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A rather late Bristol Meet report 02/10

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Oct 14, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/14/98
After a little encouragement from Suzi, I've decided it's about
time to let the cat out of the teapot and produce a meet report for
the Rocky meet of 2nd October.
(I'm only now recovering)

MEG (your humble host)
TOH (your humble host's SO)
Paul (bump1)
Rebecca (bump2)
Rocky Frisco (guest for the week)
Suzi (of Suzi fame)
Gid (of Suzi fame and a filkist of the largest order) <g>
ppint (guerrilla bookshop manager)
Graham Higgins (all the way from sunny Brummidgum)
James Higgins (all the way............

Us (well, we were 'ere all along wiff Rocky)
Graham & James only drove by twice before being spotted and were
accosted on the third pass.
after that ppint and Gid n Suzi arrived but I can't remember in
what order nor exactly how many times my directions were called
into question.

TOH had prepared lots of snacks & nibbles which were partaken of in
short shrift so more were prepared soon after.

Much debate on:-

music & musicians (including a brief but embarrassing analysis of
how much of our record collection consisted of JJCale pieces),
authors in the Sci Fi genre, artistry both Kirbyish and Kidbyish
and Higginsish :-),
operating systems and isp's and how mine are totally crap,
The OBEone and his works - a teensy weensy bit <g>
and probably a lot more I can't remember but was obviously
important at the time.

ppint persuaded Graham to sign a few Mort - Big Comics then
proceeded to flog them to the highest bidder, signed copies being
worth more, dontchaknow :-))))))))))) One of the customers
was Mr Higgins himself (can't think how that happened <bg>)

We all listened to Rocky's album
We all watched Rocky's film (who's the skinny guy with the gun?)
We all marveled at Rocky's art work.
You see, It WAS advertised as a Rocky meet after all

We took a few photos and sank a few beers (not always in that
order. We may have took a few beers and sunk a few photos)

After much too short an interval, Graham and James had to leave us
in order to ensure James was fit for Orchestra on Sat of the am.

The guitars came out (much to Mr Higgins' chagrin as he had been
hiding a coupla harps hoping to jam with the great one but was too
polite to suggest it. Maybe next time Graham ?) I suggested for the
second time that Gid should set to, putting DW words to Waltzing
Matilda but he chickened out again and I've had to do it mesself
(see Rincewind the Wizzard Filk if you haven't already deleted it).

Well, I don't know what order it happened but we sang, we talked,
Rocky crashed and we nibbled (please, no potty talk from your

At approx. 3 of the ayem we started constructing sleeping
arrangements. A bit late, I know, but fun. Gid n Suzi slept with
the pc ( I SAID no potty talk !)
SO prepared, and I began to inflate, ppint's bed (..............!)
by mouth.... STOPPIT !

Sleeping happened.

ppint's bed went down (no, I'm tempted but it would be toooooo
Rocky, having a double room all to himself, slept like a Rock.
Gid n Suzi awoke late on Sat. (slightly later than everyone else)
At which ppoint we all b*ggered off down the local hostelry for
food and beverages and ..........chocolate goodies (amply provided
by ppint - Ta! ppint)

Unfortunately Gid n Suzi had to leave us soon after so we waved
goodbye wiff tears in our eyes <sniff>.

ppint stayed another evening after cadging a wee visit to the
Kidby's (me with my mouth open all evening)

We're only now getting over it all. A big thank you to all those
who came and made it a wonderful experience.

Notable events of the duration:-

1) People came
2) The inflating of the bed
3) The wailing (another word for singing)
4) PTOBEwan 'didn't' come
5) The chocolate and FTB experience [55]
6) TOUCHING the ORIGINAL Death Plays Soul Music <bounce, bounce,
bounce, bounce......... >
7) Trying to figure out that Rocky is me and I am Rocky ..... still
working on it....
8) Jurassic Park theme tune ( thanks James :-) )

[55] Mr. Fox is being very well looked after by Rebecca (aged four
and 345/365ths) with lots of hugs and keeping warm with FredBear.

Do I have to change my afpcode now ? I can't remember.

