OK, Having just discovered that my ELVSO is able to make an Easter
visit, There will be a meet at the Prince of Wales Pub, in Cleaver
Square, Kennington... Details Below
Date: Saturday 22nd April 2000
Venue: The Prince Of Wales Public House, Cleaver Square
Time: 18:00 onwards
By Train.
Make your way to the London Terminus of your choice, then get the
underground to Kennington... (Southbound, Via the Northern Line).
>From here you can find a map at
By Car.
As already said in previous announces, I don't drive, and this
combined with the roundabout system at the end of Kennington Road
generally conspires to make my directions hopeless...
All I can say is get into London, aim for The Elephant and Castle,
and leave the roundabouts there heading south along Kennington Road
where you can follow the map referred to above... For Car-parking,
the easiest place to leave cars is Doddington Grove.
As always there is crashspace for 6-8 people...
(or 4 people Plus Charles ;) )
Any problems, and I will have a mobile Phone with me.
If you would like the number, please drop me an email
Barry R.
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