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my new conversion kit from cox@home and getting this to work with linux

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Jan 18, 2002, 12:00:54 AM1/18/02
I was recenly sent a conversion kit from cox to switch over from the
@home network to cox's network...has anyone gone through getting this
new network connected on their linux box? What are the gorey details
with it? I heard that you are authenticated with a username and
password through a webpage and then cox's system provisions you based
on the nic's MAC address you connected with? I use regular linux dhcp
client and I don't use X-Windows so I don't think I can do these
instructions the traditional way. Any ideas?


Rod Smith

Jan 18, 2002, 10:54:02 AM1/18/02
[Posted and mailed]

In article <>, (kleetus) writes:
> I was recenly sent a conversion kit from cox to switch over from the
> @home network to cox's network...has anyone gone through getting this
> new network connected on their linux box? What are the gorey details
> with it?

1) Unpack CD-ROM from the vast quantities of air used as padding in
the ludicrously oversized box Cox sent.
2) Throw CD-ROM away. (Alternate: Use CD-ROM for coaster. Alternate 2:
Use CD-ROM to create interesting lights in your microwave oven.)
3) Browse to and fill
out the form. This will create a new Cox e-mail account for you.
(Note: This site has been overloaded and even completely down from
time to time. Try it in off hours, like during a weekday morning or
afternoon, or perhaps very late at night.)
4) Change the settings in your mail and news readers. Use smtp.*
for outgoing mail relays, if you're using @Home for that now;
pop.* for incoming mail; and news.*.cox net for news. In all
cases, "*" is one of "east", "west", or "central", depending upon
your area. (All currently point to the same system, but true separate
servers are rumored to be planned.) You can continue using the old
@Home servers until they die (probably in late February, but don't
assume they'll last that long).
5) Leave your DHCP client configured as it is now. You'll eventually be
able to omit the hostname option, but leaving it in will do no harm.
It's conceivable that some Linux DHCP clients or configurations that
work with @Home won't work with Cox, so you may eventually need to
fiddle with it, but I don't have any definitive information on this,
so the best bet is to leave it as-is and futz with the configuration
if and only if you have problems.

There's also a procedure for copying over Web pages, if you use @Home
for them. I don't, so I've not bothered to read up on that procedure.

Rod Smith,
Author of books on Linux & multi-OS configuration

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