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Mollys Meanderings 10/3/98

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Mar 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/11/98

Mandy tears off Paddy about his snoring. She says between him and that
parrot she isn't getting any sleep at all, and she has to be alert to
impress Mrs. Taylor.
Zak suggests bashing with a steel toe-capped boot to cure snoring, says
it worked for him.

Terrys on a health jag, ready to undertake the Droning Cairns assault

Marlon makes snide remarks about Dee - "Mornin' Dee, it's nice to see so
much of you". He's desperate to get his name over the door of Pollards
and suggests Gourmet nights - Marlon's Nights to pull in the punters.
Pollard says no.

Kathy asks Sam if he wants to start reading lessons again. He's chuffed
to little bits.

Drone Cairns and the brat=pack are ready for the off. The Proobation
Team versus the Country Bumpkins. Rachel cautions Tony against the
split, but he says it will do them good.

Sarah tells Jack she met Rachel in the ford and tells him what they
said. She tells him Rachel said that she made all the running and that
Jack finished it. Sarah thinks Rachel was lying.

The Activity Centre Log Roll Relay Event is off! Rachel and Terry have a
bet on the side. Only a measly fiver.

Chris goes off to check on the Activity Centre and Kim corners Piggy.
She wants to know what her game is and tells her not to kid a kidder.
She wants Chris and Piggy out of the house asap.

Terry tells Cairns he'd like to introduce Will to some of his rugby
mates but Tony says Will only plays Union, not League.

Sam tells Zak he's going to start reading lessons again, but Zak is not
happy. He tells Sam he's not cut out for brain work, and rambles a bit
about stuff in general.

Mandy meets Mrs. Taylor and receives 15.03gbp for her knicker party.
She starts to complain and Mrs. T. tells her she should have read the
small print....

Chris is grudgingly impressed with the probation brats and Tonys
handling of them. One of them tries to fight with Deano, but Deano
refuses to fight, saying he's got nothing to prove. Sound bloke.
Rachel collects her bet.

Steve arrives in a taxi at Home Farm and says he's had his car knicked.
I don't beleive him for a moment but Kim does.

Kim stops Kelly from drinking and tells her she shouldn't while she's
pregnant. Kelly wants to go out into Emmerdale but Chris says he has to
work. Piggy whirls away into the night with her time-honoured battle cry
- "I'm not your prisoner".

Zoe has given Paddy a herbal remedy for snoring but it pongs. Mandy
looks dubious. Paddy asks her how the interview with Mrs. T. went and
she lies to him and syas it went wwell and shes got loads of dosh.

This is the best bit, pay attention:
Piggy meets Roy outside the wine bar and asks him to go for a drink. He
says no. She whines a bit and says she needs someone to talk to. He
tells her in no uncertain terms he wants nothing to do with her and ends
up calling her a slag. She gets a bit pissy about this and slaps him
Meanwhile Eric has been watching from the doorway and comes to break up
the fight. She whines a lot more and says Roy started it, it wasn't her
fault, whine, moan....
Eric tells her to clear off back to Home Farm, because her name is mud
around the village and no-one wants anything to do with her.

Jack and Sarah again. Jack really wants to get in Sarah's knickers, well
he would, wouldn't he? It's been months since he's had a woman.
She says she wants some ground rules before they go any further.

Terry has knackered his shoulder at the activity centre, and wimps out
of a second go, saying that Alan doesn't want him to have time off.

Mandy is allergic to Paddys herbal snore cure. She goes to sleep on the
sofa. I give it another week or two and then Paddy goes back to Betty.

Sarach tells Jack this is his last chance, no more mistakes.
"Now what" says Jack.
Sarah smiles like the Mona Lisa, i.e. enigmatically and starts leading
him towards the stairs.
Time for bed, said Zebedee, Boinngg!

David Jenkins

Mar 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/11/98

In article <>, Molly <> writes

>Mandy tears off Paddy about his snoring. She says between him and that
>parrot she isn't getting any sleep at all, and she has to be alert to
>impress Mrs. Taylor.
>Zak suggests bashing with a steel toe-capped boot to cure snoring, says
>it worked for him.

Did anyone else notice that the lights on their bed have vanished??

>Steve arrives in a taxi at Home Farm and says he's had his car knicked.
>I don't beleive him for a moment but Kim does.

And you'd be right by not believing him, we saw him selling his car to a
bloke right at the start of the episode.

David Jenkins.
I'd put something funny here if I knew how to. :-(

Gillian Hardy

Mar 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/11/98

On Wed, 11 Mar 1998 09:29:00 +0000, Molly <> wrote:

>Jack and Sarah again. Jack really wants to get in Sarah's knickers, well
>he would, wouldn't he? It's been months since he's had a woman.

It's not *that* long since Rachel, or are you just being mean?



Mar 11, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/11/98

David Jenkins wrote in message

>In article <>, Molly <> writes

>Did anyone else notice that the lights on their bed have vanished??

<AOL mode on> Yeah, me <AOL mode off> So was this just a carry over from a
Christmas scene or just a change of decor ?

>>Steve arrives in a taxi at Home Farm and says he's had his car knicked.
>>I don't beleive him for a moment but Kim does.
>And you'd be right by not believing him, we saw him selling his car to a
>bloke right at the start of the episode.

Wish I could do that with my bike :-( Perhaps I could persuade Alan Turner
to buy it and the he could write to Jo and entice her back (A bit of
competition for the absent Brecon Beacons). What d'ya say, D..., D....
what's you guys name again ? Darren, Darryl....???

Please remove *no* from Jonno to e-mail

Keir [Sco] :->

Mar 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/12/98

On Wed, 11 Mar 1998 15:22:47 +0000, David Jenkins
<> I see yae wrote:

~>Did anyone else notice that the lights on their bed have vanished??
Yip ,And my sister is happy with her bed now ;->

___ __ _ _ ___
( \ ( ) ( )( )( _)
Dave ) ) ) /__\ \\// ) _)
(___/ (_)(_) (__) (___)


Mar 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/12/98

Molly wrote in message <>...

>The Activity Centre Log Roll Relay Event is off! Rachel and Terry have a
>bet on the side. Only a measly fiver.

Terry says 'make it a tenner and you're on'

>Sarach tells Jack this is his last chance, no more mistakes.
>"Now what" says Jack.
>Sarah smiles like the Mona Lisa, i.e. enigmatically and starts leading
>him towards the stairs.
>Time for bed, said Zebedee, Boinngg!

Shouldn't that be 'Boinnkk' :-)

Keir [Sco] :->

Mar 12, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/12/98

On Wed, 11 Mar 1998 23:52:27 GMT, (Gillian
Hardy) I see yae wrote:

To late :-(
I see they are to be called StarBurst <yuk><yUk><Yuk><yuK> :(

Mar 20, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/20/98

On Thu, 12 Mar 1998 00:41:41 GMT, (Keir [Sco] :->)

>On Wed, 11 Mar 1998 15:22:47 +0000, David Jenkins
><> I see yae wrote:
>~>Did anyone else notice that the lights on their bed have vanished??
>Yip ,And my sister is happy with her bed now ;->

> ___ __ _ _ ___
> ( \ ( ) ( )( )( _)
>Dave ) ) ) /__\ \\// ) _)
> (___/ (_)(_) (__) (___)

Sorry to disappoint, but the lights are back - last nights episode


Whitley Bay
North East England
ICQ 8273699

Keir [Sco] :->

Mar 21, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/21/98

On Fri, 20 Mar 1998 18:45:00 GMT, I see yae

~>Sorry to disappoint, but the lights are back - last nights episode
Sniffle ,Yeah she asked for them back ;-)

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