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Message From Rev. Falwell On Bombings

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Ben Douglass

Sep 13, 2001, 7:49:34 PM9/13/01
I happened to be surfing the networks today looking at people's reactions to the
terrorists bombings...

I turned right at the 700 CLUB at 12:50 PM today and found Pat Robertson
interviewing the honorable Reverend Jerry Falwell. Falwell categorically blamed
"...gays, lesbians, feminists and the ACLU..." for the bombings on the East
Coast. He went on to rationalize his claim that *these people* have so
corrupted the moral fiber of our nation that the attack became inevitable.

He next claimed that Americans rage should be "directed towards these people and
yes, I am pointing my finger at these people for the horrible events of the last
48 hours."

This said from a man who claims to be a man of God...

Benjamin Douglass - ["Agitate, Educate, Liberate"]
Remove 666 before sending email [Only a SPAMMER deserves to die!!!]


Sep 13, 2001, 8:26:50 PM9/13/01
"Ben Douglass" wrote ...

> I happened to be surfing the networks today looking at people's reactions to
> terrorists bombings...
> I turned right at the 700 CLUB at 12:50 PM today and found Pat Robertson
> interviewing the honorable Reverend Jerry Falwell. Falwell categorically
> "...gays, lesbians, feminists and the ACLU..." for the bombings on the East
> Coast. He went on to rationalize his claim that *these people* have so
> corrupted the moral fiber of our nation that the attack became inevitable.
> He next claimed that Americans rage should be "directed towards these people
> yes, I am pointing my finger at these people for the horrible events of the
> 48 hours."
> This said from a man who claims to be a man of God...

Falwell is a self obsessed deluded skum, better ignored.
Maybe he should go overseas and try to convert the Taliban.



Sep 13, 2001, 9:10:03 PM9/13/01
I was thinking we stick his ass to the front of the first missle we lob

Some People Fall For Everything ..Others Stand For Nothing

Dirk Bruere

Sep 13, 2001, 11:00:08 PM9/13/01

"Ben Douglass" <> wrote in message

> I happened to be surfing the networks today looking at people's reactions
to the
> terrorists bombings...
> I turned right at the 700 CLUB at 12:50 PM today and found Pat Robertson
> interviewing the honorable Reverend Jerry Falwell. Falwell categorically
> "...gays, lesbians, feminists and the ACLU..." for the bombings on the
> Coast. He went on to rationalize his claim that *these people* have so
> corrupted the moral fiber of our nation that the attack became inevitable.
> He next claimed that Americans rage should be "directed towards these
people and
> yes, I am pointing my finger at these people for the horrible events of
the last
> 48 hours."
> This said from a man who claims to be a man of God...

With Bin Laden, that makes two of them.
In a strange kind of way he is correct, although his analysis does not go
deep enough, and stops at his preferred scapegoats.


John Starrett

Sep 13, 2001, 10:32:36 PM9/13/01

I was thinking rat poison enema.

John Starrett
"We have nothing to fear but the scary stuff."


Sep 13, 2001, 11:51:51 PM9/13/01
Regarding Falwell: At least one thing can be said of this world: It sure
doesn't suffer from a lack of clueless idiots.


Ben Douglass wrote in message <>...


Sep 14, 2001, 4:38:53 AM9/14/01
I think he's cute LOL
(_¸.·' Raan <--straight male

"John Starrett" <> wrote in message


Sep 14, 2001, 4:39:47 AM9/14/01

"Dirk Bruere" <> wrote in message

As in the moral corruption of humanity is general?


Sep 14, 2001, 7:55:43 AM9/14/01
<shudder> Falwell's words are on all the news shows as an example of the
same kind of thinking that lead to the terrorist actions. Maybe there is
hope afterall.... some people are smart enough to see through this sort
of thing. Thanks for sharing this Ben!


Sep 14, 2001, 10:32:57 AM9/14/01
So, you're saying his absolute opinion without shades of moral equivalence
is irrelevant? Can you for a moment even wrap a brain cell around what he
actually said. Or, do you just want to get off with your pointy-headed
accomplices on yucking about Rev. Falwell?

"Men of God" usually have no trouble acknowledging a moral position for
they've somewhat mastered the concept of "What goes around, comes around."

Is your point of view so myopic that you can't encompass his opinion?

Your original philosophical premise may be flawed.

But, of course it's so politically correctly in vogue to hammer the Rev.

