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Feb 25, 2002, 3:56:03 PM2/25/02
Well, I wish I had more, but this was an informal conversation, and my
friend was a little scatterbrained.

He's a mid-level exec at Disney Home Video, and we were talking about
some other stuff (my first movie, which has been sitting in their "to
buy" box for about six months now... a big renegotiation with
Blockbuster is stalling all outside content purchases for home vid) --
anyway... I complimented him on the job they did on the DISNEY
TREASURES line, and he said "we're working on the next four"...

But the only name he could (or maybe would) remember, of the four, was
OLD YELLER... it will get a deluxe treatment and the same tin box....
I'd asked why the "Treasures" line, and he said because they'll put
all sorts of extras in there. I guess since Fess Parker's still
alive, they can do another interview. I'm also guessing it has
something to do with the age of the film. Wouldn't it be wonderful if
20,000 Leagues were among this set!! Now I gotta call him back...

I urged a release of SONG OF THE SOUTH, and he said "we were just
talking about that one." He confirmed that it is THE most requested
video out of their vault, by far, but that as yet, they don't have an
official release date. He said it will come, but they have to figure
a way to "temper it". He'd just watched it two weeks ago, and said
that he was in agreement that it needed to be presented carefully. I
told him to trot out James Earl Jones, get a nice intro, and let that
be that.

As to a suggestion about MICKEY MOUSE CLUB episodes, it's some of the
Mousketeers themselves preventing this. Apparently there's some bad
blood because of Disney's refusal to parlay residuals to the old
shows, and they just anticipate there being more of the same if they
were to make this a featured item. Oh well.

At least we got OLD YELLER. When I find out more, I'll post it here.
Oh, he said they are doing as much with Beauty and the Beast as they
did with SNOW WHITE, and possibly more. No secret at all that this is
their next big platinum release.


Feb 26, 2002, 12:36:04 AM2/26/02
>He said it will come, but they have to figure
>a way to "temper it". He'd just watched it two weeks ago, and said
>that he was in agreement that it needed to be presented carefully. I
>told him to trot out James Earl Jones, get a nice intro, and let that
>be that.

I honestly want to see it. I doubt if it is even more full of stereotypes than
say, Gone with the Wind, but I DO believe that it should be done very carefully
and not just trotting out James Earl Jones as a token black person who happened
to play Alex Haley, voice of Darth Vader, and CNN.

What I do think they can do is this:

1. Get several African American scholars in on it. Get a few well known
individuals (actors, activists, whatever... anyone BUT Jesse Jackson, please

2. Cook up a good intro with it, openly admitting and addressing some of the
problems or stereotypes in the film (we, the audience, aren't idiots you know),
but also introduce that some of the myths, etc. of the Briar Patch, etc. also
traveled over from Africa.

3. Then develop a couple of audiotracks to go with the cut, and have the
scholars go into these things in detail. Heck, add a few extras of maps,
cultural locations of the roots of the story in Africa. Discuss OTHER things,
culturally speaking, that the slaves managed to maintain even under such
horrible conditions and restrictions.

4. Finally, so it doesn't seem like the profits are "blood money"... have part
of the proceeds to this film go towards some scholarship fund or grant towards
either minority animators or the preservation/discovery of the stories, etc. of
Africans in America or a scholarship for African American historians.


"To hate would be to reduce myself. " - Elie Wiesel


Feb 26, 2002, 7:19:42 AM2/26/02
I think they should just release the damn thing. Surely there are other
films who are offensive to people out there, why sugar coat them? The only
thing I would suggest is some kind of prologue about the Tales of Uncle
Remus, what they were, who wrote them and when they were published as a bit
of education for the masses who are unfamiliar with the whole thing. This is
a film based upon literary work, and that's the emphasis that should be put
upon it.

> 4. Finally, so it doesn't seem like the profits are "blood money"... have
> of the proceeds to this film go towards some scholarship fund or grant
> either minority animators or the preservation/discovery of the stories,
etc. of
> Africans in America or a scholarship for African American historians.

