"The vote shall commence, though Squid Ink Inc. screwed up the orders.
I'm already preparing the lawsuit. That's not the main things though
Sir. The Porkinites, Hacker and Pokemon are still elusive in motive
to me. Drake is dead and a ghost, his sidekick is trying to pick up
in his absence. Ponte is preparing to rig the election and thinks
Drake is doing the same, and Ponte is preparing to use military force
to combat Drake when he takes control. Though the Sith War seems to
be dying down, so we should be able to sweep right in and take
control." Ulca said, closing his hand that he had all the information
written down upon.
"That happens. Are my troops prepared to ensure my victory in the
"Yes Sir, your Floridian vote troops are prepared to swing the vote.
Your clone brother is fully prepared to get you the Presidency whether
you deserve it or not. I must say Sir, your plan is amazing." Ulca
said smiling at The Leader.
"Thanks, but I just borrowed it from a damn fool who got his
Presidency that way when he most definitely did not deserve it. Only
difference is that the person doing is this time is of great
intelligence. Let me show you just how much better I am than the
other idiot." The Leader said, grabbing some pretzels and quickly
eating them without choking at all. "I shall win."
"I am sure Sir. But Ponte is already preparing to battle whoever
becomes President, should we not prepare for that?" Ulca asked,
worried he'd be quickly mowed down if The Leader left.
"Send someone to contact Ponte on my behalf. Tell him if he backs my
position that, other than him being my Vice President, I'll arrange
the following things for him: 1) Various vehicles that have been
driven by Steve McQueen 2) Memorabilia autographed by Steve McQueen
3) Full creative control of a comic book to be distributed through my
sources. He can do anything he wants, have it about anyone he wants.
As long as it sells. Have that sent to Ponte. It's time I got an
ally." The Leader said smiling.
"Yes Sir. Is that all?" Ulca asked, having already sent the message
to the lawyers to contact Ponte immediately (meaning Ponte should
acknowledge this storyline next post he makes).
"No, one more thing. All that's left is that I get ready for my
inauguration. So hold on while I slip into something to get your
opinion on it." The Leader said, disappearing behind a curtain for a
moment then returning in a blue outfit. "How's this?"
"Um, it's fine Sir." Ulca said, deciding this was not in the job
"Are you sure?" The Leader said, striking another pose.
"I think it's lovely Sir." Ulca said, deciding he needed a raise.
"Let me try the other outfit, hold on." The Leader said, changing
clothes again. Coming out now in a white outfit and modeling for Ulca
he asks. "Does this make my nipples look big?"
The Leader plans on winning the election by cheating.
The Leader is trying to bribe Ponte to be his ally.
The Leader is self conscious about his nipples.
So...what am I supposed to do???? :)~
Michael Ponte: The Love Machine
Veteran of Celebration I and II
"Only about 10 percent of movies made every year are any good. Ninety
percent are just plain shit. And today it seems we're standing in the middle
of the shit." - George Lucas
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