A very purple Tinky Winky to you, Ben. I hope you and your morally
challenged band of "...gays, lebians, feminists, and ACLU..." get every
opportunity to keep hammering away ["Agitate, Educate, Liberate"] until your
point of view comes 360 degrees around.

"Ben Douglass" <> wrote in message


Sep 14, 2001, 10:57:54 AM9/14/01
(Major surgery performed to snip unessentials, word wrap,
and bottom post originally top posted material. My comments
appear on the bottom.)

survivor wrote:

> > "Ben Douglass" wrote:
> >
> > I turned right at the 700 CLUB at 12:50 PM today
> > and found Pat Robertson interviewing the honorable
> > Reverend Jerry Falwell. Falwell categorically
> > blamed "...gays, lesbians, feminists and the ACLU..."
> > for the bombings on the East Coast. He went on to
> > rationalize his claim that *these people* have so
> > corrupted the moral fiber of our nation that the
> > attack became inevitable.
> >
> > He next claimed that Americans rage should be
> > "directed towards these people and yes, I am
> > pointing my finger at these people for the horrible
> > events of the last 48 hours."
> >
> > This said from a man who claims to be a man of God...
> >

> So, you're saying his absolute opinion without
> shades of moral equivalence is irrelevant?

Reverend Falwell's absolute opinion is based not just on
irrational, even nonsensical association; but also seeks
to agitate anger and hatred towards groups of people that
he hates, just because he hates them, in a time when
America is looking for a real enemy.

Such mindless bigotry and hatred is anachronistic, and
belongs in the realm of Fascism, a dead philosophy. I
would even suggest that it offers aid and comfort to our
real national enemies.

As such, the best that can be said about Reverend Falwell's
comments are that they are irrelevant. The worst is that
his comments approach the criminality of filing a false
alarm with the police or fire department.

"Nature abhors a peasant. You will soon see
a violent demonstration of this fact."

Dirk Bruere

Sep 14, 2001, 11:25:30 AM9/14/01

"nu-monet" <> wrote in message

> > So, you're saying his absolute opinion without
> > shades of moral equivalence is irrelevant?

> Reverend Falwell's absolute opinion is based not just on
> irrational, even nonsensical association; but also seeks
> to agitate anger and hatred towards groups of people that
> he hates, just because he hates them, in a time when
> America is looking for a real enemy.

> Such mindless bigotry and hatred is anachronistic, and
> belongs in the realm of Fascism, a dead philosophy. I
> would even suggest that it offers aid and comfort to our
> real national enemies.

> As such, the best that can be said about Reverend Falwell's
> comments are that they are irrelevant. The worst is that
> his comments approach the criminality of filing a false
> alarm with the police or fire department.

You don't belive the connection is made.
He does.

Can either of you offer any kind of proof?



Sep 14, 2001, 11:37:15 AM9/14/01
Falwell apologizes to gays, feminists, lesbians

September 14, 2001 Posted: 2:55 AM EDT (0655 GMT)

LYNCHBURG, Virginia (CNN) -- The Rev. Jerry Falwell said late Thursday
he did not
mean to blame feminists, gays or lesbians for bringing on the terrorist
attacks in
New York and Washington this week, in remarks on a television program
earlier in
he day.
<story cont.> :-)

Joe Cosby

Sep 14, 2001, 12:10:12 PM9/14/01
"Raan" <> hunched over a computer, typing
thunder crashed, "Raan" <> laughed madly, then

"Moral corruption", if you think about it, basically means people
acting in a way the person speaking doesn't like.

Somebody would have to really work to convince me that two men in love
and having sex is "more morally corrupt" than a pack of religious
lunatics slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians in honor of an
invisible sky-god.

Joe Cosby


Sig by Kookie Jar 5.98d

Joe Cosby

Sep 14, 2001, 12:14:15 PM9/14/01
nu-monet <> hunched over a computer, typing
thunder crashed, nu-monet <> laughed madly, then

Personally I would take it further.

In the climate today, I would call what Falwell is doing an incitement
towards violence towards these people.

I would call that a much higher crime than a false alarm. After Osama
bin Laden's success using precisely the same hate-mongering, I would
call it attempted murder.

Show me that your footglands are bigger, metaphysically speaking, than my

Joe Cosby

Sep 14, 2001, 12:36:11 PM9/14/01
"Dirk Bruere" <> hunched over a computer, typing
thunder crashed, "Dirk Bruere" <> laughed madly,
then wrote:

I don't believe that the world was created six thousand years ago in a
puff of magic by Yahweh the bearded sky-god. They do.

