Ponte and Jade sit to discuss things.
"Hey, wait a minute would you."
Jade shrugs
Ponte whips out phone and dials his lawyer.
"Hey Abe! How are you? Listen, I need you to take care of something for me.
No, I hid that body....."
Jade sits up at that and stares at Ponte. Mike shrugs and smiles. he returns
to the call.
"No. It is something else entirely. I want to divorce my father. Yeah Drake,
Drakette, whatever it calls itself these days.....Yes I know that He is
frozen. Will that be a problem....I see....What if I doubled your normal
fee? GREAT! Perhaps we could make is a multiple Lawsuit. All of Drake's kids
could divorce him. Excellent. See you later Abe!"
"You are divorcing Drake?"
"Yup. That was my Lawyer- Abe Vigoda. He says it is gonna be REALLY easy.
The laws of the land no longer care about the family unit."
"Very nice."
"Now as we were saying.........."
Ponte and possible others are preparing to divorce Drake
Michael Ponte: The Ham and Cheese Bagel of Love