MEG (afpianced to MiQ) ICQ 14761763 55%
AFPCode 1.1: AMu/Co d s-:- a UP++ R++ F++ h- P-- OSD-:+ C? M- pp L?
c B++ Cn PT++ !Pu 5 X-- MT--- eV r++++ x? end In therapy with Dr.
Barry R.
"I wouldn't have missed it for the Disc." (Naomi 1998) ôżô


Oct 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/15/98
- hi; in afparticle, <01bdf7b0$c1100800$> "MEG" inscribed in disturbed electrons:

>After a little encouragement from Suzi,

- ah; so the official i.m.t. dominatrix *has* bought a whip...

>I've decided it's about time to let the cat out of the teapot

- quantum's hypotheoretical teapot ?

>and produce a meet report for the Rocky meet of 2nd October.

- "huzzah !" - "huzzah !"

>(I'm only now recovering)

- i think i mostly have; but then, it wasn't this ppint.'s
*week-long* birthday party...

>MEG (your humble host)
>TOH (your humble host's SO)

- that's jeff, not chris ? [1] - has he forgiven us for
the invasion, yet ?

>Paul (bump1)

- who suddenly spoke up and wasn't anywhere near as surly
as his expression had suggested he might be - he just hadn't
been interested, 'til then [- save in the unlimited crisps,
crudites, & sundry other nibbles <g> -]...

>Rebecca (bump2)

- who is at least as mad as her mum, and a delight [as well
as a regular pita at times, doubtless - but can prob'ly get
away with most things in life by expressing remorse; & turn-
ing on the *charm* (t.m.) <g>]

>Rocky Frisco (guest for the week)

- hiya, rocky; so how was glastonbury tor, by night ?

>Suzi (of Suzi fame)

- [see above]; and relaxing, not needing to drive anyone any-
where, 'til morn^W evening - not even gid <fx: whipcrackaway> !

>Gid (of Suzi fame and a filkist of the largest order) <g>

- unca gid o' de rota; and a truly fine voice on him, too;
drag or drive him in to record, oh official i.m.t.dominatrix !

>ppint (guerrilla bookshop manager)

- ook !

>Graham Higgins (all the way from sunny Brummidgum)

- and much too quiet, until far too late;

>James Higgins (all the way............

- very quiet, and ensconced with paul upon the 'puter, for
most of the night;

>Us (well, we were 'ere all along wiff Rocky)
>Graham & James only drove by twice before being spotted and were
>accosted on the third pass.
>after that ppint and Gid n Suzi arrived but I can't remember in
>what order

- nor can i; things were already a bit blurry, by the time
this ppint. arrived;

>nor exactly how many times my directions were called into question.

- <snurkle>; be warned, afpeople: when MEG says "islands",
she just _possibly_ may mean "roundabouts" [a] <g>...

>TOH had prepared lots of snacks & nibbles which were partaken of in
>short shrift so more were prepared soon after.

- and devoured with equal gusto by all and sundry, whatever
their size...

[my excuse being that i'd not eaten aught since approx. 9 am]

>Much debate on:-
>music & musicians (including a brief but embarrassing analysis of
>how much of our record collection consisted of JJCale pieces),

- <fx:> ahem; /s/JJCale/Reg Dwight - no ? [1]

>authors in the Sci Fi genre, artistry both Kirbyish and Kidbyish
>and Higginsish :-),

- which gave yr hmbl srppnt the germ of an evil plot <g>;

>operating systems and isp's and how mine are totally crap,

- 'tis true; 'tis true;

>The OBEone and his works - a teensy weensy bit <g>

- would not have wanted to over-egg the cake, now, would we ? [1]

>and probably a lot more I can't remember but was obviously important
>at the time.

- or not; but of interest, or of significant enjoyability, -
and usually, to more than just two (or one ! <g>) of us;

>ppint persuaded Graham to sign a few Mort - Big Comics then
>proceeded to flog them to the highest bidder, signed copies being
>worth more, dontchaknow :-))))))))))) One of the customers
>was Mr Higgins himself (can't think how that happened <bg>)

- <hmpf>. did *not* "flog" them to anyone *_at_*_all_* -
this ppint.'s middle name *ain't* "dibbler" (no, nor my last
name, neither) - and that ain't my style, not nohow. <hmpf>.

- i merely allowed a MEG that happened to be in the area, the
following day, to avail herself of the happenstance opportunity
of the availability of the rare presence of a copy of the said
volume exceptionally being propinquant and convenient to her...

