I noone responds with objection by the beginning of next week I'll post a
formal announcement put up a web page with details of bus/train times/web
sites and a map of how to get there. I'll also put up email addresses of
people offering crash space (I may be able to offer some).
There is also a new Wychwood pub opening soon which should be worth giving
a try!
Stewart Tolhurst
Remove everything from the . to the @ to email me!
The only problem with the Turf is it can get a bit packed.
> Time 2pm (14:00) 'till whenever.
> If other people want to meet up a bit later we can arrange a time and
> place.
Anyone want to sugest any activitys for the following day too ?
> I noone responds with objection by the beginning of next week I'll post a
> formal announcement put up a web page with details of bus/train times/web
> sites and a map of how to get there.
There is a web site for Oxford somewhere... With Map and usual stuff
those things have...
Those who went to Ox Meet Pi should rember how to get to the Turf.
(Despite my instructions *hangsheadinshame*)
> I'll also put up email addresses of
> people offering crash space (I may be able to offer some).
As a lot of people tend to want to come to Oxford Meets, Crash space
usualy fills up. So crash space will always be apreciated.
> There is also a new Wychwood pub opening soon which should be worth giving
> a try!
Another Pub ? So the evil plan of converting all the buildings in Oxford
to pubs continues...
- J
SigVersion 4.3<9729...@brookes.ac.uk>New .sig file, old posts
This sig has 4 lines of under 72 characters - so should yours!
No web page 'cause I can't be arsed: no quotes either, not one
Stewart Tolhurst <97344209...@brookes.ac.uk> wrote in article
Forgot the date!?!
Saturday 10th October (doh, doh, doh).
Day after Bedford beerfest meet.
People with crash space email me.
I've got a good map of Oxford with all the major landmarks (i.e. pubs - and
the pubic transport routes!) scanned so I'll stick that up over the
(Who left his brain somewhere recently - has anyone seen it? Must be
around here somewhere as I haven't been anywhere else much!)
*8-) Chris
Stewart Tolhurst wrote:
> OK there seems to be enough interest.
> There have been requests for a day meet.
> Therefore I'm suggesting a lunchtime (to afternoon) meet at The Turf
> Tavern.
> Time 2pm (14:00) 'till whenever.
> If other people want to meet up a bit later we can arrange a time and
> place.
> I noone responds with objection by the beginning of next week I'll post a
> formal announcement put up a web page with details of bus/train times/web
> sites and a map of how to get there. I'll also put up email addresses of
> people offering crash space (I may be able to offer some).
> There is also a new Wychwood pub opening soon which should be worth giving
> a try!
> Stewart
>OK there seems to be enough interest.
>There have been requests for a day meet.
>Therefore I'm suggesting a lunchtime (to afternoon) meet at The Turf
>Time 2pm (14:00) 'till whenever.
>If other people want to meet up a bit later we can arrange a time and
Is it still on the 10th, though? (Assume it is, but not stated).
ICQ: 10385934
Deploro Solus Lupus
John Warden <jo...@warden.prestel.co.uk> wrote in article
Are you an editor? I think this is the second time you've picked up on my
typing :)