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B5 and side effect fatigue

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Jun 10, 2002, 3:34:40 AM6/10/02
I have been on B5 for a little over a year now. My dose of B5 is 3
– 5 grams a day. I have seen great results from the beginning
and the usual minor side effects like vivid dreams, an upset stomach,
minor muscle spasms. But since one to two month I am experiencing a
phase of horrible and constant fatigue. Might have nothing to do with
it but I am beginning to relate it to the B5. I am getting eight plus
hours of sleep and still I am constantly very tired, have to yawn all
the time and feel like a total wreck. I have never read anything about
it but I am wondering if maybe someone else has experienced fatigue
after being on B5 for a while. The strange thing: In the first months
I felt increased energy and also heard that of other people. Maybe it
wears of with time and then fatigue sets in? My other explanation
would be that now a vitamin defeciency has hit my body due to the
intake of one B-vitamin (B5) in excess over a long period of time. I
have never taken a multi vitamin along with the B5 because I think it
will lower the effect of B5 and cause acne again. Also my eyes have
become very dry lately – maybe also a sign of low vitamin
condition? Maybe someone can give me some advice. Thanks a lot in



Jun 10, 2002, 10:03:49 AM6/10/02
Hi Frank,

I also noticed this side-effect ! I'm taking B5 one year and have been
really tired for months, I'm always feeling sleepy ! As I've been able to
reduce my dosage, I also noticed that I seem to be a little bit less
fatigued now...
I'm almost sure it is due to B5, that's why I'm planning to try topical B5
and place big hopes in it !

"Frank" <> a écrit dans le message de news:


Jun 11, 2002, 3:35:07 AM6/11/02
> Its been 2 months since I completely stopped B5. The tiredness is gone
> but the dry, very bloodshot eyes are still there but are slowly
> improving.

I haven't undergone such a dryness (only my lips are very lightly dry) nor
"bloodshot eyes" but as I already said, I've been able to slowly reduce my
dosage, so maybe B5 could have a more important impact on people taking the
same mega doses on a long period... Anyway, like every kind of drug, the
best thing is always to try to become independent as soon as possible...
My possible explanation to this phenomenon is that B5 increases body
activity and so makes it draw in its resources, making your strenght slowly
I really hope B5 topical will work...


Jun 11, 2002, 3:43:05 PM6/11/02
Eye dryness is very common. Although some people report that their
vision improved, others have a worsening. I've seen a few personal
reports of people who went to eye dr's about this, and were told that
their eyes were so dry that their eyes were being scratched by
blinking,etc, and that permanent damage could have been done (by the
constant dryness).
PA/b5 seems to cause a drying effect, not only in the skin, but also
in the nasal glands (which is why it is used for allergies etc), and
also in the eyes.

I don't know if this is linked to the worsening of vision, or if two
different mechanisms are at work. There are studies about PA/b5 for
vision health following radiation treatment, if I am recalling
But of course, if an inch is good, that doesn't mean a mile is better,
as far as dosage goes.. so PA/b5 might be good for vision health in
smaller amounts, or short term, and worse for it at high amounts or
long term. But vision issues is common enough for Something to be
going on, whether it's just dryness or dryness and something else..

"JBR" <> wrote in message news:<LKhN8.64014$>...

Paul P. Thomas

Jun 11, 2002, 8:16:49 PM6/11/02
Hey everyone-
I've been taking B5 for about 3 weeks and am tired, have intensely vivid
dreams and also minor muscle spasms. Needless to say, I'm not taking it any
more. (I was taking 2.5 g/day)

Would topical B5 reduce oil on the skin without these wicked side effects?

thanks guys,

JBR <> wrote in article


Jun 11, 2002, 9:18:14 PM6/11/02
Hey everyone-
I've been taking B5 for about 3 weeks and am tired, have intensely vivid
dreams and also minor muscle spasms. Needless to say, I'm not taking it any
more. (I was taking 2.5 g/day)
Ditto....2 months and getting dry eyes and damnit I am
stopping...geeez....and i had such amazing skin oil...and no
breakouts until I tried a new I knew it was too good to be true
and I only took 3 gms...


Jun 17, 2002, 2:51:51 PM6/17/02
to (Lemonbleu) wrote in message news:<>...