No way - they don't do this with other flicks and I see no reason why they
should with this one. Gone With The Wind didn't give away revenue and Disney
shouldn't either. At the end of the day, if you find the movie to be
offensive, you don't have to buy it. I am offended by most movies out there
today and you don't see me running around screaming every time a woman is
stereotyped, treated like garbage, raped, etc. Cripes, there would be
nothing left to go see at the movies!

Gimme my Brer Rabbit movie!


Feb 26, 2002, 1:59:50 PM2/26/02
Although I think Erica's got great ideas, Lisa's right... this is a
movie, not a political statement... it's entertainment dated by its

Disney's afraid because 13 percent of America is African-American, and
even if a small percentage of them boycotted, it's a very bad time to
endure such a thing.

When my friend confirmed that SotS was their MOST (by far) requested,
unreleased video in the States, I asked "you mean their sense of PC is
actually stronger than their sense of greed?" And he laughed, but
said, "oh yeah".

Although it's probably still greed... worried about negative publicity
and its affect on other aspects of company business.

It's a shame. I had a long talk with an African American actress
friend of mine, (she was on Boston Public last night), and asked HER
what she felt about this. Her thing was, it's a sweet movie, but it
still makes her feel uncomfortable to see images of a joyful Uncle
Remus segregated from the white folks, but not at all unhappy about
it... She DID think it should be released, but maybe with a taped
introduction putting the film in context.

Petey Gold

Feb 26, 2002, 3:34:07 PM2/26/02
>I think they should just release the damn thing.

I think we should burn it. It's obviously racist. And while we're at it, I
bet we can find a few dozen books to throw in on the heap.


Feb 26, 2002, 7:29:55 PM2/26/02

"Petey Gold" <> wrote in message

I know you don't really mean that. No need to be so mean to Brer Bunny!


Feb 26, 2002, 7:30:22 PM2/26/02
>I think we should burn it. It's obviously racist.

I think they should remake it using the songs, and characters....... BUT
altering the racist parts in some way.

Petey Gold

Feb 26, 2002, 9:02:15 PM2/26/02
>I think they should remake it using the songs, and characters....... BUT
>altering the racist parts in some way.

I think they should pump up that part, since it's the best part of the film.
And, in the movie's defense, it's so much better than the book, because you
don't have to slog through all that written dialect.


Feb 26, 2002, 11:12:18 PM2/26/02
>No way - they don't do this with other flicks and I see no reason why they
>should with this one. Gone With The Wind didn't give away revenue and Disney
>shouldn't either.

I think there is a difference tho... Gone with the Wind has almost always been
continually out there... rereleased, on TV, Video since almost the beginning,
etc. I think the controversy has been tempered by familiarity, etc. It also
doesn't have the added controversial image of an "Uncle Tom".... a sensitive,
controversial, and painful subject for many.

I was also thinking of the tradition of Walt, actually. He was big on
education through entertainment. I know it has worked for me (Used Gone with
the Wind once, actually. We watched Gone w/ the Wind and discussed the
stereotypes and why they were perpetuated, what was true about them, and what
was offensive.)

Brian Chevrier

Feb 27, 2002, 12:58:39 AM2/27/02

"PatMc23" <pat...@aol.comNOSPAM> wrote in message

> I think they should remake it using the songs, and characters....... BUT
> altering the racist parts in some way.

I think they should make a direct-to-video sequel of it with inferior
animation and a story which is a retread of the original. Suggested titles:

Song of the Southwest Airlines
The Uncle Remus Diaries
Brer Snow Dog
Everybody's Got a Sellout Price

-- BC


Feb 27, 2002, 7:34:10 AM2/27/02

"Brian Chevrier" <> wrote in message
news:jA_e8.109275> I think they should make a direct-to-video sequel of it

with inferior
> animation and a story which is a retread of the original. Suggested

Brian, you are brilliant, but you're missing the most obvious sequel of all:
the Splash Mountain movie!



Feb 27, 2002, 12:54:04 PM2/27/02
>>>And while we're at it, I
bet we can find a few dozen books to throw in on the heap.<<<

Tom Sawyer, anyone?

A very good point, Petey... these days, folks are so willing to take
offense... they're like partigoers looking for the next "cause
celebre" - without taking a reality check at what their supposed
righteous cause really is: censorship.

