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Raleigh Myers

Aug 10, 1997, 3:00:00 AM8/10/97

What is morality?

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi: "Whenever you are in doubt....
apply the first test. Recall the face of the poorest and the
weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself if the step you
contemplate is going to be any use to him. Will he gain anything from it?
Will it restore him to a control over his own life and destiny? True
development puts first those that society puts last".

Today s morality is the perception or deception management race to
righteousness, virtue, and ethics. Over the millennia morality has been a
tool of the ruling class and their definition of morality was designed to
justify their actions. In essence the golden rule has been replaced with a
series of arbitrary rules and regulations or designer sin, more for the
purpose of dividing the public as a political strategy rather than define
morality. Put another way, what we have today is crotch morality and anti
liberal rhetoric(designer sin) taking the spotlight while we are led to
believe that the Malthusian exploits of the moneyed aristocracy(neo
liberalists) is the moral high ground. We are led to believe through
repetitive mantras and the attempted criminalization of designer sin that it
is somehow sinful or there is something wrong with satisfying people's needs
ie. sharing the planet without being forced into a competitive game of
monopoly for the God given right to life support.
Front burner

What has come to the front burner is the phony Victorian family values, a
sort of a meme, that served the ruling class in the beginnings of the
industrial revolution. Victorian family values blamed poverty(destiny
deprivation) on designer sin based on ingestion morality. In other words
poverty was the fault of the poor because they were somehow immoral. In
India they invented the untouchables who were considered unclean by the
Aristocracy ie. slavery by any other name.

The WASP as a predator parasite lays it's eggs in the body of
it's prey and as the eggs hatch, the young eat the host alive ie.
CHAOS (Conservative Hype Always Optimally Skewed) in parable. And we
wonder why we have depressions? That is besides getting
people to work for nothing.

Back burner
This is the same type of scoundrel that was discussing whether women had
souls in the sixteen hundreds, legalized slavery with the manifest destiny,
whether womyn should vote as late as the twenties and whether the anti
lynching law was immoral as late as the thirties in this country and of
course unions are the tyranny of the masses etc.. Now they are against ERA
because morality(designer sin) dictates that womyn belong at home and of
course they should have to work for less wages than men because of it. A
self RIGHTeous fascist diatribe on the womyns right movement is historic
for it's divisiveness: as an anti Christian quote from Robertson:
"It is not about equal rights for womyn. It is about socialist
anti family political movement that encourages womyn to leave
their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy
capitalism, and become lesbians."

This adherence to designer sin posing as morality is impossible because
organized usury(those scoundrels) have inflated the cost of living through
financial instruments so that two people in a household have to work for a
declining standard of living. And this devaluation of your TIME is caused
by interest on multi layers of debt and dividends on stocks and bonds
between you and your supply side life support ie. extortion by organized
usury _the cause of inflation. Of course robing you with a fountain pen is
considered moral, to the self righteous, while women having to work, isn=
ie. a catch 22 by any other name .

This is the work of later day pirates who, with amassed capital(your TIME),
have robbed the indigenous, former self sufficient, the small entrepreneurs
, the mom and pops and farmers etc. of their lively hood in order to
exploit your TIME as a wage slave while claiming they have the high moral
ground. They tout mantras like hard work is it s own reward while=
get you to do the work and they collect the unearned income.
Real Morality ?
Real morality is better defined by the meek(gentle) shall inherit the Earth
and we should transcend from what is to what ought. The idea of having to
compete for life support is how even some of the religions of the world
have defined morality ie. Economic Darwinism__ compete for your right to=
The regurgitated Victorian family values is a smoke screen to mask the
usury driven cultural genocide that is pervasive in our culture. It is OK to
manipulate financial instruments in order to shut down whole cities, leaving
the population destitute, while shipping jobs over seas to factories that
were financed in part with our government s help. By blaming the=
poverty and destiny deprivation on the victims, they can justify dismantling
the safety net.

In Victorian times this family values strategy was used to justify not=

creating a safety net which of course would have to be paid for by taxing
the perpetrators of the cultural genocide. In other words the
industrialists acquired the land for corporate farms and to feed cattle and
drove the former self sufficient families into cities as factory fodder.
They herded more people than they needed into the cities to lower wages
and did not want to support the destitute. So family values was invented as
deception management to justify cultural genocide. Keeping families
destitute to lower wages is organized usury s definition of high moral=

Its' the same old flatlander Manifest Destiny scripture twisting rhetoric
that legalized slavery in the first place ie. the back to Dickens,
Machievelian, right wing think tank type garbage showing up in the contract
"on" Ameri KKK a. IMF-World bank style SAPing sickness. Structural
Adjustment(Austerity) Programs to fleece the citizens(the immoral enemy
within) for the debts owed to organized usury through Twain's congress.

This Manifest destiny nonsense has crept into the anti ecology=
ie. wise use movement. Organized usury considers it their right to
increase, multiply and lunch the planet. Put another way, they (the limited
liability corporate citizen) consider polluting, devaluing and privatizing
the commons(the property of the unborn) as their right and all in the
pursuit of happiness. They are doing the same thing to the planet that they
have taken the liberty to do to the families of the world.

Stop attempting to criminalize personal ingestion strategies while
condoning planet sodomy, turning a blind eye to usury and cultural genocide,
lynching minorities etc.. Admit the Increase, multiply and lunch the planet
manifest destiny style as a mistake, you know all the usual conservative
stuff ie. admit church, business and government complicity and get on with
life as a state of BEING rather than slavery.

My body is nobody's body but mine
Ill run my body and you run yours
Peter Alsop

see the Gandhi strategy

In Solidarity

Raleigh Myers
Ra Energy Fdn

Don t forget to get some bumper stickers printed.

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