Me too.I have been using B5 for about 6 weeks now.I feel extreemely
tired once in a while.I don't have the same energy I use to have.It
showed improvement but I still have some acne left.I will give it 2
more weeks and send out a detailed message .Has anyone experienced
hair loss?I have been losing a lot of hair in the past few weeks.


Jun 17, 2002, 8:20:07 PM6/17/02
I mentioned this to Frank, as an alternative..
300mg of Pantethine three times a day (900 mg total) has been as
effective or more effective for some people as 10grams of B5.
Don't want to get anyone's hopes up, because for others it doesn't
work at all.

But I feel this amount is much safer than high PA. Anyone going off PA
megadoses may want to try the Pantethine.

Hair loss is common, that's why the Biotin supplement is worthwhile,
it might help with that.

Kita (preti) wrote in message news:<>...


Jun 17, 2002, 8:53:19 PM6/17/02
me too... very tired, headaches, with vivid dreams at times, and upset
stomach at anything more than 1.5 grams. No dryness with 2 g or less.
But this was without Niacin/Biotin/et al. So now that I am
supplementing, we'll see.

Take care all, paul


Jun 18, 2002, 3:29:53 AM6/18/02
Hello Kita,

Can you please point us to some resources mentionning the effectiveness of
Pantethine vs Pantothenic Acid ? I also have read 2-3 messages of people
saying Pantethine *could* be an alternative to megadoses of PA, but never
read any testimony of people having tried and got result from it...

Thanks ins advance...


Jun 18, 2002, 4:49:58 PM6/18/02
"JBR" <> wrote in message news:<RjBP8.294937$>...

> Hello Kita,
> Can you please point us to some resources mentionning the effectiveness of
> Pantethine vs Pantothenic Acid ? I also have read 2-3 messages of people
> saying Pantethine *could* be an alternative to megadoses of PA, but never
> read any testimony of people having tried and got result from it...
> Thanks ins advance...

Below is the info I found and sent Frank on this, followed by a few
more things I found since then.
Obviously, there are no studies on Pantothine and acne. I don't know
why it works better than PA for some, and doesn't work as well for
others. (placebo affect, or reverse, or something.)
Since PA gets the most "publicity" because of Leung's study, fewer
people have switched to Pantethine, and therefore less results are
available, so far.
From a laymen's point of view, Pantethine often works better than PA,
and with far less needed. Therefore one would think it would do the
same in this case. I don't know why Leung used PA and not Pantethine
in his study, maybe someone could ask him.

I've read a few dozen reports of people trying pantethine over the
last six months, and I would guess 70% of them have been positive,
either working great or working better than PA. 30% had no luck.
(sorry, this is just based on memory.) Many of those it worked for
went off 6 or more grams of PA to the 900mg Pantethine amount, with
better results.(check below, on the healthboards link, or the google
link for this ng. If I find more testimonials in other places, I will
post a link when I do).

As I said, 900mg is the dose used, spread out over three times daily
(300mg each time).
Hope this helps, there is only so much to go on until more people try
it and report in, as far as anecdotal info on acne. There is a lot
more info on Pantethine in general, available by searching under that

++++++++Begin of copy++++++
As for the Pantethine, yes it's available online or in health food
stores. It's one step down the metabolic chain from Pantothenic Acid.
check this out:

Pantethine is the stable disulfate form of pantetheine, the metabolic
substrate which constitutes the active part of coenzyme A (CoA)
molecules and acyl carrier proteins. Because pantethine is located
nearer to CoA than is pantothenic acid in the biosynthetic pathway of
CoA, it has been suggested it will have clinical benefits in
conditions where pantothenic acid is not effective, and clinical
trials with pantethine appear to prove this argument. Oral
administration of pantethine has consistently shown an ability to
favorably impact a variety of lipid risk factors in persons with
hypercholesterolemia, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes. Pantethine
administration positively affects parameters associated with platelet
lipid composition and cell membrane fluidity. In several animal
models, preliminary studies have indicated pantethine can inhibit
cataract formation. Pantethine is capable of lipotropic activity, and
in experimental models exerts hepato-protective action and impacts
adrenal cortex function. The intravenous administration of pantethine
has been shown to impact several central nervous system
neurotransmitters and hormones; however, oral doses of pantethine have
not demonstrated a similar action, suggesting cysteamine, a metabolite
of pantethine, is responsible for these actions. (Alt Med Rev
(the full article, with dosage info and studies and tons of into, is
at: )

