* *
* Mole Productions is Proud to Present *
* *
* Hosted by Perdita X Dream and Enrico Basilica *
* *
As if Hogswatch wasn't enough ('nuff respect, Alex),
this mole has teamed up with a soprano colleague to
offer the following meet:
When: 4pm onwards, 16 January 1999
Where: JD Wetherspoon, Tottenham Court Road
(nicely close to Forbidden Planet?)
Bring: Masks, opera glasses, Nanny Ogg's knickers
(twingtwangtwoing), full opera get-up if
desired. Musical scores, esp. opera or G&S[1]
I will be in my Enrico Basilica suit complete
with singing waistcoat.[2]
Cuddly toys.
Quote file.
Directions to the Tottenham Court Road pub:
Go to Tottenham Court Road tube station (Northern and
Central Lines). After leaving the tube station walk
past Foyles bookshop; the pub is quite a way beyond
the bookshop on the right-hand side of the road.
[1] Not GidnSuzi (hugs), but they could very well be
bringing this along...
[2] The day anyone suggested this mole had a waist was
the day this mole laughed his little cotton socks off.
- --
MegaMole - The Official Enrico Basilica, and Purveyor of the Damp Spot
Afpfiance of Julia H (xxxxx), Carol, Vonnie^H Shiv and An~ejo (wibble)
Molehill Digger, Nnith Thrid, Lord High Screecher of the Counterblasts
Molehillers and relatives know who they are (yes, Gid too). 40% AFPure
Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv
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