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Designer sin is Savage beyond belief

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Raleigh Myers

Aug 3, 2003, 12:30:12 PM8/3/03
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers
Worksheet bio


Designer sin is Savage beyond belief

Five thousand religions with a different designer sin package are
generating (tantamount to teaching hate) some five thousand or so groups of
designer heathen, who are treating the human race as some kind of a contest
which of course has to be won or won over depending on what is 'blowin in
the wind'.

Stoning deaths for women who don't hide themselves completely in some
faiths and lesbian and gay bishops in the Episcopal faith is quite a
spread. So when the religious right with their insidious political baggage,
most prominent are the right wing Victorian family values ruminations
blaming poverty on the immorality of the poor, so as to justify trashing
the safety net exposes designer sin as a political tool. The safety net was
to some how cushion the economic Darwinism inherent in market forces at
work like the great terrain robbery driving people from their land into
cities for too few jobs to keep wages below the poverty level _ work for food.

The present day irony is the attempt for the Misguided Christian Right to
fund and lobby for what amounts to a fundamentalist theocracy attempting to
justify the high moral ground for outright piracy. One wonders what is to
be said of all the other religions, governments and sovereign citizens who
don't condone investor - corporate piracy and the racist, cultural genocide
and eugenics involved in the swindle of the world's commons _ exterminating
and displacing the indigenous _ the great terrain robbery?

With some overdue bluntness brought to bear we might say the Enron profit
before people administration are instrumental in gaming the life support of
humanity to the point of actually instigating piracy. "Why are you so
unlike your Christ" is the way Gandhi put it referring to the English rape
of India and western genocide against the defenceless (the meek) for
investor gain in general. The investors most responsible for global
destruction are less than one percent of the US population where US is 5%
of world population.


The height of hypocritical republican self righteousness is their attempt
to make their, genocidal- Eugenics hidden agenda disappear after Trent Lott
revealed his soul. After all isn't Eugenics the general job description of
a racist aiding and abetting genocide of those who resist the piracy of
investor - corporatism - fascism. It is savage beyond belief! The ten most
censored stories are mostly about the Eugenics agenda in various stages of
completion _ the opposite of the Archetype of fairness.


Aiding and abetting or claiming the high moral ground concerning global
climate change is the most heinous of the commons crimes in this calender
cycle. A fossil fuel Enron administration killing the Kyoto treaty because
it would hurt the economy (their profits) outs the Eugenics mindset they
did not want to talk a "LOTT" about. Killing the planet is the ultimate act
of Eugenics, Cultural Genocide and Racism. We are children of the universe
and have a right to 'be' here.

THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS as an introduction of the 25,000 year
calender is the reality at hand!

The children of the universe, the right to be here generation _ the meek
taking their prophetic inheritance out of probate is not a conspiracy far
less a special interest but the prime interest. We need to sort our the
'what is from what ought' the part of the Covenant that the three Abrahamic
religions have yet to even bring up for mutual discussion let alone
accomplish. Gandhi (the why are you so unlike your Christ fame) brought
this out and still no discussion. The covenant is simply utilizing the
planet in a natural way or cosmic order, leaving it pristine for the
unborn. This covenant of Melchizedek with Abraham represents in it's
simplicity, the archetype of fairness. Fairness begins with allowing cosmic
intelligence to supercede mortal mistakes _ may the force be with you
putting another way.

Whether you see cosmic intelligence unfolding out of the box as the
artistic community has done metaphorically, such as the Speelberg - Lucas
interpretation as the force with cosmic operatives like Yoda and the Jedi
Knights in Starwars, Henry Winkler's McGiver solving problems unique to
planet survival or from the Wachowski brothers' Neo in the Matrix exposing
advanced fascism as the problem and becoming the one,
or or even Touched by an Angel depicting the daily routine case work
involved building on the basic ideology and goals of the school of
Melchizedek (Mentor to the Prophets)
it makes no matter.

