
> >miles away - but we did eventually make it back, later than
> >advertised, but in one piece.
> Good[tm]

Until I got the bill for the tyre :-(

> >Many thanks to Afp's Universal Uncles - (and Aunts) who kept the
> >monsters entertained even when the queues were very very long and
> >boring

> Seconded, without them to aim the kids at we wouldn't have had any
> peace. Many thanks Guys.

Especially Unca Muppie, without whom...

> >"He has to get his leg over to get a good grip" - Carol, about the
> >Hamster
> *boing*?


> >"Did you get that hat from the back page of the Independant

> >Magazine?" - Rock'n'roll Nun, to Thomas Pratchett.
> *snigger*


> Of course is this the time to point out that he is the anti-pratchett.
> The hat is....
> White...


> >"At least we now have proof that Hamster can get his leg over" -
> >Carol

Sorry, I read that as Hamster getting his leg over Carol, and was
wondering whether Kayla or myself would allow it...

> proof?

No thanks.

> Katrina "Is he called Uncle Tap because he keeps dripping everywhere?"

I do. HTH.

> Apparently Tap wanted to be alone with a rubber glove at some point...

I deny this emphatically.

> Tap to Carol (in front of the kids)
> "What's a Condom?"

Kids today should know about these things. Although maybe David is a
little too young...

> Muppie and the Muppet babies


> We thought of going to the action man exhibit but they might have
> stopped us from leaving with the animated action man (muppie and his
> incredible hair) Though it was decided that he's the cheap version, no
> lever on the back of his head to move his eyes. <LKayla[1]> Though I
> don't know about the "hands that grip"</>

I did suggest ringing Can^Wsomewhere to find out...

> [1] Can't I even post in peace anymore? ;)

No. It's love, so they always get the last word...

Andy Fawcett
(at Carol's)

Thomas Pratchett

Sep 26, 1997, 7:00:00 AM9/26/97

Someone scribbled:

> > >"Did you get that hat from the back page of the Independant
> > >Magazine?" - Rock'n'roll Nun, to Thomas Pratchett.
> > *snigger*
> Indeed.
> > Of course is this the time to point out that he is the anti-pratchett.
> >
> > The hat is....
> >
> > White...
> Heretic!!!!

I would like to say it is an exact replica of a Pterry hat, but white.

Pthomas was here!

M. Riosa

Sep 27, 1997, 7:00:00 AM9/27/97

On 26 Sep 1997 13:09:32 GMT, "Thomas Pratchett"
<> wrote:

>I would like to say it is an exact replica of a Pterry hat, but white.
>Pthomas was here!

You're still pushing it, Lad...;)

But seem to be within the bounds of standard afp mayhem

Not Baaaaad! but white hats can....errr, age not so gracefully!

( I have had a black Akubra for about 10 years longer than I knew that
Terry also affected a similar look...*sigh* unfortunately the lifespan
of such hats is indeed a life.....and I am too sensible/cheap to get
another one just to change the colour)

So can I nick the hobnailed boots as my "trademark"? Seriously, the
witches fashion sense changed my entire approach to footgear and,
after four years, not only does the coprorate environment accept this
"little affectation of mine" my poor feet are eternally grateful.

(neat error message btw for the missing tag)

"Smile and remember, if the sky falls,
have clouds for breafast!"
patrick(But he nicked it from somebody)


Sep 27, 1997, 7:00:00 AM9/27/97

Thomas Pratchett scribbled:

> > > >"Did you get that hat from the back page of the Independant
> > > >Magazine?" - Rock'n'roll Nun, to Thomas Pratchett.

> I would like to say it is an exact replica of a Pterry hat, but white.
> Ahhahahahahahahahaa!!!!!
> Pthomas was here!

Oh dear,
Just when you thought it was safe to come out of the closet (or
something)...... Sixteen is such a strange age, don't ya think?

"Last time I read a book I was raped, so let that be a lesson for you!"
- Mrs. Yellowbeard

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