- and was further requested to furnish her merkin houseguest with
a copy of whichever edition he desired, which request being made
telephonically, from brummagen, and by the volumes' signatory, it
being a pleasure to assent and oblige...

>We all listened to Rocky's album
>We all watched Rocky's film (who's the skinny guy with the gun?)
>We all marveled at Rocky's art work.
>You see, It WAS advertised as a Rocky meet after all

- indeed; but these occurred before any mere mercantile trans-
actions, and by considerably more than one period of sleep, and
opportunity for reflection;

>We took a few photos and sank a few beers (not always in that order.
>We may have took a few beers and sunk a few photos)

- not this ppint, yer 'onner - i never did neither, i din't !

- well, maybe the odd giraffe...<g>...

>After much too short an interval, Graham and James had to leave us in
>order to ensure James was fit for Orchestra on Sat of the am.

- mind you, that young man looked as though he'd be fit for
anything, at any time - anything, and any thing - very self
assured, composed, and mature. looks as though he'll be look-
ing after graham pretty well <g>.

>The guitars came out (much to Mr Higgins' chagrin as he had been
>hiding a coupla harps hoping to jam with the great one but was too
>polite to suggest it. Maybe next time Graham ?) I suggested for the
>second time that Gid should set to, putting DW words to Waltzing
>Matilda but he chickened out again and I've had to do it mesself
>(see Rincewind the Wizzard Filk if you haven't already deleted it).
>Well, I don't know what order it happened but we sang, we talked,
>Rocky crashed and we nibbled (please, no potty talk from your

- wha ?

- ymts it was potty time, an' no-one told me ? - oh bentine !
>At approx. 3 of the ayem we started constructing sleeping arrange-

>ments. A bit late, I know, but fun. Gid n Suzi slept with the pc
>( I SAID no potty talk !)

- well, folk gets their kicks in different ways; if that's what
boots you...

>SO prepared, and I began to inflate, ppint's bed (..............!)
>by mouth.... STOPPIT !

- <giggle>; <fx: innocent>: stop what ?

>Sleeping happened.
>ppint's bed went down (no, I'm tempted but it would be toooooo crude)

- <fx: innocently>: is such a thing possible of our beloved MEG ?

>Rocky, having a double room all to himself, slept like a Rock.

- owww...

>Gid n Suzi awoke late on Sat. (slightly later than everyone else)

- by the odd two or three houris...

>At which ppoint we all b*ggered off down the local hostelry for
>food and beverages and ..........chocolate goodies (amply provided
>by ppint - Ta! ppint)

- you're welcome; there should also've been some savoury
nibbles; but i disremember, now, if i'd found them in time...

>Unfortunately Gid n Suzi had to leave us soon after so we waved
>goodbye wiff tears in our eyes <sniff>.

- no, no; the <sniff> was 'cos of catching a whiff of this
ppint.'s niff - yr hmbl srppnt'd been loading and unloading
boxes of books, and checking & repacking baxes of books, and
driving fast but as safely as this ppint. knows how, for a-
bout six days, by then, and not had time for a bath since the
previous tuesday night; just a couple of strip-washes; but
you were the perfect host, and not only didn't mention it,
but, when i apologised for it, denied all knowledge of this
ppint.'s ppong...

>ppint stayed another evening after cadging a wee visit to the Kidby's
>(me with my mouth open all evening)

- <<g>>: my official excuse for this, being that i had to re-
visit them, in order to select, purchase and pay for stock of
their new range of sepia tint (well, line &c.) discworld cards
for this hogswatch season, and in general...

[- and this ppint. managed to get lost once again, for the 2nd
time this autotrek, once in the neighbourhood of the desired
destination; my defence is that i'd never driven to radstock rd.
from the _west_ before - an' it changed its name to something
else, an' i was confuzelled...]

>We're only now getting over it all. A big thank you to all those who
>came and made it a wonderful experience.

- "glad to be of service..."

>Notable events of the duration:-
>1) People came
>2) The inflating of the bed
>3) The wailing (another word for singing)
>4) PTOBEwan 'didn't' come
>5) The chocolate and FTB experience [55]
>6) TOUCHING the ORIGINAL Death Plays Soul Music <bounce, bounce,
>bounce, bounce......... >

- <<<g>>> - :-)))

>7) Trying to figure out that Rocky is me and I am Rocky ..... still
>working on it....

- raccoon delights in confuzeling people...

