OK, the (dum dum daaaa) _first_ever_ Crowthorne meet will take place in
'Arthur's Bar'[1] at the Waterloo Hotel on Saturday the 18th of April.
That's Crowthorne in Berkshire, for those who don't know.
For those coming/going by train, the last one back to Reading from
Crowthorne station leaves at 23.47 (getting into Reading at 00.03).
If you need crash-space, I can't help I'm afraid (and neither can Matt,
*grin*). There's always the pavement...(or the hotel).
WARNING: I'd advise eating _before_ you come to the meet, as the food in
the bar is under-sized and over-priced (e.g. one ham and cheese baguette
with tortilla chips for 4.95 UKP, and that's at the _cheap_ end of the
limited menu). There are several take aways in Crowthorne (chinese,
indian and fish 'n' chips) which we can direct you to if necessary.
Despite the problems with food and the sad name, it's actually quite a
nice pub which tends not to get full of rowdy locals, and has lots of
convenient parking. Matt and I will be in there from 7 pm. Watch out for
(Matt's) convoluted directions below :)
[1] It's not as poncy as it sounds, honest.
- ---- 8< -----
To find Crowthorne using the web go to:
You can get to Crowthorne easily from the M4 (J10) and the M3 (J3).
Rather than following my directions, I would recommend map reading and
following signposts (as the directions are fairly detailed :) [they're
very accurate though]). Coming from either of those junctions, look for
signs towards Bracknell if Crowthorne or Sandhurst isn't mentioned.
(Some parts of the route through Bracknell have Sandhurst signposted but
not Crowthorne).
Anyways, here are some directions:
[From M3]
If you're coming from the M3 off at junction 3... Follow the road to
Bracknell.. This will be mostly dual carriageway once you've come off
the roundabout at the junction. I think you go through a set of traffic
lights, and skirt the left hand edge of a large roundabout (you don't go
onto it, there's a lane which goes past it). Eventually you'll get to a
roundabout which should have Crowthorne signposted to the left (also
Coral Reef and The Look Out may be signposted down that way). Follow
this twisty turny road until you get to another roundabout, which again
should have Crowthorne signposted to the left.. [2] This takes you onto
a short section of dual carriageway. Go for the right hand lane as you
turn right when you get to the next roundabout (again should be
signposted to Crowthorne). Follow the road, and go straight over the
first roundabout you come to and up and over a hill. You'll then get
to a mini roundabout at the start of Crowthorne's high street. Go left
along the high street until you get to a mini roundabout at the end of
the high street. Go right at this mini roundabout and down a hill, round
a left hand bend. And then watch out for the Waterloo Hotel on your
right probably about 200-300 metres further on (I'm a poor judge of
distance, mind you :).
[From M4]
Coming from the M4 (J10)... Take the A329(M) towards Bracknell. Just
before you get to Bracknell you'll encounter a roundabout at which you
want to take the right hand exit into an industrial estate. Bear right
at the first mini roundabout. (Waitrose should now be on your left).
Turn right at the next roundabout and follow the twisty turny road until
you get to a roundabout (you'll travel a few miles before you get to the
roundabout). Go straight on at this roundabout. You'll go past the
Transport Research Laboratory on your left. Carry on until you get to
another roundabout, at which you turn right (here the directions become
the same as from the M3). Go up and over a hill. You'll then get to a
mini roundabout at the start of Crowthorne's high street. Go left along
the high street until you get to a mini roundabout at the end of
the high street. Go right at this mini roundabout into church
street/waterloo road (same road, it just changes name half way along)
and down a hill, round a left hand bend. And then watch out for the
waterloo hotel on your right probably about 200-300 metres further on
(I'm a poor judge of distance, mind you :).
If you don't follow my directions from the A329(M) but use a more
conventional route via Bracknell to Crowthorne you should end up
coinciding with the point marked [2] on my directions from the M3. (Just
to confuse ;).
To get a map showing roughly where the waterloo hotel is in relation to
the immediate surrounding area go to:
I wouldn't bother trying to fit this map to my directions as several of
the roads I've mentioned seem to have been deigned unimportant enough to
show on that map, although the black blob roundabout in Crowthorne
corresponds to the second mini roundabout on the high street that I
[Walking from train station]
- From Crowthorne train station.. Turn right out of the station ... you'll
walk past a small parade of shops... Walk on the right hand side of the
road for 1/2-3/4 of a mile along Dukes Ride until you find the Waterloo
Hotel on your right.
Here is my own ascii map:
www * N DD
www N D
www N D
www D
www D
cc D
c D
c D
c PD
B bb
B bb
B bb
B bb
* = Waterloo hotel (it has entrances on waterloo road and also
on dukes ride)
H = high street
0 = roundabout
s = sandhurst road
B = main bracknell road
b = route from bracknell if you follow my directions
from the A329M
D = dukes ride
P = Ye Olde Prince pub (I kid ye not about the name)
N = New Wokingham Road
w & c = waterloo road & church street. From a drivers point of view
they are the same road.
<S = Station is this way down dukes ride
- ---- 8< ----
- --
Kat Knight
"An eye for an eye and the world shall soon be blind." - Gandhi
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