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TWW and tears

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Rod Kratochwill

Feb 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM2/27/97

On Thu, 27 Feb 1997 09:07:13 -0600 said:

>Kate's video is nothing compared to the effect the song gives in the
>movie "She's Having a Baby" with Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth McGovern. The
>movie's about a relationship between a struggling newly married couple.
>When she goes into labor something goes wrong and "This Woman's Work"
>plays over the entire traumatic scene. I cry every single time I watch
>that movie.

My first daughter Lindsey was born via an emergency C-Section (footling
breech). I was away on business (the due date was a month away) and was on
a plane trying to get home when she was delivered. They waited as long as
they could but I was about an hour or two late. What a strange trip that

Any way, years later we were watching "She's Having a Baby" on TV for the
first time, not knowing that TWW was part of the movie, and ... it was a
very emotional experience, and continues to be to this day. I too cry
every time I watch the movie and or hear the song (sometimes even just
thinking about it, sniff sniff).

Oh and Lindsey is fine, she'll be eight this year.


Rod Kratochwill

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