>8) Jurassic Park theme tune ( thanks James :-) )
>[55] Mr. Fox is being very well looked after by Rebecca (aged four
>and 345/365ths) with lots of hugs and keeping warm with FredBear.

- i had not doubted it; but many thanks for the reassurance,
'becca (and MEG); and it is good to hear that he's making new

>Do I have to change my afpcode now ? I can't remember.

- that depends <g>; do you plan on repeating the event, or
one similar ?

- love, ppint. ['ware uce-trap "v"; remove it, to reply...]

[a] - that's "carousels" for merkins... [b]

[b] - 'ware recurrant thread-crossings...[c]

[c] - "many times..." <g>
"decadence, n: the finest flowering of civilisation" - ppint., 8/72


Oct 15, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/15/98
"ppint." <> wrote:
> - hi; in afparticle,
> "MEG" inscribed in disturbed

> >ppint persuaded Graham to sign a few Mort - Big Comics then

> >proceeded to flog them to the highest bidder, signed copies
> >worth more, dontchaknow :-))))))))))) One of the
> >was Mr Higgins himself (can't think how that happened <bg>)
> - <hmpf>. did *not* "flog" them to anyone *_at_*_all_* -
> this ppint.'s middle name *ain't* "dibbler" (no, nor my last
> name, neither) - and that ain't my style, not nohow. <hmpf>.
> - i merely allowed a MEG that happened to be in the area, the
> following day, to avail herself of the happenstance opportunity
> of the availability of the rare presence of a copy of the said
> volume exceptionally being propinquant and convenient to her...
> - and was further requested to furnish her merkin houseguest
> a copy of whichever edition he desired, which request being made
> telephonically, from brummagen, and by the volumes' signatory,
> being a pleasure to assent and oblige...

forgive me, ppint. Me overstepping the bounds of 'econgnomic with
the truth'.
My jocular reference to what was a perfectly spontaneous
transaction appears to have backfired. I apologise.




Oct 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/16/98
- oh, *bugger* - in afparticle,
<01bdf87f$594e9860$>, "MEG" took the wrong bit seriously:

> "ppint." <> [yup, it was me] wrote:
>> - hi; in afparticle,
> <01bdf7b0$c1100800$>
>> "MEG" inscribed in disturbed electrons:

>>>ppint persuaded Graham to sign a few Mort - Big Comics then
>>>proceeded to flog them to the highest bidder, signed copies
>>>being worth more, dontchaknow :-))))))))))) One of the
>>>>customers was Mr Higgins himself (can't think how that
>>>happened <bg>)
>> - <hmpf>. did *not* "flog" them to anyone *_at_*_all_* -
>> this ppint.'s middle name *ain't* "dibbler" (no, nor my last
>> name, neither) - and that ain't my style, not nohow. <hmpf>.
>> - i merely allowed a MEG that happened to be in the area, the
>> following day, to avail herself of the happenstance opportunity
>> of the availability of the rare presence of a copy of the said
>> volume exceptionally being propinquant and convenient to her...
>> - and was further requested to furnish her merkin houseguest
>> with a copy of whichever edition he desired, which request
>> being made telephonically, from brummagen, and by the volumes'
>> signatory, it being a pleasure to assent and oblige...
>forgive me, ppint. Me overstepping the bounds of 'econgnomic with
>the truth'. My jocular reference to what was a perfectly spontaneous

>transaction appears to have backfired. I apologise.

- no, no, love; it did not: 'twas my clumsiness, or over-
sight in omitting a "<g>" or three from the "<hmpf>"s; so
your apology is not accepted, 'cos it was not needed.
- yes, indeed best MEG, on whose floor i've ever slept;
best MEG as has ever organdised an afpmeet during her
birthday party; best MEG as is mum to paul & 'becca and
partner to jeff not chris; and best MEG as has ever re-
frained from complaining about this ppint.'s trying to
find the kidby's lane turn-off along the *wrong*bit* of
radstock road...

