>Saturday 13th November
>Borders, 94-96 Briggate, Leeds
So, anyone else likely to be there? Any chance of this developing
into a meet of any kind? I was thinking of a kind of afternoon get
together, but it could develop into an evening do (what can I say,
I'm easily led). If anyone is interested, and knows a good place
to go (I don't live in Leeds, it's just the nearest place on the tour),
then let me know. If there's enough interest, I'll get back to you.
(Well, no, I'll get back to you anyway. If there's enough interest,
I'll get back to you with more details.)
Diane J.
(This probably isn't a good time to mention the ORG-Y, is it?)
"May you live in interesting pants!"
Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times
I'll definitely be there *grin* and I think the signing is likely to take
considerably more than an hour.
> Any chance of this developing
> into a meet of any kind? I was thinking of a kind of afternoon get
> together, but it could develop into an evening do (what can I say,
> I'm easily led). If anyone is interested, and knows a good place
> to go (I don't live in Leeds, it's just the nearest place on the tour),
> then let me know. If there's enough interest, I'll get back to you.
> (Well, no, I'll get back to you anyway. If there's enough interest,
> I'll get back to you with more details.)
So far there is quite a large group of afpers planning to meet in Leeds
at/after the signing - mainly coming to "support" me I think - venue not
arranged therefore no announcement yet. I will be in Leeds later this week
and shall have a look round.
Pam xxx
We're just going to ask the *author* of Nanny's cookbook to sign it for
us (grin).
Level of support is dependant on the amounts of Dime cake provided
Naomi & Garner the Wonder Dog (guide cat ;0) -
Rule 46, Oxford Union Society: Any member introducing a dog into the Society's
premises shall be liable to a fine of one pound. Any animal leading a blind
person shall be deemed to be a cat.
Why does the second part of that Message-ID look like a football score?
> <pam.ha...@cwcom.net> writes
> >So far there is quite a large group of afpers planning to meet in
> >Leeds at/after the signing - mainly coming to "support" me I think -
> Level of support is dependant on the amounts of Dime cake provided
> (grin).
Mmmm, Dime cake!
Naomi, that's a cruel thing to do to someone who hasn't had Dime cake
for 'far too long'(tm) :-)
Andy Fawcett
At Home...
> > Level of support is dependant on the amounts of Dime cake provided
> > (grin).
> Mmmm, Dime cake!
> Naomi, that's a cruel thing to do to someone who hasn't had Dime cake
> for 'far too long'(tm) :-)
Okay my dears - hint taken. Next time we are all together a Dime cake shall
make an appearance though knowing you lot it won't last long *g*
Pam xxx
>Mmmm, Dime cake!
>Naomi, that's a cruel thing to do to someone who hasn't had Dime cake
>for 'far too long'(tm) :-)
Erm... What's a Dime Cake?
> Andy Fawcett <t...@lspace.org> wrote in message
> news:37FF0629...@lspace.org...
> > Mmmm, Dime cake!
> >
> > Naomi, that's a cruel thing to do to someone who hasn't had Dime cake
> > for 'far too long'(tm) :-)
> Okay my dears - hint taken. Next time we are all together a Dime cake shall
> make an appearance though knowing you lot it won't last long *g*
<bounce>.... mmmmmmm.... I look forward to it! <g>
AFP Help? <afp-...@lspace.org> & LSpace Web http://www.lspace.org/
Online Guide at http://www.aber.ac.uk/~cap96/afpguide/afpguide.html
New to Usenet? go to http://psg.com/emily.html [Peter *is* an Ewok]
The Irrelevant page: http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~gidnsuzi/index.html
Just a thought: If there ever happened to be a 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook
Mark 2' it'd have to include Dime Cake for obvious reasons but what
would she call it?
It is a desert full of calories made with a jap biscuit base (meringue with
ground hazelnuts) lashings of double cream, butter, chocolate and various
other ingredients to harden your arteries, and several crushed Dime bars.
It is absolutely luscious if I say so myself and just *so* wicked I only
make one or two a year.
Pam xxx
> Erm... What's a Dime Cake?
