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The Way, the Truth and the Life!

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Jul 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/22/96



1. The real, original and genuine Name of our Creator in the
original Hebrew Holy Scriptures is "YAO-HOO" and that of the
genuine Messiah is "YAO-HOO-SHUA." (accented on the syllable

2. Salvation is found in nobody else for there is no other
name under heaven given to men for salvation except:
"YAOHUSHUA" - Acts 4:12, Holy Scriptures.

3. Whoever calls upon the Name of "YAOHUSHUA" shall be saved
from all the curses and penalties of sin, such as poverty,
diseases, failures, bankruptcies, losses, earthquakes, wars,
frustrations, AIDS, torment, insanity, family breakdowns,
rebellions, divorces, tragedies, natural catastrophes,
violence, death and hell - Deuteronomy 28, Holy Scriptures.

4. All have sinned and come short of the glory of YAOHU UL,
the Holy One of Israel; and the wages of sin is death. That's
why unless a person is spiritually REBORN, he cannot enter
the Kingdom of YAOHU UL! - John 3:3, Holy Scriptures.

(pronounced: yao-hoo ool, accented on the syllable "yao")

5. For YAOHU UL so loved the world that He gave His one and
only Son, the Messiah YAOHUSHUA, that whoever believes in Him
shall not perish but have eternal life! - John 3:16, Holy

6. Salvation is a FREE GIFT of YAOHU UL, out of the richness
of His grace, not of works, lest anyone should boast; no one
shall be justified in YAOHU UL's sight by obedience to the
law, for to break a single command in the law of Moses is the
same as breaking all of them! - Ephesians 2:8-9 and James
2:10, New Testament, Holy Scriptures.

7. And this is eternal life: that you may know YAOHU UL, the
only true Creator and the Messiah Whom He sent - YAOHUSHUA!
- John 17:3, Holy Scriptures

8. YAOHUSHUA is the only way, the truth and the life, and no
one can approach the Father, YAOHU UL, except through the
Messiah YAOHUSHUA alone! All you have to do is to believe in
His Name, make and receive the Messiah YAOHUSHUA in your
heart as your one and only personal life Ruler and Savior!
All you need to do is to repent, believe and trust the
Messiah YAOHUSHUA to save you! - John 14:6, 1:12-13, Holy

9. YAOHUSHUA the Messiah died in your behalf, as your
personal Substitute, and He personally suffered the penalties
of all your sins! All you must now do is to believe and
receive all the benefits of His redemptive work, it's that
easy and simple. All your sins were already forgiven when the
Messiah YAOHUSHUA took on Himself all the penalties of your
sins, and the only thing you must do now is to REPENT then
believe, receive and personally appropriate for yourself all
the eternal benefits of His total, complete redemption!

10. Our Creator-Head exists in a TRIUNE Eternal Nature: the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. "Triune" means three
fully-united Eternal Beings. - 1 John 5:7, Holy Scriptures

11. You must not use the most-reverend, original Name of
YAOHU UL disrespectfully nor irreverently. You will not
escape YAOHU UL GABBOR's punishment if you do. - Exodus 20:7,
Holy Scriptures

12. The most-revered Name of our Creator-Head was CHANGED
when the Hebrew "Holy Scriptures" was translated into
different languages and dialects; thus, the Name of our
Creator and His Messiah was CHANGED into DIFFERENT names of
various pagan and cultic idols!

Be sure you are not relying on fake creators and false
messiahs! Beware! It's your life and only soul at risk!
Prepare for eternity now!

Discover truths that will set you free! Truths long ignored
by many and which only the original Messiah YAOHUSHUA can
reveal to honest seekers of truth!

YAOHUSHUA is the Truth! YAOHUSHUA is the genuine Messiah and
no one else! He can really save, deliver, heal, protect,
prosper and help you!

Remember, THERE IS NO OTHER NAME under heaven given to men
for salvation except this Name above every name: YAOHUSHUA!

Salvation is found in no other name, repeat, no other name!

Call or write soonest for your free literature which reveal
clear, obvious yet ignored facts in the Holy Scriptures
(Biblia Hebraica)!