The need to implement the Archetype of fairness is an occupation with few
takers. From a nuts and bolts POV one might explain the procedure from a
behavioral science -planetary management point of view. In order to empower
humanity we need to switch on the global brain whereby the collective
consciousness becomes the advice and consent of the global village _ the
people rule? In other words extending the spirit of the Covenant for all
the people of the planet to accomplish. Beginning by pointing out a flaw in
the tapestry: That being the five thousand or so religions and cults
getting through to the other side of the mammonist agenda based scripture
twisting designer sin driven divisiveness of the designer heathen thing.
The three Abrahamic religions comprise a major portion of the planet's
population, when they come to grips with their Covenant's archetype of
fairness omission, the essential part of the many other prophetic teachings
will spark a rethinking of their praise the lord and pass the ammunition
short comings also. All it takes is the faith in the knowledge base (order
of the universe) whereby what ever is done it empowers our progeny and
allows the redistribution of time as all the prophets in this calender
cycle have intimated.

Unlocking the path, showing the routs and channels to accomplish this is
the job at hand _ the tapestry of life's daily routine case work .

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi: "Whenever you are in doubt.... apply the
first test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may
have seen, and ask yourself if the step you contemplate is going to be any
use to him. Will he gain anything from it? Will it restore him to a control
over his own life and destiny? True

development puts first those that society puts last".

The redistribution of Time, ending the worship of Mammon ( Belzebub) , and
most important the unfinished Covenant issues involving faith in the work
of the creator knowledge base seeking out a sustainable low foot print life
support system within the Solar budget.
This is facilitated by operating the planet from a Premise _ the bare
bodkins of non-calamity.


A small contingency of self anointed worthies (disturbed control freaks)
religions zealots designing crime and sin to divide and to confuse has in
so many words held our prophetic inheritance in abeyance a virtual probate
of sorts.

As Thomas Paine put it two hundred years ago: We have the opportunity to
start a new world. We are the children of the universe each aware of being
the missing piece to the greater puzzle and the key to the mystery of the
ages. We have a right to be here and take this awareness to empower our
progeny as a gift to the unborn. Let us begin! Let us pool our keys to the
mystery of the ages to begin the synaptual switching on the global
intelligence and morph into the collective consciousness. Carl Jung brought
awareness to this phenomenon with the unfurling the mysterious collective
un consciousness.

By collectively sharing our unique part of the knowledge base (key to the
mystery of the ages ) we as a global population can open this opportunity.
With this renaissance we transform the great un consciousness from a
mystery to the collective consciousness reality facilitating our
transcendence from what is to what ought.

The meek shall inherit the Earth is the known part of this missing puzzle
given to us as the cosmic clue and the acquired awareness to recognize how
this two millennia old factoid fits into the puzzle. By pooling our
collective missing part to the greater puzzle and key to the mystery of the
ages awareness and sharing sustainable life support technology we upgrade
the standard of living for all defusing competition for life support _
ending economic Darwinism. We continue the Gandhi strategy of prevailing by
subtraction rather than force of arms _ we are the world and 99% strong.
The film "The shoes of the fisherman" suggested that the church redirect
it's wealth to this exercise. Or put another way the writers of that script
put the church through the ringer of complicity. It was scripture twisting
that justified slavery, anointed the worthies, was the platform for
designer sin-crime and the motor of divisiveness keeping the empowerment of
humanity in limbo.

As a drogue to evil that all belief systems can understand: The empowerment
of our progeny as job one. The human soul has been blinded by the eye for
an eye of endless praise the lord and pass the ammunition revenge. Our way
of forgiving the folly of attempting to live outside the solar budget was
to recite the Frost Poem in our Evening's Frost show and our American tours.

Our play seems out for an almost infinite run.

Don't mind a little thing like the actors fighting.

The only thing I worry about is the sun.

We'll be all right if nothing goes wrong with the lighting!

All the worlds' a stage and all the men and women merely players.

Are you ready to do your part?

The premise a bill of rights


Transcend from what is to what ought




Savage beyond belief

The shocking report from Larkana of a girl being stoned to death

for daring to dance at a marriage ceremony is shocking. The shameful

episode happened earlier this week before dozens of villagers. The girl's

uncle fired at her after seeing her dance at the ceremony. She tried

to escape but was followed by several men who then beat her with sticks.

The poor girl's nightmare did not end there: she was then taken to

her village where her hands were chopped off and she was then stoned

to death.

Her body has not been found: it is said that it was either thrown

into a canal or a well. The brutality of this terrible act is too much to

describe in words.



Human beings have a need or desire for a meta narrative--whatever that

meta narrative might be. In the United States, we wish to believe that we are

"one nation" (under god). Human beings within a culture need to feel that

they are united or connected to one another.