A Dime Cake is one of those afp legends. If you ever get the chance to
try one it is worth going to any lengths to ensure that you manage to.
Think creamy, meringuey, hedonistic indulgences and you'd be getting
I did have the recipe somewhere, but I can't find it now - which means
that I'll have to wait till Pam makes the next one and be there when it
gets eaten.
Carol Fawcett - DMWCarol/Mrs Tap - Ca...@lspace.org/Ca...@megabitch.tm
* * * * * All acts of love and pleasure are her rituals * * * * *
* * * * So, be excellent to each other, and party on dudes * * * *
I promise I shall make the next one when you are definitely going to be
Pam xxx
>mist wrote:
>> Erm... What's a Dime Cake?
>A Dime Cake is one of those afp legends. If you ever get the chance to
>try one it is worth going to any lengths to ensure that you manage to.
And why isn't it in the AFP Recipe Archive? That's what I want to
Pam? I think Tap is still responsible for the archive, want to mail
him a copy of the recipe? Then we can all enjoy this delicious
sounding concoction (which sounds a bit like a dessert called "Lena"
that I've had at a place called Miss Maud's in Perth - *yummy*).
Lady Kayla anno...@dwcon.lspace.org
> Andy Fawcett <t...@lspace.org> scribed to us that -
> *snip*
>> Mmmm, Dime cake!
>> Naomi, that's a cruel thing to do to someone who hasn't had Dime cake
>> for 'far too long'(tm) :-)
> Erm... What's a Dime Cake?
A cake that costs ten cents, perhaps?
HTH, etc...
Now, if only I could remember where I left my piecost...
Brian Howlett
Tag line file gone - missing, presumed accidentally formatted :-(
> Now, if only I could remember where I left my piecost...
What's a piecost?
The Pink Straightman
Paul Andinach <pand...@mermaid.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au> wrote in message
> On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Brian Howlett wrote:
> > Now, if only I could remember where I left my piecost...
> What's a piecost?
About 80p.
Sometimes I lie awake at night and wonder,where the years have gone
They have all passed under Sleeps Dark and Silent Gate.
>mist wrote:
>> Erm... What's a Dime Cake?
>A Dime Cake is one of those afp legends. If you ever get the chance to
>try one it is worth going to any lengths to ensure that you manage to.
>Think creamy, meringuey, hedonistic indulgences and you'd be getting
>I did have the recipe somewhere, but I can't find it now - which means
>that I'll have to wait till Pam makes the next one and be there when it
>gets eaten.
Mmmmmmm.... well if one's being eaten in Leeds on Nov 13th, I'll have
to come along then won't I? <drool>
Member of WWACCDE99 |Viola Pride!|
AFPCode2.0: AE-UK d s a--16 UP+ R+++ F- hp-- OS-:?C M- pp--- L+ I--
W c B+>++ Cn98-:00+ CC* PT--->+ Pu67:54 MT X? e>+ !r !x+ end
Can't promise one for that meet - I shall be somewhat occupied during the
signing - and the cake does require access to a freezer for a couple of
hours before it gets eaten but I promise one for the next accessible meet
after that. I also promise to get around to giving the recipe to Andy for
the archives - eventually *g*.
Pam xxx
/me checks the shocking list of submissions.
/me would like to apologise to the submitters of a few recipes. I'm
making them available *now*
> Pam? I think Tap is still responsible
> for the archive, want to mail him a copy of the recipe?
Pam? Go on, you *know* you want to!
> Then we can all enjoy this delicious sounding concoction
It is delicious, and I'm not even that fond of Dime bars.
> > >A Dime Cake is one of those afp legends. If you ever get the chance
> > >to try one it is worth going to any lengths to ensure that you manage
> > >to.
> > And why isn't it in the AFP Recipe Archive? That's what I want to
> > know.
> /me checks the shocking list of submissions.
> /me would like to apologise to the submitters of a few recipes. I'm
> making them available *now*
> > Pam? I think Tap is still responsible
For what one asks *g*
> Debatable.
> > for the archive, want to mail him a copy of the recipe?
I'll think about it ;)
> Pam? Go on, you *know* you want to!