I could offer loads of proof: in fact I have on numerous occasions on
usenet. They won't hear it. That's 'faith' for you.

Nu-monet seems to be thinking logically to me. Falwell certainly
doesn't. Do you really need the logical points of this to be
developed? They seem obvious and fatuous to me.

But, to me that's largely beside the point. If people want to harbor
an irrational belief, fine. I saw a guy's website where the guy
thinks he's Peter Pan. Fine. I hope his loved ones help him conduct
a decent life amidst his delusions, but fine if he wants to believe
he's Peter Pan. A sad disease, but not one I want to change.

But if somebody is going to -incite violence- then I think it becomes
another thing altogether. And with us in effectively a state of war,
claiming irrationally that homosexuals are 'the enemy' IS,
unambiguously, inciting violence towards them.

It's got nothing to do with 'fashionable political correctness'. It's
got everything to do with somebody's loonie fantasies spilling over to
the point that they are -dangerous-.


Tell me honestly, really think about this.

You know there are people in this country who listen to Falwell;
religiously in both sense of the word. Who consider him a true and
worth mouthpiece of the One Great Invisible Sky God. You know there
are many who follow him who already hate homosexuals for religious
reasons. You know that a large number of these heard/read Falwell's

Honestly, answer this. How many acts of violence do you think will be
directed towards homosexuals as a result of Falwell's denunciation,
which would not have occured otherwise?

Are you really blithe enough to honestly answer "none"?


The 'moral climate' created by Xtian hate preachers is being absorbed,
and has been absorbed, in this country for decades, centuries. White
Christians searching for a sense of pride and superiority have
absorbed it gladly. Decades of being told "THEY are inferior and YOU
must hate them". I've talked to these people on usenet, there's no
rational thought to it. They absorb it because it's emotionally

And it gives them pride, fine. But it leaves them with the need to DO
SOMETHING ABOUT IT. To strike out.

To refuse to sell a homosexual a home. To beat up homosexuals in the

Or to strike out at the 'conspiracy' which allows homosexuals to
thrive. And supresses the One True Order.

The bombing in Oklahoma could not have occurred without the 'moral
climate' produced by decades of hate-mongering.


I do believe in morality, and I believe in objective morality. I
believe there -are- moral absolutes. Chief among these is "treat
other people the way you wish them to treat you".

It makes psychological sense. It makes logical sense. It's a sound
basis for a body of social law, which will work to produce a thriving

And best of all we don't need some invisible sky-god to pronounce it
in a great booming voice in order to believe it. We can figure it out

But despite that, it's a message that is stressed in every religion,
so we can at least potentially get the Peter Pans of the world to
accept it.

"You mean my whole fallacy's wrong."
- Marshall Macluhan


Sep 14, 2001, 12:18:05 PM9/14/01
Well, I'm glad that that's cleared up. I wonder what Laura Shlessinger and
Bob Larson's POV is on these matters? Not that it matters to me personally,
but they do influence a lot of people's thinking. And in my view, they often
fall far short of expressing the universal.
Was it William Falkner who said that the particular is the universal?



cher wrote in message <>...


Sep 14, 2001, 12:30:02 PM9/14/01
He, Falwell, lives in the dark ages!

With gratitude & love,

"cher" <> wrote in message


Sep 14, 2001, 12:33:11 PM9/14/01
No apology is going to erase his words from people's minds. Especially those who
hate and want to lash out at anyone that is different then themselves.

With gratitude & love,

"cher" <> wrote in message


Joe Cosby

Sep 14, 2001, 1:07:52 PM9/14/01
"HU" <> hunched over a computer, typing feverishly;

thunder crashed, "HU" <> laughed madly, then wrote:

>He, Falwell, lives in the dark ages!

Which would be OK by me, if that's what he wants, but he wants US to
live in the dark ages too.


I wish some of his fans would go to Afghanistan and see what life
under the Taliban is really like, if they're so hot to live in a
religious fundamentalist state.

>With gratitude & love,

I don't need to test my programs. I have an error-correcting modem.
- Om I. Baud


Sep 14, 2001, 2:13:59 PM9/14/01
Can anyone dispute that Muslim terrorists accomplished the horrors on

Can anyone dispute the clash of cultures?

