Apologies for the short notice again, this is the proper announcement of the
meet the esteemed readers of the uk-meets list read about a few days back.
Where/When: Cambridge, Burleigh Arms, 6pm on Saturday 4th May.
Why: Because there's not been a Cambridge meet since January.
How to get there: From either the station or the bus station, take the C3
going towards Fison Road. Just after the main bus station, there will be a
roundabout, where the bus turns right. Start looking out the window to your
left then. After Maids' Causeway turns into Newmarket Road, you will see a
pub with a red sign to your left. Hit the stop button then, as that's the
Burleigh Arms. The relevant stop will be about 20m further up the road. Go
in, and look for me, looking very conspicuous, or my other half, looking
inconspicuous. (More concretely, we're both dark-haired; I'm voluptuous,
he's not.)
The meet may spill over into Sunday. If you can offer, or are in need of,
crashspace, please mail me. If you feel these directions make no sense, and
would prefer having a contact phone number so as to better find us, please
also mail me.
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