Well - I may be persuaded.
> > Then we can all enjoy this delicious sounding concoction
> It is delicious, and I'm not even that fond of Dime bars.
Thank you for the product endorsement *g*
Pam xxx
I could bring a freezer bag and a couple of freezer packs and if everybody
who wanted a piece brought a cold freezer pack to the meet we could pile
them up in the freezer bag put the cake in it wait patiently for two hours
have a piece then spend the rest of the evening playing the well known party
game whose freezer pack is this ;-)
[Dime cake]
>> Rosemary Warner wrote :
>> > Mmmmmmm.... well if one's being eaten in Leeds on Nov 13th, I'll have
>> > to come along then won't I? <drool>
[Pam Harrison wrote ]
>> Can't promise one for that meet - I shall be somewhat occupied during the
>> signing - and the cake does require access to a freezer for a couple of
>> hours before it gets eaten but I promise one for the next accessible meet
>> after that. I also promise to get around to giving the recipe to Andy for
>> the archives - eventually *g*.
[Alex Carlton]
>I could bring a freezer bag and a couple of freezer packs and if everybody
>who wanted a piece brought a cold freezer pack to the meet we could pile
>them up in the freezer bag put the cake in it wait patiently for two hours
>have a piece then spend the rest of the evening playing the well known party
>game whose freezer pack is this ;-)
/me reads the thread with an expanding smile.
See Pam? for every problem is a solution... if you want it bad
I look forward to see the receipt, so I can give it a try. Oh.
dime bars are probably not sold here...
Arwen Luné
Lady in Blue, Bearer of The Key Of Sworn Secrecy,Founder of the
WWACCDE'99 organisation and sharing a body with her evil side,
Lady Macbeth. Both in the MAFPIA. Part-time (though this seems
to be controversial) clueful blonde
> [Alex Carlton]
> >I could bring a freezer bag and a couple of freezer packs and if
> >who wanted a piece brought a cold freezer pack to the meet we could pile
> >them up in the freezer bag put the cake in it wait patiently for two
> >have a piece then spend the rest of the evening playing the well known
> >game whose freezer pack is this ;-)
> /me reads the thread with an expanding smile.
> See Pam? for every problem is a solution... if you want it bad
> enough.
> I look forward to see the receipt, so I can give it a try. Oh.
> dime bars are probably not sold here...
Alex - you are incorrigible - you KNOW the reason why I can't make one for
the Leeds signing - I shall be too busy, but if you are ever-so-good I shall
make a chocolate cake instead.
Arwen - if you find you can't buy them (try an Ikea store if there is one
near you -they tend to sell them in the Swedish Food shop) then let me know
and, once the recipe is posted, I shall be happy to send you the small
supply needed.
Pam xxx
Alex(who does KNOW and would run a sweepstake on when the pics will hit the
net if he was'nt worried about his calorie intake i.e. chocolate calorie
intake ;-)
J okes of
P ython
F orbidden
>And why isn't it in the AFP Recipe Archive? That's what I want to
>Pam? I think Tap is still responsible for the archive, want to mail
>him a copy of the recipe? Then we can all enjoy this delicious
>sounding concoction (which sounds a bit like a dessert called "Lena"
>that I've had at a place called Miss Maud's in Perth - *yummy*).
<withdrawal symptoms>
For those who aren't in the know (being from the Eastern States, or
other forrin districts), Miss Maud's is a chain of
cakeshops/restaurants which appears to be exclusive to Western
Australia <sigh>. There doesn't appear to be an equivalent over here.
(I'm not going to close the tag - I'm still suffering from withdrawal
symptoms, and I miss Miss Mauds).
Meg Thornton (mag...@megabitch.tm)
Abusive email received *will* be forwarded to abuse@(yourISP).
> <withdrawal symptoms>
> For those who aren't in the know (being from the Eastern States,
> or other forrin districts), Miss Maud's is a chain of
> cakeshops/restaurants which appears to be exclusive to Western
> Australia <sigh>.
That would be because Miss Maud lives in Perth.
They are very good restaurants, though.
The Pink Pedanther
"It needed to be said." "Why did it need to be said?"