In Muslim eyes our permissive society is a complete abomination.

But maybe the terrorists just hate the U.S. for other reasons, like support
of Israel or capitalism.

In any event, the acts are performed. The curtain has raised. The opening
lines are uttered. The memorial service has concluded. The United Kingdom
and many other nations have voiced their support in our seeking justice.

The next act is ours. Let's play it like our very lives depended upon it
with ferocity and determination!

"Dirk Bruere" <> wrote in message


Reverend DJ Epoch

Sep 14, 2001, 1:54:51 PM9/14/01
Once while under the influence of paprika, (Joe
Cosby) muttered..

IMHO Jerry Foulball is more Morally Corrupt than any of the types he
ranted against. People like him are the reason others get killed "in
the name of the Almighty".

I'd love to take him out in the middle of a field, drive a couple of
metal ground rods through his feet, tie a wire to his neck to fly a
kite from in the middle of the worst thunderstorm possible, and see if
he's impervious to the wrath of God/Allah/JHVH-1.

~~ Reverend DJ Epoch ~~
~~ The Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Motion ~~
~~ Cathedral, Carwash and Dancehall, Divine Redneck Clench ~~
~~ Home of the Traci Lords Memorial Brothel ~~

Arbane the Terrible

Sep 14, 2001, 4:43:53 PM9/14/01
On Fri, 14 Sep 2001 14:32:57 GMT, "survivor" <>

>So, you're saying his absolute opinion without shades of moral equivalence
>is irrelevant? Can you for a moment even wrap a brain cell around what he
>actually said. Or, do you just want to get off with your pointy-headed
>accomplices on yucking about Rev. Falwell?

I dunno if he's saying that, but I will. As far as I'm concerned,
Falwell's based his worldview on a foundation of styrofoam, and is
just another deluded or fraudulent shaman tryign help us all confuse
what's inside our heads with what's outside them.

>A very purple Tinky Winky to you, Ben. I hope you and your morally
>challenged band of "...gays, lebians, feminists, and ACLU..." get every
>opportunity to keep hammering away ["Agitate, Educate, Liberate"] until your
>point of view comes 360 degrees around.

Wow. Ignorant of geomentry _and_ ethics.

"You shall not kill any man whom God has forbidden you to kill, except
for a just cause. If a man is slain unjustly, his heir shall be
entitled to satisfaction. But let him not carry his vengeance too far,
for his victim will in turn be assisted and avenged."
- The Koran

Remember, the plural of 'moron' is 'focus group'.
-- James A. Wolf

Joe Cosby

Sep 14, 2001, 5:25:25 PM9/14/01
"survivor" <> hunched over a computer, typing
thunder crashed, "survivor" <> laughed madly, then

>Can anyone dispute that Muslim terrorists accomplished the horrors on
>Can anyone dispute the clash of cultures?
>In Muslim eyes our permissive society is a complete abomination.


The fact that we openly tolerate homosexuality is one of the tools the
fundamentalist muslim leaders use to dehumanize us in the eyes of
their followers, one among many. One of the tools by which they teach
their followers to feel free to kill us without hesitation, as they
would kill animals, or as they would kill mythical demons.

No question about it.

But Falwell isn't talking about that. He is, very distinctly,
-pointing an accusing finger- at homosexuals. He says, unambiguously,
that is is their -fault- we were bombed, and our -fault- for
tolerating the homosexuals.

This, basically, is accepting the propaganda that is used to
dehumanize us, and -contributing to it-. -Taking advantage of it to
promote his own twisted fucking agenda-.

During the second world war our own propaganda machines worked at
dehumanizing the Japanese, with great success. By presenting them as
twisted, monkey-like subhumans, overbite and glasses. We were much
more succesful at dehumanizing them than (in comparison) the Germans,
because there was a more clearly identified difference to point at.

To follow Falwell's logic, we would also have to agree that it was the
fault of the Japanese that they were interred in concentration camps,
it was their -fault- -because- they were Japanese. I don't mean to
argue the Japanese interrment one way or another: I think it was
wrong, but the point is it -doesn't matter-.

If we follow Falwell's logic, we should point an accusing finger at
the Japanese, -for being Japanese-.

I mean earlier, you said (in effect, correct me if I'm
misunderstanding you) "let's not be extreme, let's see if there's
something meaningful within what Falwell said that can be separated
from the meaningless".

