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[F] CC live meet-feed (from the CC field) #2

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Gabriel Krabbe

Aug 9, 1997, 3:00:00 AM8/9/97

Live feed from the CC event #2

-- 09.Aug 97, 1300-1930


Approximately ten minutes ago, a weird bloke with
a hat decided to partake in the event known forthwith
as The Great Cabbaging Of Woolpit: 20 people literally
fencing with cabbages (which were, unfortunately, fresh),
the prize being specified simply as "a Definite Maybe."

This prize, won by Malcolm, was an actual cabbage-
fencing-duel versus Pterry himself.

Photos will probably be available via lspace soon enough,
let it suffice at this point that Pterry stood his
ground and finally won.

Floggings will continue until morale improves

(any rumours about me wearing cabbages are definitely
random. or something.)

Gabriel Krabbe

Aug 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM8/10/97

Live feed from the CC event #2

-- 09.Aug 97, 1930-0400

What can I say...

More cabbages were wielded, my duel with Bob Potter
was decided by ballistic usage of them (as opposed to,
for example, confrontations with a number of others,
such as Charles Cooke-with-an-E, which were fenced...
actually fighting out duels seems to become a new
tradition on afp; Charles, shortly after his
confrontation with me, was overheard threatening
someone with: "I lost a duel already, I don't mind
losing another!" Strangely enough, neither was any
matter of honour decided by water pistols (Super
Soakers), nor did excessive use of them lead to any
such confrontations - lucky for me, given the truth
of Alan's observation "give a German a Super Weapon,
and he just has to use it." But I digress).

Beer (and Whisky and Whiskey and a number of other
alcoholic beverages) were consumed, leading to mpk
stating the next morning "sitting in a field at nine
thirty, trying to drink off a hangover, is just one of
those moments..."

Some people, however, did not truly appreciate the
value of beer; this lead to me gathering one pint over
the head (my hair must be really glossy now <g>) and
one in the face... you guessed it, my first four duels
for DiscCon98 are set. Oh, well.

The Maskerade was a rather less martial event, and a
rather special highlight due to this fact. Pterry,
CMOT Briggs, and Paul Kidby were the judges; this
lead to a not unexpectedly interesting prize-giving.
Pterry, as spokesman, started off with "I hope
everyone can hear me, and if not, that's too bad,
because I'm Terry Pratchett and I can talk as loud
as I like." A true BWFH. The final two prizes were
"best overall", going to Queen Ynci the Short Tempered
for convincingly demonstrating how spiky spikes can
be; the final prize, which was completely unexpected,
was for the winner of an impromptu race for the
fastest Rincewind.

A prize Colm would not have won, had he participated:
"I programmed Macintoshes for years, I have patience!"

At 4 a.m., Michelena was loud. No more will be said on
that subject, not even that a Muppet was involved.

This leaves only one memorable quote of "Caroline,
Raven's fiance", as she wishes to be known, "I seem to
have gotten away with not saying anything quotable."

We now return you to your regular afping...

I freed my mind, and it ran away.

email will be posted as i see fit.

Gabriel Krabbe

Aug 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM8/10/97

Live feed from the CC event #4

-- 10.Aug 97, 0400-1630

<smack> <vom> <phew> "help!" - pretty much sums up not
only the day, but most of the weekend, as far as its
invocation as an afpmeet is concerned.

The day started off agreeably relaxed, with not _too_
much antipathy generated by the previous live report.
That aspect didn't deteriorate; however, the day did
get slightly hectic. Well, to tell the complete truth,
it only got hectic for the eight people present that
decided to relive the experience some others (including,
among others, Bryan) had yesterday: trolley racing.
Once again, I managed to make an utter fool of myself,
not only by getting the wheels tangled and crashing,
but by doing so right under those who were brandishing
pots and buckets of water. Thankfully, a tree was
between me and the muzzle of the Bellinghman's Super-Soaker...

At 1100, a number of rockets were launched, some signed, one
transporting the entire discworld, another releasing the
Death of Terr^H^Hddybears, one impersonating the Death of
Cars (landing on the roof of one). The event was additionally
entertaining for those standing near Pterry, who replied to a
father's request, "this is my son Alex, he's always wanted to
meet you", with the flat-out "you can die now, you've
satisfied your life's ambitions"... The question remains, was
this an observation or a suggestion?
Inguiring minds want to know...

In between drinks, the grouplets that had formed were
tortured (his words) by a Jester, who was not only
bewildered by people identifying him by the sound of
his bells, but who managed to get depressed for not
even being booed at... Michelena managed to go "ah" at
the wrong time, though, and Colm's Claire didn't quite
understand why the death of three nuns should be
considered sad, so I guess that's okay.

