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Conrod Mercer

Jan 1, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/1/96
I am trying to obtain information about the earlier Earls of
Salisbury, namely the third earl, William LONGSWORD or LONGESPEE, the
illigitimate son of Henry II, king of England and his father-in-law,
also William, whose daughter Ela or Isabel DEVEREUX, Longsword

Any information on Ela, the two Williams and Ela's ancestory would be
greatly appreciated.


Conrod Mercer
28 Hosking Street, Brenthurst, Brakpan, 1540, RSA
eMail :

Alan B. Wilson

Jan 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/3/96
One line from Ela, wife of William Longespee, Earl of
Salisbury, to Charlemagne is as follows:

1. Charlemagne King (2 Apr 747 - 28 Jan 814)
& Hildegard of Linzgau Countess (758 - 30 Apr 783)
2. Pepin of Lombardy King (Apr 773 - 8 Jul 810)
& Bertha of Toulouse ? (Circa 777 - )
3. Bernard of Italy King (Circa 797 - 17 Apr 818)
& Cunigunde (Kunigunde) (Circa 797 - 15 Jun 835)
4. Pepin of Peronne Count (817/818 - 892)
5. Herbert I de VERMANDOIS Count (Circa 840 - 902)
& Beatrice (Bertha) of Morvois
6. Beatrix de Vermandois (Circa 880 - after Mar 931)
& Robert I Count of Paris (866 - 15 Jun 923)
7. Hugh Magnus of France Duke (Circa 895 - 16 Jun 956)
& Hedwig of Saxony (Circa 921 - 10 May 965)
8. Hugh Capet of France King (941 - 24 Oct 996)
& Adelaide de Poitou Lady (Circa 950 - 15 Jun 1006)
9. Gisele of France ? Princess (Circa 964 - )
& Hugues I de Ponthieu Count (Circa 956 - Circa 4 Jul 1000)
10. Enguerrand I de Ponthieu Count (Circa 980 - 1046)
& Adele of Holland (Circa 982 - )
11. Hugues II of Ponthieu Count (Circa 1000 - 20 Nov 1052)
& Bertha of Aumale (Circa 998 - )
12. Enguerrand II de Montreuil Count ( - 25 Oct 1053)
& Adelaide of Normandy ( - before 1090)
13. Guy I of Ponthieu Count (Circa 1030 - 13 Nov 1100)
& Ada ? (Circa 1034 - )
14. Agnes de Ponthieu comtesse (Circa 1060 - 1103)
& Robert II de Alencon comte (Circa 1052 - 8 May 1131)
15. Guillaume "Talvas" d'Alencon comte (Circa 1090 - 30 Jun 1171)
& Alice\Eva\Helie\Ela of Burgundy (Circa 1094 - 1191/1194)
16. Ela \ Adela Talvas (Circa 1120 - 4 Oct 1174)
& Patric de Salisbury Earl (Circa 1105 - 27 Mar 1168)
17. William FitzPatrick of Salisbury Earl (Circa 1140/1150 - 17 Apr 1196)
& Eleanor de VITRIE ( - 1232/1233)
18. Ela FitzWilliam of Salisbury Countess (1187 - 24 Aug 1261)
& William Longespee of Salisbury Earl (Circa 1173 - 7 Mar 1225/1226)

This entire line can be traced, albeit circuitously, in
Schwennicke (ed.), Europaische Stammtafeln [ES]. Following the
ES volume and table numbers by the generation numbers used above
in parentheses: i, 2 (1-3); iii, 49 (3-6); ii, 10 (6-7); ii, 11
(7-9); iii, 635 (9-14); iii, 637 (14); iii, 638 (14-16); iii,
356a (17-18). Generations 13 through 18 can also be found in
Weis, Ancestral Roots, line 108.

The ancestry in the male line of Ela of Salisbury can be
found in Cokayne, Complete Peerage, xi, 373-385, under

1. Edward of Salisbury (Circa 1050 - Before 1130)
2. Walter FitzEdward de Salisbury (Circa 1075 - Before 1147)
& Sibyl de Chaworth (Circa 1090 - Before 1147)
3. Patric de Salisbury Earl (Circa 1105 - 27 Mar 1168)
& Ela / Adela Talvas (Circa 1120 - 10 Oct 1174)
4. William FitzPatrick of Salisbury Earl (Circa 1140/1150 - 17 Apr 1196)
& Eleanor de Vitrie ( - 1232/1233)
5. Ela FitzWilliam of Salisbury Countess (1187/1191 - 24 Aug 1261)
& William Longespee of Salisbury Earl (Circa 1173 - 7 Mar 1225/1226)

The addition of the name "Devereux" to members of this
family is explained in Cokayne, xi, 373, n. b as follows:

"According to the Book of Lacock, he [Edward, #1, above] was
the son of Walter le Ewrus, Earl of Rosmar, a fictitious person,
and br. of Gerold, Earl of Rosmar, b. in Normandy before the
conquest (Dugdale, Mon., vol. vi, p. 501). The nickname "le
Ewrus" (=l'heureux, or the fortunate) was converted into "de
Evreux" by later writers, with the result that the family has
been given the name of Devereux and has been tacked on to the
Norman Counts of Evreux (see the tabular pedigree given by
Planche, Journal of the Brit. Arch. Ass., vol. i, p. 39; cf.
Appendix G to this volume). For the exposure of this mistake
see Herald and Genealogist, vol. iv, p. 149. "Rosmar" is an
error for Roumare (Normandy), which was not a comte (cf. ante,
vol. vii, sub Lincoln); but the statement that Edward was br. of
Gerold de Roumare, though apparently accepted by Nichols, Arch.
Inst., Salisbury vol., 1849, p. 213, and in the 1st ed. of this
work, is baseless."

Alan B. Wilson

Tim Allison

Jan 11, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/11/96
In article <>, GEN-MEDIEVAL
<> wrote:

This suggestion may sound strange, but I suggest that you check Roberta Gellis'
Roselynde series. Yes, I know it's fiction, but she does her homework and
may include a bibliography, or you might be able to contact her for her
Carol Mitchell

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