- pax ? - or i'll go on and on and on about this MEG's
magnificent personal qualities as may be afpreciated
rather more than she currently realises, until she says
we're quits, just to shut this ppint. up <g><fx: threat>

- love, ppint. ['ware uce-trap "v"; remove it, to reply]

pp.s. - and i seem to recall the comment from *someone*
on the meetnight "oh no ! - now they're geeking
*_potatos_* !" - you wouldn't remember who that'd've
been, now, would you, dearest MEG ?
"...And even if it is autocombustion, at least it's keeping me warm...!"
- gsteemso 971020 (20/10/97) (10/20/97 for merkins)


Oct 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/16/98
ppint. wrote:
> - hi; in afparticle, <01bdf7b0$c1100800$>
> "MEG" inscribed in disturbed electrons:
> >
> >After a little encouragement from Suzi,
> - ah; so the official i.m.t. dominatrix *has* bought a whip...

*mwahahahahaha* <ahem>... [1]


> >Well, I don't know what order it happened but we sang, we talked,
> >Rocky crashed and we nibbled (please, no potty talk from your
> >direction).
> - wha ?
> - ymts it was potty time, an' no-one told me ? - oh bentine !

Whoops... showing of age there I feel... <g>... (mind - even I can
remember that, and I seem to recall being the "adult" baby of the meet -
which makes a change :-/)


> >Gid n Suzi awoke late on Sat. (slightly later than everyone else)
> - by the odd two or three houris...

I was tired, y'r'honour!... I had driven all the way to Bristol from
Bedford straight from work... I was surprised I stayed awake as long as
I did on the Friday night.



[1] Still not convinced about the boots though

(PS... tsk tsk... no tags so one added <g>)
(afpetitesister to Ross, Peter, Lottie & Selina and afpcousin to Thomas)
"You could turn it into Suzi, and it sounded as though you danced on
tables for a living.." Soul Music
New to afp? and browse

Rocky Frisco

Oct 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/16/98
ppint. wrote:

> - hiya, rocky; so how was glastonbury tor, by night ?

One of the most magical places I've ever visited. Definitely not to be
missed. I recommend it to all.

Rocky, JJ Cale Band & Pratchett Books:
Rocky's Mini Cooper Page:
Mini Books:


Oct 16, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/16/98
Rocky Frisco <> wrote:

> ppint. wrote:
> > - hiya, rocky; so how was glastonbury tor, by night ?
> One of the most magical places I've ever visited. Definitely not
to be
> missed. I recommend it to all.

I feel very privileged, Rock, to have been involved in your
realising one or two childhood aspirations.

Stonehenge has been Rocky'd
Glastonbury Tor has been Rocky'd

Hope to have photos soon but the video on the Tor didn't come out
as it was dark. (Explanation: Rocky wanted to be on the tor at
sunset. I think we just made it. Boy! it was windy)

Thank you for your company.



Philippa Chapman

Oct 17, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/17/98
On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 21:51:44 GMT, "MEG" <> wrote:

>Rocky Frisco <> wrote:
>> ppint. wrote:

>> > - hiya, rocky; so how was glastonbury tor, by night ?

>> One of the most magical places I've ever visited. Definitely not
>to be
>> missed. I recommend it to all.

I concur. I live in Glastonbury! There is TALK (and that's all it is at
present) of doing a multi-media con in/near Glastonbury, but it'll be at
least 2000, probably 2001. At the time of writing, I am envisioning a
Highlander/Xena/Discworld theme. Yes, Pterry will be invited in due
course, once things look 'on'.

>I feel very privileged, Rock, to have been involved in your
>realising one or two childhood aspirations.
>Stonehenge has been Rocky'd
>Glastonbury Tor has been Rocky'd
>Hope to have photos soon but the video on the Tor didn't come out
>as it was dark. (Explanation: Rocky wanted to be on the tor at
>sunset. I think we just made it. Boy! it was windy)

It always is, even on the stillest, hottest days.

>Thank you for your company.

| |
| Philippa Chapman, |
| Glastonbury, Somerset, UK. |
| |
| <> |
| |
| ) |
| O{\\\\\O}:::|----------------- |
| ) |
| |
| There can be only One...waiting |
| for the final Leap Home. |
| |

Rocky Frisco

Oct 17, 1998, 7:00:00 AM10/17/98
MEG wrote:

> Stonehenge has been Rocky'd
> Glastonbury Tor has been Rocky'd
> Hope to have photos soon but the video on the Tor didn't come out
> as it was dark. (Explanation: Rocky wanted to be on the tor at
> sunset. I think we just made it. Boy! it was windy)

> Thank you for your company.

Thank YOU for making it possible.

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