"'YAOHU' - this is My Name forever by which I am to be called
and remembered from generation to generation!" - Exodus 3:15,
Holy Scriptures

"Salvation is found in nobody else for there is no other name
under heaven given to men for salvation except the Name:
YAOHUSHUA!" - Acts 4:12, Holy Scriptures

For further enlightening revelation knowledge, please
avail of the following HTML or TEXT files soonest:

Titles Filenames

"YAO-HOO-SHUA" The Messiah yahush.txt
"YAOHUSHUA" The Healer and Exorcist healer.txt
"Messiah's Qualifications" quali.txt
"Free Gift Especially for You!" gifts.txt
"YAOHUSHUA in the Triune Eternal" triune.txt
"How to Deal With Your Authorities" author.txt

These are some of the most-important files you'll ever read
in your entire life! So quickly avail of all these
highly-revealing files now for your spiritual awakening and
growth! These files are available in HTML, TEXT and ZIP
compressed format at the following Internet sites:

FTP Mirror Sites:


E-mail Address:

WWW Mirror Sites:


CompuServe Religion Forum Library:

Library (6) - Interfaith Dialogue Section
Library (22) - Messianic Believers Section

CompuServe E-Mail Address:

Postal Mailing Address:

P. O. BOX 1482,

Please send a postal, fax or E-mail request for your free
copies of the above publications and/or for these text files
to be transmitted free to your computer soonest! Contact now!

At the mention of the Name: YAOHUSHUA, every knee must bow in
heaven, on earth, and under the earth, to the glory of YAOHU
UL in heaven!

Contact us now at this E-Mail address:

Do it now!

Every knee must bow at this Name: Y A O H U S H U A !

Y A O H U S H U A - the authentic Name above every name!

Whoever calls upon the Name "YAOHUSHUA" shall be saved!

Search for the TRUTH, and the truth shall set you free!

Y A O H U S H U A - the only hope in this world!

Believe and receive Him now!

All this given to you al Shuam YAOHUSHUA MEHUSHKHAY, amnao!

=== End of File ===

Kari Yli-Kuha

Jul 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/22/96
to writes:
: 1. The real, original and genuine Name of our Creator in the

: original Hebrew Holy Scriptures is "YAO-HOO" and that of the
: genuine Messiah is "YAO-HOO-SHUA." (accented on the syllable
: "hoo")

home URL ??
/Kari (male, btw.)
The first half of life consists of the capacity to enjoy without the chance;
the last half consists of the chance without the capacity. -Mark Twain

Vincent Schonau

Jul 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/22/96

Quoting Kari Yli-Kuha, on 22 Jul 1996 11:00:36 +0300, in the thread
Re: The Way, the Truth and the Life!:

> writes:
>: 1. The real, original and genuine Name of our Creator in the

>: original Hebrew Holy Scriptures is "YAO-HOO" and that of the
>: genuine Messiah is "YAO-HOO-SHUA." (accented on the syllable
>: "hoo")

> writes:

But this one is better:
> writes:

user anonymous
cdw /pub
get GOD


Vincent Schonau
In matters of conscience, the law of majority has no place.

Religious Fanatic Spam Police

Jul 22, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/22/96
to wrote:

> Y A O H U S H U A


Yeah, I know, I read them in the National Enquirer, too!

> 1. The real, original and genuine Name of our Creator in the
> original Hebrew Holy Scriptures is "YAO-HOO" and that of the
> genuine Messiah is "YAO-HOO-SHUA." (accented on the syllable
> "hoo")

No, you read that wrong, actually you read an ancient advertisement
for "Yahoo", it's a kind of chocolate milk. Kids really like it.
Comes out of New York someplace.

> 2. Salvation is found in nobody else for there is no other
> name under heaven given to men for salvation except:
> "YAOHUSHUA" - Acts 4:12, Holy Scriptures.

Actually, you can get salvation by avoiding worshipping phony books.
I learned that after I stopped worshipping the Yellow Pages, the
Sears, Roebuck Home Furnishings catalog, and the L.L. Bean Summer
Clothing Catalog.

> 3. Whoever calls upon the Name of "YAOHUSHUA" shall be saved
> from all the curses and penalties of sin, such as poverty,
> diseases, failures, bankruptcies, losses, earthquakes, wars,
> frustrations, AIDS, torment, insanity, family breakdowns,
> rebellions, divorces, tragedies, natural catastrophes,
> violence, death and hell - Deuteronomy 28, Holy Scriptures.

Aw, come on, really, a chocolate milk can do all that? What, is it
organic and spiked with spirulina or something?

> 4. All have sinned and come short of the glory of YAOHU UL,
> the Holy One of Israel; and the wages of sin is death. That's
> why unless a person is spiritually REBORN, he cannot enter
> the Kingdom of YAOHU UL! - John 3:3, Holy Scriptures.

