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Regarding PhotoReading and Subliminal Dynamics

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Feb 10, 1998, 3:00:00 AM2/10/98

About a week ago, someone has requested a comparison between PhotoReading
and Subliminal Dynamics. There was a recent post to the image streaming
listserve from a gentleman who was trained in both. I had to get
permission from the author is order to repost this, so I apologize for the

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To: Multiple recipients of list imagestreaming <>
Reply-To: "Imagestreaming" <>
From: Walter Terry <>
Subject: RE: Image Streaming: Photoreading and mental photography
Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 17:34:16 -0800
X-Priority: 3
MIME-Version: 1.0

I was hoping I could stay out of this thread, but as it began to evolve,
then I felt an increasing obligation to speak out because I've taken
both courses, and was an instructor for one of them (and not the one
that worked, unfortunately). I was an instructor for Richard Welch's
Subliminal Dynamics for a short time from '92 to '93 (if memory serves
me correctly). I took the basic course, then shortly afterwards, took
the instructor's course. I loved the "potential" for Subliminal
Dynamics , but its actuality left much to be desired. In my initial
class, only myself and a couple of others realized tangible results from
the instruction. The instructor's course was absolutely pathetic --
consisting mainly of Welch and his wife reading aloud from the
instructor's manual for 5 days. Arrgghh.

Even back then, during the instructor's course Welch was passing around
a copy of Scheele's newsletter and talking about how Scheele ripped off
and betrayed him -- yada yada yada. I agree with Larry (which prompted
my response) -- if Welch had a legitimate claim -- he would have taken
Scheele to court years ago. I spent many hours working with Richard
Welch and I can tell you that if he could have taken Scheele to court,
he would have -- in a heartbeat.
He hasn't because he can't. Oh well, at least he's only fouling his own
nest by putting such garbage on his own website.

A number of questions came to mind as I watch all of this unfold -- if
Subliminal Dynamics has truly been around since '75, then why didn't
Welch develop it more completely? How did Welch miss the boat and not
be where Scheele is today? Why is Welch instead, reduced to putting
"sour grapes" style of information on his website?

Here is what I learned the hard way, based on horrendous and costly
experience -- Welch doesn't know how to make his own "subliminal
photography" work for the masses. Subliminal Dynamics doesn't work
except for a handful of people (mostly people who are already
disciplined in some form of neurotechnology), and he doesn't know why or
how to make it more universally workable. Scheele found a way --
however he did it. I don't care whether he ever attended an Subliminal
Dynamics class or not. If he did, then he found a way to make a good,
undeveloped idea into a functional tool for accelerate learning.

IF Scheele really did attend Welch's class, and IF he really did borrow
heavily from Welch's data (many of us instructors found Welch's claims
to be full of "creative truths") -- then I congratulate Scheele for
taking a crippled idea and building it into such a remarkable and
growth-oriented company. By contrast, what's Welch done with Subliminal
Dynamics ? The company has a fifth-rate website, and he is undoubtedly
still touring the country with his wife giving classes in rundown
accommodations to the unfortunate few deceived by his sales patter
(picture Robert Preston in "Music Man" -- it worked on me). Perhaps if
Welch spent less time rigging his site with venomous accusations against
another and poured more resources into developing untapped niches for
this technology, niches that Scheele has yet tapped into -- he'd realize
some of the fruits that Scheele continues to reap.

For me, the bottom line is that it doesn't matter whether Scheele did or
did not take Welch's course. I've taken both courses -- Subliminal
Dynamics doesn't work and PhotoReading does. That's my experience.
It's that simple.

Like I said, I didn't want to get involved in this thread. My time with
Subliminal Dynamics was a bitter, hard-won and expensive experience, and
I'd prefer not to dwell on it. However, I thought it was important that
someone speak on Scheele's behalf, someone who had experienced both
technologies and could speak from that informed perspective. I find
that people "vote" on technologies that they sense can improve their
lives. When I look at the classy and functional materials and
technology from Scheele's Learning Strategies, and when I see the
incredible growth that company is experiencing; I can only look at
Subliminal Dynamics and what Welch has accomplished -- and conclude that
the people have already voted.

In my never-to-be-humble opinion/experience,
Walter Terry

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