By the way, I'm all out of matches.


Mar 1, 2002, 3:25:12 AM3/1/02
Well, didn't find this out from my friend, but on a whim, checked out
Disney's own site of upcoming videos...

The other three in the group with OLD YELLER are POLLYANNA, SWISS
FAMILY ROBINSON and THE PARENT TRAP. All of them get the vintage
treatment... restored, special features, etc. And these are going
under the label "Vault Disney". All four go on sale in May.


Mar 1, 2002, 7:57:57 AM3/1/02

> The other three in the group with OLD YELLER are POLLYANNA, SWISS
> FAMILY ROBINSON and THE PARENT TRAP. All of them get the vintage
> treatment... restored, special features, etc. And these are going
> under the label "Vault Disney". All four go on sale in May.

Swiss Family Robinson and The Parent Trap are must have's for me. I hated
Old Yeller and I don't know if I ever saw Pollyanna.

I'd like to see 20.000 Leagues come out next and like the idea of "Vault
Disney" branding. This is a good move and it's too bad we won't be getting
the original MM Club episodes, because I'd buy them in a heartbeat!


Mar 1, 2002, 9:35:02 AM3/1/02
"The other three in the group with OLD YELLER are POLLYANNA, SWISS
FAMILY ROBINSON and THE PARENT TRAP. All of them get the vintage
treatment... restored, special features, etc. And these are going
under the label "Vault Disney". All four go on sale in May."

This is beyond cool. Swiss Family Robinson has been one of my top 10
favorite films of all time ever since I was a kid. And Old Yeller is
right up there among the best Disney live-action movies ever. Man, at
least Disney is doing SOMETHING right!


Mar 1, 2002, 11:27:43 AM3/1/02
>>>The other three in the group with OLD YELLER are POLLYANNA, SWISS
FAMILY ROBINSON and THE PARENT TRAP. All of them get the vintage
treatment... restored, special features, etc. And these are going
under the label "Vault Disney". All four go on sale in May.

You touched on it before but I wonder when 20K will get some special DVD
treatment. I mean it is one of the best films they have ever made.

I would LOVE to see this on DVD and imagine this (wishful thinking here)... as
a binus they give us a complete video ride on the old 20K attraction and maybe
even a little making of deal on the ride. It is THIS kind of bonmus that I
would truly love. Plus the packaging could be really special.

Mind reading hype machine.


Mar 1, 2002, 11:01:41 PM3/1/02
>The other three in the group with OLD YELLER are POLLYANNA, SWISS
>FAMILY ROBINSON and THE PARENT TRAP. All of them get the vintage
>treatment... restored, special features, etc. And these are going
>under the label "Vault Disney". All four go on sale in May.
Just in time for my birthday... YEAH! Won't watch Old Yeller, but LOVE the
other three. Can't wait to tell my friend about Parent Trap... she loves it

Was a Mills in Old Yeller? If not, it is the only one in the four that doesn't
have a Mills (John or Haley)

Dueling Hulks

Mar 2, 2002, 12:03:04 AM3/2/02
"Won't watch Old Yeller, but LOVE the
other three."

Okay, I have to ask... Why won't you watch Old Yeller???

"Was a Mills in Old Yeller? If not, it is the only one in the four that
have a Mills (John or Haley)"

No Mills in Old Yeller, but Parent Trap had Haley twice, so it all evens out.
What makes me mad is that SFR is the only one without a commentary track!
What's up with that??

The website also mentions some special feature about the treehouse. I hope it
has to do with the park version.

-- Shane

Proud sponsor of Disney's California Adventure: "Our theme is 'Amusement


Mar 2, 2002, 5:27:32 AM3/2/02
>Wouldn't it be wonderful if 20,000 Leagues were among this set!!

AND HOW! I've been awaiting a DVD of this true Classic ever since the
format began. They should hurry, since Kirk Douglas and director Richard
Fleischer are not getting any younger. (Maybe they could have Kirk's son
Michael speak for him, since his stroke has made his made his voice difficult
to understand).