I don't really WANT to visit the Kingdom of Yahoo. I heard it's a
ripoff tourist trap. I'd rather visit the Bahamas or someplace else
with nice beaches.

> 5. For YAOHU UL so loved the world that He gave His one and
> only Son, the Messiah YAOHUSHUA, that whoever believes in Him
> shall not perish but have eternal life! - John 3:16, Holy
> Scriptures

Yeah, right. Where should I send my money? But who wants to live
forever anyway, could you imagine the wrinkles?

> 6. Salvation is a FREE GIFT of YAOHU UL, out of the richness
> of His grace, not of works, lest anyone should boast; no one
> shall be justified in YAOHU UL's sight by obedience to the
> law, for to break a single command in the law of Moses is the
> same as breaking all of them! - Ephesians 2:8-9 and James
> 2:10, New Testament, Holy Scriptures.

Does Yahoo give out Veg-a-Matics as the free gift instead of
salvation? I'd rather have the Veg-a-Matic.

But aw, Jeez, who broke Moses' law? Gee what a shame.....those stone
tablets are a real bitch to repair.

> 7. And this is eternal life: that you may know YAOHU UL, the
> only true Creator and the Messiah Whom He sent - YAOHUSHUA!
> - John 17:3, Holy Scriptures

Well I wish he would have called ahead of time and let me know he's
sending this Yahoo guy. I mean, I already have enough to do this
evening, I'm stressed out. Maybe if he comes after dinner it'll be ok
and we can sit around and chat, have a drink, smoke a joint or

> 8. YAOHUSHUA is the only way, the truth and the life, and no
> one can approach the Father, YAOHU UL, except through the
> Messiah YAOHUSHUA alone! All you have to do is to believe in
> His Name, make and receive the Messiah YAOHUSHUA in your
> heart as your one and only personal life Ruler and Savior!
> All you need to do is to repent, believe and trust the
> Messiah YAOHUSHUA to save you! - John 14:6, 1:12-13, Holy
> Scriptures

Oh good, I'm glad somebody's coming to save me from all this stuff I
gotta do. First, he can help with the laundry, and then he can help
cook dinner. If he's handy with tools (does this Yahoo guy have any
carpentry skills?) maybe he could help finish off that basement
project we've been working on. The problem is, though, does this
Yahoo guy have his Green Card? I don't want no illegal immigrants
working on my house, in case I want to be President someday.

> 9. YAOHUSHUA the Messiah died in your behalf, as your
> personal Substitute, and He personally suffered the penalties
> of all your sins! All you must now do is to believe and
> receive all the benefits of His redemptive work, it's that
> easy and simple. All your sins were already forgiven when the
> Messiah YAOHUSHUA took on Himself all the penalties of your
> sins, and the only thing you must do now is to REPENT then
> believe, receive and personally appropriate for yourself all
> the eternal benefits of His total, complete redemption!

Wow, sounds GREAT to me!! Don't I need to send in some money to
someplace though, to enjoy all these benefits of this, what is this,
like a pyramid scheme? And where are these redemption centers where I
can get my free gift???

> 11. You must not use the most-reverend, original Name of
> YAOHU UL disrespectfully nor irreverently. You will not
> escape YAOHU UL GABBOR's punishment if you do. - Exodus 20:7,
> Holy Scriptures

I didn't know the Gabor sisters bought out Yahoo!! Was this some
kind of hostile takeover or something? And wow, now they have an
armed sales force to beat up people who infringe their trademark??

> 12. The most-revered Name of our Creator-Head was CHANGED
> when the Hebrew "Holy Scriptures" was translated into
> different languages and dialects; thus, the Name of our
> Creator and His Messiah was CHANGED into DIFFERENT names of
> various pagan and cultic idols!

So he's probably got a whole bunch of different I.D. cards and drivers
licenses? Way he can get speeding tickets all over the
place and all he has to do is give the cop one of these phony I.D.'s,
and nobody would know he's got a bad driving record a mile long. Man,
I wish I was the Messiah, then, I could drive like a real badass.

> Be sure you are not relying on fake creators and false
> messiahs! Beware! It's your life and only soul at risk!
> Prepare for eternity now!

Yes, I agree, insist on 100% genuine Yahoo. Beware of cheap

> Discover truths that will set you free! Truths long ignored
> by many and which only the original Messiah YAOHUSHUA can
> reveal to honest seekers of truth!

