which would define a new conditional variable 'conditionaName' set to the
optional value. Value would be either \True or \False
Set a conditional to a value. Value could be either \True or \False.
some latex text...
This would only include the text between the \begin and \end if the
conditional is set to \True.
I currently do not understand enough of raw TeX to create this my self so
any assistance would be helpful...
Thanks in advance
Ken Poppleton
Ken Poppleton
The ifthen package does this. Include in your file the line
Then set your variable to true or false by
\newcommand{\condition}{true} or \newcommand{\condition}{false}.
Then you can use the following statement:
blah-blah %this is printed iff \condition is set to true
another blah-blah %this is printed otherwise
Good luck
Here's a portion of a bibliography that typesets journal titles
abbreviated or in full depending on the value of a flag. Maybe
something like this is what you had in mind?
--------------------------cut here--------------------------
% \abbreviationsfalse
Halley,~Edmund (1694). A new, exact, and easy method of finding the roots
of any equations generally, and that without any previous reduction
(Latin). \ifabbreviations {\sl Philos.\ Trans.\ Roy.\ Soc.\ London\/} \else
{\sl Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London\/} \fi {\bf
18}, 136--148. [English translation: \ifabbreviations {\sl Philos.\ Trans.\
Roy.\ Soc.\ London\/} \else {\sl Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society of London\/} \fi (abridged) {\bf 3}, 640--649 (1809).]
Schr\"oder,~E.\ (1870). On infinitely many algorithms for solving
equations (German). \ifabbreviations {\sl Math.\ Ann.\/} \else {\sl
Mathematische Annalen\/} \fi {\bf 2}, 317--365. [English translation by
G.W.~Stewart, TR-92-121, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, 20742]
Kobald,~E.\ (1891). Notice concerned with the calculation of roots of
numerical equations (German). \ifabbreviations {\sl Monatsh.\ Math.\ und
Physik\/} \else {\sl Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik und Physik\/} \fi {\bf 2},
----------------------------cut here-------------------------
Hope this helps,
Tom Scavo