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Sliders should steer away from science-fiction? - (was "Re: java jive SPOILERS")

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Joe's Apartment

Aug 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/9/99

Will Payton <> wrote:
> The way I see it is that the episodes are just getting better and better I
> couldn't stand -The Unstuck man- and after that they started to get


> Granted -Java Jive- wasn't the best episode of silders it was the best (in
> opinion)
> Ok my reasons
> 1) It wasn't about science and all that stuff they need to get away from
> for a while

Sure. No science in a sci-fi show. Perhaps we should have more episodes
featuring Grandpa Mallory and his campfire stories about how they used to
press wine with their feet in his days, and how kids today have it easy with
cell phones and airplanes.

"Why, in my days we didn't have no fancy areoplanes. We had to run to
Europe. And it wasn't easy, what with all that ocean water and all. Blah
blah blah ... "

How about an entire episode where they're all fishing quietly by a nice
lake? Or they can all learn to bake bread - and, *oh boy*, the fun won't
stop there! We can have an entire "I Love Lucy" type episode where they all
throw white flour in eachother's faces! That should have 'em glued to the
screen like smack addicts!


Aug 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/9/99
Since they still come and go using the timer that still makes it science


Aug 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/9/99

I think your missing the point of what the poster was trying to get across. I
may be wrong here but I think that he wants which I agree with is that since
the show is sit in the present day that the science-fiction should be more in
line with X-Files type of feel to the show instead of a futuristic Star Trek
type of feel were the science -fiction part is more fantasy than reality.
Walking Robots,Smart Snakes and all types of crap introduced back in year 3
doesn't fit with the Sliders universe created in year one and two. Also having
Quinn's mind stuck in someone and having some kind of Bliss drink were some
things introduced this year which just wasn't all that realistic. The show
should stay in more realistic type of worlds that could actually have happened
to our world had something went differently in our history. Like America still
being a bunch of Britsh colonies or the Nazi America worlds are realistic types
I like seeing on the show.



Aug 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/9/99
Well, Will ....Remember this, You played with the Team for a few moments!

I am a member in good standing, at atl.Sliders. If you ever need my help
Again, boy get us't to being on your'll need the practice! I
can't believe you would try and pass off your "already" bad Ideas a second time
around !!! Did you learn nothing from me? I am disappointed, but why.....I
don't know you ....But I thought I may have had *some* influence, Oh Well. Best
of luck......if you stay with this NG...your going to need it ! :)
Anti-Science, doesn't normally fair well with NG'S that are SciFi based!


Subject: Re: Sliders should steer away from science-fiction? - (was "Re: java
Path: lobby!!!not-for-mail
From: (LGr4849206)
Lines: 49
Date: 09 Aug 1999 10:24:10 GMT
References: <fCtr3.56620$>
Organization: AOL
Message-ID: <>


~ Sell crazy somewhere else.... we're all stocked up here !! ~


Aug 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/9/99
>From: "Joe's Apartment"

Hey !!! your killing me, I can't stop laughing!!! And it all your falt ! :)

>Joe's Apt.

>"Why, in my days we didn't have no fancy areoplanes. We had to run to
>Europe. And it wasn't easy, what with all that ocean water and all.


>How about an entire episode where they're all fishing quietly by a nice
>lake? Or they can all learn to bake bread - and, *oh boy*, the fun won't
>stop there! We can have an entire "I Love Lucy" type episode where they all
>throw white flour in eachother's faces! That should have 'em glued to the
>screen like smack addicts!

> Grace
Hail..Hail To the *witty* one , Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Joe's Apartment.....this is
the 2nd time tonight I found myself your hand....thank you! :) I
really needed a good laugh !


Aug 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/9/99

>From: "Joe's Apartment"

Hey !!! your killing me, I can't stop laughing!!! And it's all your falt !

>Joe's Apt.
>"Why, in my days we didn't have no fancy areoplanes. We had to run to
>Europe. And it wasn't easy, what with all that ocean water and all.


>How about an entire episode where they're all fishing quietly by a nice
>lake? Or they can all learn to bake bread - and, *oh boy*, the fun won't
>stop there! We can have an entire "I Love Lucy" type episode where they all
>throw white flour in eachother's faces! That should have 'em glued to the
>screen like smack addicts!

> Grace
Hail..Hail To the *witty* one , Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. Joe's Apartment.....this is
the 2nd time tonight I found myself your hand....thank you! :) I

really needed a good laugh ! Have a Good one!

Will Payton

Aug 9, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/9/99
No thats not what i meant
Ok lets try this again

I liked Java Jive Cuz It didn't deal with The timer being broken or stuff like
that. I do like scifi stuff. I was just happy to see an episode that Didn't
deal with that
---Earth is dead. Those who once might have called it home are long scattered
to the endless stars. But in that scattering, on a thousand different worlds,
by a thousand different ways... Earth's greatest legends live on." -----


Aug 10, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/10/99
In article <fCtr3.56620$>, "Joe's
Apartment" <> writes:

>Sure. No science in a sci-fi show. Perhaps we should have more episodes
>featuring Grandpa Mallory and his campfire stories about how they used to
>press wine with their feet in his days, and how kids today have it easy with
>cell phones and airplanes.

>"Why, in my days we didn't have no fancy areoplanes. We had to run to

>Europe. And it wasn't easy, what with all that ocean water and all. Blah
>blah blah ... "

>How about an entire episode where they're all fishing quietly by a nice

::whistles the theme to 'The Andy Griffith Show'::

It's 'Bucolic World'! :-D

"Aunt Bee, how long do we have left on the timer?"

Official Nice Person of

"What are you gonna list on your resume...'Dumbass' ?"
-- Red, 'That 70's Show'


Aug 14, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/14/99
> "Aunt Bee, how long do we have left on the timer?"
> AnnieM
> Official Nice Person of

Aunt Bea grinning with motherly charm: Would you boys like a piece? Now
isn't that a tasty pie.

[Aunt Bea had a very adult sense of humor on the set of the show. Griffith
hated the constant innuendoes she made. In a scene that appears in the show,
she offers some pie (like above) and Griffith has a vary sour expression on
his face. Sweet Aunt Bea had placed a trimmed pic from Playboy??? in the pie
pan. When she took out a piece of pie, the other "pie was clearly visible to
everyone nearby, except the audience. ]


Aug 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM8/15/99
>> "Aunt Bee, how long do we have left on the timer?"
>> AnnieM
>> Official Nice Person of
>Aunt Bea grinning with motherly charm: Would you boys like a piece? Now
>isn't that a tasty pie.

Oh my, this isn't a picture I ever thought I'd invision in my mind......yieks!
I must say it sounds like something from South Park, not Mayberry!

Got to love the twisted mind of AnnieM !

Keep on Twisting ...and dancing the night away~~~.

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