Mar 2, 2002, 7:45:13 AM3/2/02

"Dueling Hulks" <shan...@aol.compuTour> wrote in message

> "Won't watch Old Yeller, but LOVE the
> other three."
> Okay, I have to ask... Why won't you watch Old Yeller???

I just don't care for the movie or the book. Same goes for The Yearling.
Stories for boys.


Mar 2, 2002, 8:28:25 PM3/2/02
>>>> Okay, I have to ask... Why won't you watch Old Yeller???

I just don't care for the movie or the book. Same goes for The
Stories for boys.<<<

Hey, that works... I'm not a huge Pollyanna or Parent Trap fan. Both
are good films, but they are aimed more at girls, and though I think
the appeal of SFR and OY are pretty broad, they DO skew toward guys'

Nothing wrong with that at all... Kind of like Disney making TARZAN
for the boys after MULAN kind of skewed to girls...

I'll ask about 20K next week. Should be easy enough to find out. My
guess is they are holding back BECAUSE a restoration is in progress,
and since 20k was in Cinemascope, it's going to be either 1) more
expensive, 2) longer to deal with, or both. Just a guess.

I can't imagine that this would be released with anything but extreme
Disney hype and style.


Mar 2, 2002, 8:54:37 PM3/2/02

> are good films, but they are aimed more at girls, and though I think
> the appeal of SFR and OY are pretty broad, they DO skew toward guys'
> interests.

I loved SFR because it appealed to my sense of adventure. And I had a major
crush on the kid... Franz? Fritz? What was his name???


Mar 2, 2002, 8:53:22 PM3/2/02
>"Won't watch Old Yeller, but LOVE the
>other three."
>Okay, I have to ask... Why won't you watch Old Yeller???

Has nothing to do with it being a "boys" film (although I am not offended by
that term.... I'm an avid fan of "chick" films myself!) I just can't handle
the thought of Ol' Yeller being shot. Remember that Friends episode where
Phoebe has never seen the ending and when she does she freaks? That would
probably be me. Probably the only reason why I wouldn't pursue the idea of
being a vet even though I love animals is I could never put one down.

>What makes me mad is that SFR is the only one without a commentary track!
>What's up with that??

Perhaps there is no one left to make a commentary track. There has got to be
some plan for some special add ons, at least.


Mar 2, 2002, 9:16:21 PM3/2/02
Lisa wrote:
>I loved SFR because it appealed to my sense of adventure. And I had a major
>crush on the kid... Franz? Fritz? What was his name???

Fritz, played by James MacArthur, Helen Hayes' son. Very cute. Did you watch
him in Hawaii Five-O? He was also in "Third Man on the Mountain, " another
Disney film.

Ronnie (TDC Iago, Parrot Royal and Screamer in the Czarina's Ear)
"...whenever you learn something new, the whole world becomes that much
richer."- Norton Juster, _The Phantom Tollbooth_
Iago & Zazu's Attraction of the Week


Mar 3, 2002, 9:03:03 AM3/3/02

"Jiromi" <tdc...@aol.comFeathers> wrote in message

> Fritz, played by James MacArthur, Helen Hayes' son. Very cute. Did you
> him in Hawaii Five-O? He was also in "Third Man on the Mountain, "
> Disney film.

I don't think I've ever seen an episode of Hawaii Five-O. Never heard of the
Mountain movie either??

Petey Gold

Mar 3, 2002, 9:38:57 AM3/3/02
> And I had a major
>crush on the kid... Franz? Fritz? What was his name???

Yes, I can see you were certainly taken with him.


Mar 3, 2002, 10:08:11 AM3/3/02

"Petey Gold" <> wrote in message

> > And I had a major
> >crush on the kid... Franz? Fritz? What was his name???
> >
> Yes, I can see you were certainly taken with him.

Now Petey.... I was just a wee girlie at the time. I can't remember


Mar 3, 2002, 12:10:48 PM3/3/02
>>>I don't think I've ever seen an episode of Hawaii Five-O. Never heard of the
Mountain movie either??

Ever been on the Metterhorn? Then you have been on the Third Man on the
Mountain attraction, it was inspired by that film.