Pantethine people results (a mixed bag)
(more of the same can be found by searching "pantethine" there)
++++end of copy+++++

Also, a search of "Pantethine" on this ng will give you 40 posts or
threads, of info and users:

Pantethine is the stable form of pantetheine, the active form of the
vitamin Pantothenic acid. This is the fundamental component of
Coenzyme A (CoA) which transports fatty acids into the mitochondria of
cells. It is one of the most important enzymes in the body and is also
critical for many other functions ranging from antibody synthesis to
maintaining blood sugar levels. The pathway of pantethine is much
shorter than pantothenic acid.
Pantethine's primary use is in lowering high cholesterol and
triglyceride levels in the blood while increasing the good HDL
cholesterol. Pantothenic acid has no such activity.
In studies, Pantethine reduce serum triglycerides by 32% (the most of
any substance,) total cholesterol by 19% and LDL cholesterol by 21%.
It also raised HDL cholesterol by 23%!

Pantethine acts by inhibiting cholesterol synthesis and accelerating
the use of fat as an energy source.

Several studies have shown impressive lipid lowering effects in
diabetics, without side effects. Niacin impairs insulin action and is
unsuitable for diabetics.

Although no studies have been done with it, the weight loss effects of
pantothenic acid may be even greater with pantethine.>>
Quoted from <<
(kita note: considering the correlation of Leung's study with obesity
and acne, I think the fact that pantethine might be even more
effective than PA supports the theory that it may work even better for

"Pantethine is the bioligically active form of pantothenic acid
(Vitamin B5) and exerts benefits well beyond pantothenic acid."


Jun 18, 2002, 8:07:23 PM6/18/02
to (Frank) wrote in message news:<>...

I have been on B5 for just over seven months. I have experienced
fatigue at one point only, and I probably wouldn't have noticed it
except I had also been taking Valerian Root to help me sleep. I had
to stop taking my multivitamin for a month due to a scheduled surgery
(multivitamin had too high Vit E, which thins blood according to
surgeon) and the Valerian Root (all herbal supplements). My blemishes
worsened while I was off the multivitamin, but I was able to sleep for
the first time. I immediately went back on multivitamin (GNC's Ultra
Mega) after surgery, and my blemishes cleared immediately...but my
fatigue also went away, and I'm back on Valerian Root to help me


Jun 19, 2002, 3:09:45 AM6/19/02
Thank you Kita for all these informations :-)
Too bad, I just ordered some more B5 :-( No matter, I think I will also
order some Pantethine, I need to give it a try !

"Kita" <> a écrit dans le message de news:

Richie Vanderlow

Jun 19, 2002, 6:39:46 PM6/19/02
When I did a search on the acne healthboards on Pantethine I found
only 9 posts and were mainly 3 people: one who hadn't tried it, one
who did and felt it worked and one who tried it and said it didn't. I
think I read that the downside to Pantethine is that its not easily
absorbable (as B5).

Richie Vanderlow

Jun 20, 2002, 4:54:52 PM6/20/02
If you really have trouble sleeping, and your willing to go the
prescription route, I'm on Ambien and its suppose to be a newer class
of sleeping pill with a better response to the typical side effects:
hangover, building a tollerance and addition. I have no hang over in
the morning and seem to have not built up a tolerance.


Jun 21, 2002, 8:32:26 PM6/21/02
Richie, I replied to your post a day or so ago, don't know what
happened to it.
Argh. (totally disagreed with the absorption issue, basically).

I was in two healthfood stores today, wow, pantethine is way more
expensive than PA. About fifty cents (USD) a gram (well, fifteen days
of 900mg is almost 30$)
PA is about fifteen cents a gram. So it would be more expensive for
anyone taking less than 3.5 g (if my math is right), but less for
anyone taking over that.
(as far as price goes), if one stays with the recommended 900mg dose.
I guess less than 900mg could be taken for comparatively lower PA
doses, though. (Richie Vanderlow) wrote in message news:<>...

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