What else happened.... A person who knows who I'm
talking about has regained official tart status...
No chainmail was worn... Gaspode won a prize at
today's Maskerade... The bar actually managed to run
out of caffeinated soft drinks without "diet" (ha!) in
the name (the bar's only weakness, which was otherwise
superbly efficient and - to this gerperoffspring -
affordable, I may add)...

Two more random quotes to end the article (I'm in the
Bellinghman's car, not a very adequate place for writing reports):

Gid (about an approximately five-year-old on CC's
treasure hunt, in search for Clue 1): "He's clueless
and he's not even a merkin!"

Someone who knows who he/she/it is: "two ships passing
in the night, only we hit each other and made a lot of

I like to think of myself as a divide overflow


Aug 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM8/11/97

Gabriel Krabbe <> wrote:

>Live feed from the CC event #2

>-- 09.Aug 97, 1300-1930


>Approximately ten minutes ago, a weird bloke with
>a hat decided to partake in the event known forthwith
>as The Great Cabbaging Of Woolpit: 20 people literally
>fencing with cabbages (which were, unfortunately, fresh),
>the prize being specified simply as "a Definite Maybe."

>This prize, won by Malcolm, was an actual cabbage-
>fencing-duel versus Pterry himself.

And long and mighty was the ensuing battle...

>Photos will probably be available via lspace soon enough,
>let it suffice at this point that Pterry stood his
>ground and finally won.

Terry Pratchett, Cabbage Warrior First Class.

>Floggings will continue until morale improves

And him dressed exclusively in black leather, too...

>(any rumours about me wearing cabbages are definitely
>random. or something.)

No, she didn't start them...


BTW, I'm starting a record of all the cabbage duels held at AFPMeets and
DWCons - I'll ask Leo and the rest of the NEC[1] if they want to link to it
from L-Space...[2]

[1] Non-Existant Cabal
[2] If not I'll just post the URL here...

BTW, e-mail address is deliberately mangled to avoid spam bots
Write to userid "oyster" at domain ""


AFPurity: 55%
"Nail it to the counter Lord Ferguson, and DAMN
the cheesemongers"

Lethargic Man (anag.)

Aug 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM8/11/97

On 9 Aug 1997, Gabriel Krabbe wrote:

> (any rumours about me wearing cabbages are definitely
> random. or something.)

How would Random know; she wasn't there?

Anyway, I thought you looked rather fetching with it on. <g,d&r>

Mchl Grnt[0]

(who's trying to work out who "Wemrkay" and "Cosxrlie"
are in "Secret Societies")

[0]Send me your URLs for the afpers' homepages directory| Risus Sardonicus :-]
Today is the last day of your life so far. | (Michael S. Grant)
Gargling daily is a good way to see if your neck leaks. |
-------------------< >----------------------

Darran D. Rimron

Aug 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM8/18/97

Murky wrote in article <>...
>Malcolm only lasted that long because I didn't spot him cheating
>earlier. (I only spotted it in the end because he was, rather
>honourably I thought, instructing PTerry how to cheat[2])
>[2] "... you wedge your hand between the leaves like so...."
Ahhhh! Hence the turning of the cabbage<fx:the penny drops> - I wondered
what caused that - I thought it was just to provide him with a mental
distraction - I was not aware of the "Subdefuge"(sp?) that was involoved in
the event....
| Darran Rimron, Consultant, Rimron Design & Consultancy |
| |
| Custom Designed Internet and Intranet Solutions |
| Consultancy, System Support, Design and Implementation |

Gideon Hallett

Aug 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM8/22/97

On Thu, 21 Aug 1997 12:24:43 GMT, (Curiosity)
was a jolly decent type and shared with us:

>>Huh. In that case, i hereby propose a rematch at DiscCon and this time
>>Curiosity and Colm should be able to flaunt their fencing style without
>>such wicked goings-on.
>Shhhh. Don't mention that I _really_ fence and that 'real' fencing
>footwork is very helpful in a cabbage duel ... oops.
>Does Colm fence with bits of metal too ? If so I could bring my Sabre
>kit to DiscCon [1], and we could have a proper duel *grin*.
Well, I don't think he fences with bits of wood.

Sabreur? Peasant!

The true gent uses an epée, as we all know sabres are for people
with whip fetishes[1] ;)

Do you have the full kit for a sabre (i.e. silly helmet,
half-padded leather thingy for the torso, etc)?

This could be worth seeing...

(A while ago, I was a left/right handed foillist. Judging by my
atrocious showing at CC, I'm also badly out of practice...)

[1] For non-sabre using people, the correct action is not a
whole-arm swipe (as you might think), but a flick with the wrist,
preferably on one of the 5 points of attack on the head/neck.

The moral of this verse, is applicable to the young. Be terce.

(((( ||
o__))))) | - Bringing permed '70s-retro hedgehogs to the =|
__ \'((((( | common people since he got bored one afternoon.=|

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