Mar 3, 2002, 1:35:59 PM3/3/02

Yeah! Book her, Danno.


Mar 3, 2002, 3:25:43 PM3/3/02
>Petey wrote:
>>> And I had a major
>>>crush on the kid... Franz? Fritz? What was his name???
>>Yes, I can see you were certainly taken with him.
>Yeah! Book her, Danno.

Mini oxbone to you... and I know we hate this here but



Mar 4, 2002, 2:02:07 AM3/4/02
>>>Remember that Friends episode where
Phoebe has never seen the ending and when she does she freaks? <<<

Better yet, the episode where Joey reads "Little Women" and ends up

More on topic, apparently 20K WAS restored in the last few years, but
I don't think they've done an HD transfer, which is kind of standard
for important films before they're archived for DVD or the "next"
technology format.

So I'll find out if this has been done... if it has, then it's likely
to be in the next major set of releases.


Mar 4, 2002, 2:40:07 AM3/4/02
>>>>Remember that Friends episode where
>Phoebe has never seen the ending and when she does she freaks? <<<
>Better yet, the episode where Joey reads "Little Women" and ends up
I forgot about that one and it was on the other day! (Loved that episode, and
how they put the scary Stephen King book in the freezer ;)


Mar 4, 2002, 9:59:50 AM3/4/02
"I loved SFR because it appealed to my sense of adventure. And I had a
crush on the kid... Franz? Fritz? What was his name???"

I doubt you had a crush on Franz, as he was like 8 years old or
something. Fritz is the most likely target. He was the older
brother, played by James MacArthur. Tommy Kirk was the middle brother
Ernst (called Ernest in the book), and Kevin Corcoran played Francis
(Franz in the book).

As sad as it may seem to some of you, SFR is one of my all time Top 10
movies. Also, apparently now has scans of the cover art for
the new DVDs (at least they do for SFR).



Mar 5, 2002, 7:55:34 AM3/5/02
>apparently 20K WAS restored in the last few years, but I don't think they've
done an HD transfer

I was impressed that, on the VHS version, the soundtrack had been
converted into stereo. Or, was it simply restored from the original soundtrack
tapes? We all know how Fantasia was recorded in stereo back in 1940- fifteen
years before 20K.


Mar 5, 2002, 8:37:48 AM3/5/02
> "Won't watch Old Yeller, but LOVE the
> other three."
> Okay, I have to ask... Why won't you watch Old Yeller???

I just don't care for the movie or the book. Same goes for The Yearling.
Stories for boys.>>

Ditto here..and I thought I was the only one.


Mar 5, 2002, 10:41:39 PM3/5/02
>>>As sad as it may seem to some of you, SFR is one of my all time Top
movies. Also, apparently now has scans of the cover art for
the new DVDs (at least they do for SFR).<<<

The brilliance of the original story, and the eminent quality of
Disney's adaptation, is evident in the number of knock-off attempts
over the years (including LOST IN SPACE).

You have all the elements of a great story, plot-wise and
character-wise. Every character wants something different from the
other, breeding great conflict and tension, and then they're dumped,
out of their element, on a remote island with a need to not only
survive, but survive as a FAMILY.

Throw in the natural antagonists of tiger and pirates, and you have
the rare story that can keep morphing and breeding adventure, without
feeling episodic.

Wish there were more of them...


Mar 6, 2002, 8:44:02 AM3/6/02
Swiss Family Robinson/Warning Will Robinson!

<<Wish there were more of them...>>

Yeah.... Disney should hire those Lawrence brothers and do a TV movie for the
Disney Channel like that... What's another sequel or borrowed concept re-worked
for the umteenth time to them? Oh... Nevermind!
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Those who would terrorize others by suicide missions are not in heaven
rejoicing, they are now learning first-hand the excruciating terror of eternity
in hell.
Let their brethren take heed!

Dueling Hulks

Mar 9, 2002, 12:20:05 AM3/9/02
"Perhaps there is no one left to make a commentary track."

Except that Old Yeller has a commentary track with practically the same cast
(minus John Mills, add Fess Parker). Dorothy McGuire and Janet Munro are the
only SFR cast members I know of who are no longer with us.

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