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Amber Sorcery: III. Logrus Powers

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Mutant for Hire

Sep 4, 1992, 3:49:24 PM9/4/92
Logrus powers outside of magic aren't very well displayed. However
they do exist. Logrus powers generally involve the destruction of
something, the warping of an existing object, or the creation of
something out of primal chaos, using the Logrus as the faucet.
Control of the faucet, as well as what you do with the results, is
the harder part. Logrus powers are dangerous, and losing control
of the effects is quite possible unless you're careful.

Sorcery in general is a lot safer, though not quite as convenient,
which is why sorcerers abound at the Courts. Also, reality is
loose enough to make sorcery possible without initiation into a
primal force. Reality is tight enough at Amber that you need some
sort of connection in order to make it work.

Logrus powers divide into two segments. One is the summoning of
chaos energies to either be unleashed as a destructive force, or
molded and warped into some creature or object to be used for
something. The other aspect is to take an object and distort it
into something else.

Distortion is the more common usage, generally because primal
chaos is rather dangerous stuff. Shadows near the Courts can be
altered without any need for Logrus initiation. Away from the
Courts, you need to walk the Logrus, though as always, the closer
the Shadow is to Amber, the harder it is to manipulate and there
will be a fadeback result unless one is extremely close to the
Courts. At the Courts, Shadow can be easily manipulated and turned
into private dwellings and so forth. There are the technicians
that Merlin mentioned who perform this function routinely, and
aren't even Logrus initiates. But only a Logrus initiate can
summon chaos to mold people and objects or to create or destroy.

Warping objects and people is possible. Its sort of like
Shapeshifting applied to other people, and it is fairly tricky,
being a combination of one's own shapeshifting powers and the
power of the Logrus. Difficulty is proportional to the resistance
of the object, the similarity of the object or person to the
target form, and the level of detail required. Resistance is
encountered in certain objects, who will naturally recover given
time from the effect.

Anything associated however remotely with the Pattern has this
effect. An Amberite would gradually restore over time, partially
due to the regenerative powers, but also due to the Pattern image
within the Amberite shaking off the chaos. If the Amberite
actually formed the image of the Pattern mentally and poured power
into it, it could get nigh impossible to make a change in the
person. Objects like Greyswandir and Pattern Trumps have similar
resistance and bend-back.

Shadow manipulation/warping is used to allow people of chaos to
travel through Shadow. The Black Road is a key example of how this
may be done. The black threads that transported Merlin to the
Courts are the most common example of how such travel is effected.
The threads are ribbons of chaos material which bend and distort
the Shadow, allowing travel between different Shadows. Such
threads don't last terribly long, especially past the halfway mark
between Amber and the Courts, but they aren't too hard to make.
Only an expert, a master of the art can create a thread remotely,
like laying down track. Most people have to create the threads as
they travel through Shadow. Its a lot harder than Shadow walking,
and requires more effort.

Chaos bombs are simple to make. One summons primal chaos and lets
it annihilate the area. It requires great effort of will to
contain the destruction. Any initiate of the Logrus can also try
to contain the destruction or aid to it. An Amberite can also try
to contain the destruction by summoning the Pattern. The Pattern
initiate actually has the easier time of it. Logrus masters can
also try to throw bolts of chaos energy at things, but against an
Amberite, this is can be of limited utility. Especially if the
Amberite is braced with the Pattern, resistance is possible.

Creating objects and creatures out of primal chaos is the hardest
bit. Usually its just easier to find a demon of the appropriate
type and bind it to service. On the other hand, good help is hard
to find and occasionally specialized service is needed. Also, the
more powerful the servant needed, its easier just to create
something loyal to you. Creation is an imperfect art, one never
gets exactly what one wants, and so even if the job is successful,
the GM can alter details to make the creature more individual.

All of these effects sound wonderful and great. There is a danger
though. If the Logrus magician fails in controlling the chaos,
then the chaos turns on the summoner. This could mean that the
magician gets warped, or gets blown to pieces by the very chaos
bomb they summon, or the creation turns on the creator. Unless you
are walking the Pattern, failing in a Pattern power can result in
exhaustion and slight injury (not to mention a massive migrane)
but not in death. Sorcery is popular because despite the
difficulty in setting it up, its less likely to blow up in your
face. Considering how dangerous sorcery is when a spell is
botched, this says something about the dangers of the Logrus.

The order in which they are learned isn't terribly difficult.
First comes sorcery, or it usually comes first, as its safer and
the Logrus isn't needed. After sorcery comes Shadow alteration in
the Courts. Since the fabric of reality is so thin there, Logrus
initiation isn't needed. Anywhere outside the Courts and you need
to walk the Logrus at some point. After the Logrus one can be
taught to make chaos bombs, which are simple summoning of chaos
without any attempt to control it. Constraining a Logrus bomb is
what takes the training. Burning black threads through shadow
comes at this point, then the use of primal chaos to create
specified objects and things comes next, with alteration of
objects, in some way the hardest of the lot, comes last.
Progression after that is merely making more complicated effects
of the basics.

Shapeshifting is needed to walk the Logrus, there is no way around
that. The thing alters enough that one needs to constantly change
in form in order to make it through the thing. The Logrus is also
sufficiently disruptive that it has the usual purification effects
on the person traversing it, though the walker will also be
totally unbalanced when finished walking it. Logrus walking is
something done only a few times in one's career, unlike the

Logrus Powers:
Shape Shifting
[Logrus] Sorcery[1]
Shadow Alteration[2]
Logrus Initiation
Summon Chaos
Create Threads
Create Trumps[3]
Create Objects/Demons
Warp Objects/People

Indented powers are powers that are simple enough to learn that
they come automatically with the non-indented power above.

[1] Sorcery isn't required for any of the following powers, but
many advanced applications of various Logrus powers require
sorcery for full exploitation. Not everyone at the Courts learns
sorcery, but its fairly common.

[2] It is possible to walk the Logrus without Shadow Alteration
power, but that power is a prerequisite for creating threads to
pass through Shadow. Also as noted, sans Logrus, the power works
only at the Courts.

[3] Creating Trumps is a post-initiate power, but it isn't
required for the following powers. Sufficient instruction is
needed that it is a power in its own right, but not uncommon.
Martin Terman, Mutant for Hire, Mad Scientist, Priest of Shub-Internet
Disclaimer: Nobody else takes me seriously, why should you be the first? mfte...@pucc.bitnet
"Sig quotes are like bumper stickers, only without the same sense of relevance"

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