I respect your desire to be truly objective, but I think as soon as we
start justifying dehumanization, or blaming the actions of the enemy
-on- those the enemy dehumanizes, that context has to be considered in
relation to -anything- that follows. You can't take words out of
their original context and pretend they have meaning outside of their


Yes, I agree, that we have a 'morally lax society' is one of the tools
that the Muslims extremists use to dehumanize us, but if you are
willing to use the opinions of Muslim extremists to regulate -our own-
society, then you might as well move to Afghanistan now and see what
life under the Taliban is like. Because you are letting -them-
dictate what is right and wrong in -our- country.

If the Muslim extremists want to encourage Muslims in this country to
-vote-, then they certainly may. In that way they have and deserve a
voice in national policy, however strongly I might disagree with them.

But we cannot allow an act of terrorism to act as a vote.

Skull-Shaped Bong : $12.00
Primo Maui-Grown Bud : $25.00
Watching Teletubbies with Your Buddies : Priceless


Sep 14, 2001, 6:44:25 PM9/14/01

survivor <> wrote in message

> But maybe the terrorists just hate the U.S. for other reasons, like
> of Israel or capitalism.

...or supporting other political regimes in the Middle East with whom the
terrorists disagree.



Sep 15, 2001, 1:01:06 AM9/15/01
As a gay eckist I can truthfully he is not cute and I feel pity for
the people that he is able to influence. But we each seek our own level.


Sep 15, 2001, 2:02:53 AM9/15/01
I wonder who he's dating though.

(_¸.·' Raan

"Reverend DJ Epoch" <> wrote in message


Sep 15, 2001, 2:09:58 AM9/15/01
Larson's view?
It was a plot by the cats against the pigeons....
... oh wrong Larson :P

(_¸.·' Raan

"Sam" <S...@ClarityConsciousness.or.g> wrote in message


Sep 15, 2001, 2:14:44 AM9/15/01
So you think they may have attacked because the US tolerates homosexuality
and so forth? He and possibly you, are as insane as the attackers were.
Get therapy and stay away from my car!

(_¸.·' Raan

"survivor" <> wrote in message


Sep 15, 2001, 2:16:26 AM9/15/01
I agree and it is like saying violence against gays is brought on my
themselves for being gay.

(_¸.·' Raan

"Joe Cosby" <> wrote in message


Sep 15, 2001, 2:17:36 AM9/15/01

"woz" <> wrote in message

Well that's because those guys are so damned sexy!

Tesla Coil

Sep 15, 2001, 4:26:04 PM9/15/01
On 14 Sep 2001, Survivor wrote:
> Can anyone dispute that Muslim terrorists accomplished
> the horrors on 9/11/01?
> Can anyone dispute the clash of cultures?
> In Muslim eyes our permissive society is a complete abomination.

Ah, then we need *increased* permissiveness!

If they're going to blow us up because we have more slack
than they do, we need to make sure they're blowing us up
for our incredible superabundance of slack, rather than
some trifling bullshit little bit of slack here and there.


Sep 15, 2001, 4:36:16 PM9/15/01
What's the appropriate measure for slack? Rather new to this all through
cross posting, and wondering if I'm going to have to grab my ankles and
kiss my hiney goodbye... I'd like to take that with me on the way out.
<big wink> Just looking for the general unit of measurement of the
slack.... :-)

Dirk Bruere

Sep 15, 2001, 4:55:48 PM9/15/01

"cher" <> wrote in message

> What's the appropriate measure for slack? Rather new to this all through

Hmmm... violent crime? divorce? abortion? child abuse? drug abuse? suicide
rate? illiteracy? rich-poor divide? racial segegation and ghettoisation?
corruption? political apathy? STDs?

We all have our measures.


Joe Cosby

Sep 15, 2001, 5:11:49 PM9/15/01
cher <> hunched over a computer, typing
thunder crashed, cher <> laughed madly,
then wrote:

>What's the appropriate measure for slack? Rather new to this all through
>cross posting, and wondering if I'm going to have to grab my ankles and
>kiss my hiney goodbye... I'd like to take that with me on the way out.
><big wink> Just looking for the general unit of measurement of the
>slack.... :-)

Here's my experimental slack-o-meter:

Note this is -not- an official church of the subgenius slackometer.

Which is probably just as well, as the official ones are usually

Freddie Mercury, to my mind, will always be one of the most skilled
singers in rock and roll. To my knowledge he only croaked once in his
whole career.
- Artemia Salina

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