Persons within a particular culture may feel united by virtue of their

belief in a certain idea. This is a question of group psychology. To be in a

certain group is to feel that one shares certain ideas with others.

A good way to get at the "group belief system" is to pose the question:

"What would make everyone in the group angry if you said it in public?"

A meta narrative is a cultural belief, which means it is something to

be shared. This is different from a personal opinion.

In the United States, for example, most persons belief that "All

persons should vote and participate in the democratic process." We believe in

"democracy." This is a meta narrative that holds us together.

If someone went on television and said, "I don't vote and don't believe

that voting is necessary," people would be angry at that person. As

Americans, we believe that one is supposed to vote and participate in the

democratic process. Peter Berger used to talk about "of course" statements.

"Of course" statements are the meta-narratives of a group. These are

ideas that everyone believes are true. Persons within a group barely are

capable of articulating the idea (or ideas) that hold them together. The

unconscious belief systems are those that create a sense of "oneness."

Academic groups have meta narratives. These are the "shared truths"

that everyone is supposed to believe in if you want to be a member of that

group, to feel you are "at one" with others in the group.

People do not articulate the ideas that create the sense of oneness

within the group. However, if a person is within that group and does not

share the fantasy that holds the group together, persons sense this. Members

of the group feel uncomfortable. The individual is not "one of us," not "our


This person is experienced as an "infidel" or "nonbeliever." The

infidel or nonbeliever is someone who disrupts the sense of "oneness" within

the group, the shared fantasy that holds it together.

In recent American history, a "splitting" process has occurred. This is

what is meant by the "death of grand narratives." Three television stations

disintegrated into five-hundred.

Dissatisfaction with the meta-narrative of a particular group leads to

the development of another meta-narrative.This is why academic groups have

"divisions" or "sections."

Eventually, the continuation of the splitting process (culture or group

fragmentation) might result in "individuality," which means that each person

holds his or her own opinion and has no need to identify with a meta


However, if one speak of the "individual," then one might be excluded

from the academic group, because the current meta narrative is that "the

subject does not exist," but is only constituted by the "other" of culture.

To say that "the subject does not exist" is a meta-narrative that

arises when one gives too much power to the "great other" of culture in the

hope that one can fuse with an omnipotent entity that will "live on" in time

(the "superorganic").

Persons who read and know a lot (who are deeply to language) tend to

identify with "culture." They seek omnipotence through oneness with the meta

narrative of history, civilization, etc. By overestimating the power of

culture in the quest for omnipotence, the power of the subject is diminished.

Too great an attachment to culture acts to negate the self. Therefore,

one says, "The subject does not exist," or "There is no other but the other,"

or "The self is culturally constituted."

Paradoxically, then, one attains a sense of self through negation of

the self--by virtue of "identification" with the meta narrative of culture.

One denies the existence of individuality in order to embrace a fantasy of

omnipotence that elevates "civilization" to a position superordinate to the


The idea of "hegemony" constitutes the fulfillment of a wish.

Best regards,

Richard K.

Richard Koenigsberg, Ph. D.

Director, Library of Social Science


Shakespeare Sonnet-a-Day


No, Time, thou shalt not boast that I do change:

Thy pyramids built up with newer might

To me are nothing novel, nothing strange;

They are but dressings of a former sight.

Our dates are brief, and therefore we admire

What thou dost foist upon us that is old,

And rather make them born to our desire

Than think that we before have heard them told.

Thy registers and thee I both defy,

Not wondering at the present nor the past,

For thy records and what we see doth lie,

Made more or less by thy continual haste.

This I do vow and this shall ever be;

I will be true, despite thy scythe and thee.


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Check out the newsgroups in my sig below for more "organized usury" hand
writing on the wall prophetics.


Cross post post haste

Acting together we can make a difference
Please send these messages to as many people as possible.

Fight Fascism - Corporatism and the stranglehold they hold on our government.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good people to do nothing." Edmund Burke


FOLKSAY(people say) ............."THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND,
Global village Planetary anthem and in essence we voted for citizen
empowerment as we sung it. Now let's get it officially on record with
electronic direct democracy.
THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS is the reality at hand! The
children of the universe, the right to be here generation _ the meek taking
their prophetic inheritance out of probate is not a conspiracy.

Direct Democracy replaces Representative Oligarchy

In the mean time Questions to candidates chosen by the oligarchy.

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers

Worksheet bio

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