How will he reveal himself, does he have some long raincoat, like some
kind of flasher?

> YAOHUSHUA is the Truth! YAOHUSHUA is the genuine Messiah and
> no one else! He can really save, deliver, heal, protect,
> prosper and help you!

All right, I'm sold! I'll buy one. Does it come in a spray can or a
bottle? And how am I supposed to put it on? You're pretty vague with
the directions on how to apply this stuff.

> Remember, THERE IS NO OTHER NAME under heaven given to men
> for salvation except this Name above every name: YAOHUSHUA!


> Salvation is found in no other name, repeat, no other name!

Now you've got me really confused. Where the Hell is "no other name"?
How in the Hell can I find this salvation spray or ointment if you
don't tell me what stores carry it?

> Call or write soonest for your free literature which reveal
> clear, obvious yet ignored facts in the Holy Scriptures
> (Biblia Hebraica)!

Yeah, right, you just want to get us on your mailing list for some
direct marketing gimmicks.

> "'YAOHU' - this is My Name forever by which I am to be called
> and remembered from generation to generation!" - Exodus 3:15,
> Holy Scriptures

So you recommend Yahoo stock as a long-term investment? Do you think
it's suitable for retirement plans?

> "Salvation is found in nobody else for there is no other name
> under heaven given to men for salvation except the Name:
> YAOHUSHUA!" - Acts 4:12, Holy Scriptures

You should do something about that cold of, try some of
my Thera-Flu.

> E-mail Address:

Co-anal? Is that some new kind of psychological disorder. like

> CompuServe E-Mail Address:

> Postal Mailing Address:

> P. O. BOX 1482,

> Please send a postal, fax or E-mail request for your free
> copies of the above publications and/or for these text files
> to be transmitted free to your computer soonest! Contact now!

Aw, man, I'll do that right NOW! I've been WAITING for this stuff!
Thanks SO much for turning us on with your great stock tips!

> At the mention of the Name: YAOHUSHUA, every knee must bow in
> heaven, on earth, and under the earth, to the glory of YAOHU
> UL in heaven!

Oh, Jesus Christ, man, don't get carried away..... I mean, yeah, I
think it's great chocolate milk, but not THAT great.....

> Contact us now at this E-Mail address:

> Search for the TRUTH, and the truth shall set you free!

Yep, I'll keep searching. You should too, since there ain't none

> All this given to you al Shuam YAOHUSHUA MEHUSHKHAY, amnao!

Wow, dude, we are all Eternally Grateful.

> === End of File ===

Thank God.

Religious Fanatic Spam Police

Kari Yli-Kuha

Jul 23, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/23/96

A small correction: (Vincent Schonau) writes:
: But this one is better:

: > writes:
: >
: ftp
: user anonymous
: password
: cdw /pub

image // assuming that GOD is not 7-bit...

: get GOD
: close

: Vince.


/Kari (male, btw.)

I was irrevocably betrothed to laughter, the sound of which has always
seemed to me the most civilised music in the world. -Peter Ustinov

Vincent Schonau

Jul 24, 1996, 3:00:00 AM7/24/96

Quoting Kari Yli-Kuha, on 23 Jul 1996 13:06:38 +0300, in the thread

Re: The Way, the Truth and the Life!:

>A small correction:
> (Vincent Schonau) writes:
>: But this one is better:
>: > writes:
>: >
>: ftp
>: user anonymous
>: password
>: cdw /pub
>image // assuming that GOD is not 7-bit...
>: get GOD
>: close
>: Vince.


WARNING: do not try to ftp to if you have a slow link. GOD is
a very large file.


Vincent Schonau

We're free people. We belong to no one. Kirk, stardate 3259.2.

Oct 10, 2012, 10:18:05 AM10/10/12
Hi all,

Religion has truth in it. Don't jump to conclusion. First consider then say something. some of these elements are the very core and basic elements discussed at Candid window:

I mean why would anyone not consider that which is truthful, wholesome and good for their life, think about it.


Oct 10, 2012, 5:36:40 PM10/10/12
On Wed, 10 Oct 2012 07:18:05 -0700 (PDT),

>Hi all,
>Religion has truth in it. Don't jump to conclusion. First consider then say something. some of these elements are the very core and basic elements discussed at Candid window:
>I mean why would anyone not consider that which is truthful, wholesome and good for their life, think about it.
You will tell me that Islam is good for me? Or Hinduism

Ratatosk, Jola
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